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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6596945 No.6596945 [Reply] [Original]

Legit sold everything I had.
My portfolio used to be 100k+, now it's 40k.
I don't see a fucking bottom. This will will end up as the hardest pullback since the beginning of crypto. A full reset. See you on the fucking moon after everything burned down and we rise from the ashes of shitcoins

>> No.6596996


>> No.6597154

more like buy low, sell kinda low, buy back even fucking lower my friend. I started with an investment of 2k€

>> No.6597264

you are the reason kikes win
unironically kys you fucking shitbag

>> No.6597306


Hold during these periods man, your portfolio would have become again 100% in few days.....

>> No.6597397

Have fun losing more money, kys broke boy

There is no fucking way this pullback won't go on for the next week, most likely even longer.
I get back in when people start to break down

>> No.6597398

Unless you bought in during the last month when everything was clearly rallying absolutely unsustainably then I honestly thing you shouldn't worry.

>> No.6597448

>im going to sell the tip and buy the dip with 100% accuracy with my crystal ball right here

>> No.6597463

don't post bvdub without posting his music faggot

that being said, hope you find some peace in this


>> No.6597594

>muh joos!
Fuck off to >>>/pol/
If you invested in a bubble and lost at least be man enough to recognize it.

>> No.6597671

you're still a retard for liquidating so much during a dip, sorry OP. you should have done this last week like me. :^)

>> No.6597673

Fuck off rat faced kike

>> No.6598017

Sure I won't buy back at the exact bottom but even if I'd buy back in NOW I'd already made some profit man

>> No.6598798

Join this discord if you wanna make some fast money pumping and dumping OP.

>> No.6598864

Well I guess you're not as retarded as the HODLers.

>> No.6598918
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>The absolute madman
>It's time

>> No.6599098
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>> No.6599157

/biz/:where you can sell a dollar for fifty cents any day of the week.

>> No.6599166

i JUIST sold my car and maxed my CC to go all in on crypto lmfao

>> No.6599214

Nice job selling near the bottom you complete and utter loser

>> No.6599264

>complete and utter loser
sounds like me, tfw thinking i should sell now

>> No.6599561


You're too low test for this game broke boi. stick to stocks and your 7% per year.

buy high sell low the biz way

>> No.6599593

See you at 1k

>> No.6599693

even bitcoin cash won't drop to 1k no matter how low this dips

>> No.6599744

Wanna bet
Shit's worthless

>> No.6599818

We don't go under 8k you know?

>> No.6599857

funny joke. everybody hates btc for bringing them down. only corecucks think they can blame bch.

>> No.6600626

>near the bottom
you fucking wish... deluded motherfucker

>> No.6600718

have fun losing while I buy back in a couple of days and make fucking bank

>> No.6600949

>I don't see a bottom
People have been telling you since Christmas the bottom is around 8k you stupid motherfucker.

>holds through the worst part of the crash
>sells at almost the absolute bottom
Wow ur such a smart investor anon

>> No.6601061

>People have been telling you since Christmas the bottom is around 8k
Capped, will post your dumb bullshit when I buy back into my alts even 30-40% lower

>> No.6601191


hello shlomo

>> No.6602297

Don't even bother. The HODL fags are literal brainlets. They can't process what you just said.

>> No.6602624

This is the problem with the crypto market. Too many basement dwellers that never held a real job spending their allowance money on investing for the first time into the most volatile market there is.

If you've ever held a 401k, ROTH, or anything else you'd know selling low is for dipshit cucks.

You can see the fucking bottom because you don't know shit about anything. If you did you would have sold at the top instead of settling for pleb gains.

>> No.6602925
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projecting little cunt
see: >>6602297

>> No.6603373

you deserve to be poor

>weak hands dont eat

>> No.6603909
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>> No.6603940


>> No.6604042

you sold the bottom fagita

>> No.6604192

Thats why we invest in Digibyte because we dont panic sell cuz we know that its a solid project and will recover and make us a lot of profit. You guys cant be sure with your gambling coins...Digibyte is tested and proven for 4 years already, it is here to stay :)