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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6586446 No.6586446 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6586487
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$0 is the bottom.
I hope you're in alts or USD, not bitcoin.

>> No.6586516

If bitcoin crashes, all other coins will crash too.

>> No.6586563

Not in the long term, and that's what really matters.

>> No.6586574

Bottom is 8k and that's when Wall St buys in. They want access to this beautiful unregulated market. Did you really think Wall St was gonna FOMO in at an ATH? Absolutely not.

Here's how it's gonna go. Red wojaks for a little bit, we hit the floor, and then Wall St comes in. The price will pump insanely hard, and then normies will begin to cry saying "I should have held." Then the FOMO cycle repeats and we hit a new ATH. People think dumb money is gone, but dumb money never really leaves (look at the lottery system).

>> No.6586591


>> No.6586625

Why didn't you go all in tether earlier, pink wojak retard, when every sane voice was warning about the crash? It was looming since late december

>> No.6586626
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>Bottom is 8k and that's when Wall St buys in.

>> No.6586629

The bottom is $5k BTC and $500 ETH.
Will take 1.5 years to recover, like 2014 crash.
Hope you like crypto enough to hold that long.

>> No.6586631


This. How do people still not get this?

>> No.6586669

You a fucking retard or something? That's where the support is that

>> No.6586690

Used to be true but not any more

>> No.6586735

support lines are $9.6k, $9k, $8.3k, $7.5k.
When one is broken, the bottom iat least below or equal to the next one. No one can say for sure wich one it is.

>> No.6586764

what is happening?

why is this shit still tanking?

>> No.6586777

I'm still waiting for an additional wave of shitcoins to get shitcannned.
Maybe then we can see a rally in the high volume ones.

>> No.6586795

Wanna lick my arsehole?

>> No.6586840

been freefalling for the past 4days friendo

>> No.6586851

Durr look at my imaginary numbers mum

>> No.6586877
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>> No.6586967
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Given that we're near the 30 day mark since the winter solstice, I'd say we need to wait for Pluto and Neptune to converge in the house of Hastur. Orion is giving strong indications of karmic reversal which, as you all know I'm sure, will cause this convergence to realign itself with current Hermetic trends of geomantic ley lines. If 30 virgins end their menstrual cycles before the bi-equinox... It'll be clear sailing to Luna friendo.

>> No.6586983

My dad works om Wall Street and says that he doesn't have enough money to buy in now so he ia going to wait until 8K. Also, he doesn't know what DCA is so it's going to be a single buy order.

>> No.6587087

its mainly ripple dominance dropping like a rock thats raising btc dominance, alts are doing relatively well

>> No.6587130

other than ur dad, are other people gonna buy this digital monopoly money?

>> No.6587132

If the volume won't spike closer to 8k I think it's over for BTC, all coins will take a hard hit. Only substance will recover. Buy infrastructure. Protocols and B2B utility tokens. Trust me on this one mates.

>> No.6587227

kek underrated

>> No.6587253

TA fag here

>> No.6587579


There's none



>Bottom is 8k and that's when Wall St buys in.

"dead cat bounce" to initiate a bull trap and fleece retarded meme HODLers even more

>They want access to this beautiful unregulated market.

They already have access
They don't want access, they want to control the market. In order to do that they will beat all cryptofag neets into submission with bull traps and panic

>> No.6587690

Watch the death of Crypto live on here(better than cmc + ad free): https://www.thecryptowiki.org/Live_Chart

>> No.6587777

Yup. Wall Street pumped the markets with around 500bn over the year. Now they are doing what a big dog does to a small dog to steal it's bone. Shake the fucker. They are manipulating all the highs and lows, always pausing to pump the coins a little too encourage you to sell out into usdt. Then they let it collapse again, and they'll keep doing it until everyone is too shit scared to enter the market again. BTC will rise by 10% and if it is bought in mass they'll drop the fucker again. They'll keep this up until nobody trusts their 10% pump, and people will still not trust the 30% pump, by the time normies realise the real pump is on it'll be too late.

The king's will be kings forever. You fucking hold. To the death....

>> No.6587863
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the weekly is looking beautiful

it will take long time to recover,
if it ever makes back to ATH

>> No.6587914

nice post, nice get

i'll never sell

>> No.6587956

ETH = $788
BTC = $1381

Screencap me

>> No.6588011

what will happen when all miners abandon this shit because its just not worth it now?

>> No.6588068

going to 8k now, screencap this, that's the next resistance point, it will be decided right above there

>> No.6588116

Sorry, $9381

>> No.6588135

The bottom is around 3-4k.

>> No.6588159


you'll see a metric shit ton of graphic cards being sold on ebay and craiglist

>> No.6588209
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When you realise that the XRP daily chart led the BTC crash, you're going to fucking freak out

>> No.6588222

the jews are crashing the price so that they can buy in low, they always do this, DO NOT FALL FOR JEWISH TRICKS

>> No.6588225

>mining btc with gpus
is this 2009?

>> No.6588229

Because I don't have anybody serious to discuss crypto with. /biz/ is just a ton of shills and retards, all the discords are just PnD groups, and the Telegrams are all private or read-only. I just want a nice discussion place to get some good advice, where I can ask questions as well, and make some crypto trading friends.

>> No.6588269

ETH breaking 24h low on Binance

>> No.6588298

Quad 7s on my original plan, you ALWAYS go down swinging, you NEVER give in.

>> No.6588324

Bottom reached. Going back up now letz go hodl. xD

>> No.6588346
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>alts are doing relatively well
>Almost every alt is down 25% today

>> No.6588349

there are lots of threads on /biz/ with good advice, you just need to sift through shit
t. bought xrb at 30c just because some pajeet on /biz/ mentioned it and linked WP

>> No.6588385
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s-support at 9.4k guys

>> No.6588429

This shit is going to hit the floor at 5k and then bounce back to the trend line at 6k

>> No.6588528

The bull trap already happened when it tanked yesterday and bounced back with a 20% gain. This is the real JUSTening.

>> No.6588544

The problem is that it's 99% shit and 1% good advice and it's hard as fuck to find the useful shit. I just want to be in an IRC channel or some discord or something with people where I can actually discuss shit.

>> No.6588558

Haejin said 8.5 or something.
I hope it hits that y tommorow night, then I can buy the bottom

>> No.6588566

gdax below finex
actirrrate ze tezel

>> No.6588618

It's you who's too brainlet to effectively sift through all the heaps of shit. Go buy TRON you faggot.

>> No.6588635

>they want to control the market. In order to do that they will beat all cryptofag neets into submission with bull traps and panic
this guy gets it

>> No.6588638

>spoonfeed me
Make discussion threads and post something yourself first people here are just posting wojaks and having fun, nobody cares about your shitcoin discussions that much unless its important.

>> No.6588650

The actual problem is that you're just genuinely not a smart person. Why the fuck can't you instantly detect the gems from the trash here?

>> No.6588702

nigga thats gore man.

>> No.6588731

this guy gets it
still, you'd be a fool not yo have sold hours ago at least. could have sold at 14k easy and bough back in

>> No.6588753


Thanks just bought and sold 100K

>> No.6588767

>discussions are spoonfeeding
Nigger I have tried making discussion threads, they either get filled with shit or just fall off the board. I don't want somebody to tell me exactly what to buy, I just want to talk about coins and my ideas to compare them with others'.

>> No.6588768


>> No.6588795

Underrated comment

>> No.6588819

Shes lovely

>> No.6588967

No its not, sorry.

>> No.6589061
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anyone still daytrading in here?

>> No.6589493

What are some of these b2b tokens? Also, anyone really looking forward to skye coin? I would sell a nut to get like 100 of those

>> No.6589605

>mfw people will literally panic sell their money printing machines lol.

>> No.6589647
File: 293 KB, 1157x1012, Screenshot_20180117-092843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that. Lets cut off a chickens head and see where the body falls

>> No.6589934

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now...

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6590133
File: 42 KB, 600x494, 3mLydMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet shut your fucking mouth, EVERY FUCKING THREAD U FCKING DEGENERATE

Also 9000 is being defended like a boss right now.

>> No.6590306

I do not expect to see it drop below $7500 but we might be in for a slow year.

>> No.6590615

Boooorrriiinnngggggg. Bear markets are boring as fuck

>> No.6590673

ta fags cant see the future they can only tell you where the support lines are then you'll have to watch if they get broken

>> No.6590846

so cheap processors because of the bug and now this? and i bought a 1080 and i7 6900k at an ATH

>> No.6591563

yeah ones that have no actual use value behind them lmao. Literally just bought myself a honda w/ 15k miles on it with 2 monero. Not sweating lmao read your white papers next time and you won't get fucked so hard.

>> No.6592206

"1% good advice"
As though all these faggots aren't just guessing where they think the market will go based on speculation. The only "good advice" i've heard on here is to only invest money in crypto that you're prepared to lose.

>> No.6592478
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if digits it will drop to 1k, maybe lower

>> No.6592837
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>buying shares of a Ponzi scheme run by an anti-white lefty Pajeet that will steal your money if he belives you're a NATZEE.

Serves you right.

>> No.6593019
File: 136 KB, 1556x969, BTC-2018-1-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom could be at $2k.

>> No.6593530
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I want this to happen just because of all the normie butthurt

>> No.6593578

That ship is no more. shit is different now.

>> No.6593877
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not this time faggots, 30k here we go

>> No.6593984

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6593986


>> No.6594035


what a nice dog

>> No.6594112

Best cast bottom is $7500.

Likely case is $6000.

Entirely possible cases: $3000-4500 depending on regulation news + Tether meme

TA fags have been saying this since the fall. none of these price movements have been surprising to TA fags. TA is the best meme ever.

>> No.6594201


>> No.6594240
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if Tether crash you better find a fucking rope

>> No.6594344

>not a log chart


>> No.6594372
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>bought a honda

>> No.6594403


Ya that'll be a shitshow. At this point I'm indifferent to the swings though. I'm treating my stack like a bond I won't cash out for 5 years anyway, so there's no point fretting the drops. Just learn to call them and get in the right position to ride them out. Once you learn to ignore fiat prices, its all about purchasing power anyway.