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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6604181 No.6604181 [Reply] [Original]

It's over guys! Cryptobro just called it, Crypto has ended!

Bitfinex killed crypto

>> No.6604329

dont they print one tether for every dollar that enters the system? people are investing again, look at the volumes.
How is that Fishy?

>> No.6604393

Huh, i don't know how this works. I just believe in cryptobro, our commander

>> No.6604448

People actually are still on this retards discord?

>> No.6604520

He's not a retard, he called 3 positions in the last month that got up almost 100%

>> No.6604574
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so did 99% of /biz/

>> No.6604575

hello sirs join my discord sirs its very good calls sirs tether is fishy sirs only 1 eth entry fee sirs

>> No.6604578

>Staying in this dipshits discord
oh you must have missed when he mass banned everyone because he decided to be a Jew and try to charge 97USD for his "insider knowledge"

>> No.6604608

>Just do what this anonymous guy tells you to on discord and you'll make money!

>> No.6604647


>> No.6604661

so why the fuck didn't somebody sell 1 btc for tether and try to cash out the tether?

>> No.6604673

How is 97 dollars a month jewish, you racist.

You're just jealous that he calls the good things and you are stuck with your shitcoins

>> No.6604697

Haha. Crypto isn't over, it's going to start recovering fully in February. I'm glad that /biz/ is at least monitoring my discord though.

Heil to The Crypto Army!

>> No.6604721

I will tell you sir only 1 eth join my discord good sirs
This is imposter sirs do not believe false Cryptobro sirs

>> No.6604761

This is why I use a secured tripcode.

Anyways, good luck /biz/! May everyone reach lambo land!

>> No.6604774


>> No.6604780

the good calls like salt and qtum right? you can basically call anything and it goes up at the moment

>> No.6604781

Following random shill posts would have gotten you at least 5x if you got out in early January

>> No.6604785

Heil! CryptoBro!

Slay those filthy racists

>> No.6604804

Fake niggerposter
Crypto is over, back to Starbucks

>> No.6604829

>dasss raycccist
fuck off kike

>> No.6604843

Jew soyboy detected
Back to the oven with you

>> No.6604910

>HURR He made duh good callz!!! muh racism!!1
>completely ignores his bad calls and the fact that crypto was a total bullmarket at the time
Do you know where you are faggot? People in his discord made better calls than him and they're all banned kek, 97USD is a scam for this idiots advice enjoy getting Jew'd out of your money you brainlet

>> No.6604925


so in the last month, when the market had moments where almost every shitcoin had gains of 100%+, you are giving praise to some faggot that called 3 positions that almost gained 100%.

do you not see why this is retarded?

>> No.6604992

This guy is so fucking stupid
Why do retards here believe anything a semi-articulate trip fag says?

Tethers were printed because demand was so high by the way
Learn how it works

>> No.6605027

Couldn’t they just buy the tether back when the market recovers? They’re pretty much just acting like the federal reserve

>> No.6605120
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Yes I make very good calls sirs, it is not just big big bull market sirs it is advanced CryptoBro®™ analysis good sirs join my discord sirs.
Do not believe fake CryptoBro sirs he is fake impostor pajeet I am true CryptoBro very good offer today 1 eth to join discord I give nice recipes and good calls

>> No.6605144

Bitfinex'ed called it long time ago

>> No.6605189

lol everyone went up at least 100%. you just had to pick any coin that's not a total shit stain.

wait, no even the shitstain coins gained over 100%.

>> No.6605263

don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat while you read his bullshit.

>> No.6605303

Thanks bought 100K tether

>> No.6605322
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>same fagging
>charging money to go into some discord dominated by estrogen, judaism, and superficial appreciation.

Besides the overwhelming faggotry of this thread, I do agree that Bitfinex is a propping up a huge scam known as Tether.

>> No.6605331

>everything went up 100%
>following biz's advice would have made you rich!
>literally dozens of posts each day about people losing their life savings because they are taking advice from uneducated, angry, lonely antisemitic racist teenagers on /biz/.

Stay mad!

>> No.6605342

i sent cryptobro subscription money for 5 months by mistake... when i asked for refund he just banned me

fuck this nigger

>> No.6605365

So true. Even if they were printing it doesn't matter because 90%+ of people intuitively see USDT = USD.

It is literally central banking like the feds do. FEDs keep getting away with it, so can Tether.

>> No.6605403

Except the FED is backed by the US and the massive economy that comes with it.

>> No.6605420
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Hello sirs, you can sell me bitcoin for a good price, I give you sirs special price of 7500 rupies, sell me now, you can trust me sirs

>> No.6605461

>Except the FED is backed by the US and the massive economy that comes with it.
Hahaha the delusion is great with this one. You know your burger economy is absolutely stacked don't you. Enjoy 2018 crash my friend.

>> No.6605504

Hello sirs this post confirms impostor CryptoBro. I am true CryptoBro, clearly false CryptoBro is mad that his calls are noob. True CryptoBro knows all coins went up 100% last month. Only crying people are bitconnect + ripple newfriends ( guess who called ripple hmm).

Subscribe my discord today sirs I share very good masala recipe from auntie + explain very big tether scam (insider info!!) and very good calls every day great deal, sale today for 1 ETH

>> No.6605507

they don't delete tethers when $ leaves the market though unless I'm mistaken

>> No.6605510

That post essentially got me to leave the group. Cryptobro was essentially a dude that picked a bunch of randoms during a bull alt and btc market and thinks he's a genius. Very poor calls during this downturn.

>> No.6605568

Can I get a link to the discord?

>> No.6605590

>can't even register for the Tether site

>> No.6605606

>implying a crash discredits the viability of a 19 trillion GDP.

Actually I think the crash will happen in 2019 if you look at previous trends of the Treasuries yield curve spread.

>> No.6605734

They don't need to back up every Tether with 1$ dollar though.
Just the illusion is fine to keep the market running.

>> No.6605800

so a ponzi?

>> No.6605808

what happens when a lot of people suddenly want to exchange their tether to USD?

>> No.6605862

They cant. Nothing like a usdt/usd pair

>> No.6605897

You're technically right. So long as everyone goes along with it, there won't be any problem. If the whole market drops suddenly and all try to cash out, a lot of people will be left holding a useless crypto (tether).

That's a lie haha. I conduct all my business with honor and professionalism.

>> No.6605913

They're not trying to prop up btc. That's just a side effect. All they are interested in doing is selling worthless tokens for real usd. If you could do that, wouldn't you?

No need to over complicate it..

>> No.6605987

Is that actually true? That you can't sell your tethers for $? I know that Tether doesn't have to redeem them. But do they anyway, so far? Or might some other sucker by them from you?

>> No.6606062

Siegheil, show me the way to your riches!

>> No.6606204

The crypto market literally has cancer thanks to this. They can't use USD due to laws so they're using this unsustainable model. BTC $100 next year.

>> No.6606246

Wouldn't be suprised if the FED gets involved in this.

>> No.6606295

You're correct, they want to sell their worthless tokens for USD, but think of the bigger picture. The only way for them to get people to give them USD for their tokens is for more money to enter the market, the only way to get more money to enter the market is to keep the crypto dream going. If BTC and the market collapses, no more fiat money comes into the system and people will start trying to cash out their Tethers. If that happens, it's game over for them. Therefore, they have an incentive to keep the crypto market propped up.

To your second question, no, I wouldn't do it because I'm not a piece of crap. Having people lose their life savings and money that they could need to support their family and feed their kids is really despicable behavior.

>> No.6606330

They probably are already. From what I've heard the people running this scheme are also pretty hardened and well protected thanks to multiple proxies, bank accounts etc in different countries. Most likely criminals.

>> No.6606340
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>> No.6606385

t. neet / permavirgin

>> No.6606423
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and what would the FED do?

>> No.6606457

You picked a handful of good coins
Anyone with half a brain would have made the same picks
Do you really think you're a genius because you picked omg and neo during a bullrun?

>> No.6606464

I thought the whole point of tether was to control the price. So if there is more demand for tether it goes up a couple of percentages, so they print more tether to lower the value. The commander is an idiot because it’s not Bitfinex propping up btc. What tether does though is take money away from Ethereum or other tokens. Instead of reinvestment or cashing out, people just tether up and wait for everything to fall. Then come and scoop it back up

>> No.6606511

So how do we keep our alts and avoid this?

>> No.6606516

Better hope this guy has his papers sorted because he CAN be sued for giving out financial advice. Anyone in his Discord can easily drop a dime on him to the CFP Board and they'll wring his fucking neck.

>> No.6606563


Sometimes I feel sad and lonely, like when b went to shit, or pol and I ask myself where everyone else went. Then I see posts like this and know Im still where I should be

>> No.6606591

Interesting. Also sorry my point was about QE, not the viability of the economy.

>> No.6606653

>tied to the U.S Dollar
>no regulations
>no monotoring

>> No.6606706

this is real crypto-bro sirs pls show bob now for 1 etherium

>> No.6606716

>you researched through hundreds of coins and found good ones, then saved people hundreds of hours of research and work by telling them which coins are good and which ones are scams, what a piece of crap you are.

That's essentially what you're saying.

Nobody can predict the market with 100% success, but I like crypto, I hate to see people losing money to scams (I have before years ago), so I did some research and offered some freebies. Because they tended to work out, the demand for my services grew, while my supply of time stayed limited. I had no other real choice but to charge for my time.

It really is that simple, it's just economics. I'm sorry if you're angry for whatever reason. Hopefully you'll derive value from the information I give, much of it is still free. Good luck to you!

>> No.6606751

in cryptocuck
we trust

>> No.6606786

"is this the faggot that always makes threads saying "I will tell you crypto secrets if this thread gets 100 responses of "In cryptobro we trust""?

LOL get the fuck out of here with this faggot shit. This e-celebrity bullshit ruined /pol/. It has no place here.

>> No.6606864

>implying you actually did due diligence and read white papers from "hundreds" of coins

>> No.6606893

so how do we keep our alts and avoid this?

>> No.6606910
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Regulating cryptocurrencies is beyond the scope of the FED's regulatory ability.

>> No.6606939
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Who will buy tether during a bull run?

>> No.6606946

Hey negro tron, ripple, and dentacoin went up more than any of his "calls" combined.

>> No.6606986
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>still believing the tether conspiracy

>> No.6607010

Can you buy tether with fiat tho? If not, this shit doesn't make any sense

>> No.6607065
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BAT is the new king crypto, did you guys not get the message?

>> No.6607135

>Your business advice is so great that you need to charge for it

Makes perfect sense bruh.

>> No.6607390

No retards, problem is the fed prints real dollars, now if people go out of tether and it's a ponzi it would collapse

People are selling tether rn, i don't think it's a scam, bittrex owners are already swimming in cash, they don't need to end up like mt gox

>> No.6607407

Tether is so clearly going to crash crypto.
The real questions are how long will it take to recover and will McAfee eat his cock?

>> No.6607532


what the link to your discord sir?

>> No.6607565

How is a central bank printing a currency a problem?

What the fuck should they do instead?

>> No.6607619

>everything went up 200-300% last month
>he only went up "almost 100%"
I'll admit it takes talent to accurately pick the 3 worst perfoming coins

>> No.6607673

Fractional reserve, like banks.

>> No.6607674

Why are people listening to this brainlet pajeet cryptobro? I made 29x gains in december, and I'm just an ape throwing darts. Everyone is a genius in a bull market, you don't pay pajeet retards to make you gains you would've got anyways.

>> No.6607762

Hitler lost, and topped himself - let that sink in...

>> No.6607772

sudoku yourself namefag and get the fuck off this board and go back to plebbit where you came from faggot

>> No.6607962


From the Fractional Reserve wiki:
However, a bank can experience a bank run if depositors wish to withdraw more funds than the reserves that are held by the bank. To mitigate the risks of bank runs and systemic crises (when problems are extreme and widespread), governments of most countries regulate and oversee commercial banks, provide deposit insurance and act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.

Does bitfinex have any form of deposit insurance or regulation to mitigate the risk of a bank run?

>> No.6607998

Delete this right now, sir

>> No.6608254

Tether is the safety net we need.
People would have panic sold btc lower than 5k for FIAT.

>> No.6608268

Well not that we know cause they claim to be full reserve, fractional reserve would be worst case scenario (if rumors were true)

>> No.6608439

If you just held a random shitcoin over the last month you would have gained 5x

>> No.6608477

I just watched a video about this
its the first thing that came to my mind when I realized that

1.They haven't had an audit since March when they had like 45M in their reserves
2.Bitfinex is ran by the same group as Tether

They are making their own coin to buy btc with their own coin that isn't backed by any USD 1:1 at all
And they are doing it to artificially hold up the price to save the entire market
If they pull this off I want to see a blockbuster movie about it
Really not sure how to feel about it

>> No.6608610


Even Confido went +300%.

>> No.6608628

they're getting audited again in march I guess?

>> No.6608723

Holy shit, people like you are the main cause why crypto is crashing hard lmao.

>> No.6608754

They've never been audited afaik, what people say it's an audit was an internal memo that literally says that it isn't an audit.

>> No.6608793

not even reading that

futures got shorted to shit, its as simple as that

>> No.6608839

which company went from 45M to 1,5B in the course of a couple of month without being audited
its pretty obviously fishy
But it seems they aren't doing to scam people out of money but rather to control the market and gain money in the process
Still super sketchy and illegal but they might actually pull it off

>> No.6608897

Hmm, I wonder what kind of chosen person would use anti-Semitic as an insult

>> No.6608943

Imagine everyone exchanged into TETHER.
No crash right boys?
Fucking LOL

>> No.6608972

its not an insult its just facts
oh damn now I sound like every other fag on /pol/
what have I become

>> No.6609255
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That subhuman namefaggot is just spouting common knowledge and doing guesswork on whether tether will pop.
If you trust namefags more than the average anon you are subhuman.

>> No.6609353

>implying you needed to research shit to make those picks

>> No.6609470

LOL none of you children understand moving averages and support levels. Buy this guys bags, trust online internet strangers with absolutely no self interests other than to help you make money

>> No.6609749

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now!

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6610158

So is an impostor or the real conman?

>> No.6610207

ur group is literally the worst at shilling
and theres allot of discord groups in here

>> No.6610356
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>> No.6610396
