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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6603983 No.6603983 [Reply] [Original]

I created threads in December to tell you to jump into Bitcoin Private / ZCL.

Now is a good time to get out.

The lead developer has went rogue.

I am extremely confident that Rhett is about to dump the market with three consecutive massive sell orders.

The order book is extremely thin. Everyone will be wiped out.

>> No.6604018

>Sned bobs and vagene

>> No.6604067

Oh yea, I remember you

>> No.6604237


>> No.6604270

yeah, bitcoin private is just vanilla anyways. I did make 1200% off ZCL a couple weeks ago, but I'm out & moving on to ETC. I might have like 3-4 ZCL in an exchange, that's it.

>> No.6604366

How so?

>> No.6604457


>> No.6604518


What do you mean? Tell more please.

>> No.6604688

Come on, spill the beans! I'm all ears, but if you don't deliver SOME sort of proof or even a hint, I'll think you're a LARPing piece of shit and buy even more. You ain't getting my bags, son

>> No.6604896 [DELETED] 


>> No.6605007

I totally believe you.

>I totally don't believe you.

>> No.6605023


This is a bit tedious to explain but I will try to make it short.

The initial plan was to announce the fork once wallets and multiple partnerships with exchanges had been secured. Long story short? The plan failed.

The leadership of BTCP failed to account for the fact that exchanges would not beg them to list ZCL/BTCP. They do not have the funding to move forward at this point. They also lost one of the keys to a 2-2 multisig wallet with 150 BTC that could have saved the day.

And you haven't heard the worst yet: the one exchange *everyone* thought as a the project's safety net (i.e Bittrex) announced yesterday to Rhett that they do not have the HR bandwidth to upgrade the ZCL nodes they maintain or add a new BTCP/BTC pairing.

There are also other issues with Rhett and the team that I could list here if you are curious.

To be fair, I don't think Rhett is a scammer. He genuinely wanted to have his own successful project. At the end of the day he has to look for number one though. The problem is that he has a monster stack to dump.

Good luck.

>> No.6605155


I appreciate your explanation. Did you sell your stash? At this point, could we confirm the fork is over/will be canceled?

>> No.6605212

Seriously, without a single post in regards to any relatable proofs (even if they're not completely direct), nobody is gonna take your words for granted but as a FUD. Now, I'm not saying you're full of shit or throwing out the possibility of BTCP's future in regards to the fork support of the exchanges, but there are no basis upon what you're stating for US to see, other than that it's pure speculation.
If they have talked about this in a private chat and you observed it, then post it. If it's somewhere you found this information, well then just post the fucking source. Nobody on /biz/ besides retards are gonna just buy your words no matter how convincing it sounds.
Good will without a second opinion is, well, baseless.

>> No.6605278


Op kys

>> No.6605287


>> No.6605302

>There are also other issues with Rhett and the team that I could list here if you are curious.
please OP

>> No.6605324

Why should I believe you?

>> No.6605413

The fork won't be cancelled but here how it's going to go:

0. Some announcement this week about a testnet to add some depth to the market.

1. At some point this week, Rhett will make massive sell orders that eat well into the orderbook (probably into 600k) twice.

2. The sell-off will be compensated and the price will move back to 1M.

3. Rhett will repeat the operation and average down slightly but will liquidate most (90%?) of his stack.

4. Remember they just have to make some vague announcements to (at least) get the bid side filled and make people willing to carry their bags.

5. At some point, once the operation is complete they will announce the hard-fork (if at all) for late March.

6. Market will react negatively to this (the hard-fork was supposed to happen on XMas eve).

7. Depending on their end-game they will either buy at bottom or just move on to a new project.

8. People whom I have advised to buy this will lose a tremendous amount of money. Ten people told me they were all in ZCL. I don't want to have a part in this.

>> No.6605425


I have to give kudos to this FUD attempt. It seems to have actually drawn some people in on here.

I particularly like the part where you suggest you were shilling ZCL previously to give your fud more credibility.

Bravo sir.

>> No.6605592

My first threads on ZCL (at the time 13K sats) got pruned with maybe 4 replies.

Whether you believe me didn't matter at the time and doesn't now either. I will let your process the information I provide at your own discretion.

Ask some questions.

>> No.6605643

I am Ernest.

Google "4chan biz Ernest ZCL".

>> No.6605652

Does this ever work? It doesn’t seem to be working now. I mean what’s the point? Just buy, man. fudding like this seems like an awful lot of effort to get a price maybe a few cents lower.

>> No.6605687

Just saying my man.
If you want to actually spread good will and warn other anons here, stretch out and actually provide where you're getting this information from. It's not much to ask. Hundreds can "create information" and ask others to process it here, just for your record.


>> No.6605782

That means shit, Ernest.

>> No.6605840

If I remember correctly, Rhett said in the interview with Tai Zen that he doesn't own any zcl?

>> No.6605980 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 681x337, Sisyphus-Image-01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignored when I brought the good news.

Loathed when I brought the bad.

There's no winning this, does it?

>Vox clamantis in deserto

>> No.6606032

Post proof


>> No.6606068
File: 86 KB, 681x337, Sisyphus-Image-01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignored when I brought the good news.

Loathed when I brought the bad.

There's no winning this, is there?

>Vox clamantis in deserto

>> No.6606226

Give a single shred of proof you fucking faggot. A single screenshot corroborating ANYTHING that you’ve said. Otherwise go fuck yourself asshole.

>> No.6606587


Okay. Where's the proof? You haven't even explained where you got the information from, never mind provided any evidence for it.

Such information would presumably come from someone extremely close to Rhett to be able to know this. So who would they tell at the risk of having their own ZCL dumped on when there are a lot more gains to be made, and why would the information filter to you?

More to the point, why would you announce this when ZCL has just tanked in value and "getting out" now would involve selling at this low price when it's inevitably due to go a lot higher from here as the launch date approaches?

It needs proof and/or needs to make logical sense, anon.

>> No.6606602

It's trivial to forge a screenshot, is that what I should do to add credence to my claims?

I have never pretended that I had irrefutable evidence of Rhett's intent to have you buy his bags. It's up to you to factor in your decision process the information that I give you. If you see some market movement and then a bright light, or wake up to a nuked order book... well you will know then I wasn't fucking with you.

You have made up your mind anyway. Nothing short of a sea of red will convince you that I tell the truth. Remember that I tried to help you and that this is on *you* alone.

The only people I want to honor are the ones who listened to me over a month ago. I trust that they will recognize both my name and writing style and act accordingly.

>> No.6606621

how would any one believe you are the anon from weeks back..
you were the anon that posted about the roadmap being *tweeted in 1 minute* yesterday right??
on the other hand you could be any old fuck stick... how to know?
I believe but don't if you know what I mean

>> No.6606638

People like you are what is so fucking wrong with this crypto realm. Some piece of shit spreading FUD through the guise of a moral obligation to investors past and present WITHOUT any piece of evidence.

You know why you're a piece of shit? Because you missed the dips THREE fucking times and most likely when it shot up from $2.

I haven't read crazy indepth about Rhett but from my following of BTCP thus far I'm pretty grounded in the success of the project. Am I being emotional with my investment? Fuck no. I sold off SUB, VEE, and IOTA of which I've been holding since November because of ZCL/BTCP.

If $120 is STILL to steep for you to invest get the fuck off /biz and get a job before the fucking fork date is announced.

>some people are beyond saving

>> No.6606666

I believe you. Just sold all mine. Thanks!

>> No.6606723

What's your name? You told it in an earlier thread. Simple proof.

>> No.6606740

I'm Ernest.

>> No.6606746

I'm feeling you. Still very conflicted.

>> No.6606803

Why would he tell you he had a massive load to dump, that doesn't make sense

>> No.6606816

>There are also other issues with Rhett and the team that I could list here if you are curious.

spill the beans please earnest

>> No.6606821

If you're really ernest, answer this: why were you shilling ZCL as soon as last Sunday, but fudding it now? And in that thread you used a trip at one point, go ahead and use it here.

>> No.6606844

THat's actually correct. Thanks for the heads up.

Guys check the time. it's too fast a response to check the archive but it is correct. OP is legit. I'm sleeping in tether.

>> No.6606865


found this part in the interview

>> No.6606875

Sorry, meant the Sunday before last.

>> No.6606908

How is that proof of anything? He could be a rando that saw the same thread

>> No.6606921
File: 96 KB, 556x430, 1478311340070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin wasted wow

>> No.6606972

This is some quality FUD. Fuck off OP.

>> No.6606979

Ernest is a well known whale bro. Anyone could say they’re him. Watch this.

I’m the real Ernest and you should buy ZCL.

>> No.6607037

Nice try OP

>> No.6607064

Hard to believe without a gram of proof. Show me something.

>> No.6607083


Actually, I am Ernest. This person is an imposter.

>> No.6607130

Thank Christ it’s you Ernest. I was about to sell.

>> No.6607140

I’m Ernest. Do u believe me?

>> No.6607214

Can anyone tell me if this is true? I can't find Ernest in the archive with his tripcode.

>> No.6607259


For those who want to read what I have to say.

I'm out.

You are not me.

>> No.6607314


You are the one impersonating, you should get lost.

>> No.6607352

shoo shoo pajeet not getting my stack

>> No.6607367

Nice proofs there, what drugs are you using? I could get some of that too

>> No.6607399

i'm merk

t. earnest

>> No.6607472

That's not even my tripcode.

> Ernest !!wF2VyCFVpmq

>> No.6607516

He was using the trip !!wF2VyCFVpmq in the thread on Sunday jan 7th.

If you can produce that trip code I'll sell all the ZCL I have right now. But you don't have it, because you aren't him.

>> No.6607525

Why wouldn’t he pump it back to 300 then dump?

>> No.6607539

You guuys are dumb faggots
let me explain
First off if i saw any of you guys i'd slap the goofy off your face

You think OP is gonna get a HUGE discount if he fuds to you poor larping faggots? LOL

It's the same when i 'FUD' DBC
You think i'm gonna get a cheaper price off 2 people dumping bags? YOU DUMB FUCKING FAGGOTS


>> No.6607560

rhett is a scammer though, he became one after talking to richard heart (which is also a scammer)

>> No.6607579

Use the tripcode and I'll believe you.

>> No.6607589


Note how the OP STILL hasn't bothered to explain how they could possibly know this information.

If you don't mind people knowing who you are, then you shouldn't mind at least giving a little clue as to how you found out all this amazing information.

Let me guess. Friend of a friend?

>> No.6607622

FUD spreads from here spreads to Reddit spreads to Twitter spreads to the normies.

It's a long con.

>> No.6607626

There is Ernest's real tripcode, both people in this thread are larping

>> No.6607668

buying more right now. I always do the opposite of what biz says. It works great

>> No.6607688

why? either beleive it don't beleive. more importantly faggot, SS >>6605413 and see what happens. You get information, you are happy with it. Giving away more could mean OP giving away his cover.

again, SS >>6605413 post faggot and see what happens. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.

>> No.6607697

This is 4chan he’s probably just a bored NEET who wants to make others miserable for his own satisfaction.

>> No.6607725

Yeah, pretty clear sign of a LARP.

>> No.6607729

You're doing great OP, please keep this thread up!

ZCL in the green!!

>> No.6607785

newbies, this is pure FUD.

it also isn't Ernest. note he will not use his actual tripcode. if you sell because of this you will learn a hard lesson.

>> No.6607798

this i can agree with... definitely a possibility

>> No.6607853

Nice try OP

>> No.6607875

Compare posting styles. Looks very similar. Also, he never seemed to disclose much information. Why start doing it now?

>> No.6607904


t. other pajeet from this guys pump and dump group FUDing ZCL

shoo shoo

>> No.6607975

I had a bad feeling from the very start. After watching the interview rhett gave he just seemed entirely incompetant. Plus his history of pump and dumps, way too fucking sketchy

>> No.6607984

im not a pajeet. i read the thread, saw op post some shit, and all you guys ask for is sources, sources, sources.

SS his post and see if it comes true, or call him a faggot. Also OP, use a trip if you want people to beleive you.

>> No.6608017

fuck you pajeet im not buying your shitcoins

>> No.6608095

So the one thing that would convince people you are legit is the one thing you won't do.

Eat shit larper

>> No.6608391

OP got BTFO so hard it’s funny.

>> No.6608411

the real question here is how long do i stay in this pump before exiting

>> No.6608471

why would rhett do this? it's not like he can disappear without one of us finding him.

>> No.6608493

shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.6608626

See where it goes and sell gradually.

>> No.6608680
File: 62 KB, 800x450, imernest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6608818

Why 3 orders?

>> No.6608829

OP contact me.


>> No.6608869

I don't get it. There doesn't seem to be any logical reason to abandon a project that will likely double the value of the coin and then sell during a huge dip.

>> No.6608971

I am Ernest.

>> No.6609034

not convincing at all. even if he had his trip this is still fud.

its not supported by anything but speculation.

the fact that he won't use the tripcode is proof its not him.

if you stay in crypto, especially on biz, you will see shit like this all the time.

>> No.6609061

OP is not me.

>> No.6609064

What the fuck just happened.

>> No.6609088

This guy is actually Ernest

>> No.6609159

Sorry Ernest.

>> No.6609171

Ernest, my man; love ya ! <3

>> No.6609179

Rhett gets jail if he dumps with inside info. I hope he's not that retard.

>> No.6609284
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any new tips earnest? I never read your thread but I'd love to ride on your whale tail

>> No.6609291


I'll send you what I can.

I only impersonated you because I want people to realize what is going on.

>> No.6609311

Suo Ernest

>> No.6609417

BTFO faggot

>> No.6609603

Is OP correct?

>> No.6609615

Ernist checking in. looking for my cousin Awetist

>> No.6609660

hope you listened to me and didn't sell because of this pajeet ass nigga

>> No.6609807
File: 66 KB, 600x737, 1494574841050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself nigger hahahahaha

>> No.6609985

Nono, I would've waited till at least the testnet or something similar was announced (which was likely, I think).

I'll keep an eye out for more info on this though. I never like pre-fork hype.

>> No.6610121

There are some issues with the exchanges and funding. The contribution team needs to gather more money.

That part is true but I am not aware of any issues with Bittrex.

Fork might get delayed further more. The team wants multiple wallets and exchanges listing ZCL before making it happen.

OP has inserted some correct statements in his story but the conspiracy involving Rhett sounds ludicrous.

>> No.6610155

You are not me.

>> No.6610346
File: 17 KB, 229x220, 14A6A583-FF2D-4BEC-A102-7966950A4612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6610360

Thank you for verifying, Ernest.

I'm getting out of ZCL for the time being. I assume it will stand still at 0.01~ until more news arrive. I can make big gains elsewhere.

I'll be back closer to the fork though. Thanks for shilling me earlier in the year.

>> No.6610392


>> No.6610470
File: 94 KB, 422x408, 0041 - g0SJsTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6610495

Hey me (You). Stop FUDing ZCL. If you thought XVG was pumped, you ain't seen nothin.

You're right about Rhett, he's a beast. The new Nokasota Shamoti.

>> No.6610537

This is the wrong tripcode though/

>> No.6610577

>The lead developer has went rogue.
>has went rogue.
>has went
who the fuck talks like this?

>> No.6610619

could of been better

>> No.6610620

So Rat the Zclassic/Whalecoin pump&dumper fucked people over again. What a shocker....

>> No.6610639

I will investigate OP’s baseless claims and post an alert thread if need be.

I still think it’s a great project that can float around 6/7M sats. There might be some setbacks and dips along the way, as always.

Good luck

>> No.6610691

thank you, ernest whale bro. loved your thread telling me to get in at 140k sats. literally changed my life.

>> No.6610755


We appreciate it.

>> No.6610811

Thank you!!

>> No.6610924

No problem. We are anonymous, we must stick together. We are no single entity. But together we are the biggest subconsciouses force on this market the world has ever seen.

Welcome to 4gag bitches.