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File: 139 KB, 1229x632, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583069 No.6583069 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I only seeing this just now...




>> No.6583096


LARP. Anyone who been in crypto 1+ years saw this coming.

>> No.6583113

Old news

>> No.6583139

that call tho

>> No.6583169

U deserve to lose it all if u didn't see this crash coming

>> No.6583210

What exactly does he mean with 12500% profit?
Is he talking about bitcoin going down to 1k and then back up or what the fuck?

Someone explain pls

>> No.6583211

>12500% return

Like anyone would've listened and no chance in hell its going 1k

>> No.6583245

He suggested x10 leverage on short, fucking insane. I'm telling you, no one did it. It's too fucking crazy

>> No.6583279

They'd probably already be up 1000% or someshit though lol

>> No.6583334

>down to at least $1,000

Yeah, nah...

>> No.6583379

not really. literally anyone could tell you it was happening.

also, 1k not possible.

>> No.6583382

>Be sure to keep any eye on this account and my twitter going forward, I do know of further manipulation and may decide to release information on it once I have my position.


>> No.6583414

that btg shit... it checks out

>> No.6583433

I cant see how bitcoin is gonna go down to 1k again, makes no fucking sense

>> No.6583440

Definitely not impossible when one faggot owns most of it

>> No.6583462


It doesn't check out - BTG was hyping some announcement they mentioned, which would be released later that day. Naturally people buy the rumor and sell the news, it was the most obvious prediction in the universe.

This guy, like John McAfee, knows people are stupid and believe anything they read.

>> No.6583478

the miners and early adopters own it all

it's possible

unlikely but possible

>> No.6583518

What a coincidence right, right lol

>> No.6583539

What about his first two shorting call?

>> No.6583564

He predicted the squeeze, the btg pump and the btc dump. Chances of him just guessing it are 0.001%

>> No.6583580

but that has to be a massive selloff
I guess some people have to cash out now
driving the price down at the moment
but all or most of the early/miners...
if that happens than yes it may go down to 1k
people would instantly start to buy bitcoin again
driving the price back up

well maybe he has a point but I just cant see why people would do it at the current price, bitcoin can easily go to 50k

>> No.6583590


If you look into it, he knows something!

>> No.6583620

Do you know how much the fees would be at 50k, it wasn't even ready for 20k

>> No.6583647

My wife's dad's sister in law works for a bank, she says bitcron will go to zero because its used to buy drugs and once the governments hack the bitcoin connection they will use it to spy on everyone. Her bosses told her this today. I'm literally shaking

>> No.6583682

who even is the guy?

>> No.6583688

He got within 1% three times. I'm following him on twitter and will go all in on his next call. Lol.

>> No.6583718

Dr Pajeet Kumur

>> No.6583735

so much knowledge in here
makes sense you got scared of that lol

>> No.6583739

lol. so we learn that bank bosses lie to their employees and the employees are stupid.


>hack a bitcoin to spy on everyone
and not
>hack a mobile phone to spy on everyone

>> No.6583760


>> No.6583778

McAffe is the man

Not this "bigdogg"
Fucking LOL

>> No.6583797
File: 84 KB, 518x518, 1516069376604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That arm should grow back within the next day.

>> No.6583804

why would u even reply to that shit

>> No.6583834

true if big

>> No.6583864

he says it not going to 1,000 for months. no need for all this fud

>> No.6583885

I'm out. Just sold $300 worth.

>> No.6583923

Thanks just followed this lad

>> No.6583931

Try messaging the Dogg

>> No.6583973

I hate to admit it but this is fucking convincing.

>> No.6583983

>Called a high leverage short 3x within 1%
>Called a BTG pump
>Called the day of the BTC dump

>> No.6584024

Charts don't lie

>> No.6584092

It's more like making multiple calls and highlighting the correct ones. It's an extremely similar process to why people fall for fortune tellers or mediums.

>> No.6584096
File: 2 KB, 125x83, delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.6584117

who is it?

>> No.6584123

There hasn't been one wrong

>> No.6584128

I think he's probably right, but t's too risky to set up a short now, has to hit at least 12k again.

>> No.6584162

Some person om trading view. Has a two month old trading view account and one month old twitter.

>> No.6584228

name of person though?

>> No.6584255

The new accounts scare me. Either he's been trying this shit over and over again on different accounts or he waited for this moment...

>> No.6584260

How can I short in EU anons?

>> No.6584275


it's posted on his tradingview

>> No.6584280

"BigDogg" lol

>> No.6584318

What /biz/ thinks caused the dip
>some sort of elborate Wallstreet conspiracy relating to shorts
What actually caused the dip
>Bitconnect schemers funneling 2 billion dollars worth of BTC into FIAT

The guy in OP probably knew about the Bitconnect dump.

>> No.6584351

>trusting redditaffe

>> No.6584359

imagine shorting bitconnnneeeett

>> No.6584399

McAffe is a selfish pumping prick this Dogg is for the people!

>> No.6584418

thanks man

>> No.6584449

Where to short btc with leverage? asking for a friend

>> No.6584491


>> No.6584495

Bitmex or Bitfinex
I wouldn't do it now tho

>> No.6584527

Don't ull get liquidation and lose it all

>> No.6584559

Now is not the time, it can easily bounce back to 12-13k

>> No.6584594

Ha. Classic bait and switch

He’s loading the fuck up soon to take your idiot pizza slinging cucks short positions.

“Share”=“do opposite”

>> No.6584595

I shorted not long ago but with low leverage to be safe

>> No.6584634
File: 14 KB, 478x523, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a btc miner will dump bitcoin to 1k

>> No.6584664


>> No.6584665

Judging by this guy's single tweet before his call he is bullish on bitcoin cash and he is either Kim dotcom or in the same circle cuz Kim said he received a 1 billion dollar gift yesterday which had to be this info

>> No.6584683

also thank you too

>> No.6584723

I haven't seen this in my fb groups yet. Just wait til the normies get a load of this. They're gonna freak! Hahahahha

>> No.6584839

You think this guy is Kim Dotcom lol?

>> No.6584855

It makes sense if you'd bother thinking about it for more than one second

>Sell BTC stash at 15k - 20k range
>Use your massive profits to set up huge shorts.
>Conspire with buddies to crash the price
>You have now multiplied your already huge profits x100.

The reality is, crashing the price will net them a much quicker return than trying to push it to 100k, which may well be impossible.

>> No.6584862

Can you please explain? What billion dollar gift?

>> No.6584880

He is in a pump group, he has no inside information and is trying to manipulate the market. It just means he's stocking up and bitcoin will go up

>> No.6584911

where can I short it?

>> No.6584940

But he's a nobody. He only had a couple hundred views on that til btc really started crashing and that's only cuz someone posted it here that night. This guy knew something

>> No.6584980

LOL, look at that guys posts on another story, he's literally some autistic pajeet BCH bagholder


>> No.6584990

If you've been in crypto long enough, you know that no one knows anything. No one. It's all luck.

>> No.6584995

And they want to replace BTC with BCH and pose it as the true bitcoin (which it is)

Most miners openly support BCH

They had been planning this for a year, they pumped BTC with the money from the forks and sustained the price up with tether margin longs on bitfinex and cashed out into the normies, they will crash BTC to the ground and BCH will rise from its ashes and they will have made incredible profit in the process

>> No.6585053

This Anon is correct.
Rule #1 Oldfagbiztard is always right.
Rule #2 If Oldfagbiztard is ever worng, see Rule # 1.I

>> No.6585115
File: 45 KB, 634x634, 4173917500000578-4608744-image-a-34_1497557562750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did see it, but you looked the other way. There have been plenty of bears on this forum warning you delusional cucks but you know how it goes..

>you didn't want to believe there would be a real correction
>you put yourself in an r/bitcoin like echo chamber that exists throughout the crypto community
>since you've been involved in crypto, it's basically only gone up
>you were not there in 2014 when it crashed from 1000 to 200

Maybe this is a chance for some of you faggots to learn about objectiveness and confirmation bias.

I don't feel much sympathy though, I literally warned you to sell once the crucial support at 12750 was broken. And I was called a pajeet and ignored. Top kek

>> No.6585186

Only normies left in the market now, surely!

>> No.6585189


>> No.6585194

The question is, will it bounce, and how high? I feel like it's just too dangerous to set up a short with any considerable leverage below 10k.

>> No.6585203

Is tether safe though?

>> No.6585277


not his post?

>> No.6585279

>he's Kim Dotcom


>> No.6585368

Will it ever recover?

>> No.6585389

>you were not there in 2014 when it crashed from 1000 to 200

I was.

there was no time for technical analysis on that one, it was just a what comes up must come down sort of thing.

>> No.6585425

i didnt short, I am not on an exchange that allows it. Just cashed out all my holdings, managed to get out at 13750 but I did lose quite a bit.

probs, but i wont be buying in untill there is real bullish confirmation, and trust me, you will know. a 1.5k bounce is not enough

>> No.6585446


>> No.6585464

Charlie Lee called a multi year bear market, I can see it.

>> No.6585469

Is tether safe or should I pull everything out to fiat?

>> No.6585487

just sold everything.

>> No.6585520


>> No.6585541

If you don't have much, go to usdt.

If you're rich af the try and cash out as much as u can.

>> No.6585604


We're heading lower. Not done yet. HOLD boys.

>> No.6585621

red all that shit. im out.

>> No.6585634

you guys think the crash goes to 1000$ for sure?
if yes i think i move everything to tether and buy as much btc as i can in february

>> No.6585674

guys dont worry, there are more ways to get rich. Were all gonna make it, just not with crypto.

It was fun while it lasted, hope you guys made a decent profit

>> No.6585680

thanks OP just sold everything

>> No.6585708

Just cause you're gonna make it doesn't mean we're all gonna make it

>> No.6585715


If we fall below $8500, we will see $1500.

>> No.6585725

What's next

>> No.6585747
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1510305090600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chink miners have the largest BTC reserves after satoshi brainlet

>> No.6585759

so should i wait if we fall below 8.5k or should i move everything into USDT now?
man im so unsure

>> No.6585768




>> No.6585796

No fucking way it goes to 1000, I could see 7k to mid 6k

>> No.6585891

>you were not there in 2014 when it crashed from 1000 to 200
I was here during that. Thats why Im not stupid enough to think a crash like that will happen again.

>almost 1 million stolen
>mtgox obliterated
>virtually no other high volume exchanges at the time existed

>> No.6585898
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I think 6-7k is the lowest. If it goes to 1k its over because it wont be profitable to mine anymore and BCH will become bitcoin.

Its a possibilty, a lot of rich chinks are banking on this to happen actually and they may have to power to make it happen

>> No.6585912

Hahhahahah hahahahahhahaha why does everyone think 1k is impossible???

If you got in crypto earlier than 2017 than you know just how possible it is!

>> No.6585914
File: 78 KB, 736x507, 1512969832734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now it settles around $8000. But in the long run, this guy is right, we are going to these levels, it might take long and we'll stay there for months. Funny. You lot enjoy 300% bull runs but can't fathom the same moves in the opposite direction.

>> No.6585992

Why does nobody is scared of ALTS once btc hits 1000? like seriously everything will be mega worthless, thats the deal here people should change everything to ETH or BTC and cash the fuck out still they can

>> No.6586015

im not claiming it will crash like that, just that this is a significant correction/or crash.
Not down90%, but maybe 50-60%. We will see

imma make it outside of crypto, i only made 30k in this, i still have 40k debt...

no idea, im on the sidelines untill there is confirmation. There is money to be made if you have the balls to buy the panic dips and sell the bounces..

I am considering a BCH flippenining scenario as a possibility if things get bad enough (undder 7k btc is no longer profitable)

>> No.6586076

a currency without any set value and is completely free from the government. The only use of this coin is to make a cheap and fast gain. Sad!

>> No.6586105

Down to 1k it goes!

>> No.6586123

>/biz/ falls for the oldest con of unregulated financial markets
step 1: create 2^X accounts
step 2: make opposite trades evening out so you gain/lose nothing regardless of what happens
step 3: cull out all the loser accounts, keep the winner accounts
step 4: repeat over and over until you have one winner account left
step 5: your winner account now has a consecutive winning streak of X, which you can use to claim authority
step 6: get suckers to buy or sell when you want to sell or buy

>> No.6586131
File: 209 KB, 1000x750, 1513525023301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right anon I remember when LTC went from $50 to $3. People thought they were safe.
>Muh silver to bitcoins gold
You can still see the hilarious bitcoin talk threads. Being on an alt would be the most retarded thing to do in this scenario. But the newbies still think
>Wow NEO is still holding up pretty well
>XMR has utility
>BCH will be the new bitcoin
Everything will be wiped out

>> No.6586133

BCH (and mostly everything) will crash way harder if BTC reaches 1k

>> No.6586174


>> No.6586218

a multiyear bear market is upon us

>> No.6586243

Looks like we need another dip to shake off the gullible retards still left in this thread

>> No.6586267

I agree, but once BTC is 0,and dies a chaindeath with no new blocks, BCH could be able to rise from the ashes. The chinks have the means to pump it up too

>> No.6586289

i wont go lower than 9k-8k if you are selling now.
you are selling the bottom

>> No.6586342
File: 27 KB, 650x366, 3a923b576c59162a8a10f1ec641fd481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder Buttcoins was $700 a year ago

>> No.6586373

honestly I get selling at 25% drop.
Selling at 50% drop is just stupid.

>> No.6586380

if btc dies like that, then the bitcoin name dies too. so the bch brand heist has no value either. it may come down to the best tech coin winning

>> No.6586387

Thanks i just bought 100k of government hack coin

>> No.6586430

Daily reminder that there is a magnitude more people in crypto now than a year ago

>> No.6586458

how many will leave though?

>> No.6586460

even if we are on our way to 1k (LOL) there will be huge bounces inbetween.

the plebs getting played so hard

>> No.6586471


>orchestrate signals to occur a couple of times with your btc buddies
>do a couple of posts before it happens
>normies start to follow as you are the only thing that goes to plan in this crazy world
>make outlandish claims to keep shorting btc to $1k
>JUST these niggers

You see, the thing is, imagine if these whales did actually bring the price of BTC back down to $1k. They wouldn't be able to convert their shorts for fiat, governments would unite to make BTC illegal, and their precious would be worth $0. It's not in their interests.

>> No.6586569

They're probably some pajeets sitting in a discord shilling us.

>> No.6586613
File: 84 KB, 508x504, 1423003008305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as fast as it went up it's going to go down
Most people in it for the money will leave. It'll recover, people see easy money get in and are fucked and the cycle repeats. Only bigger this time. Fucking classical Keynesian cycles on steroids is what crypto is. What takes decades in conventional securities takes mere weeks here. Only the true enthusiasts win.

>> No.6586640

They want to kill BTC and have BCH take over, they already made plenty money on the way up and cashed out into the normies, they want to ride this mofo to the ground, they will explain how it was inflated with tether, how it has become a monster, and how BCH is what bitcoin was meant to be, with its value stemming from actual use

>> No.6586678

ok, but what about alts ? How will this influence them? Will they go down to the hell or to the moon? what you think ?

>> No.6586768


>> No.6586856
File: 7 KB, 221x250, 1509315882286s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it costs 2k to mine a bitcoin
>miners will dump the price to 1k

>> No.6586869

Fake or not, allowing the ability to short a security that is so easy to manipulate should be illegal.

>> No.6586870
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>> No.6586996

Anyone find it fishy that kraken timed closing their margin markets with the crash perfectly ?

>> No.6587088

It will net them a much quicker profit, what don't you understand about this?

>> No.6587174

As the guy says this whole market is manipulated

>> No.6587245

Everything in crypto is fishy
>Thinking in 2d on a 5d chess board
No regulation fagot. Regulation is a double edged sword. If the gorvenment is all up in crypto, the 5x gains you are fond of will disappear. If you are retarded and didn't see this coming, and need the gubment to protect you, maybe you're better off as a wagie

>> No.6587246


>> No.6587486

There's only so many miners you can buy.
You need to convince the normies to turn off their miners so you get a bigger share

>> No.6587523
File: 239 KB, 1143x776, shitconnectmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last month
>Find out buddy is also into crypto after seeing blockfolio on his phone
>He has a bitconeeeeeeeeect account
>Tell him it's a scam
>Unironically ask him how retarded could he be
>He also has online mining contracts
>Tell him to cancel them all and redeem his bcc
He is basically kissing my ass right now and acting super friendly. I'm a fuckin god in his eyes. He is all over kike book praising me. I have social anxiety...

>> No.6587639

Who here pulled out and /comfy/ thanks to this thread?

>> No.6587691

For BTC to go up we need normie money.

Everytime we get stupid growth is from a massive influx of normies.

Right now all normies who aren't already invested in crypto are in "told you so XD" mode and I can't see that changing unless either BTC or some other big coin moons hard.

>> No.6587762

bull fucking shit

most exchanges had to close down new registrations because they couldn't handle the fucking volume

where are you getting this shit from?

>> No.6587792

u put ur faith in a tradingview fag called "bigdogg" fucking kys

>> No.6587793

I advise any normies and newfriends reading this to follow this wise man's advice and start shorting bitcoin. Shorting BTC is the final redpill of investing.

>> No.6587831

I hope it happens. then i can buy so much VEN.

>> No.6587943
File: 334 KB, 618x688, 1513937216431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder you bought into an industry started by a weeb with the handle; satoshi nakamoto. Crypto levels the playing field at the beginning of cycles.

>> No.6588186

I think btc went down because I can hack reality and I wanted to be able to transfer my BTC from coinbase to binance without a huge fee - now that I did its gona hit 19k then 32k.

Reality is a videogame on hardcore mode that you can hack.

>> No.6588255

Fuk u

>> No.6588374

You're not disputing what I said in any way.

>> No.6588503

Have to agree, wish I saw this earlier!

>> No.6588800

You’re assuming this is the only account under this user. He may have several others that came out wrong and got lucky with this profile and is now highlighting this profile’s success and attributing it to fake “insider knowledge”. This is how a lot of forex traders work.

>> No.6588897

link me to another

>> No.6588999

Get him to suck your dick

>> No.6589290

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now!/

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6589949
File: 704 KB, 1152x900, 1490787566091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the EU

>> No.6590048

How do people not know about this? This is everyone claiming to have insider knowledge. If you have actual insider knowledge you don’t share it.

>> No.6590229

This. Retards don’t have the right to be protected from scammers when they fall for get rich quick schemes. They deserve to be beaten down and shackled into serfdom until such time as their kids or grandkids learn to be frugal and actually contribute to society rather than become degenerate gamblers.

>> No.6590818
File: 51 KB, 448x488, 1482223743966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was prob all part of his keikaku