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659084 No.659084 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any good tips on the bare essentials for somebody wanting to start investing? I am still learning about the basics.

I'm 22 and I have about 10k and no debt and I'm looking at ways to make more money without getting another full-time job. Thanks. (girl unrelated)

>> No.659089

bump, also relevant to my interests

>> No.659097


Your 20's

1. 6 months to 1 year emergency fund in liquid cash (savings account)
2. invest excess into index funds
3. Get fit. Go to the gym monday -> frirday
4. Fuck a lot of women
5. Entrepreneur type? Get your side gig going mid 20's.
6. You win. Like me.

>> No.659105

Also if you're planning on staying in your area try to find a duplex.at a price where renting out half will pay your mortgage.

Cuts out your biggest expense (rent) and now someone else is building equity for you even if the property doesnt cashflow

>> No.659150

Adopt bitcoin

>> No.659158

That would just increase his costs.

Browse around www.investopedia.com

>> No.659162

learn about actual economics
there is literally nothing else you should do other than to learn how economies actually work

>> No.659177

i'll help you out anon because i like her tits. solid body.

you want to learn how to invest, you have to read a few books, take a few courses and have some money to play with.

you need to learn economics (micro and macro) and understand how government policy changes and existing regulation will affect you.

you need to pick one or two industries to study and learn extensively about it. you can't process the entire market; it's just not possible to process that much information. you'll be trading in those industries.

you need to have a broker or have access to an online one. questtrade, TD, etc. pick one that you want but i recommend something with low commissions right off the bat, not one which has like $0 trades after you shill out 5000.

research the industry. research a whole bunch of companies. pick a company. don't diversify; pick two or three companies in the industry and hold their positions. if you try to buy out the whole industry, you won't be able to make anything on the amazing ups and you will get flattened by mediocrity. if you're a faggot who wants to buy the whole industry, buy a ETF instead. wait for a good timing. set a goal or sell point. buy and hold and sell to lock in profit.

good luck anon, 10k is the perfect amount of money to start investing.

>> No.659560

Hey man, you seem cool as fuck.

18 year old here, getting really fit at the moment, so I have that part checked off.

My question is, what types of Index funds? Im noob as fuck when it comes to IF so I am clueless thanks bro

>> No.659582


Read a book.

>> No.659609
File: 61 KB, 500x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By side gig I assume you mean start a business without quitting your current full time job, yes? If so you are mein neger fur life.

However the fucking a lot of women part - I've been with this beautiful qt3.14 asian gf for a few years now, has an ass like Naomi Russell, and is a CPA, and family are millionaires so I will stay with her, but your path of choice in terms of women is also respectable and I respect the fuck out of you

>> No.659612
File: 50 KB, 589x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I like her tits

Do you also like that unicorn in the pic? What other things that are nonexistent in that pic do you like?

>> No.659616

I just finished reading "the intelligent investor" and "economics in one lesson"
First one is good for fundamental investing. Second one is great for learning economics and now government policies effect every day life.

>> No.660735

put 9k in a high dividend etf
use 1k to fuck around with buying stocks
the best way to learn is to do
don't short or buy on margin

>> No.660747

If you're going for index funds because of the risk reduction through spreading, make sure it's a true index fund and not a synthetic index fund!