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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 863x304, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6594949 No.6594949 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw all your friends and family blames you for their investments

Seriously, help me.
Everyone is messaging me calling me a scammer and ripping them off. They praised me when I told them about my profits and now they think I owe them money...

Please bros, help me out.
Also, never tell anyone about your wealth. You friends and family will do anything they can trying to get money from you, it's not worth it.

>> No.6595036
File: 118 KB, 634x564, 30D4A25100000578-3429275-image-a-3_1454471167658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send this picture to all of them with the comment "PSSST NOTHIN' PERSONNEL"

>> No.6595043

>I warned you about bitcoin brah
Just go with this. I suppose you DID warn them about the price fluctuations, didn't you ?

>> No.6595056

larping or fucking retarded
which one are you?

>> No.6595072

this OP then post responses if you aren't larping.

>> No.6595078

Earn your money back fast and take a risk. Join a pump and dump discord group like this one:
/vGSYUpP (13.000 members)
Made x7 in 3 days. Check it out for yourself.

>> No.6595105

>normalfags problems

>> No.6595114
File: 71 KB, 800x423, IsItOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck them, they were the ones that called us stupid with internet money. Now we get to shove it in their throats. This is why stupid people always get burned in the end. This is our time OUR TIME

>> No.6595134

>talking to your "friends" and "family" about crypto.
>not keeping this gem for yourself so you can show off to them when you become rich

What the fuck is your problem man. The only fun part of being rich is that you can show people that you are richer than them.

>> No.6595147

I did warn them that not everyone can win at this.
Some of my friends sold their cars and put everything in Bitcoin.
Some of them even want to sue me...

>> No.6595149

Enjoy your SEC suit. They declared crypto a security so have fun with those fun fun lawsuits.

>> No.6595155

If not a larp tell them to fucking suck a dick not your fault they put their money in a volitle market only put in what your willing to lose

>> No.6595161

Fully burn 39 bridges in one day for kicks, OP. Do it.

>> No.6595209

first, best

>> No.6595218

I don't tell anyone about anything I do. I pursue my interests silently. It's not worth the hassle.

>> No.6595219

>telling normies about crypto
You're the reason why this bubble happened

>> No.6595304

kek you're most likely trolling but fuck them, they brought this on themselves.
Fucking crypto newfags are so greedy. I got in early June and took me until fucking november to see some profit.
Tell them to fuck off and cut all contact.

>> No.6595324

That's their fault for being retarded. Who the fuck sells their car??

>> No.6595329

You shouldn't have acted like a effin' south american promoter (they always eventually get convicted of fraud). Reap what you sow and move on. I told everybody I got into this shit, don't do it unless you can take a hot steamy piss on all the money you're investing.

>> No.6595337

>want to sue you
If I were you as soon as the dip is over I would cut all my contacts with these so called "friends" and family. Don't be a cuck and let them blame you for their stupidity

>> No.6595469

Honestly, what the eff is wrong with you? I don't feel bad for you at all - people like you are why governments want to step in and overregulate the shit out of it

>> No.6595494

wew lad, advide them to sell and cut ties, fucking homos

>> No.6595506


>> No.6595517

First rule of crypto, you don't talk about crypto.
When I first invested in crypto 6 months ago I told my family members it going to be a disaster. They didn't bring up the subject since. So at least I was right.

>> No.6595536

So did they entrust you with their money and ask you to invest it for them? If not, then you are NOT responsible for any losses they have incurred. Even if you advised them into buying crypto, they are still responsible for making the actual decision to use their money the way they did.

>> No.6595557
File: 74 KB, 301x300, 1513721524965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post screencaps of people flipping pls

>> No.6595624

>Some of them even want to sue me...
do they actually think that's possible?

>> No.6595655

I was telling my friends to go into crypto back in May. I went 3x up while they did nothing. Now I told them to wait until it recovers.

Just be responsible, and have intelligent friends.

>> No.6595678

Post some of them messages

>> No.6595684

yeah it's called practicing without a license.

>> No.6595691
File: 5 KB, 224x224, comf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mother asks me why I havent invested in shitcoins like the neighbour's kid who made money and bought an auto
>angrily I buy shitcoins
>two weeks later the bubble bursts
hahaha in your face mother

>> No.6595709
File: 5 KB, 142x142, 63d907b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post messages or i will personally delete this thread

>> No.6595733

Nice larp, mate !

>> No.6595734

This is why your don't talk to normies about this stuff.

Having to explain stuff like blockchain to people your own age is pointless. If they're that far behind in technology knowledge then they are lost.

>> No.6595763

here's how it works

1. If the investments go up your friends take all the credit for it
2. If it goes down, you get 100% of the blame and probably strains your frienship

be wary

>> No.6595771


I'm having friends that I've known for 5+ years telling me that I have ruined their economy and that they want me to pay them back etc etc...

I don't know how to feel

>> No.6595798

post some screenshots or GTFO with your larp

>> No.6595836

That exact same pic has been used so much times. nice larp

>> No.6595886

being sued for telling people bitcoin is a thing is not real

"hey guys i'm not allowed to tell you this because i'm not licensed, but bitcoin is a thing that exists and now you know, please don't sue me but you might want to consider buying some, just saying"

>> No.6595911

>dad gives me 15k to invest 2 weeks ago
>yesterday, sees market tanking, tells me to invest another 15k when it's bottomed out and recovery starts.

maybe your friends and family need to learn how investments work.

>> No.6595936

John McAfee wheres your cock now?

>> No.6595942

Some fucktards ratted out our magic internet money and look where we are now

>> No.6595947

My parents wanted me to invest £30k on their behalf in crypto but hadnt made up their minds yet

Looks like I dodged a bullet

>> No.6595955

You should feel like you've learned something about the risks of acting like a loudmouth retard. Tell them to wait it out and dont do it again.

>> No.6595958
File: 646 KB, 1000x1500, 1515684348998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got my dad to buy link at $0.4
>tfw were both buying the dip now
>neither of us fazed
Get better families I guess

>> No.6595959

how can they sue you if they lost it all

>> No.6595965

Normies are pathetic

>> No.6595981

OP post screenshots please please please just censor their info.

>> No.6595995
File: 20 KB, 438x257, screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596025

People have been sued for dumber shit. Just watch your back senpai.

>> No.6596032
File: 639 KB, 744x1052, DTmEV2zVoAIGQGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend knows ive been in crypto for years
>he wants to get in (during the november / december bull run of course)
>warn him that we are flying high and it should crash soon
>"i know i know bro but the hype is real and i need in"
>warn him that he should enter the market slowly and steadily, cost averaging his stack
>warn him that I personally do not hold overnight and 99% of the time I am sitting all fiat because I practice a scalper trading style

>he doesnt listen
>he goes all in LTC at $380
>he holds as it bleeds out through december
>he sees alts booming in january
>he tells me he is sending all his LTC to binance
>warn him that altcoins are in a super bubble and will crash way harder than his LTC has
>he doesnt listen
>havent heard from him in 2 weeks

I wonder what bags hes holding now...

>> No.6596054

fucking kek OP

can you please just tell them that you're not to blame for their stupidity baka

>> No.6596057

Don't respond. If they are being insufferable idiots with no sense of responsibility and independent though, you're better off just not interacting with them.

>> No.6596059

First rule of making money: Never bring friends and family into it
Better luck next time

>> No.6596079
File: 50 KB, 800x600, jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More screenshots OP pls

>> No.6596084
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>> No.6596087

Do you believe in crypto or not? Why did you invest if you don't believe in it? If you believe in it, why are you panicking?

Message them all saying sorry and that you will pay them back (even though that is a ridiculous idea) and then a few months from now when you've made more moon gains, do so, and then cut contact with them, and watch your money grow even more. Fuck them.

>> No.6596088

oh my god moar


>> No.6596091

lmao oh god OP. Post more please..

>> No.6596093
File: 568 KB, 200x136, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6596094

>told them about my profits

>> No.6596096

Around now is a good time to buy and HODL my fellow Brit.

>> No.6596119

>you made me sell my bike for this!

Top kek OP why did you hold a gun to his head and make him sell his bike?

>> No.6596158
File: 38 KB, 438x300, screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596165

send us more please

>> No.6596192

Just tell them to buy the dip and hodl

>> No.6596193

Keep going post em all.

>> No.6596195

>I wonder what bags hes holding now...
>body bags
>he's holding body bags nowi

>> No.6596220

Why'd you make him do it OP?

>> No.6596221

>tfw I tricked an asshole friend of mine from high school into investing 100 into fun claiming thus was the perfect dip
Oh boy he must be going crazy wondering why my fake Skype number isn't working

>> No.6596231

OP is now a lending service god bless

>> No.6596233
File: 402 KB, 598x1021, 1481852930170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dump all the messages OP. do it. it all returns to nothing.

>> No.6596239

This is what happens when you faggots don’t hide your power level and decide to talk about the secret club. You deserve it honestly

>> No.6596240


tell him you have your own money tied up waiting for correction to blow over

Op your friends are fucking retards, its the equivalent of smoking all your life, getting cancer then acting like it wasnt your fault that you smoked

>> No.6596262
File: 205 KB, 1085x1217, 94101048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6596273

Fake as fuck,way too obvious

>> No.6596275
File: 8 KB, 242x162, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596278

This is why I don't tell my friends to invest large amounts into this

>> No.6596281

He's actually this autistic (larping)

>> No.6596284

oh man, this one is a little more depressing. got any more?

>> No.6596291

>Message them all saying sorry and that you will pay them back
Why would he do that? They then have an enforcable contract. He's under no obligation to pay them shit as it standsp

>> No.6596301
File: 21 KB, 485x229, screenshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596308

lol bike cuck

>> No.6596319

"im going to kill you and your stupid bitcoind"

he dun bought sum of dem dere buttcorns hyuk hyuk

>> No.6596324
File: 137 KB, 500x750, 1515135660178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is bitconnect

>> No.6596329

Hahahha god i wish this wasn’t fake

>> No.6596350

whenever anybody I know asked me about crypto I just said "I don't really know much about it"

NEVER mix friends/family with money.

>> No.6596358
File: 142 KB, 700x630, 1516149831957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THIS thread is the reason why you faggots will NEVER be professional traders.

How do you think the pros do it over at Goldmansachs?

Pffftt......amatuers. OP just bullshit them like Cramer does on Mad Money saying "I told you it was going to go down, why didn't you listen?"

>> No.6596360

A lot of autistic larping in this thread.

>> No.6596365

>Pinky promise!


>> No.6596372

Because it's probably a trifling amount in the grand scheme of things, and an incredibly easy way to deal with the problem and make it go away completely without any lingering animosity from useless people that he should have no interest in ever dealing with again. More than worth it if you ask me. Not saying they're right, at all, just saying what the smartest course of action is.

>> No.6596377

This is the exact reason you NEVER reveal your profits or give investing advice.

Do well?
>hey anon can I borrow money?
Do poorly?
>hahaha I told you not to invest in that scam

>> No.6596378

oh christ man, people are stupid.
keep em coming op, im loving these

>> No.6596381
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I get "my share" from you bro cmon its only fair dude

>> No.6596414

I don't want people like that in my life

>> No.6596417

That really depends on the amount now doesn't it?

>> No.6596418

Lol just block him. He’s going to be a leech for the rest of your friendship

>> No.6596429
File: 28 KB, 488x357, screenshot4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596430

i know this is fake but i'm enjoying them anyway

>> No.6596434

Yes. I've seen so many relationships fucked up because of this.

>> No.6596435

How do you move to fiat after trades?

>> No.6596473

Come on man I appreciate the effort and all but roll it back.

>> No.6596475

Si how many fucking people you supposedly got into this? Did you just spam message all your contacts telling them to get free money? The more screenshots you post is just seems like you talked them so hard into it and begged them to invest with you

>> No.6596478

if not larp post screenshots of messages plz.

>> No.6596505

by trading BTC/USD...

thanks i will

>> No.6596513


buy a shotgun for home defense, anon
don't give these cunts any money

>> No.6596524

lmao these people can't be real

>> No.6596525

that's what you get for having "friends". friendship is a meme. people only want to suck each-other's life force so they can fell better about their meaningless existence. couldn't care less if they make it or not haha.

>> No.6596533

read the thread

>> No.6596535

Send the screenshots to the police. Get a restraining order. It’s not your fault he didn’t listen to your advice.

>> No.6596548

U ded.

>> No.6596557

It's probably only a few thousand dollars total. You're an idiot if you think that amount of money is worth having spiteful, angry, poor people hate you and be your enemy for a long time. It's not worth it, someone who has little to lose can easily fuck someone up who has a lot to lose.

>> No.6596568

No it's not the smartest course of action. I'm also not sure "lingering animosity" describes it accurately. It may just be arseholes shaking the tree and seeing what falls out.

Also, if he does pay them anything, in a way he concedes they have a point.

People like this need to be told in a loud and clear voice to fuck off. It is arguably good for them.

>> No.6596574

Shouldn't a friend know your address

>> No.6596575

you deserve it after getting them to sign up to bitconnect using your referral id faggot

>> No.6596594


I am as well - because I know that somewhere out there this exact thing is happening right now. OP may be larping, but this is definitely not unrealistic.

>> No.6596599
File: 30 KB, 488x275, screenshot5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to my house now.
Can I call the police for this? Some of these people have been violent in the past

>> No.6596610

>this thread has turned into people jerking themselves off imagining how to respond to fake messages because they want to see a situation like this happen

I lack the right image for this. Still anyone who invests in a Ponzi scheme is fucking stupid.

>> No.6596625

I'd be waiting for him and blow his god damn head off if he ever showed up. All the evidence for self defense is in the message.

>> No.6596629

A few grand? Sure, but if thwy all sold their cars (lol) to buy in it could be half a hundred thousand total that he "owes"

>> No.6596645

Usdt or usd, also what exchange? I had rude awakening this week and I will only do daytrading after this.

>> No.6596657

call the cops you fool

>> No.6596659


>> No.6596678

You are part of the reason for this normie influx, you fucking cunt I hope they tear you apart.

>> No.6596680

>Can I call the police for this?
Yes, they have directly threatened you

>> No.6596692

Never ever fucking do this. Before you know it they will be back for more.


>> No.6596700

Hahhahahaa, what is he gonna do?
send his bags to you?

>> No.6596703
File: 284 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20180117_123417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else have crypto parents? Thank God I do /biz/ has been 0 help

>> No.6596713

If they are people you believe to be dangerous, do report them. Money can drive retards to sperg out hard.

>> No.6596731

Kill yourself OP. You're a waste of space.

>> No.6596746


i do have some small amounts of shitcoins & BTC on binance and bittrex but that is such a small portion of my stack that I mentally consider the money lost already and do not give a shit if it goes to zero. those are my longshots that I will just iron hands hold forever

>> No.6596750

OP, just a word of advice as they are going to your place: already pull your pants down to your ankles and lube your butthole for them. Will make it less painful ;3 Teehee

>> No.6596753
File: 25 KB, 484x396, screenshot6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling the cops if I see their car pull up

>> No.6596760

Tell them to get fucked and that they should have known the risks beforehand.

>> No.6596763

>tfw mum put $500 onto some exchange I've never heard of and put it all into powr without any help because she wants to save the planet

>> No.6596769

Call them now idiot

>> No.6596771

we're all older than 16

>> No.6596828

I'm such a cynical asshole that this convo made me cringe.

>> No.6596835


>> No.6596839

Nigga I'm 30. Sorry your mom hates you

>> No.6596845

that's what you get for telling people your business. I bet if you would have kept your filthy hands off facebook you wouldn't be in this position. You're WEAK. You wanted praise for your accomplishment and you got it, now you're paying for it.

>> No.6596848

call them now, it'll take time for the cops to show up dummy. also don't let them inside

>> No.6596849
File: 286 KB, 512x553, 1492026777826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not dishing out your own brand of justice when they show up. Why don't you guys just take /k/'s advice and invest in funs and ammo?

>> No.6596852

call your mother and tell her you love her RIGHT NOW

>> No.6596859

My dad and I are buying together 50/50. We supplement each others flaws pretty well and we're having fun. -50% hurts a bit, but he's just laughing it off.
Don't invest with anyone unless you really know they can handle it /biz/.

>> No.6596860

We warned you about this. Never involve normies.
You can take advantage of this. Tell them you also lost everything.
Dont tell them you went fiat and saved your gains. You did save your gains right?

>> No.6596862

he isn't allowed in your house, call the cops on him

>implying any of this is real

>> No.6596877
File: 84 KB, 915x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga I'm 30.

>> No.6596878

Ah, a severe case of incest

>> No.6596895

Hope you have a gun

>> No.6596899

Kek keep posting. post a pic OP

>> No.6596900

>911 what’s your emergency?
>hi, yes this guy is breaking into my house with a baseball bat
>don’t worry sir be there in 20
>”fat virgin found dead and raped with a baseball bat, the dumbfuck called the cops 40 minutes later after the aggressors told him they would go fuck him up”

>> No.6596904
File: 18 KB, 370x370, 3882450_370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No refunds!

>> No.6596909
File: 25 KB, 448x337, screenshot7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm calling the cops after this post.
See you later bros.

>> No.6596927

You probably posted a screenshot of your coinbase "earnings."
>Look guise! I invested $800 and doubled my money! You can too! You deserve everything you get.

>> No.6596944

Yea paying for college quit my day job to trade full time still up ass tons. Eat shit weak handed faggots haha

>> No.6596951

Keep updating

>> No.6596961

be sure to record everything as evidence, and also to post it here

>> No.6596968

lmao rip in piss

>> No.6596970
File: 53 KB, 414x600, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be a smart investor
>didn't invest in a gun

OP deserves everything that comes to him

>> No.6596975

>friends dont listen to you in 2015
>friends dont listen to you in 2016
>friends start seeing chads buying in 2017
>Chad 3xs but doesnt sell
>I sell because this is all retarded
>Friends buy and rub it in my face that I sold while BTC goes up another 5k, none sell.
you see where this is going

>> No.6596988

you bring the normies you pay the toll.

>> No.6596999

Well obviously don't pay them back, they made a conscious decision to buy it themselves. You have 0 responsibility.

>> No.6597006

why are normies so fucking dumb

>> No.6597011
File: 76 KB, 642x285, 1515897311196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should have cashed out before the crash!
Pic related.

>> No.6597010

Just tell them to hodl.

>> No.6597014

I only come here when the prices crash so I can see people freaking out

>> No.6597015

while my parents are fucking stupid as shit, they understood and trusted me enough to invest years ago. now everyone is very happy. thank god for that.

>> No.6597023

>see you later
keep us updated or record the encounter at the very least

>> No.6597024
File: 104 KB, 400x400, 33630153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /biz/ literally started a new trend. A new highscore....

Its not anymore how many people you can kill before you suicide....

Now its about how many people kill you at the same time

Top fucking kek

>> No.6597029

Is this real? Call the coperinos pronto, amici.

>> No.6597031

Keep us updated with the LARP

>> No.6597040

Non techie mom gave me money to invest for fun. Reads news about the dip and correction. Tells me Indont know much about this stuff but I think you should not sell and just be patient. Why are your friends and family so bad at this?

>> No.6597047

op, more raging please

>> No.6597052

do it now

same, feels good to have an investing partner you can trust. plus he's already pretty wealthy, and he sees it more as father / son bonding activity

>> No.6597063

>Larper actually delivering good larperies
Well done mate

>> No.6597105
File: 454 KB, 1080x1920, 1503267857912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me wonder-- what happens to something like a Bitcoin stash when someone dies? It's not like the gov't can repossess it, and if you keep your keys and stuff private, it's not like they can just take it back.

Will we have a whole graveyard of non-circulating BTC when holders die off?

>> No.6597112

I bet based Bernard would love crypto

>> No.6597132

Enjoy your taxes, brah

>> No.6597139

I've told my family and friends about Bitcoin since it was <$3k, they only started to invest in December of last year. That's their problem not mine.

>> No.6597141

It's gone

Satanoshi is dead

>> No.6597142



>> No.6597153

Normies are good for the cryptomarket, someone has to loose money for us to make any.

>> No.6597160

As long as you didn't invest for them and made it clear it was not advice and just your opinion as a hobby you're good.

>> No.6597173

>you made me
You are surrounded by cucks

>> No.6597180

Take out a gun and shoot them for trespassing if they enter your property. If not in USA then call cops yea.

>> No.6597200


And here I come along the horsemen to pick up the scraps and the silverware

>> No.6597205

it's like gambling of any kind, most people are retards and will lose you can't stop it

>> No.6597216

kill yourself

>> No.6597231

OP if this is true, just tell them to fuck off.
And that you lost it all with margin trading.

This kind of situation is also the reason I never tell anyone how much crypto I have and I just like following the news

>> No.6597234

>Also, never tell anyone about your wealth

No worries it's gone now

>> No.6597240

he said pinky promise, better give him op

>> No.6597251

Just shoot him in the fucking face retard. If you do not have a gun buy one.

>> No.6597255

>you were the one who hyped us up for this, it's fair
What the fuck is wrong with americans?

>> No.6597256

that face when your sister calls you up and wants to give you 2k to buy in on the drop and hodl for the gains

Fukn mad bitch. We have the blood of lions.

>> No.6597258

cant believe how much of a fucking faggot OP is.

if someone says hes gonna come to my house imma be on the sidewalk with a fucking kitchen knife

>> No.6597295

This is why the price is fluctuating so wildly, if people who are barely above vegetable are speculating on it and buying more than they can afford. They're treating it like a casino game or a get rich quick scheme.

>> No.6597309

If this is real you should feel like you have stupid friends

>> No.6597316


>> No.6597324

Op, listen. Money can drive people crazy, even good people. If you feel threatened, then call the cops asap

>> No.6597330


>> No.6597333

I agree. Op is the modern day Cuck finn.

>> No.6597352




>> No.6597365

i'd be a couple miles away by now with the cops en route

>> No.6597368

holy shit, are you a fucking dolt? why did you get them into crypto in the first place? and prolly gave them a good dose of promises, if you're not full of shit. you're not getting anything from it, only taking additional responsibility for their failures

>> No.6597381

>Giving anyone investment advice outside of anonymous forums
Why would you even

>> No.6597383

OP this is golden, keep us updated if you manage to survive

>> No.6597402

we have to keep thread alive until OP is back

>> No.6597421


KEK thanks for your money in advance

>> No.6597426

may allah bring darkness apon you

>> No.6597437


>> No.6597449

>They're treating it like a casino game or a get rich quick scheme.
Because that's all that this is.
If people actually cared about the technology and adoption rates, Bitcoin would probably still be worth 1$
But it turned into a massive unregulated gold rush without any rules and any idiot online was able to participate with a click of a button.
It's nothing more than a get rich quick scheme and hasn't been anything else for a good while.

>> No.6597452
File: 2.02 MB, 1191x890, 12321213223232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek fucking OP

But do call the cops you idiot

>> No.6597453


>> No.6597457

>a bunch of people lose more money than they can afford investing in highly speculative and volatile assets advised by someone with no credentials
Do you get it now? Do you fucking get why this was doomed to fail? Regulations exist for this very reason, crypto will be no different.
Also they would have a case if they tried to sue. You do actually need an accreditation to give financial advice.

>> No.6597462

Okay thanks for tips anon, godspeed.

>> No.6597477


>> No.6597493
File: 125 KB, 320x210, beck1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6597498

>a kitchen knife
Yeah OP might be a faggot but you're a retard

>> No.6597523
File: 80 KB, 453x604, 1367922237650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this stupid

>> No.6597534
File: 188 KB, 797x1000, 1514486640724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jes stop the larping or set up a live stream on kikebook if it is real.

>> No.6597562

This is just FUD right? Its pretty obvious that there is a buy wall at 10k for BTC that insures it doesn't drop below, and someone is obviously gambling against the fools selling at this point.

Pretty sure most coins will recover in a few weeks. But hopefully some of the ICO scams will perish.

>> No.6597570
File: 207 KB, 400x400, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP stopped responding

>> No.6597601

Big if true

>> No.6597613

op is ded

>> No.6597625

>cops arrive
>nobody there

honestly those fucks in OPs pic problably dont even have a baseball bat and arent even considering going to his house.

if OPs brain wasnt so fucked up he'd just get a rifle and wait. he practically can kill all of those faggots and come out scott free in court w/ those messages

if some faggot says he's gonna come to MY fucking house to fuck me up even if it's 3 imma start fucking them up till they die or till I die but i ain't gonna stop till one of those 2 happen

>> No.6597627
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 04f7f08f8cff85fcc32f93dae6065c70_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We told you to call the cops 40 minutes earlier

>> No.6597635

Always call the cops in this situation and report it. They get a visit and are told to stay away from you. If they ignore that and come after you they are fucked.

>> No.6597649
File: 65 KB, 300x300, IMG_6189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some manlet is getting his jaw shattered and subaru wrx windows bashed rn

>> No.6597660


>> No.6597679

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.6597690

Cops go to the person threatening, not OPs house.

>> No.6597693

this thread is really fucking good, idgaf if it's all fake

>> No.6597696

If you're even entertaining a thought that crypto is something else than a get rich quick gamble for 99.99% of people, you're a total moron.
How many people even here honestly give a single fuck about the tech itself?
It's a speculative bubble and that's what it has ever been.
If you apply any other ideologies about defeating banks or whatever the fuck, you're screwed because you're looking at it from a totally unrealistic perspective and you will get burned.

>> No.6597707

nigga it was 9.2k a few hours ago

>> No.6597720

If OP isn't larping everyone check local news for story of police fending off normie mob to protect NEET

>> No.6597727
File: 20 KB, 315x276, 1464014287996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he made it

>> No.6597736


>> No.6597742

So the total cap of worlds economy would be 21 million usd? Fucking dumbass

>> No.6597751

shouldn't they go to OP's house to prevent the worst and then go to the niggers house if they're not fucking OP by then?

>> No.6597786

>errr I'm fucking tough you know, no need no cops I have a kitchen knife


>> No.6597806


kraken also has USD based pairs and has a few more coins than GDAX, also has USD/USDT pair for easy conversion, although moving fiat in and out kinda sucks.
I use GDAX to move fiat into the market, and them move it into LTC usually, to transfer to my exchange of choice, and then to get fiat out I move into LTC, transfer to GDAX, sell for fiat, and wire to bank. Limit orders and GDAX transfers are basically free, so it's cumbersome, but works pretty damn well
kraken does have a not so great reputation, but they recently did a complete overhaul of the system, and it's running BEAUTIFULLY even with the ridiculous volume that's been moving during this crash. they also have removed trading fees for the rest of January due to delays during the update. Kraken also owns Cryptowat.ch which is one of the best crypto charting tools out there, so you get access to the charts and tools for all trading pairs when you sign up. Keep in mind that Kraken has been running for years, I think since 2011, so the charts have long histories, and Kraken was the exchange put in charge as the official arbiter of Mt Gox claims which means they are VERY widely trusted. It's great, although the market isn't as liquid as GDAX, but that gives you opportunities for arbitrage, and every so often, people dump large market orders on some pairs and if you can catch those orders, you can make 20% or higher in minutes, so it's really not an issue, just a big market sell that recovers in seconds to minutes.

>> No.6597826

Keep bumping till op returns

>> No.6597840

i know you problably got thrown into lockers when you were in hs but momma didnt raise no bitch

>> No.6597868
File: 739 KB, 720x900, 1465937869892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include me in the screen shot pls

>> No.6597869

>op returns
I hope we called the cops. No good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.6597887

You'll kill the thread if you bump too much

>> No.6597891

keep it up
I want to know the ending

>> No.6597895
File: 96 KB, 600x411, popoteamepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6597897

he probably died already, if not pls send ur btc wallet and key

>> No.6597914

Holy fuck fake or not, this is quality lmao

>> No.6597934

We'll just make a new thread to continue it.

>> No.6597983


>> No.6597987

Lol ok, good luck then treyvon.

>> No.6597992

Doesn't matter, knifes are always a terrible idea.

>> No.6597997

this. i tell no one, not even my absolute closest friends, precisely because i want to be the man and be more powerful than everyone i know. i want to walk into gatherings and hangouts knowing that i got in early and am richer than all of these fucks

>> No.6598000

Fuck I wanted to go the gym but cant miss the update on this

>> No.6598001
File: 673 KB, 725x809, 1511121846209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beeing friends with niggers
this is normal

>> No.6598004

It's a bump and dump scheme.

>> No.6598033

Just tell them like it is. That they're idiots for not realizing the obvious potential danger of it all.

>> No.6598039

I hope everyone here knows that Faceberg messages *are* evidence. Don't delete anything.

>> No.6598054

>momma didn't raise no bitch
>gets shot in the face while flailing around with kitchen knife

>> No.6598063

is it bad I wanna see the full convo

>> No.6598074

i know stabs do fuck all but i don't have anything else lol

>> No.6598121


Please MOAR

Don't feel bad for them OP, if these people are so stupid to sell their cars, bikes and get in debts because they think they'll make easy money with crypto without doing the slightest research, it means they probably deserved it. Some people are simply too dumb to make it in life.

>> No.6598139

I hold a lot of money for friends and family.


When they gave it to me I told them to leave me the fuck alone for at least six months.

A couple hmu but I told them it ain't been six months so STFU

>> No.6598153
File: 399 KB, 869x685, 1414141513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made the investment I jist made the suggestion.
Tell them they should not of bet what they couldn't afford to lose.
Tell them to get fucked

>> No.6598187

screenshots aren't evidence per se, anyone can fabricate those, but facebook can be required by court order to release the messages. They keep everything, nothing is really deleted.

>> No.6598212

No we all do.. Come on OP deliver pls

>> No.6598215

Anytime I mention crypto currency to anyone I add a disclaimer that it’s extremely volatile and is by no means a safe investment.

Also, it’s their fault OP. They put money they couldn’t afford to lose on something they didn’t do enough research on

>> No.6598220
File: 89 KB, 370x447, 75859-72425-uncle-scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i told you to cash out, anon"
>told me to cash out every week for the last year

>> No.6598223
File: 210 KB, 1172x938, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on my carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!

>> No.6598243

>stabs do fuck all
Did you forget about all of ancient warfare?

>> No.6598273


Shit I feel bad for this one

Is it a grill? You know what to do anon, time to lose that V card for good

>> No.6598275

hey hey heyyyy

>> No.6598287

Maybe keeping the original messages in your account and showing them to the police could prompt them to get the court order to Facebook faster.

>> No.6598298

>coming home to me
Is literally your brother coming now to break your fucking legs?

>> No.6598316


>> No.6598323

just imagine some niggas shooting each other for bitcoins.
2k18 be like

>> No.6598326
File: 3.77 MB, 300x300, 1478416255860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the people selling now are going to feel really fucking stupid when the price gets back to $17,000 then they are going to be like omg that guy was right then they are going to buy back in and it's going to tank right after. just a good ol welcome to the financial markets.


>> No.6598339


>> No.6598353

It's a figure of speech, Pajeet.

>> No.6598360

You sound like a tweetybird shirt wearing Boomer faggot lol

>> No.6598362

Dude just rip a gnarly stinker right on his chest

>> No.6598365

short term mate, of course if I stab a nigger 10 times with a 5 inch blade he's not getting out of the fight alive but he's still gonna keep fighting

>> No.6598368


Dudes, same
My parents, and dad especially are pretty good when it comes to risk and finances, plus they remember and went through the dot com bubble

I put in 4.5k in september/october, and made some nice gains, started talking to them more about finances and financial planning because I'm in my senior year at college, brought up types of investments and BTC a few times, kept power level hidden.
After a while, revealed to them that I bought some when they asked if I had. My dad has been interested for a while and kept sending me articles and whatever the latest thing he saw was, offered advice, but is a busy man and didn't have the time/energy/know-how to put money in.
Offered me 5k risk free, 50/50 split. so if I took a loss on initial I don't have to worry about paying them back, and my personal gains take priority. He wanted to increase my initial so I could have a head start because he assumed I put very little in, finally told parents I put in 4.5k, and was up to 16k at the time.

he's been following along and checking in on how things are going every so often, but overall parents are super supportive. Hit 60k at peak, now down to low 40's but I'm dealing with it, and trying to stay ahead of the game.

also decided to change split on dad's 5k to 25/75 because 50/50 just ruins his potential for some real gains, and would just be greedy on my end

>> No.6598390


>> No.6598461

can we write him a letter while he's in prison? on behalf of all of us at biz?

>> No.6598485

You can get a decent shotgun pretty fucking cheap, $200-ish. Got one for my brother on Xmas and some meme shells to dick around with.

>> No.6598507

OP is literally fighting off normies as we speak. God speed, OP! God speed...

>> No.6598543

>I got in early June and took me until fucking november
What the fuck? Were you retarded or something anon? All you had to do was hold BTC.

>> No.6598599

holy shit that gif is painfull

>> No.6598602

In all honesty you dont owe anyone anything. If you helped them find something to invest in its still not your fault because you don't control there assets. It's there own fault for risking it all like the saying goes. "Bulls make money, bears make money, and pigs get slaughtered."

>> No.6598606

Why dont people understand when someone is coming for you ALWAYS STREAM IT SOMEWHERE. Itll save your ass

>> No.6598620


lmao niggers

>> No.6598627

in english we can use the word bro aggressively, to mean guy. buddy can also be aggressive. depends on context.

now you know more english! keep learning desu

>> No.6598641
File: 15 KB, 224x225, IMG_2537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is being swarmed by chads and traceys.

>> No.6598657

Heh, my dad isn't good at investing and doesn't really know much about crypto, but it's really nice to have him as moral support/someone to share success/loss with.
We have a really simple deal where we put in 50/50 and I do all the trading. Arguably a bad deal for me, but I don't really care. It keeps things simple and light hearted.

>> No.6598666

please god dont let this be fake

>> No.6598687
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1457666137047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is OP kill?
we need an update

>> No.6598704

Holy shit this thread is actually making me cry. I haven't laughed this hard at anything in years. This is fucking gold.

>> No.6598724

A home invasion turned homicide when a distraught investor confronted a previous financial adviser. More at 11.

>> No.6598727

Humans are fucking retarded desu senpai

>> No.6598734
File: 152 KB, 900x796, 1496495869450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you made me sell my bike


>investing more than he can lose






>second mortage

I hope these entitled faggots sold at a loss. They don't deserve to make it and had this coming to them. Fucking normies even if it's larping it's making my blood boil.

wtf I love this shakeout now

>> No.6598735

>30 year olds aren't allowed in college

>> No.6598762

tell them to join this, send them links to air drops too

>> No.6598764

you shouldn't be allowed to use the enter key

>> No.6598777

Or tell your friend that whatever they do is their own responsibility beforehand and not after and if they ever ask you again for advice you tell them the same thing.

>> No.6598786

can't even use your virtual money as body armor OP, get fucked

>> No.6598825

talk to us OP we are worried

>> No.6598848

yeah but where the fuck do i buy a shotgun with internet money? i'm -90% down

>> No.6598865


>structuring a post is bad

you are trying to hard to fit in

>> No.6598871


>> No.6598880

Offer to buy their btc at 70% of the current price.

>> No.6598899

who won here? you're still poor and dumb

>> No.6598915

no retard, it's one thing to structure a post







>> No.6598916

sticky pls

>> No.6598924

This is why I've never recommended this shit to anyone

I've told a few that I'm dabbling in it, but this is essentially gambling, and I can't promise anyone it'll pan out

>> No.6598945

Guys it's OP, everything is fine, we made a deal and bought TRON instead of stupid BTC, everyone jump in with us, we are taking off!

Peace yall!

>> No.6598963


>> No.6598967

>>6595995 >you made me sell my bike >>6596158 >investing more than he can lose >>6596301>entitlement >>6596429 >>6596753 >>6596909 >threatening >>6596599 >second mortage I hope these entitled faggots sold at a loss. They don't deserve to make it and had this coming to them. Fucking normies even if it's larping it's making my blood boil. wtf I love this shakeout now
More your speed?

>> No.6598970
File: 218 KB, 712x1024, 988aea0eb02cd236240b020a732e2ea729bfa794f010006e1cff833aead7a327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out

>> No.6598972
File: 21 KB, 310x310, 1515010705945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether just needs to shit something up for there to be actual blood in my hands, it would be kinda funny to be honest.

>> No.6598992

Glad I went long on ARs before the election. Didn't pay off right away but I would be happy in your situation.

>> No.6599007

Teach how change ID

>> No.6599032
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1478670271180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I clearly structured the post around posts/quotes. I don't like when the links to posts are not separated. I didn't fucking split up my sentences faggot

>> No.6599037


>> No.6599067

What the fuck is your problem nigger?
Just press the enter key once.
Not two times.
Not three times.
Not seventy-seven.

>> No.6599090

I just wrote from my other PC :)))

>> No.6599100

Op here
actually got beaten up.
nothing m,ajor but i'll have to go to the hostpital.
i'll catch up with you guys lates

he also got beaten up btw

>> No.6599107

I would imagine a shotgun with the right load would be more effective in the home invasion scenario

>> No.6599115

that sounds great, I think the combination of a younger more risk tolerant person and an older more experienced risk averse person, is great in these markets, especially if the risk tolerant person takes the lead. these markets are very risky but also have huge rewards, and having that conservative voice of reason and experience is fantastic, and having someone else there decreases your chances of doing something big dumb and emotional.
good luck, and watch out for the 9.5 support level and the 8k level, those seem to be the big numbers everyone is watching

>> No.6599128
File: 22 KB, 750x422, 1510645831066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck

>> No.6599147

normal people then go like this (hit enter once)
are you or your friends black or trailer trash wtf

>> No.6599152
File: 2.53 MB, 1080x1080, rare wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the LARP, it was great.

>> No.6599156

lmao what a retard why'd you open the door

>> No.6599161


No pics, no believing.

>> No.6599164

please post pic of face

>> No.6599184


>> No.6599186


>> No.6599197


>caring that much about how someone posts

This is how I know you are retards trying to fit in. I've been posting the same for more than 8 years.

>> No.6599216

Post pic with timestamp

>> No.6599227

The only thing I'm gonna try to fit in is my cock in your whore mother's throat shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.6599257
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 26730749_942810899228541_5579304706506273549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599258

shit is hilarious

>> No.6599268

Thanks friend, good luck to you as well. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

>> No.6599281

fitting in? It's just obnoxious, like when your elderly relatives text you in all caps. Could you be more defensive?

>> No.6599288

Should've just killed the fucker, no feels. no mercy, no remorse. Or is that just me? I want to kill a normie so bad

>> No.6599297
File: 23 KB, 457x124, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I'm fucked

>> No.6599303

you just admitted you gave them financial advise, they can totally sue you now

>> No.6599308

if true I hope you press charges

>> No.6599322
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, 1515874670847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 years
>still reddit spaces
>still tries to convince other people there is nothing wrong with reddit spacing

>> No.6599333
File: 18 KB, 353x334, 7806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THat's your address right? Yeah, pay up or regret it. I'm serious.
>What are you going to do? You can't afford a gun.

>> No.6599343

that's just obvious anon

>> No.6599352

No fucking way this is real now.

>> No.6599361

Sorry your parents stopped loving you at 17

>> No.6599399
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>> No.6599400
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got my dad to buy req at $0.04
>tfw were both buying the dip now
>neither of us fazed


>> No.6599410
File: 156 KB, 330x319, 1489351868736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID is Nig
you can't make this shit up srsly

>> No.6599412

call the cops nigger.

>> No.6599421

Getting my Katana, Op. BRB

>> No.6599423
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1509720373630s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for confirming my post


reddit didn't exists back than so thank you too

>> No.6599434
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1495759369600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599504

My brother has 5k invested and just called me.
The conversation was literally
>Should I be worried
Then he started talking about something else. Get better family op.

>> No.6599536
File: 67 KB, 675x725, 1508441891466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.6599541
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1515875064963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>June 23, 2005; 12 years ago
Proven wrong by wikipedia

>> No.6599544


>> No.6599562
