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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6594433 No.6594433 [Reply] [Original]

The price of 1BTC is now under 10K. Coiners on suicide watch!

>> No.6594434

you should buy rn

>> No.6594435

>Win 50 dollar worth of btc in March
>Buy 1 eth
>Over the year go up to 27 eth
>Lose 26.5 on a scam
>Turn 0.5 into 16 in a month because I know what I'm doing
>Cash out 3100 euros
>Keep 8k dollars worth of altcoins
Crypto truly is the bane of my existance lel.

>> No.6594436


>> No.6594437

Good time to buy before it goes to $50k

>> No.6594438


>> No.6594439

It makes sense when you think about it. Wall Street pushed the bit coin hype for a while then what do you know, the bottom fell out.

Did you know?: Goldman used to have a mutual fund type investment in which normies could track (trailing investment) the positions of the big hedge funds? What good would it do to have normies buy the same positions as the elite only after they were purchased by the elite and only sold after the positions were sold by the elite? Hmmm......

>> No.6594440

><8000 TARGET


>> No.6594441

>Monthly Crash


>> No.6594442

You lost free money due to your ignorance. Cry me a river

>> No.6594443
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Jokes on them I used my bitcoins to buy pizza a few years back before all the normies got into the "you must buy funny geek coins" meme.

Soon they will be worth shit tons less than what people paid for them thinking it would make them gagillionaires, they will have lost a fortune.

I on the otherhand will have still had those tasty pizzas a few years back and be laughing at their misfortune.

>> No.6594444

I bought coke and lsd. Back when Crypto was just for crime ... The good ol days

>> No.6594445

Stupid nocoiner you just don't understand. We are literally going to end the fed and make BTC the world currency. $1MM by the end of the year.

>> No.6594446
File: 2.16 MB, 350x258, videotogif_2018.01.16_04.19.05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average coiner right now

>> No.6594447
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>> No.6594448
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>> No.6594449


I used 2 bitcoins in January 2013 to buy one hit of DMT.

>> No.6594450
File: 88 KB, 604x516, Apu with kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all gonna be fine.

>> No.6594451

It's going down down dodedoodoodoodoo something oh something oh something.
I'll be your number one with a bullet.
Put in a gun, and cock and pull it

>> No.6594452

Pay your taxes!
Cryptocurrncy is unpatriotic.

>> No.6594453
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Liberals are HODLing
/pol/ sold pre-crash

>> No.6594454
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>> No.6594455
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>buyers into crypto are panicking
>people who use exchanges are panicking
>the normies are panicking
>the eternal hold waits patiently
>the eternal miner waits patiently

>> No.6594456
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Xrp, all those who bought at $3 lol

>> No.6594457

Checked. Also it's buy high sell low, haven't you ever been to /biz/?

>all the money you have in the bank is physical and has fixed value and isn't just 1s and 0s

>> No.6594458

Is it a good time to buy now?

>> No.6594459


>tfw bought xrp at $.50

>> No.6594460


That's usually how ponzi schemes work. This was a long game version. Those who bought into this when it was 20k are the true idiots. It also became a pump and dump scheme when it hit over 9000.

>> No.6594461

I bought at .45 and sold at 2.80, feels good man. I'm not in any coins right now but probably gonna buy back into eth when I feel we are at the bottom

>> No.6594462

Buy now you idiots. Can't you see how hard (((they))) are pushing against this?

>> No.6594463

The Bitcoin futures market on CME is MASSIVELY SHORT. The futures market controls the price of bitcoin now.

>> No.6594464

Good luck, Shane.

>> No.6594465

By buying you basically give money to people who mined it in the beginning or bought it for very little. Why should you support that? That's the definition of a ponzi scheme.

>> No.6594466


>40% of the world's bitcoins are held by just 1000 people

>> No.6594467

Last week it was greed, this week it is fear. Nice to see all the complexities of market trading displayed over 7 days.

>> No.6594468

I hope it keeps crashing until payday

Then i’m going to buy some crypto just to partake in the memes

>> No.6594469


There is this as well



Taxes taxes taxes. Taxes now on every trade.

>> No.6594470
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>> No.6594471

Almost UNDER 9000!!!

>> No.6594472
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>> No.6594473
File: 807 KB, 1280x720, pink wojak vegeta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNDER 9000!
Make it happen!

>> No.6594474

reddit buys high
pol buys low

>> No.6594475


I love reddit buy high sell low

>> No.6594476

American reading comprehension.

If you had gotten in early OP you could right now be retired, with your own house in the beautiful norwegian fjords, raising white children. Do you think about that every day? Do you feel better when the price crashes 50%? Do you tell yourself "glad i didn't invest in this scam?"
You could have gotten in at 500 and cashed out at 1500. You could have been free from the jew. Now look at you.

>> No.6594477


Cashing out for fiat. Fiat crashes and be broke again.

>> No.6594478

Coinbase is showing back over 10

>> No.6594479

Not at all, you can make money in bear markets. I've increased my liquidity by $ 3000 in the past 24h. I'm currently waiting for the next wave to crest (8.4-8.7k Euro depending on how quickly it rises) so that I can sell and then buy back my sats and keep the winnings.

>> No.6594480
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>> No.6594481

fiat faggots hate decentralized currency

the Fed IS THE JEW

>> No.6594770

Watch the death of Crypto live on this website(better than cmc, ad free, live updated charts so you dont have to refresh every minute): https://www.thecryptowiki.org/Live_Chart