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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 533 KB, 1192x636, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 15.12.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6588916 No.6588916 [Reply] [Original]

Just went 50x leverage long with $75k at 9525
will post proof of margin call if this is the end.

>> No.6588979

Who cares?

>> No.6589022

why dont you post proof now? I will follow your process.

>> No.6589025

might cheer someone up

>> No.6589027

so sorry anon

>> No.6589040


>> No.6589053

an hero

>> No.6589086

so whats the potential profit on a trade like this? sorry im retarded

>> No.6589114

lol, i hope you covered.

>> No.6589162


>leverages BTC, not XLM

you're an idiot sir

>> No.6589196


If BTC returns to ATH (20k-ish) that would play out to ca. $4.1M

>> No.6589209
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What's the liquidation? I've never seen a live suicide before

>> No.6589263


>> No.6589279


I will dance naked in the streets. Screencap this.

>> No.6589293

Take something off you idiot

>> No.6589307


>> No.6589343

If you make a shitload of money you're my hero.
If you lose everything because you longed during this crash you're also my hero

>> No.6589357

its probably below that already

>> No.6589361

Nobody is that retarded


>> No.6589404
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It's not looking so good

>> No.6589422

9320 now. I'm so sorry pal

>> No.6589446

you're fucked

the only way to make money rn in crypto
is to p&d, reliable 20-50% profit every 3 days.


>> No.6589474


>> No.6589483

Wouldn't the position be closed before maximum potential profit? I thought BitMEX has limits on how much they can afford to payout

>> No.6589500

Is there a risk besides liquidation?
So could OP end up with debt when I.e a flash crash occurs?

Asking because I`m a poor Anon and thought about leverage trading, but I was to scared .

also OP you are my Hero, Godspeed

>> No.6589525

Its not over yet
9430 on bitmex, its always higher that finex

>> No.6589536


>> No.6589558

bye bye

>> No.6589575

you are cray 8888 is the bottom. Just get some more collateral NOW!

>> No.6589592

9k support is about to fail on other exchanges.
see you boys at 8400.

>> No.6589630

Just curious, what can you do in this case other than cut your losses and lose half your principal?

>> No.6589659


>> No.6589722

Look at this dude

>> No.6589737


>> No.6589740

Its fucking over, crypto is dead. Congrats to those who cashed out.

>> No.6589741

Called, dipped to 9295.
i'll post the email when it comes through

killing myself tonight

>> No.6589763

if blue id OP makes it

>> No.6589764

Look marginfag you anus just aint up to the task, so stop before you get “req’d” tm. And mail us some jizz from the anus of your next client.

>> No.6589840
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d-don't do it, don't leave us behind

>> No.6589850

lmfao it all happened so fast

>> No.6589854
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>50x margin trading goes wrong
>kills self
OP did you really not see that coming

>> No.6589868

when the price is sliding down very slowly like this, it never recovers before a massive final red candle....

don't kill yourself op

>> No.6589878

Never understood long/leverage etc. whats going on? dude bet a lot of money for BTC to go up?

>> No.6589880

How much collateral do you need if you want to 50x leverage an investment of 1k usd?

Can someone give me an example with numbers? I do understand the concept of margin trading but what are the requirements?

>> No.6589893

OP, why did you do it in the first place? What was the motivation behind such a strange move?

>> No.6589901

So much to live for! Eat a steak and fuck your Wife/some Girl/a hooker/a trap

>> No.6589939

just rolling a dice

>> No.6590087

could you still give an example like the other anon requested? How much collateral is needed? What is the max amount that you can loose?

>> No.6590104

I am not too familiar with the particulars of Bitmex trading, but could you go short?

>> No.6590190

bitmex is a graveyard of traders who got completely rekt

>> No.6590230

The funny thing is, an upswing just began. OP was just a few minutes away from luck.

>> No.6590307

Fuck you, normie who just got here 6 weeks ago after watching a TronX video on YouTube.

>> No.6590343
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Hanging out with Sayori!

>> No.6590350

its going back to 10k now :-)

>> No.6590353
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>> No.6590366

thats probably the final straw

>> No.6590382
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Holy shit OP would be up 10k right now. Had he went 25x instead of 50x he'd still be alive and up 5k.

>> No.6590480

brainlet here, can someone explain what happened like im 5 years old?

>> No.6590627

google margin trading

>> No.6590657

Been on biz since ETH was $10, still remember the thread with that guy who was debating going all in ETH or POSW, and in the end he went all in POSW because he thought it had more room to grow and because of the usual /biz/ fudsters shitting on ETH.
I wonder what happened to that guy.

>> No.6590722

OP went BTC long at $9525 with 50x leverage and got margin called at $9310, then BTC fucking left OP in the dust and went back to $9700.

>> No.6590759

pls post the bitmexrekt twit when it happens

>> No.6590810

what does 50x leverage mean?

>> No.6590845

He bet one way with what i assume was his life savings, but instead it went the other way and now he's penniless.

>> No.6590874

Way she goes boys

>> No.6590893

meaning take a loan 50x investment size and go all in

>> No.6590922

Thank God! Now we have conformation that the dip is finally over.

>> No.6591000


He puts in 1k of his money and borrows 49k from the exchange, for a total of 50k. Then buys 50k worth of Bitcoin.

If Bitcoin goes up 10%, he earns $5k.
If Bitcoin goes down 10%, he loses $5k.

OP miscalculated and Bitcoin went down before going up, so his position was forcibly closed and his money taken before Bitcoin started going up.

>> No.6591003

Isnt taking a 50x loan a win-win since you clearly dont have to pay that shit? Or do you need the 50x in collateral? Other than making a new account it seems to be a great deal

I understand regular margin trading but I really dont understand how they could lend you 50x for leverage

>> No.6591054

oh so because it went under 49k it closes immediately? or when does it stop exactly

>> No.6591095

If it goes too much in the other way you lose everything and have to kill yourself

>> No.6591113


>> No.6591114

i do.

keep us updated op this is juicy

>> No.6591161

so you can end up in debt with this?

>> No.6591178

its degen gambling because there is no debt or negative accounts on bitmex.

as soon as it drops 1/50 your position is forcefully closed 'liquidated' and you got nothing left.

>> No.6591235

whats ur liq price?

bitmex doesn't pay out anything, you borrow the funds and exchange with other users

>> No.6591240

Don't listen to that shit. In a nutshell what happened was he bet 50 times over. So a change in bitcoin's value from $9600 to $9500 is as far as op's bet is concerned a loss of $5000

>> No.6591263

no you cant
you get liquidated as soon as you are at 0

technically you actually can bc liquidation rates arent fixed. officially its just a market sell.

>> No.6591294

well so far he's up more than 10k

>> No.6591313

no it only has to drop 2% and he loses 75K, if it drops 3% he gets liquidated and loses 75K, doesn't matter if after a 3% decrease the price goes up 10%, ur deal is already closed.
now if OP was to drop 1% and then go up 10% or something he would be one happy man but this is crypto and crypto is no fairy tale

>> No.6591340

He got margin called at 5300.

>> No.6591346

I see now. Thanks

>> No.6591359

Well I would risk it if I knew I can only lose what i put in

>> No.6591367

He's not because first it dipped below what he could afford to lose and thus was liquidated

>> No.6591482

I do 3x margin like all the time (currently have 20k+40k margin in Canadian weed stocks) and if I go like 100 bucks under my broker is on my dick threatening to liquidate my positions. I have to give them proof that Im going to add more funds to my account.

that hasn't happened in a long time though.

>> No.6591522

On serious regulated exchanges yes. In meme-tier probably not.

>> No.6591545

what do u profit monthly on trading? curious because crypto may be dead for a few months

>> No.6591612

damn another door closed to poor anons

>> No.6591624

on all crypto exchanges i know, you can only lose what you put in.
however you risk it all.

leverage 50x just means 50x profit or 50x loss

>> No.6591639

I used to trade but just can't anymore cuz im a full-time student and got too much shit going on. I have 40/40/20 positions in APH/ACB/TRST and I pretty much sleep now and dont look at it much.

>> No.6591677
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1466974527168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's actually back to 10k now
>mfw OP was so close

>> No.6591732
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its going up fast. I would be up around 40k by now.
If somebody can stump up 8k to increase my collateral then email me at jacobthompson2525@gmail.com and see if we can arrange an escrow agreement, i can reopen the long and give you 25% of the profits??


>> No.6591803

What is in it for the Broker (in this case the exchange I`m guessing) ? Are they taking part of the extra profit or is it a gambleagainst me on their part?

>> No.6591820

Nothing.. mathematically speaking

>> No.6591841

didn't you get liquidated already

>> No.6591847

bro you are absolutely retarded, why the fuck would you do this to yourself

>> No.6591853

close one op
dont kys yet, grind another $75k and try again

never uninstall before you beat it

>> No.6591866

post proof btw until now this is a larp

>> No.6591876

the worst luck...

>> No.6591929

the broker doesnt gamble.
usually just takes a % fee of every order

exchange is winning either way

>> No.6591930
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Why did you do this though?

>> No.6591984

thx for the info anon

>> No.6592034

OP I admire you. Give me some way to keep in touch.

>> No.6592044

Fucking kek #Rekt Would have been smarter to have done it around 8K desu

>> No.6592060

Nothing but that really

>> No.6592148

If you traded with 1000usd with 50x leverage, it basically means you will gain the same profits as if you had invested 50000. Obviously if position goes into a loss it will be liquidated. Just Google it

>> No.6592150

It would have been smart to choose a leverage where the call price is under 9k since there will be obviously be support at 9k since round number

>> No.6592334

It would have been smart to not 50x long BTC right now or at all.

I dont think OP is trying to be smart. This is degen gambling

>> No.6592611

gambling addiction probably

>> No.6592620

Looks like it rebounded just below your liquidation price

>> No.6592829

Man, if this happens to be the bottom and crypto resumes mooning as usual and op missed timing it by minutes I seriously hope he doesn't kys himself.

>> No.6592863

yeah basically if you're close to not being able to cover the cost, the position closes and you pay whatever the loses were, which is most of your money

>> No.6592926
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>> No.6592943

>When you’re trading 75k with 50x leverage
Daft Punk - Fall

>> No.6592993

I don't get margin trading.
If BTC goes down (like it did), you get a margin call and get liquidated.

But lets say BTC did go up, for how long would the position be open? For as long as you wanted, or just until a certain percentage is up?

>> No.6593071

you can typically hold leveraged positions for about a month
If you leverage futures you can hold for 3 months i believe

>> No.6593080

Btc immediately moons after op position is closed.

JFL biz anons decide the fate of the world confirmed

>> No.6593122

lol why wouldn't I just open a long myself, you're clearly incapable of doing it properly

>> No.6593195

Great to know.
So if I have 300 usd and decide to long BTC and have x100 leverage, I could see some nice profits. But I also could lose those 300 usd.
Seems like a good deal.
As long as the worst case scenario is to get liquidated from all you have in the exchange and nothing more (no legal action, etc.).

>> No.6593216
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This will go into a bear flag over the next day and then continue plumetting
these digits agree

>> No.6593245

Does it really work like that, if so why the fuck haven't i been doing this?

>> No.6593382

>So if I have 300 usd and decide to long BTC and have x100 leverage, I could see some nice profits. But I also could lose those 300 usd.
>Seems like a good deal.
>As long as the worst case scenario is to get liquidated from all you have in the exchange and nothing more (no legal action, etc.).

my thoughts exactly, a shit amout with a x50 Leverage would 5 time with a 10% increase, and if not you just lost a shit amount.
Whats the catch?

>> No.6593445

With x100 leverage you would get liquidated on a 1% shift against your position. Lets say someone got a perfect short at the peak with x100 and cashed out at 10k. He'd get a ~50,000% return, but if if it moved up to 20200 he'd have lost everything immediatly. Leverage is very dangerous to play with and not for scrubs

>> No.6593450


Fucking brainlets ITT, if you take a x100 leverage with 300 usd a tiny tiny dip will liquidate your ass.

>> No.6593497

>Whats the catch?
One wrong decision and you lose everything lol.

>> No.6593519

The fact that a 2% swing in either direction is nothing but noise in crypto

>> No.6593586

And if it drops fast, you could lose 300 + your house.

>> No.6593845
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>Does not understand leverage.

What the fuck am I reading.

It's not an option, it's LEVERAGE, you are BORROWING.

/biz/ is cancerous now with normie shitcoin """"""investors.""""""""

>> No.6593868

this, you can have a 1% diff just as the spread in the order book, it's literally the and it's gone scene from southpark

>> No.6593874


this dumb motherfucker just gave bitmex 75k for free? you realise they manip their own market right?

you never had a chance you stupid fuck

>> No.6593894

Got it. If you know for absolute certainty that you're in a local maximum/minimum, you can make fuckton of money. But you probably aren't.

>+ your house

>> No.6593909

Over 10k green dildos everywhere, OP are you going to bridge yourself

>> No.6593931

some anons said you couldnt lose more then you put in, I`m confused

>> No.6593950

you dont lose your house you lose $300

>> No.6593961

OP likely scamming, the BitmexRekt twitter bot hasn't shown anyone being liquidated under $9400 in the last 2 hours

>> No.6593998

Then wtf is >>6593586 on about? That's what I'm scared about. The exchange pulling some kind of legal action against you.

>> No.6594022

Thats false, the risk with leverage is that you can very easily lose everything you put into a position, especially in a highly volatlie market like crypto

>> No.6594036

ahahhahaha b ro you just said you got liquidated

you have nothing to reopenwith you lying fuck

probably never did in the first place

>> No.6594080

on crypto exchanges you only lose what you put in your account

>> No.6594086

Hes either retarded or trying to scare newfags desu

>> No.6594115

I shall call him a larper.

>> No.6594128

you don't lose more than you put in

>> No.6594169

futures and crypto are two different boats. futures the one that the gov likes and can really FYSU. You bet against the house and the house always wins

>> No.6594186

you cant lose more than you put in the exchange.
they arent gonna come for your house.
that why your WHOLE position gets liquidated.

>> No.6594230

so I put in 5000, Leverage it x10, my position is worth 50.000 ....... because I`m a Brainlet I invested in some shit like TRX and ofc it drops 50% immediatly....... do I owe them 25k now? OR do I just lose my 5000. I cant find accurate information on this.

>> No.6594252

Thats what I said m8, I'm not the one who dosn't understand leverage itt

>> No.6594309

You would get liquidated the secound it fell 10% with 10x leverage

>> No.6594334

You owe them 20 + fees

>> No.6594339

no, you don't owe anyone shit. the broker will liquidate your position if need be via a margin call since they know they can't really go after you for more. why would they take that sort of risk? they wouldn't, and they don't.

>> No.6594347

i've never used bitmex but i guess you could ramp up the leverage to mitigate risk, start at x5 and when you're in profit ramp it up to x10 and so on, maybe that would work so you dont get liquidated immediately?

>> No.6594349

you would not witness it going -50%
you are kill as soon as it hits -10% (on leverage x10)

>> No.6594489

do they charge some huge fee ? Not always its possible for exchange to sell exactly at -10% price then huge drops occur. How they get profits in huge drops?

>> No.6594511

I can't remember how adjusting a positions leverage works, you should read their documentation carefully before trying anything, and play with small amounts before taking real risks

>> No.6594530

no you just lose your 5k THATS IT

>> No.6594536

your holding is liquidated the moment your position is worth as much as the loan from exchange, so exchange gets their money back and you get nothing

>> No.6594601

nah im just theorizing i only do 3.3 on bitfinex from time to time that's enough risk for me

>> No.6594611

they will liquidate not at -10% but at -9.75% or something to cover this risk

>> No.6594762

actually bitmex is using an insurance fund

other exchanges just liquidate early

>> No.6594782

What if there isn't enough volume and your liquidation sends the price to 5k

>> No.6594787
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Did OP get liquidated? It was dipping as he opened up his long position but it rebounded recently, is he okay?

>> No.6594788

I would really like to get some legal opinion on this, sadly where I life i doubt any lawyer would even know enough about crypto, desu in moderation leveraging sounds like a way to up the profits a bit, but I would be worried about legal action if something like a fast drop occurs ( so they cant liquidate my position fast enough)

>> No.6594831

Hes probably a lying pajeet looking to scam people desu

>> No.6594839

dont think so anon

i think he is very not okay

>> No.6594848

OP never gave proof, and started to beg for money later, probly a LARP tbqh

>> No.6594877

other broker REKT

>> No.6594888

Also op is a fraudster attention whore

>> No.6594895

Bitmex will not fucking take legal action, they will laugh and count the shekels you handed them with your bad decisions

>> No.6594944

>started to beg for money later
>Hes probably a lying pajeet looking to scam people desu

Okay fuck him for making us feel for him

>> No.6595013

>making us feel for him
>he dosn't assume everyone on /biz/ is trying to scam eachother
never gonna make it

>> No.6595150

thank you red

>> No.6595180

I'll never forget that Anon who actually went through with the sharpie in the pooper and he delivered after he got scammed out of his Ether by sending his private keys to an ICO, we all pitched in regardless after he posted his sweet piece of ass.

>> No.6595232

Watch your portfolio boom live on this website(better than cmc, ad free, live updated charts so you dont have to refresh every minute): https://www.thecryptowiki.org/Live_Chart

>> No.6595327

Sounds easy.

Why don't you just leverage at a lower rate with more money in reserve and wait until it goes your way?

Everyone is stupid except for me

>> No.6595331

People paid for a guy who was scammed after a pic with a sharpy up his ass? Thats a confusing mix of caring and degeneracy

>> No.6595391
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That's because we're all /biz/ bros here

>> No.6595594

$472B and rising. well done

>> No.6596302

If BTC goes up 2 percent he makes s hundred percent of his original investment, not accounting for fees.

>> No.6596577

Because you need more money to do that. And then you'd want more profit on your large capital. Risk/reward.

>> No.6596740

8.3k is the bottom idiot. hf getting liqd

>> No.6596924


>> No.6596940


Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.6597097

where is the proof? i can't believe someone is gambling so much during this manipulation

>> No.6597165
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so... how do levarages work?

If you have 75k at 50x leverage at 9k and bitcoin plummets to 5k, what happens? Do you lose all of the 75k? Do you have to pay more than the 75k initially invested if it drops to a certain point?
Is that what it means to be liquidated?

>> No.6597319

>If you have 75k at 50x leverage at 9k and bitcoin plummets to 5k, what happens? Do you lose all of the 75k?
Most exchanges liquidate at -50% to -80%. Not sure about BitMex. Assume it's -50%.
Then you lose 50% of your capital if BTC drops by 1%

>> No.6597473

You know the a in /biz/ stands for larping right?

>> No.6597519

ohh I see now. That's pretty retarded, OP.

Wouldn't you be able to abuse margin trading so much in this market though? Like if you see a coin that is currently mooning and you go in with 50x leverage for like 5 minutes and it goes up 10%, wouldn't you make a fuckton of money?

>> No.6597539









>> No.6597611


>> No.6597642

you can't help it, no one can really. greed gets the best of us. the only way we learn is by failing and failing miserably.

>> No.6597708


>> No.6597739

>literally only rode the train for 15 minutes

How fucking retarded are you

>> No.6597774

i am not poor though, and i do use leverage sensibly.

>> No.6598037

Lol yeah ok

>> No.6598042



All you faggots dreaming about trading on Bitmex, just don't fucking do it! Derivatives is for smart money and whales only.

Keep the fuck away from it

>> No.6598115

did you know mex sells your positions to real whales?

>> No.6598197

Multiply your wins or losses by the leverage. If BTC moves $100+/- you would be $5000+/-

>> No.6598252

I've traded on bitmex for two years without any problems. However, I've kept away from it since we passed 8k in November.

The volatility is just incredibly insane atm

>> No.6598402


Leveraging with common stocks is extremely dangerous.
Leveraging with cryptos is a absolute madman tier - trading, only suitable for people who end up jumping skyscrapers

>> No.6598541

Nigga you cray

>> No.6598571



>> No.6598613

25x is my comfy Lev too

>> No.6598799


>stupid fuck

Again, I've never had a problem trading on there. Maybe you're just a pleb tier trader

Using a proper stop loss on a position instead of a liquidation price will save you a significant amount of money. Save your money by getting out of position BEFORE you get margin called/liquidated.

>> No.6599225

Leverage is debt. When you buy on leverage you just buy with borrowed money.

>> No.6599535

>anecdotal nonsense
Are you listening? THEY. SELL. YOUR POSITION INFO.

>> No.6599653

You could end up losing money that you havent even earned yet.
Leverage = buying with loan money, 10x leverage for 10 000usd, you invest 1000 your own money, rest is loan money.
This is only for experienced traders

>> No.6599686

proofs? what the point to sell?

>> No.6599782

No. Say you have 1000. You use leverage 10x.

If price goes down 10%, what does that mean? The 10 000 of yours is now worth 9000 Your initial stake is 1000, so you'd get liquidated at this point and your position closed.

>> No.6599969

But if it goes up 10% you now have 10k and can sell/close? Seems like a fun way to 10x if you have 1k to lose every month (say your income is 15k/mo)

>> No.6600011

what do you mean whats the point? are you braindead? they sell your position info so whales know where to push the price and where the liqs are

jesus how new are you

>> No.6600065

If it goes up 10%, that's 10% on the 10 000 -- 11 000. If you sell that, you have to repay the leverage which was 9000. Your own stake was 1000. The gains is therefore 1000.

Why use leverage? Well 10% on your 1000 would just be 100. But with 10x leverage that 10% is 1000. The risk is that you amy lose yoru whole 1000. Look up asymmetrical risk. Shorting should not be done if you don't know your shit.

>> No.6600074

You still have to pay back the debt

>> No.6600236

you'r a larper
They dont need to sell to whales bacause
1. they whales themselves
2. they too big to risk reputation because some retard leak the info
3. whales can't profit from margin calls, the don't care at all, it' ot their profits
4. there is more than one exchange to bet on one, so whales just fuck and swing everething to make squeeses
5. you braindead retard
6. your mother is a nigger
7. so as you too

>> No.6600304

Oops, don't know why I overlooked that.
>Look up asymmetrical risk. Shorting should not be done if you don't know your shit.
Yea I don't really understand but I'm down to learn. I'll read more about it. It does seem like it's for gamblers or people that know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.6600435
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>> No.6600782

ok faggot
enjoy your losses

you're as cocksure as the dumb bcc niggers lol

>> No.6600836

bye bye money

>> No.6600953

So there is no proofs, nigger?
Go fuck yourself

>> No.6601052

Sounds like you're making any excuse for losing money, kid. Everyone's a genius in a bull market right?

At least you've learnt to stop since you started losing