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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 750x761, IMG_4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6593621 No.6593621 [Reply] [Original]

>current state of meme coiners

As a serious investor I need a redpill on whether this crash is politically motivated and whether it'd be a smart move to make a move on getting in now? As far as my luck goes I believe if I went in now it'll go below 4000$

>> No.6593623

Okay so what I know is that the whales sold 2.5 billion worth in order for BCH to be their next target which should have actually replaced BTC a while ago. This caused panic selling across the board. Just keep an eye out for spearhead investing.

>> No.6593624

Bitcoins Blockchain became so extensive that to keep it running means less profit, which is why bitcoin cash came into play (it’s also why there’s so many shitcoins about gaining traction)

The truth of the matter is, bitcoin cash and bitcoin are going to “flip” and because of that, shits gonna get a lil funky with the markers. Screen cap this and remember it in 6 months

>> No.6593625

No and no

>> No.6593626

>serious investor
>seeks advice on /pol/.
Fuck off LARPer

>> No.6593627

So I was thinking about dropping 20 bucks on dogecoin for giggles. Thoughts?

>> No.6593628

I got 11,000 USD cash lying around as spare money. Not everyone is a fucking virgin neckbeard like you, koala fucker.

>> No.6593629
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BTC is like a meme. The more popular the meme the higher the value because the more it is appreciated.

As a man of memes, I deal in only rare pepes but I can understand why some would like to deal in the BTC meme if they aren't getting NEETbux

>> No.6593630

The only reason to buy shitcoins is as a hedge against inflation

>> No.6593631

Isn't korea china and russia on the verge of banning memecoin trading and isn't that why the crash is occurint? What makes BCH of any value when the whole world is deciding to dampen the crypto trade?

>> No.6593632
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It's still not cheap enough for me to buy more.

>> No.6593633

>that top story headline
journalism is such a fucking joke.

>> No.6593634
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Bloody SELL...the (((central bankers))) are coming

>> No.6593635

Dogecoin spiked because bitcoin did, it will most likely keep losing value for some time.

>> No.6593636

Reminder to coin cùcks who thought they were gonna make it with memes..... you got BTFOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.6593637
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Indeed. Memes are exponentially more valuable than coinfaggotry.

>> No.6593638
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rip those that bought bitcoin at 19k price.
getting raped by an elephant was a better deal.

>> No.6593639


>> No.6593640
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If it drops below 7k some people are literally going to kill themselves.

>> No.6593641

No, that's what precious metals are for

>> No.6593642

>serious investor
>asking /pol/ for investment advice


>> No.6593643
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you should see the /biz/ gore threads.

>> No.6593644

Imo it is now proven its not stable at all. Its pretty high risk to invest when could go either way. My plan is to wait a few more weeks to stabilize and buy 1 and just sit on it and hope it pays off many years later.

>> No.6593645

kind of happy that the fags who bought at the peak are getting btfo
(it will bounce back lads but might take 1-2 years, that's the bitcoin curve: exponential growth, waver, crash - it is still valued highly compared to mid 2016 for example)

interesting times though

>normies trying to in2 crypto, likely getting fucked
>central banks, big actors getting in, likely hoovering profit
>revolutionaries building new technologies against centralisation
>status quoers embedding their wealth into secure technologies
>new forms of contract enable greater trust
>complex levels of tech stop normies being able to access the full power of crypto

we're developing a 2 tier system between wily consumers (smart people) and victims of the technocalypse (smart phone users)

serves you guys right for using a securitising technology as a vessel for speculation. thinking it was as stable as ([godl])

>> No.6593646

A few grand for oddball shit like this isn't that far-fetched, ausbro. Just because he has it to play with doesn't mean he doesn't want to take it seriously. /pol/ does come through from time to time.

>> No.6593647
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Already habbenin

>> No.6593648
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>> No.6593649

at least 2/3 are trolls

>> No.6593650

>As a serious investor I need a redpill on whether this crash is politically motivated and whether it'd be a smart move to make a move on getting in now?
No. The crash isn't politically motivated. Bitcoin was priced in the 10k+ range because people wanted to own bitcoin and were willing to pay for it. Once people started selling their bitcoin reserves, the amount of money people were willing to pay for it reduced.

19k+ for a bitcoin is a bubble anyway. You know only a few people (idiots) would offer such money for a currency that isn't widely used by the general public.

There is no crash as /biz/ and other fuckers on /pol/ are postulating. There are few idiots in the market. Perhaps the real exchange is somewhere in the range of $100-$500 for every bitcoin - because bitcoin allows you to trade in the black market with few repercussions.

That's about all there is to bitcoin - use it to trade on the black market. It has no other viable use currently that the $ does not have as well.

>> No.6593651

People are literally too stupid to understand how bitcoin fluctuations work. This is the same pattern as the first 3 bitcoin curves, It is going to go down to about 7000, it may go lower but I guarantee you now that it will go up to 100,000 if the government or jews keep their noses out of it. It was designed to do such a thing. It's worth is entirely based off of the amount of electricity it takes to hash out the blocks.

>> No.6593652
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It's ogre. This is just the beginning. Bitcoin is fucked. Expect the Jews to roll out a crypto that is government friendly and easier to use to buy shit.

You going to be sitting a worthless coin. If it does bounce back you better cash out at 15k

>> No.6593653

My biggest problem with BTC is that there's no good way to cash out; I've been trying to get registered at an exchange for going on a month now and still can't even trade much less cash out. I figured the 20k spike would probably be the end for BTC and was hoping to cash out what meager amount I had, but there really isn't a good way to liquidate.

>> No.6593654

>It has no other viable use currently that the $ does not have as well.

there will be many like this anon
who say btc has no use, or nothing to offer beyond a fiat currency.
by now you should be aware of the counter arguments
-it is not a fiat currency (no central bank, no printing)
-it is the commonly accepted king of the cryptos, all exchanges accept it as payment for other cryptos, particularly new currencies that banks won't transact with
-crypto isn't just bitcoin and the multifarious uses for crypto all lead back to it being a technology of value. although this doesn't necessarily translate to value in U$

>> No.6593655
File: 35 KB, 600x450, bagdad-bob[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no crash

>> No.6593656

Idiots, cash out at 100,000 or 1 million don't cashout when it's just getting started.

>> No.6593657

Can't wait to see it crash

>> No.6593658

You buy shit with it dumb dick, meet somebody in person and do a secure transfer for a brief case full of cash or gold.

>> No.6593659

Bitcoin takes electricity to even exist, every transaction also takes electricity.
Therefore the market is determined based off the amount of electricity used. Electricity is run by the government and local areas.
So Bitcoin is literally just another stock now.

>> No.6593660


$7500 is perfect for getting in because that was the point of the previous breakout. Retesting this to confirm support means we are in a healthy correction.

Buying little bits from here down to $7500 would be my advice.

$50k to $100k somewhere this year.

>> No.6593661
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No one is falling for your tricks kike.

>> No.6593662


anyone else on the boat
>hodl until 2050
>hand over 0.001BTC to my children to buy a section of mars
>sit back and sip salty tear juice
>tip the nocoiner waiter 0.0000000001satoshi
>he cries fresh tears, free refils

>> No.6593663

>-it is not a fiat currency (no central bank, no printing)
>-it is the commonly accepted king of the cryptos, all exchanges accept it as payment for other cryptos, particularly new currencies that banks won't transact with
>-crypto isn't just bitcoin and the multifarious uses for crypto all lead back to it being a technology of value. although this doesn't necessarily translate to value in U$
How are any of these pros...

>> No.6593664
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>he doesn't know about coin memes
You should head over to our place at >>>/biz/ and learn how we use meme magic to get rich.

>> No.6593665
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MFW it continues to drop and plebs have to get a real job

>> No.6593666
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>> No.6593667

>It's worth is entirely based off of the amount of electricity it takes to hash out the blocks.

You're putting the cart before the horse. The amount of energy it makes sense to spend on mining is determined by the value of the bitcoins... The bitcoins themselves are a finite resource.

>> No.6593668

I knew it, it's time for BIKONNNEEEEEEEK 2 shine

>> No.6593669

Bitcash doesnt have the security of bitcoin

People buying into it for cheap transactions are going to get fucked hard in a major hack

>> No.6593670

So when they run out of bitcoins to mine is when it dies?

>> No.6593671

yeah it goes to 8000 there is a limit under which the bitcoin won't fall.

>> No.6593672
File: 63 KB, 702x768, Bubble_dynamics_bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart, and then you decide if you want to invest in bitcoin.

>> No.6593673
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And it just keeps dropping.

>> No.6593674

>People angrily/desperately telling people to HODL or buy in
For those out of the know, if people don't buy in now it won't regain any value. And the people HODLing are just going to keep losing more and more.

They should lose everything. They're fucking morons.

>> No.6593675
File: 122 KB, 1436x668, F3D87ECD-A013-4A02-AE50-E9AE5AF385DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversify now! The market might be 1-3 thousand overvalued. Or maybe we are heading to a new age of economic growth due to tax and regulatory cuts. Sea floor farming, government enforced homosexuality, and vast pleasure domes are the future. Btw, it might be a good idea to buy trash while it’s still cheap. You’ll thank me later.

>> No.6593676

>there will be many like this anon
There already are other cryptocurrencies. That's not my argument.
>who say btc has no use, or nothing to offer beyond a fiat currency.
I will address this shortly.
>by now you should be aware of the counter arguments
Which are false, and I will also address this shortly.
>-it is not a fiat currency....

Fiat currencies are myth sold to the public. There can never truly be a Fiat currency. All currencies have some underlying value that is hidden from the public. Before you sperg out, read what I say next.

The dollar is backed by oil. Countries want to buy oil from SA and other OPEC countries and thus need to get Dollars from the U.S. to buy the oil. The only way they can get $$ from the U.S. is via financial gibs and trading with the U.S.

Thus, if you want to buy T.V.s from China, or stuff from Japan, you need to pay $$ if you're in the U.S.

Bitcoin is not backed by oil. Bitcoin's underlying value lies in it not being taxed currently. Thus, it can be used for trade on the black market. There are vendors who use Bitcoin. Some are stupid and have bought into the hype. Some are clever and use it to launder their money from illegal trade.

Learn to see through the financial system bong. Don't just jump on a bandwagon because people hype up shit.

Learn to deduce a currency's true value. You'll see for yourself which currencies in the world are shit.

Also, before you sperg out and say that all other currencies other than the $$ are Fiat, you're right. Most currencies other than the $$ are not backed by anything but the willingness of some people in a country to use it. $$ is backed by oil which makes it very strong.

>> No.6593677
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nothing is happening. bitcoin isnt dead here the proof, sorry for the shit quality pic. you can check it by yourself anyways.
if you didnt withdrew yet, its too late, you can only sit on the corner and take the beating
dont listen to the no coiner fags
its just the chinks withdrawing their money and causing a panic, the reason probably the chinesse new year, for them is like christmas, they buy expensive shit to show their wealth

>> No.6593678

It doesn't run out... it's like zeno's paradox, as you get closer, they give out less and less bitcoins

>> No.6593679

Idiot. That's when the value increases ten times as there's only limited supply available to HODL. You must be 18+ to post here ya fucking wAnK3r

>> No.6593680

>there is no crash
What I was implying here is that the bitcoin market is small. If the MSM spins it as a mega event, then they're outright lying. Majority of the population has not invested in bitcoin like they do in the stock market. It's just people on the fringe who think Bitcoin has some value, when it actually doesn't.

>> No.6593681


> It's worth is entirely based off of the amount of electricity it takes to hash out the blocks.

This is so retarded, who started this shitty meme?

>> No.6593682

As a serious investor you should have read some warren buffet and know the difference between investing and speculating. Crypto is speculation.

>> No.6593683
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>> No.6593684

Brah please tell me people didn't mortgage their house and bought the meme coin.

If you've been the crypto for a few years this isn't a big deal, but the latecomers thinking this shit is going to 100k are fucked. I think pension funds also bought into it.

Let the bodies hit the floor

>> No.6593685

People who realized they could take advantage of idiots. Humorously, the main guy may have died years ago.

>> No.6593686

>Bitcoin takes electricity to even exist, every transaction also takes electricity.

>> No.6593687

Not necessarily. Energy isn't controlled by the government.

>> No.6593688

Long story short the world went fucking nuts for internet bucks for a bit realized hey wait a minute i cant use this shit in my daily life what the fuck did i even just buy. Oh shit better sell. The bubble may has popped and we might see a return to normalcy. If you buy its a long hold.

>> No.6593689

I had 90k in crypto a few days ago, now its 49k.

I'm in ETH mostly. I got in so early I won't lose $ unless eth goes sub100, which isn't likely.

I'll just wait this shit out. Seems to happen every january.

>> No.6593690


>central bank
if you don't understand why central banks are bad, lurk moar, read a history book and lurk moar
also look up how fiat currencies work and you'll quickly see their flaws

>king of crypto
have you heard about how countries around the world [in the last few decades] used US$ as the go to medium currency? off the top of my head, i could name 10 african and 10 asian countries that semi-oficially use US$ as their go-between because their own currency is fledgeling or too unstable.
bitcoin is the same in the crypto world; it's easy to in2 with established networks and services - no it's not as stable as US$ but it does get results, you can buy any other crypto with BTC, you can't necessarily do that with US$. This is an important point as time goes on, either BTC will become entrenched as the crypto of last resort, or it will be subsumed by (i presume) a better, more effective currency form.

>crypto has many forms
as things like smart contracts, crypto derivatives, donation schemes, in browser mining develop; they will lead to a big new industry in cryptographic finance, this lends an inherent value to cryptographic systems like the blockchain - it's hard to put a monetary value on these things, btu they could be one of the things to help save us from tyrannical governments.

as i have mentioned, the biggest threat is the ignorance of the average user / consumer. bitcoin is not a toy, it's a political cause, it's the future and it requires deep understanding or you WILL be robbed, as all the ponzi-tears on redd!ck will testify.

>Before you sperg out, read what I say next.
>Bitcoin's underlying value lies in it not being taxed currently

please see this post ^^^.

also, oil is not a good standard to pin your currency to. it has not worked well for any country since the oil boom ended. and it will only get worse if you cannot diversify your economic ideologies lel


>> No.6593691

>underlying value
The material there minted with?
Remember when a penny was worth more as scrape metal

>> No.6593692
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Of course a coin fag would say this, however what has changed is China and South Korea thinking about banning or regulating Bitcoin.

>> No.6593693


>> No.6593694

can you redpill me on fun?

also whats the deal with chainlink?

>> No.6593695

>So when they run out of bitcoins to mine is when it dies?
Satoshi always intended for there to about 21 million (or billion, I forget) bitcoins in the world. Each time a miner mines a bitcoin by solving some retarded problem (some crypto stuff) they get some bitcoins. Also, some people act like ledgers and validate all bitcoin transactions - this also gives them bitcoins. Satoshi always intended for bitcoins to be finite. Thus as miners solve more problems and validate more transactions, they receive fewer and fewer bitcoins. Once it reaches 21 million (or billion, I forget) bitcoins, the next set of problems will be impossible to solve in one's lifetime (or they run out of problems - once again, I forget which one).

Bitcoin doesn't die after this. It's just that there will be 21 million (or billion) bitcoins in the system that people will use.

>> No.6593696

FUN actually has a working product; a fucking rarity in this space. Solid team with actual real world experience.

Strong buy and hold.

>> No.6593697

LARP thread to shill Bcash. Saged.

>> No.6593698

But energy consumption will out value at some point. Then it will die?
Keep telling your self (and all your friends) that

>> No.6593699


Coin fags about to be btfo. China is liquidating

>> No.6593700

The same way the federal reserve isn't controlled by the government. Checkmate

>> No.6593701

this is what, the twelfth "CHINA IS BANNING BITCOIN FOR REAL THIS TIME GUYZ111!!11"?

>> No.6593702

>please see this post ^^^.
Why are you sperging out just cause I don't find you reasoning convincing? Are you a bitcoin investor who's currently butthurt? No? Then chill. I'm willing to be convinced that bitcoin is good, but you don't have any good assertions.
>also, oil is not a good standard to pin your currency to.
It's an excellent good to pin your currency to right now. All economies need oil. You want eggs in the morning? Guess what? The farmer who rears the chickens for those eggs needs petrol to get your eggs to the market where you buy them. Modern economy is built on oil.
>it has not worked well for any country since the oil boom ended.
It's worked wonders for us. Of course it doesn't work for you because the pound is not backed by oil. The British had a strong deal with SA before WW2, which SA reneged on after WW2 because Britain was in tatters. Britain doesn't have any leverage in the oil trade.
>and it will only get worse if you cannot diversify your economic ideologies lel
True, there will come a time when we have to move away from oil. But perhaps at that time there will be another superpower that does this.

>> No.6593703

Implying they won't and create their own secure crypto.

You need to take the fuck up son. These chinks ain't playing.

>> No.6593704

In the U.S.A. energy is controlled by the government.
This is to ensure that all energy rates are fair and competitive.
Any extra energy you the user add in is rebated back to you and only a set number of fossil fuels can be used per capita each pay cycle.
Where I live the federal limit states 15% of energy is made with fossil fuels. Due to a hydroelectric dam.

>digital currency
>not using energy
All things use energy, this thing happens to be more expensive with its energy usage.
It takes a shit ton of electricity to hash a bitcoin.

>> No.6593705

Can I call people niggers and faggots there?

>> No.6593706

they already have many government backed coins

>> No.6593707

No fuckstick. This fucking piece of shit website has NO INFLUENCE over the price of bcash. Holy shit when will any of you get a financial education?

>> No.6593708

>if you don't understand why central banks are bad
Why don't you just tell us why central banks are bad? If you're argument is central banks are bad and everyone who challenges you on that must go read a book, then you come off as the tinfoil. Not the person who challenged you.

Central banks are not inherently bad. They have their pros, otherwise they wouldn't exist. Obfuscation of information on how many currency units there are in an economic system from the public is bad. Central banks actively obfuscate this information from the public and thus they are bad.
>also look up how fiat currencies work and you'll quickly see their flaws
Once again, you're taking the extreme view. Fiat currencies are not inherently bad. Even if a currency is fiat - does not have any underlying value other than people wanting to use that money to trade it - fiat currencies ease transactions by not forcing society to regress to a barter system. The whole point of currency is to ensure smooth trade - sure, this is not necessarily the reason why they were created, but currencies exist because they ease trade. Else you can I would have to haggle over how many oranges I must give you for 10 of your apples - not an efficient system.

The rest of your post is either your prediction, which you are entitled to, or you sperging out on how other currencies are bad.

>> No.6593709

That's just anarchist talk.
You want to bring down your own government?
That's retarded as abolishing currency.
By doing so, it only paves the way for something worse.
You want to control the government, not destroy it.
I can't see your flag atm, but your ethuer a flag burning American or a EU supporter.
Coiners are scum, you might as Well be jewish with no national identity at this point

>> No.6593710

i dont have any BTC, so I don't give a fuck about bitcoin, just saying this has been done several times before.

>> No.6593711
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Brainlet here I fell for the meme

>tfw down $2000

>> No.6593712

ITT: hurr durr, national banks, governments, and regulations are bad, not the people making them.
Imma vote for Clinton, trump is a racist biggot #not my president #we will not be devided #BLM

>> No.6593713

>underlying value
>The material there minted with?
No, that line of reasoning is for high-schoolers.

The true value of a currency is that it eases trade. I don't have to exchange my potatoes for your apples if we have a currency. I can just give you some money, when you can then use to buy something else. The cause of creating money has different historical reasons, but they all exist today because they ease trade between two or more parties.

The underlying value of a fiat currency is the willingness of a group of people to trade it in - they don't want to barter and want to use a financial instrument to ease their transactions - currency.

Currencies that are backed by a product or service ($ backed by oil) are not fiat. People will be forced to trade in that currency irrespective of whether they believe in its value or not.

>> No.6593714
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Post yfw people kill themselves over this

>> No.6593715

>has TRON

you deserve every bad thing that you get.

>> No.6593716

>serious investor
>Wants to buy meme coins.

Saged and hang yourself

>> No.6593717
File: 43 KB, 641x491, judgment2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's another bitcoin goes down and everyone panics before it shoots to new highs episode

>> No.6593718

go to the daily discussion thread on reddit for XRP and BTC; they're gonna start soon.

>> No.6593719

WHo the fuck even buys these discount off brand bitcoins?

>hey man I got 250$ worth of POE coins that i wanna sell. Made a solid profit of 35$ on it hodling for 6 months
>"sorry m8 don't need any poo coins"

Lmao you deserve the hit brainlet bruh

>> No.6593720

>digital currency
>not using energy
>All things use energy,
Moron, I was laughing at what this anon
said. I wasn't thinking of anything different from what you said.

>> No.6593721
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>> No.6593722

It’s just a January dip, hold like a man or sell so I can buy for cheap

>> No.6593723

>Why are you sperging out
um.. I don't think i am lad. i think you may be projecting a little though..

>[oil is] an excellent good to pin your currency to right now.
after peak oil? as reserves are shrinking? as oil becomes politically and economically untenable?
why would you tie your future to a sinking ship? even the chinese, who back-up their currency with fossil fuels, recently put their currency back on the gold-train. they can forsee the obvious collapse that is coming for the oil backed currencies (and dictatorships)

>Britain doesn't have any leverage in the oil trade
are you just an oilfag shill? i almost cba to even reply to your assertions anymore. please don't use an ad flaginem attack on me. we were talking about the INHERENT VALUE of cryptocurrencies in the technological age - they actually offer us a route out of the oil backed fiat system we're currently trapped in - which is collapsin [productivity down, wage stagnation, inflationary cycles, beginning to show a plateau in quality of life growth]

>there will come a time when we have to move away from oil
ok thanks. please don't reply to this post.

>Why don't you just tell us why central banks are bad?
-independent groups control the currency and policy
-under the assumption that they work for the best interests of the populous
this is illusory: central banks as it stands today, serve a small group within the population.
in broad strokes, power corrupts, what once worked won't always work, the world has changed and centralisation tends to a corruption of the institution.
otherwise, there are hundreds of books (or videos for the illiterate americunts) about the topic so i'll save my characters.

>Else you can I would have to haggle
jesus christ, your sentence structure...

>That's retarded as abolishing currency.
I was arguing in favour of (a new form of) currency...
and I share the same flag as you lad
>coiners are scum

>> No.6593724

You can't sage a 100 reply thread poorfag cuck. Kys leaf

>> No.6593725

Haha that's nothing compared to the money I lost in 2008

>> No.6593726

>I can't see your flag atm
He's a bong like you.

>> No.6593727

>before it shoots to new highs

lol that isnt happening any time soon. this is what a bear market looks like.

>> No.6593728

I know people who took mortgage to invest in bitcoin.

Morons like that kinda deserve to fail through.

>> No.6593729

right near ATH too.

>> No.6593730

Die Shitcoin die. It belongs to the chinks now anyway.

>> No.6593731

Fellow bag holder here. You got in way earlier than I did so you'll be fine. Waiting it out for those end of year ETH and LTC gains.

>> No.6593732
File: 181 KB, 858x536, crashcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay calm there is NO crash

>> No.6593733

Look t this r tard ol

>> No.6593734

>thinks bitcoin is secure
Bcash is literately a copy of bitcoin with double the block size. Other than the block size there is no difference.

>> No.6593735

>independent groups control the currency and policy
What if the mint is owned by the crown....
Your starting to stray close to treason, we have a national bank owned by the crown. Not a federal reserve owned by ???.
What do the think would happen if everyone stopped paying there taxes?
Your acting like it would be a good thing. China is on the tipping point because while there people might be getting rich, the government isn't but the energy suppliers are. It's indirectly funding the owners of of the federal reserve/oil barons ECT.

>> No.6593736

>[oil is] an excellent good to pin your currency to right now.
>after peak oil? as reserves are shrinking?
Fracking has released a new method of extracting oil. In addition, there are many undersea reserves that haven't been exploited yet.
>as oil becomes politically and economically untenable?
Why is oil politically untenable? We're doing fine by getting SA and OPEC to sell oil for $$. Also, why is it economically untenable? All economies need oil to function. Are you talking about alternative tech - like solar powered cars and stuff? (don't say Tesla because to generated the electricity needed to power Tesla cars we still use oil). Alternative tech is still a long way away, and yeah, once they become viable, the country that controls the sale of energy systems has the strongest currency. That's why everyone spergs out over energy trade. Because if you control the energy trade, you have the strongest currency - everyone has to sell you stuffy to buy their energy.
>why would you tie your future to a sinking ship?
Because it benefits us right now. Also, like I said, it was the British who first dealt with SA, and SA backstabbed the British and sided with the U.S. Soon, we will fall and a new power will rise. It's how life works.
>even the chinese, who back-up their currency with fossil fuels, recently put their currency back on the gold-train. they can forsee the obvious collapse that is coming for the oil backed currencies (and dictatorships)
Understand one thing. Using gold as a reserve currency doesn't necessarily give a currency strength. What gives a currency strength is the willingness of the people to trade in that currency. If we all reverted to the gold standard, then the country with whom everyone is willing to trade would have the strongest currency. Gold is just used as an intermediary to exchange currencies (50 euros for 1 ounce of gold for $45).
By controlling oil, we force everyone to sell us stuff.

>> No.6593737

you only realize the loss when you sell.

I'd just wait this out in all honesty even if I didn't get in early. This seems to happen every January.

Assuming you didn't buy shitcoins like Ripple or Tron the tech and team behind whatever you invested in is still sound. This is all quite early.

keep an eye on shipchain, it's another one that will have a good real world application and is headed by people who have real world experience in shipping+logistics.

>> No.6593738

It would be ironic if he voted for briexit.
Isolating your country only to start banging the nails in the coffin with crypto currency

>> No.6593739
File: 76 KB, 409x451, 14936537464290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frog from /pol/'s street

>> No.6593740


>> No.6593741

Agreed. Haven't sold a thing during this current panic. Only holding ETH, LTC, and CanYa. Thinking about buying in to XLM and LINK during the current dip. Will look in to Shipchain. May good gains come your way /biz/bro

>> No.6593742

>>Britain doesn't have any leverage in the oil trade
>are you just an oilfag shill?
No. I'm stating facts. No one buys oil by paying pounds. Sure, they may sell stuff in the U.K. to get pounds, but the pounds have to be exchanged for $$ - which means Britian has to sell something to the U.S.
>please don't use an ad flaginem attack on me.
Ok, I will stay away from calling you a bong.
>we were talking about the INHERENT VALUE of cryptocurrencies in the technological age
They have none other than people willing to trade in them and the government being unable to regulate bitcoin transactions. This makes bitcoin superior to say Kazakhstani tenge and weaker than the $.
> they actually offer us a route out of the oil backed fiat system we're currently trapped in
True. I agree with you. But who's going to control bitcoin in the long run? You? Or the government? Or some other power? If it's not you, then bitcoin will reduce to being another currency that you see today. It's only value is that it's not regulated by the government. If the government regulates it - which will certainly happen in the long run if it goes mainstream because people will need to settle financial lawsuits - then bitcoin has no more value than any other fiat currency.
>which is collapsin [productivity down, wage stagnation, inflationary cycles, beginning to show a plateau in quality of life growth]
It's fine in America. You should emigrate to America.
>ok thanks. please don't reply to this post.
Sorry, i didn't read this till I had finished typing the rest.

>> No.6593743

How low do you think it will drop before leveling out.

>> No.6593744

I'm in ETH, LTC, FUN, XEM, and BAT. Got in relatively early on all of them; I'm still well in the black even today.

Will go hard into SHIP when available. Good luck to you as well.

>> No.6593745

>>Why don't you just tell us why central banks are bad?
>-independent groups control the currency and policy....
Yes. But you're assuming that in the long run bitcoin won't be regulated or controlled by the government - which it will be if lawsuits are to be settled.
>jesus christ, your sentence structure...
I have dyslexia you faggot.

>> No.6593746

That. East Asia New Year is coming. Together with govs and financial institutions watching it critically.
Could go to 7k levels. but will be up in spring, next dip in summer. So what?

>> No.6593747
File: 138 KB, 460x493, 1516203583971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking called this.

>> No.6593748

That's the million dollar question. Bought more three days ago hoping it was done but the floor is still falling out.

>> No.6593749

Moron that's me you're quoting asshole.

>> No.6593750



Who here /BitConnect/?

>> No.6593751

>Bcash is literately a copy of bitcoin with double the block size.
Is block size the number of transactions you can bundle together in the ledger? I never understood the value of this process to the point where ledgers were given bitcoins in return for verifying transactions.

>> No.6593752

>Isolating your country only to start banging the nails in the coffin with crypto currency

>> No.6593753

I'm going to load up on LINK today or tomorrow. The only other I'm waiting for is TON. Not TRON.

>> No.6593754

And there's my big issue with crypto - how much liquidity do the exchanges actually have? I'm kinda surprised that none have gone bust in the recent crash.

>> No.6593755

>I fucking called this.
More info please. So all underworld is after those who own bitcoins so that they can secure their illegal trade? Is that what this translates to?

>> No.6593756

Bitcoin has been around for 10 years and blockchain has yet to revolutionize the market.

>> No.6593757

wait what? why would they hunt people?

>> No.6593758

>Moron that's me you're quoting asshole.
Oh my bad. Sorry for sperging out on you anon.

>> No.6593759
File: 119 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180117-154807_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's returning to where it should be now-ish, keep your eyes on it.

>> No.6593760

I use Bittrex, seems to be holding up fine.

I keep my coins on a hardware wallet tho.

>> No.6593761

Futures Contracts on BTC ends today. They trying to bring it as low as they can. Probably coordinated FUD from them via MSM, Korea, China.

The biggest bull run in crypto is ahead of us.

>> No.6593762

A block is what they mine for bitcoins... I think.
And people getting bits for approving transaction is like VAT

>> No.6593763

>Buy shit with it
Good luck finding a place that takes your monopoly money
>meet somebody in person and do a secure transfer for a brief case full of cash or gold.
Good luck not getting robbed - people have literally been kidnapped over buttcoins.

>> No.6593764

Good luck to you
I have 17000 eth, 10000 ltc, and 116 million xem

>> No.6593765

took the interwebz about 25 years to start seeing widespread commercial and personal use.

its good to keep a long time horizon in mind when dealing with new potentially revolutionary tech.

this is one thing I'm glad I'm old for; I have patience. if I was still a kid I'd probably be freaking out now too.

>> No.6593766

>wait what? why would they hunt people?
BitConnect was a different thing that made a lot of big promises. It popped up, took a bunch of peoples' money, and basically died. So the reason they'd put a bounty on those people is because they got in bed with the wrong individuals or directly tried to fuck over the wrong individuals.

Don't fuck with crime syndicates.

>> No.6593767

To go bust, you would have to go into the negatives. Since there is no central reserve, it can't "go bust" it just dies. It flat lines with a do not resuscitate sign pinned to it.

>> No.6593768

>Your starting to stray close to treason
is this a threat?
you might as well learn to spell before making such accusations.

> if everyone stopped paying there taxes
again, learn to spell. but yes an interesting thought experiment. it is off topic though.

>Fracking has released a new method of extracting oil
fracking is genuinely a scheme.
-shill for new magic shale oil
-usa has tonnes of it!
-subsume the power of Middle East oil
----you are here
-realise fracking erodes the ground from under your feet
-population gets harmed by extraction
-the predictions are off for how much oil is available
-it is not a golden bullet and the market loses faith
-us $ and oil market go through a series of shocks and collapses until oil is viable enough to sell of the dregs to a dying petrochemical industry while the rest of the world transfer to new energy and currency technology.
peak oil is real lad.

> to generated the electricity needed to power Tesla cars we still use oil
aside from your grammar, your info is off too. musk proposes systemic solutions not just commercial products. much in the same way i argue in favour of cryptocurrencies - over the old way of oil-backed-fiat.
you are an oil-fag, at least you hold true to your flag.

>Soon, we will fall and a new power will rise
you understand it here, but why not in energy or currency?

>Using gold as a reserve currency doesn't necessarily give a currency strength
I agree. I didn't say it inherently does. But the fact that china is reverting (successfully) to gold-backed currency, whilst it is a physical impossibility for the USA to do so, makes them much stronger.

I don't understand quite why you're shilling for oil here though, so I'll stop replying to you
unless it's on the topic of crypto-carbon

jej, i did vote brexit. what whaat

>> No.6593769

Pepecoin when?

>> No.6593770

This is what I thought, but checkout libertyx, they have a network of shops where you can buy and sell in cash. Pawn shop close to me will pay 90% cash value for any crypto, also check out btc ATMs, these are instant btw.

>> No.6593771

not an expert, but I always assumed that bitcoin survives/strives compared to other cryptos because it is so widly used in the black marcket. But if that's the case, dosen't that give bitcoin some kind of backing that other cryptos don't have?

>> No.6593772
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>> No.6593773

rip those that bought bitcoin. i mined all 104,000 of mine back in 09.

>> No.6593774

Kekcoin already exists.

>> No.6593775

Just like all currencies it's going to blaance itself out with the market eventually, once people start actually using them, especially.

invest in other cryptocurrencies, bitcoins gonna die by summer time. Guaranteed.

>> No.6593776


>> No.6593777

>A block is what they mine for bitcoins... I think.
And mining is people solving a crypto problem that helps makes transactions more secure or something like that, right? Or am I totally off here?

>> No.6593778

>serious investor
>asking /pol/ for investment advice

>> No.6593779

you can only buy six pack

>> No.6593780

If everyone is panicking it should be a big signal for people with money to invest. Be greedy when everyone is cautious and be cautious when everyone is greedy.

>> No.6593781
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Sucks for that guy

>> No.6593782

amidst the shills, autism, faggotry, trap porn, and insanity there are some really brilliant anons here.

Why not ask this board for investment advice?

>> No.6593783

>i did vote brexit
The irony. It's like watching a chav call an Indian, a paki.

>> No.6593784
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>> No.6593785
File: 83 KB, 800x600, be patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you buy its a long hold.This.
A 20-30% drop is not a crash, it's a dip, that's how it works .A 90% drop however, yeah it's a fucking crash. Regardless of crash of dip, if you have weak hands, you lose in this game.

>> No.6593786

>But who's going to control bitcoin in the long run? You? Or the government? Or some other power?

why do fucking idiots insist on bending over and opening their anus for someone to buttfuck them?
what's wrong with doing something for yourself? asserting your freedom, rather than crouching on a conveyor betl waiting for your shit to get pushed in by the next tv cult personality.

>you're assuming that in the long run bitcoin won't be regulated or controlled by the government
never made that assumtion
however, i do support the notion that cryptographic technologies can help humans defend themselves against tyrannical systems. and you cannot refute that point. thence, there's a value in cryptographic currencies, contracts etc. as long as there is enough of an awareness for them to be used properly.

>I have dyslexia you faggot.
this is not an excuse really. i know very smart people with dyslexia, but i won't attack your person.

i like you

explain lad.
as i see it
>against authoritarian systems, hierarchical structures and decrepid institutions
>therefore against [[central banks]], ((EU)) etc.
what's wrong with this phoneposter?

>> No.6593787

Look at the history of bitcoin.

You know what the average price of bitcoin has been for the majority of its lifespan? About $300. Not $10,000. Not $1,000. $300.

If you get in on bitcoin now, you'd still be buying high. Wait until the price returns to normal, or even when it dips below normal. Then buy.

Quit listening to faggots who tell you bitcoin is a winning lottery ticket.

>> No.6593788

governments are going to start regulating crypto....people have been saying this for a long time. this initial phase is just to get people used to the idea of crypto, and eventually governments will ban unregulated cryptocurrencies (they are too easy to use for money laundering etc) in favour of government-regulated alternatives. this is already starting to happen with some nations announcing a ban on crypto

>> No.6593789
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>not understanding the value of rare counts

>> No.6593790

Well the Khazarian's have to force the money back into the stock market before they crash it.

>> No.6593791

Mining is *solving* a problem, but the problem is a lie. There isnt a problem to solve. So your just using energy to produce a Bitcoin, the energy consumed *solving* this red herring is what gives the coin it's base value (like the base value of a penny is the metal it is minted on) since this is digital, the base value is speculation. Speculation (rather than demand for metal that has been minted) and interest in the product has pushed it's value up.

>> No.6593792

Spot the commie

>> No.6593793

Can I unironically get a quick rundown on what the fuck Bitconnect even is

>> No.6593794

I heard it was going up to 15k

>> No.6593795

>fracking is genuinely a scheme.
>-shill for new magic shale oil
>-usa has tonnes of it!
>-subsume the power of Middle East oil
>----you are here
>-realise fracking erodes the ground from under your feet
>-population gets harmed by extraction
>-U.S. innovation discovers a solution
>-Market goes crazy
>-Dow over 1 billion billion
>-Wew lad, when will America stop winning?
The point here is that you're speculating. It can go either way. But either way, Bitcoin is not going to survive forever without government intervention. If it is go mainstream, then the government will intervene to create laws to settle lawsuits.
>aside from your grammar
Aside from alluding to my lack of grammar, you haven't said anything of reasonable value.
>musk proposes systemic solutions not just commercial products
No matter what solution is implemented, the country that controls the energy trade will have the strongest currency. If bitcoin becomes the currency of choice for energy trade, the government will regulate it.
>you are an oil-fag, at least you hold true to your flag.
I'm not an oil-fag. I just understand what's going on. I also know that we're not going be on top forever.

>> No.6593796

2 Outcomes

Crypto forever remains a meme and most people dont care

Crypto becomes serious, then the banks will move to control it
Doesnt take much
If they got the EU or US to turn around and declare all Crypto illegal because they claim its used for money laundering and illegal goods, normies will bail and value will drop to near nothing
Then they can release GovCoin, the official supported crypto which is 'secure'

>> No.6593797

Just like Bitcoin. But the creater took the money and did a runner. Lots of pissed of investors.
Cryptocurrncy is used my criminal gangs a lot.

>> No.6593798

If it's not backed up by anything it's going to crash sooner or later. It did.

>> No.6593799

yes but why were people shouting about how awesome Bitconnect is so much

were they all paid shills?

>> No.6593800

>Soon, we will fall and a new power will rise
>you understand it here, but why not in energy or currency?
What are you talking about? I never said that we'll stay on top forever. Just that we're on top now because we control the oil trade, and this control gives $ its value. Bitcoin has nothing more to offer other than the government being unable to regulate it.
> But the fact that china is reverting (successfully) to gold-backed currency, whilst it is a physical impossibility for the USA to do so, makes them much stronger.
Fort Knox has majority of the gold reserves of Europe. European countries gave us their gold just before the Bretton Woods agreement. If the world shifts to the gold standard, we'll still be on top.
>I don't understand quite why you're shilling for oil here though,
I'm not shilling for oil. But I am saying Bitcoin is nothing special.
>so I'll stop replying to you
Man, that breaks my heart. Better go do something useful with my life now that someone on the interwebs doesn't want to reply to me.
>unless it's on the topic of crypto-carbon
I don't know why you think currencies have value without looking into the underlying economics of the system where they are used. It's a shallow analysis on your end.

>> No.6593801

Why try and control when you can destroy it? When the rich become poor, the remaining rich are richer.
We no central reserve all they need to do is cause a crypto recession and then it will die.

>> No.6593802

>But if that's the case, dosen't that give bitcoin some kind of backing that other cryptos don't have?
Yeah. That's all the value of bitcoin. Use it to trade on the black market.

>> No.6593803

Its not Political, its simply become more profitable to mine different coins. There was to many people mining Bitcoin so only the Chines Coin Farms could actually turn a profit, every independent miner switched and now so are the Chines.

Id recommend waiting it will drop back down to sub $1k most likely.

>> No.6593804

They were people who had already invested in it, and were trying to get other to invest into it there for increasing there profits.

>> No.6593805


>> No.6593806

spot the idiot.
you voted remain. why?

>Mining is *solving* a problem, but the problem is a lie.
no it's not its called a proof . your ignorance knows no bounds.

>Bitcoin is not going to survive forever without government intervention
i agree
however. we diverge - as you believe the "government" is powerful enough to regulate a grassroots technological wave. I do not. i believe the technology will subsume the structures which helped foster it. this is how evolution works. cryptographic technologies are designed to be uncrackable, this benefits the private citizen. your pipe dream of the US government launching an oil-backed-cryptocoin will never happen because the nature of crypto's kills the centralisation aspact that your mind is stuck in.

>the country that controls the energy trade will
can't you see the world is moving away from this model. I mean you are american you you are mentally disabled by mental programming but tell me; do you really think we'll revert to a unipolar hegemonic dictator model?

> Bitcoin has nothing more to offer other than the government being unable to regulate it.
lad we've been through this. open your ears [eyes]

>Fort Knox has majority of the gold reserves of Europe
ahaha, i'd love to see proof of this. that would crash the gold market lel. everyone knows the USA (and UK) have no gold.

you didn't look up crypto-carbon did you.
it's a carbon-offset program, much like carbon credits. i'm not for it, but for someone who rims the fracking industry it should be required reading.

>> No.6593807
File: 8 KB, 189x266, 1215664367254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a serious investor I need a redpill on whether this crash is politically motivated and whether it'd be a smart move to make a move on getting in now?
you'd be crazy to invest. (((they're))) crashing this train with no survivors.

>> No.6593808
File: 67 KB, 720x482, stages_bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna drop to 2-3k and stay there awhile

>> No.6593809

>what's wrong with doing something for yourself?
Nothing. All I'm saying is that if you believe Bitcoin will be independent of Government influence when if and when it goes mainstream, you're mistaken. It will be regulated and Bitcoin will no longer have more value than any other fiat currency unless there's something of importance that is exclusively traded in bitcoin - like oil for $.
unless it's on the topic of crypto-carbon
>you're assuming that in the long run bitcoin won't be regulated or controlled by the government
>never made that assumtion
Then bitcoin has no value other than its use in the black market.
>however, i do support the notion that cryptographic technologies can help humans defend themselves against tyrannical systems. and you cannot refute that point.
How? For this to occur you need people to trade in the crypto currency and for the government to be tyrannical. If the government is tyrannical, why use bitcoin? Why not use paper? Are you saying that the bitcoin network is invincible and impervious to attack from a tyrannical government?
>thence, there's a value in cryptographic currencies, contracts etc. as long as there is enough of an awareness for them to be used properly.
I agree with you on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies having some value. But they aren't special enough to be invested in.
>I have dyslexia you faggot.
>this is not an excuse really.
It is.
>i know very smart people with dyslexia
Thanks, I knew you thought I was smart. But I'm not that smart.

>> No.6593810

Lots of big investment firms have gotten in on it, which is why it rallied up to 20k in the first place. This caused long term holders to cash out some of the profits, leaving investment firms and banks the perfect opportunity to say its worth 0 only two months after announcing getting in cause more people to panic sell.
Now we will continue to see a plummet in price while those that have everything in it try and get whatever they can out in a panic and the big hitters sit the sidelines waiting to see how low the dip goes.
Normies cant run a business for they same reasons they can't invest without a fund manager, they are retarded, emotional creatures that will make irrational decisions with minimal influence.
It will be 100k or close by the end of this year because of these investment firms. Watch the alt-coins, too, because we're about to go on a wild ride.

>> No.6593811


>> No.6593812

These next few weeks will be the best time to buy. I sold all of my Bitcoin at 15k, now I'm buying some back. I profited almost 9 thousand dollars, so I'm going to just re invest 3k and see what happens.

>> No.6593813


>> No.6593814

>he energy consumed *solving* this red herring is what gives the coin it's base value (like the base value of a penny is the metal it is minted on) since this is digital, the base value is speculation. Speculation (rather than demand for metal that has been minted) and interest in the product has pushed it's value up.
That's what I felt as well.

>> No.6593815

If it exists, there is a cryptocurrency of it. No exceptions.

>> No.6593816

>spot the idiot.
>you voted remain. why?
I doubt an anarchist would understand the irony

>>Mining is *solving* a problem, but the problem is a lie.
>no it's not its called a proof . your ignorance knows no bounds.
Care to educate us on "proof" seeing as you know so much? A block chain doesn't require *proof*

>> No.6593817

>But energy consumption will out value at some point. Then it will die?
No, when that happens, the number of people who are mining will decrease (thus decreasing the energy consumption required to mine a single bitcoin)

>> No.6593818

I lost 50% of spare change. guess i will use the remaing to buy weed

>> No.6593819

I wish they'd forward me their wallets.

>> No.6593820
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It won't go below $7k. But once lightning network is utilized, expect 70-90 by this time next year

>> No.6593821

ETH seems to have a floor of ~800.

>> No.6593822

>close to 100k
Yeah in 80 years due to inflation it will be worth that much.
There is zero market for it in the real world.
Why would anyone want a device that list every single owner ever? Why would I want to be involved in something that would knowingly link me to child sex slave trade for the rest of my life?

You coin fags are retarded.

>> No.6593823

he can sage wtf he feels like you kike larper, enjoy my sage and report.

>> No.6593824

>bitcoin has no value other than its use in the black market
thinking that:
>the black market exists outside of the global market
is a false dichotomy you are creating.
bitcoin and crypto all take place in the global economy, the "black market" you deride is just one aspect ofthe global market. to think that one is separate and firewalled from another is obscenely illogical.

>Are you saying that the bitcoin network is invincible and impervious to attack from a tyrannical government?
no but i am saying cryptography can help one defend from the trend toward unwarranted expressions of power by governments.
invincible is too far, but you seem to be attributing way too much power to your (and the nature of) government.

>I agree with you on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies having some value.
thank you

> But they aren't special enough to be invested in.
I don't give a shit what you think as regards this.

>I'm not that smart
as has become patently obvious

why did you vote remain?

*proof of work, i was going to insert this link

>A block chain doesn't require *proof*
a block chain

>> No.6593825
File: 32 KB, 552x515, 1501762213218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can kinda see why you came to /pol/.
/biz/ right now is a shitshow with everyone shilling some no-name coin.
If I were you, go for a cheap coin that other businesses are working with (Ripple in my opinion). Maybe ETH because I hear the "technology" is better (IDK what that really means tho).

IMHO tho, just invest in land, metals or oil companies now that oil is rising again.

>> No.6593826

>throwing away "spare" 11k on memecoin and not investing it into commodities.

This is why everyone knows you're a larper OP.

>> No.6593827

>Bloody SELL...the (((central bankers))) are coming
i GTFO well in advance with a nice profit. pulled out of everything 2 days ago. all markets are going to be fucked for a while.

Also, they found that one person manipulated the BTC price from like $150 to +$1000 -- the crypto markets will feel this for quite some time.

>> No.6593828

Lol right this aint shit to us oldfags.

>> No.6593829

>however. we diverge - as you believe the "government" is powerful enough to regulate a grassroots technological wave. I do not. i believe the technology will subsume the structures which helped foster it.
To each his own. I won't disagree with you on this.
>this is how evolution works.
No, evolution is survival of the fittest. If you're going to bring evolution into the digital realm, then the tech that is the most efficient, survives. Bitcoin is not as efficient as paper money.
>cryptographic technologies are designed to be uncrackable
Nothing is uncrackable. It only takes a long time or it requires a large amount of resources to crack bitcoin.
>your pipe dream of the US government launching an oil-backed-cryptocoin will never happen because the nature of crypto's kills the centralisation aspact that your mind is stuck in.
I don't think the U.S. government will launch an oil-backed cryptocoin. I don't know why you think that I do.
>can't you see the world is moving away from this model.
The world has had a hegemon since the Roman empire. Roman Empire, Catholic Church, Holy Roman Empire, Imperial empires of Britain, Spain, and Porgual, America.
History has shown that an interconnected world needs a hegemon.
>I mean you are american you you are mentally disabled by mental programming but tell me;
I don't think America will be a hegemon forever. We will fall, but someone will surely take our place. It might be another country (highly unlikely) or the Deep State - modern equivalent of the church.
>do you really think we'll revert to a unipolar hegemonic dictator model?
The world has followed this model for a long time. It works. It's not going to go away anytime soon.

>> No.6593830

Chinese control ~80% of btc transactions via their mining operations, and they just starting shutting these mines down in China.

BTC is officially dead, if you aren't a complete fool get out while you still have something.

>> No.6593831

Average private investor isn't going to do well in the commodities market.

>> No.6593832

>As a serious investor I need help investing

>> No.6593833


>Maybe ETH because I hear the "technology" is better (IDK what that really means tho).

the true problem with crypto

>No, evolution is survival of the fittest.
evolution is survival of whatever works at that time.
and at this time crypto-currency is working.

>the tech that is the most efficient, survives
oh so now it's survival of the most efficient? well nothing is as efficient as barter, requiring no middle-men?

>Nothing is uncrackable
show me your quantum computer plox

>History has shown that an interconnected world needs a hegemon
history has shown us lots of things. but i don't believe that "history" supports this assertion. a hegemon must go out of their way to assert power and influence - you are way too imbued with your nation's propaganda to understand this.

>> No.6593834

Well if he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, then yeah he's not going to do well. If you do some basic fucking research though then he might have a good chance at making some dough.

>> No.6593835

11k Isn't serious money.

>> No.6593836

>> Bitcoin has nothing more to offer other than the government being unable to regulate it.
>lad we've been through this. open your ears [eyes]
All you've said is bitcoin helps the common citizen and is uncrackable. The common citizen prefers the $ because he/she can buy a wider variety of stuff with the $ and the government can compromise bitcoin if it puts it mind to it . You have said nothing to convince me otherwise.
>Fort Knox has majority of the gold reserves of Europe
>ahaha, i'd love to see proof of this. that would crash the gold market lel. everyone knows the USA (and UK) have no gold.
Let's assume that the U.S. and U.K. have no gold like you say. China backs the Yuan with gold. But for that instrument to have value, non-Chinese traders need to trade with the Chinese (they sell the Chinese stuff to get Yuan with which they can buy other stuff). What do the Chinese need when they have everything? They manufacture most of the world's goods in a large number sectors.

See the problem? For the Yuan to be strong, the Chinese will have to compromise their own markets so as to create a demand that can then be utilized by non-Chinese traders to sell stuff.

If the Chinese don't compromise their markets, there is not demand for foreign goods in China - no one wants to trade with China - and no one cares about the Yuan.

That is why everyone tries to control trade of tangible goods. All countries maneuver to gain control of resources, not currencies. Currencies are the instruments used to trade resources.
>you didn't look up crypto-carbon did you.
Guilty as charged.
>it's a carbon-offset program, much like carbon credits.
Carbon credits will also fail. You keep making the same mistake in all your arguments. You don't account for the countries who deal in the instrument and what the instrument is backed by. Europe is the primary owner of most carbon credits today. So what? What are people going to exchange carbon credits for?

>> No.6593837


It will definitely be smart to buy in but wait for a confirmed bottom.

>> No.6593838

I voted leave but I don't want to destroy the government only for it to be replaced by another government.
But proof is everyones ledge, mining is not proof since there are a finite amount of bit coins to mine, what will act as "proof" when all the coins have been mined/minted... there 2 seperate things

>> No.6594380

untill the meme is oversaturated and dies
remember dat boiii.......oshit here comes dat boi

>> No.6594897

>realise fracking erodes the ground from under your feet

hahahahahah wew lad as a petroleum engineer i am laffin