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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6596531 No.6596531 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6596587

I doubled my money shorting shitcoins. since yesterday.

>> No.6596595
File: 124 KB, 633x758, itsallover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really thought I could make it by sitting in my room trading internet coins

>> No.6596628

i daytrade frequently

>> No.6596632

how much did you lose?

>> No.6596644

I bought FUN on the dip

>> No.6596650

I still haven't sold, am I lost?

>> No.6596673

i daytrade naked

>> No.6596674

Make what

>> No.6596705

My gf broke up with me yesterday and I'm down 70%. Still at a profit, but it hurts, almost as much as the break up.

>> No.6596723

Sorry anon

>> No.6596726

how small does my dick have to be in order for you to suck it?

>> No.6596733

i am fully convinced that the crash is not even close to being done but i am still too much of a pussy to sell

>> No.6596779

literally me, wanna fuck?

>> No.6596785

Just imagine how many girls youll attract on your next gainz

>> No.6596797

I bought TRX at $0.1

>> No.6596869

My every trade turns out to become the dippest and shittiest sell, so I just sit and look at the charts going down while everybody is panicking.

>> No.6596876

I like to put things in my ass. Shorting oil right now.

>> No.6596891
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I bought 38 NEO during the first great dips and I tried to swing trade it but failed and lost 4 NEO (am poorfag)
Why did I try to do that during a recovery? Thought it was a dead cat bounce and retardedness.

>> No.6596915

I jerked off to a pic. of myself jerking off.

>> No.6596918

I have a giant diaper fetish and I can't get off without diapers.

>> No.6596957
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Please god forgive me but i can't hold my self from laughing at the agony of the normies blinded by greed.
I am a DigiMarine, i held through the biggest falls and highest of ATHs, i'm a veteran in the crypto world.
Seeing the normies cry and even suicide from losing chump change just makes me laugh endlessly.

>> No.6596985

Bought 1M tron coins at 250 and didn't sell them yet. I believed my own shills. It was life changing money

>> No.6597025

I bought 40 district0x, what do I do?

>> No.6597026
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Mobius Jerk

>> No.6597054
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i bought ETH last night at 1070 now its 880

>> No.6597114


>> No.6597119

I sold APPC for a 20% loss and bought VEN at 6.80 when the tobacco partnership got announced.

>> No.6597185

I did the same thing, I know that feel bud

>> No.6597188


I I fell for the HODL meme not because I think it works, but I'm too stupid to swing trade

>> No.6597192
File: 235 KB, 600x338, display_916c734628154c30d1c37fa9d9880337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate cryptocoins and haven't held a single one in my life but I've been pink wojak posting all day.

>> No.6597197

I strongly believe that btc will be worth 1 million in a few years when the crypto market is mature enough

>> No.6597303
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were still ok right lad???

>> No.6597387

I just went all in with my savings just now. The gamble is the BTC futures being settled and the market going back to normal

Its do or die now

>> No.6597495

I've never bought cryptocurrency in my life