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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 353 KB, 714x946, desktop_coroa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6575009 No.6575009 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this is the LAST TIME IN HISTORY BTC will dip below $10k. This is the absolute last call for normies and people on the fence to hop on the Crypto freight train before it moves into Early Adoption phase. This freight train is UNSTOPPABLE and will hit $40k by summer, and $100k EOY.

It does not matter if it goes to $8k, $5k, $1k, who cares, it is going to bounce back. Hard. There is way too much momentum.

If you haven't realized it yet, crypto is a revolution against the globalist banking Zionist Elite that have kept this planet under total control and slavery for a long, long time. By participating in crypto you are rebelling, knowing or not.

We are going to see some crazy shit this year. This dip might last a few weeks, but after this dip we are heading to pluto.

>> No.6575094

I dont hold BTC honestly, but the writing is on the wall, BTC is the flagship, when that thing starts skyrocketing after this dip, its survived three huge dips and always doubled. The timeline were in is insane, its almost scary, play your cards and get rich

>> No.6575105

thanks bought 100k

>> No.6575144

i wish you were right.
but ETH is the crypto king now...
BTC is outdated, dont want to FUD but its the truth

>> No.6575213


No, crypto will get crushed by big tech the second we have google coins and amazon dollars.

>> No.6575290

>but ETH is the crypto king now...
This. The moment altcoins went mainstream BTC died.

Think about it, if the degenerate early crypto investors ended up dabbling in altcoins what do you think will happen when normies hear about alts? Its a cycle.

>discover BTC -> find out about alts -> get addicted to alts

>> No.6575345

the same poeple that dominate the fiat markets dominate the crypto markets too. they'll suck as many people into the market as they can, and then crash it. just like with the housing market. just like the 2008 depression. it's all a trap.

but keep this in mind and pull out early i guess before they pull the plug to keep people poor. its what they do

>> No.6575362

ETH is king but BTC had a 40% correction. In the short term BTC is more likely to yield a quick profit.

>> No.6575368

Explain to me who is going to buy the rise to 40k.

I'll wait.

>> No.6575516
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>mfw have to default on my mortgage because all my money is tied up in BTC and I bought more at $11k to try and make the losses hurt less
>bank knows about my wallets because I had to use ID to buy in the first place
>even if I wanted to wait for the rebound I can't because they say they're getting a court order to seize my assets
>tfw going to be homeless even though I make $100k a year because of all the debt and interest
>tfw already sold my car to keep afloat
>tfw work is getting more and more suspicious of why I'm turning up in a dirty suit and drug tested me 3 times last week

>> No.6575588

Yes it will be the last time because it will never go above 10k again

>> No.6575673
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Its over $10k right now

>> No.6575693

Tron holders. wall street, your grandma.
Everybody knows about crypto but very few people have bought in. Coupled with a maximum 21 million supply (not to mention all the inaccessible bitcoin in lost wallets) people are going to hoard btc to own a piece of crypto history. Over the next few years bitcoin will be rendered obsolete, but 1btc will trade for 100k and be highly sought after.

>> No.6575767

and the basis for that is..?

Bitcoin is unusable from a utilitarian point of view, the normie craze is over (every nigger has heard of bitcoin now), and how in hell is crypto coin speculation supposed to beat the banking elite?

>> No.6575769
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Keep your head up brother, you are gonna pull through.

>> No.6575780

Ive got like thirty pajeets worth of tron w-w-will i make it?

>> No.6575809

I hope so.
I'm legitimately considering donating sperm to just cover my dry-cleaning at this point.

>> No.6575958
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It's always darkest before the dawn brother. Keep on going, you are in this deep, just keep on going.

>> No.6575986

Man the brainlets on biz just love to FUD. The OP just told you why BTC and the rest of the crypto market is going to $100k. It's a revolution and it's new technology.

Crypto is to banking what a car is to horse and buggy. This is new groundbreaking tech. And not only is it groundbreaking tech, but it has the capacity to free us from the criminal banking system.

They CANNOT STOP crypto. Crypto is not only a market, its a currency. Crypto currency. It's about adoption. They can't stop it. They can't crash it. It's about use and adoption.

The banksters are finished.

>> No.6576046


Me too. Just bought 1.5M

>> No.6576068

thanks just bought 100k eth

>> No.6576075

ETH had a nice correction also, and might have a better potential of recevoring... I'll take my chance with it

>> No.6576087

>p-please save bitcoin... p-please


>> No.6576099

It'll be 9k by tonight and still free falling tomorrow

>> No.6576110

inflation, and volatility want a word with you retard

>> No.6576126

>it has the capacity to free us from the criminal banking system.

The bankers already have their hands in crypto. They already control it. Crashing the market is as simple as refusing transfers to/from crypto exchanges.

>> No.6576149

BTC is rubbish now. Blockstream have utterly crippled its utility.
The only thing that will save the Bitcoin name, long-term, is if BCH becomes Bitcoin.

>> No.6576152
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lmaooooo. fuck off with your xrp xlm jew shit

>> No.6576180

Nope, they don't. They are trying, but it's like trying to tame a wild beast. Crypto is a wild beast that cannot be tamed.

The decentralized exchanges are coming. Anon coins like Monero are already here. The Gov cannot regulate it. Crypto moves too fast. They are royally fucked. Banks are done for.

>> No.6576304

whoever has the monetary resources can control the market you tool, technology can only get you so far

>> No.6576382

Crypto is too fucking risky for the bankers, exchanges and wallets get hacked all the time

I also doubt that early investors a.k.a megawhales actually deposit their 1000s of BTC to exchanges where their funds will likely be freezed for "anti-criminal" investigation

>> No.6576389

this is what you say on every dip. "this is the last time" then it dips lower " .... THIS IS THE LAST TIME ITS GOING TO BE THIS LOW DUR HUR DERP"

>> No.6576410

You brainlets lmao. This is not just a market, this is about adoption. That's why it DOES NOT MATTER what price it is. It's groundbreaking tech. Do you get it now you idiot? It doesn't matter. It could go to $1.

Crypto puts the power of your finances into YOUR hands. Holy fuck, you idiots are so focused on the price. Get past your greed.

>> No.6576426

>this is the LAST TIME IN HISTORY BTC will dip below $10k
Exactly, because it's gonna die for good soon.

>> No.6576464

Oh piss off. You know BCH scales even worse than BTC. We need new systems like the DAG / Block lattice

>> No.6576473

there's no reason why it would die, they may try to kill it but its the financial revolution man. are you with us or uncle sam!?

>> No.6576490

It's the other way around, Schlomo.

>> No.6576536
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Wew lads, look at all the fudders. I've noticed a pattern, they always come out of the woodwork when crypto takes a dive....how many times have I heard "BTC is dead, dying, etc" lol

Meanwhile, I've seen tremendous gains, and will continue to see huge gains. Because I understand what this is really about. This is about personal finances, this is about the fraud of the Federal Reserve and how they print money out of thin air.

This is about the parasite elite, that are literally sucking the West dry.

Crypto is the way out, and its too late to stop it. (((They))) cannot stop the revolution. THEY CANT STOP IT.

FUD all you want. I am laughing...all the way to the bank, and past it.

>> No.6576582

yeah that's 2019 though. This year will be when coins that have use cases go up a lot more than others. That will trigger the google coins ect...

It will be great when walmart starts paying its employees walmart coins. And it ends up making most its employees fairly wealthy at almost no cost to the company randomly...

>> No.6576598

literally 99% percent of those who own crypto own it because they hope it will increase in value, what do you think will happen if they lose that hope?

a move to crypto as widespread legal tender is an idee fixe, governments want to collect taxes and stomp down on organized crime, so they won't have any of that ANONYMOUSE CURRENCY LMAO shit

>> No.6576688

It dips? And then it recovers and continues on? This Armageddon scenario of everyone just giving up crypto because of a market crash never happened, and never will.

It's groundbreaking tech that shakes up the establishment. The Gov can't stop the adoption lol. They are a dead man walking. IRS is fucked.

>> No.6576690

To all those talking about adoption.. Niche adoption already happened many years ago and it's not gonna go anywhere - I'm talking about the dark market. But what about real mass adoption, we probably won't see it in a decade - things only got worse over the past year when bitcoin stopped getting accepted by most stores. Memecoin gambling, however profitable it is, is NOT adoption. It will live on, though.

>> No.6576704

>Wew lads, look at all the fudders. I've noticed a pattern, they always come out of the woodwork when crypto takes a dive....how many times have I heard "BTC is dead, dying, etc" lol

Your full of shit, I have been telling the objective truth about bitcoins many crashes every time when people claim its going up again. I explain that we are at number 9 so this means that if BTC goes up right now you can bet your ass we are going for crash number 10. Each time takes the coin lower, each time you bcore morons claim "Daddy is back." Each time it takes a bout a day or two before BTC drops like a rock taking the entire market with it. Each time its worse.

If BTC recovers to 12k then that means the pattern will continue and we will go for crash number 10.

Right before it happens we will see "EXIT YOUR ALTS GOYS!!" and "Alt coiners are going to know true pain!!" and 25k by next month!!

And each time I do a response exactly like this and it crashes again.

So, crash number 10 incoming.

>> No.6576738
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>bcore morons

You're an idiot, I'm talking about the whole crypto market.

Wow, what a moron and a waste of a post.

BTC is going to $100k this year and there is nothing, nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.6576740

You sound like a conspiracy theorist.

Let’s be serious here, bitcoin doesn’t go up because of the tech or if people think it is undervalued. It goes up because of FOMO, euphoria and hopes of 10x gains, you take that away like the past week may have killed off forever and you get a lot of people bored of having their money held in an unusable coin and worrying every day about the next drop/hacking and losing it all

It will be a slow death from here on in unless the euphoria returns

>> No.6576764


dont be an idiot, of course they can stop it. You think the drug war didnt stop drugs? It sure stopped them hard enough for 96% of people to never get any

>> No.6576776

death and taxes, anon
death and taxes

>> No.6576792

The LN is going to make all alts obsolete:

>> No.6576832

One more note on adoption. Normies investing in bitcoin in the hope of it rising in price is NOT adoption. Adoption means when people use crypto for purchases (which, again, only got worse later). Otherwise it's purely speculation

>> No.6576846

Not until the coin changes. Otherwise its an indefinite bleed out.

Here comes crash number fucking 10. I guess we will be sub 10k longer this time around. It will have to go up a bit more first though. Maybe 12k ish?

Thats when we see the "Exit your alts" threads LOL

Then craaaaaash HAHAHA

>> No.6576863

Crypto is moving from "Innovator" to "Early Adoption."

Crypto is utterly groundbreaking tech. If you have actually been paying attention, crypto has been making huge waves, and not just bitcoin. Meetups, conventions, youtubers, you name it, they are getting involved. The normies are getting involved.

If you look at the acceleration of technology, look at how fast computers were adopted, then look at how fast smartphones were. Every time we "jump" adoption gets shorter and shorter.

We'll see widespread adoption within 7-8 years I reckon.

For a board full of crypto fanatics, you sure get ALOT of fudders in here whenever crypto dips. Full of shills. dirty fudders.

>> No.6576874

The LN is shitty version of Ripple. If you want the LN buy Ripple its better.

>> No.6576934

look at all the dirty crypto fudders. You people dont get it. The gov cant stop crypto, they are too slow, the USD is dying a slow death, the whole economy is a walking corpse, and quite frankly peoples' greed is going to fuel the fire of BTC, but once they actually start sending money to one another, the lightbulb is going to come over their head and realize the scam that has been perpetrated on them.

Adoption doesnt have to be using it on stores, adoption can simply be holding it on your wallet. Open your mind fool. Just the act of holding your money in a BTC wallet IS ADOPTION. You dont have to spend it at a store, you are HOLDING crypto as a currency.

>> No.6576935

>Crypto is moving from "Innovator" to "Early Adoption."
"Early adoption" happened many years ago when junkies started using crypto to buy weed. Right now we're witnessing the growing popularity of crypto gambling ("I'll sell it when it rises in price") but hardly of any real, practical use of crypto, because, look, even Steam stopped accepting bitcoin, this is going nowhere unless something changes.. Maybe something replaces BTC

>> No.6576945

This crash does actually fuck the IRS though. Many people have not filed their taxes yet this year and the crash very likely set their gains to zero from last year.

This situation is not over yet either. The taxman is going to be swarmed with people who don't have the money to pay up on last years earnings.

>> No.6576946
File: 66 KB, 1258x758, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started a tinychat room for talking crypto shit /biz/

Get in here and help me do something with it, I plan on doing giveaways and shit like that


>> No.6576955

dude......your an idiot

>> No.6576974

This desu. Crypto is far more than Bitcoin, far more than just a digital currency. People meme about Ethereum flipping it, but that's literally what's going to happen. Even the normies are about to realize this: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/16/magazine/beyond-the-bitcoin-bubble.html

Get on ETH before the ship sails. The writing is on the wall.

>> No.6577005

Absolutely NOT. A few years ago, less than 1% of the world's population didnt even know about crypto. Hell just look at the chart. Early adoption hasnt even started yet. This is a global revolution. You need to think bigger.

>> No.6577008

>look at all the dirty crypto fudders.

Look at the fucking idiot who would rather invest in a shitcoin with no value rather than look to what the next actually good thing will be. If I am a "Crypto fudder" then you are a fucking parasite fucking with my gains. Everything is contingent on the tech because its the tech that forms what this is all about. Fuck with the tech get the horns. Learn the trade or GTFO

>> No.6577048

who are you? you have nothing intelligent to add. Go to sleep Tyrone.

>> No.6577050

>adoption can simply be holding it on your wallet
No. This simply means that crypto gambling is getting popular, because holding is speculative in itself and has an end point, but it does not automatically imply the adoption of crypto as a means of payment, which is the real and genuine meaning of the word "adoption". Otherwise you should be talking about the adoption of crypto gambling, not crypto per se.

>> No.6577080
File: 21 KB, 940x478, Screenshot from 2018-01-17 00.11.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly is it going take to dislodge the "HUH HUH, WE'RE JUST GETTIN' STARTED!!!" meme of delusional hopecoiners?

It's not "just getting started," it's over, the public is done with this, and the blue line proves it.

Pic very, very related.

>> No.6577091

Look at this retard thinking that crypto is about currencies and not decentralization.

>> No.6577108

That's called losing the argument. BTC is going down for another dump soon and anyone who thinks otherwise is guys EXACTLY LIKE THIS FUCKER.

>> No.6577110

>He goes on and on about gambling
Gambling is only one aspect of crypto. Just the act of holding your money in a BTC wallet IS adoption. Because where else do you hold money?

I will give you a minute to think.

Where else do you hold money?

Oh thats right! A BANK.

Hey listen, if you are not willing to critically think, then you're hopeless.

>> No.6577132

>A few years ago, less than 1% of the world's population didnt even know about crypto.
That's not a prerequisite for early adoption, early adoption can be limited to a certain niche, which is precisely the case. Crypto does have an active user base using it as a currency, and it's not going anywhere, but talking about mass adoption, I don't see it happening right now. Again, normies buying bitcoin and ripple on coinbase is NOT real adoption

>> No.6577142

>Losing the argument
>No argument to begin with

"Look at the fucking idiot who would rather invest in a shitcoin with no value rather than look to what the next actually good thing will be."

Thats what you posted idiot. I never posted anything about investing in a certain shitcoin. You just embarrassed yourself. Must be 70 IQ or lower. Go to sleep Tyrone!

>> No.6577164

Same people who bought the rise to 19k: people new to the market. Also traders. Traders can buy in at any level because they're not buying for a get rich quick scheme, they make profits and take them.

>> No.6577166

buy eth and erc20 tokens.. they will moon like never before

>> No.6577206

yeah seriously, couldn't have picked a worse example to support himself...

>> No.6577219

If you're not all in on ETH and tokens that actually do something useful, you're doing it fucking wrong.

>> No.6577230
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>Buying btc

>> No.6577241

hold for next year of people trying to get in early to catch what they missed

>> No.6577255

>Thats what you posted idiot. I never posted anything about investing in a certain shitcoin. You just embarrassed yourself. Must be 70 IQ or lower. Go to sleep Tyrone!

I meant "idiots"

I was mostly ranting about the topic in general. And fucked up on your response thinking it was someone arguing otherwise.

My bad

>> No.6577256

Its not a prereq, but what separates early adoption from Innovators is that its usually part of a select group of people. And since crypto is a currency anyone can use,your niche is the entire planet. The entire planet. So, that's a pretty big niche, and I guess we can use some common sense to deduce that if less than 1% of the population knew about crypto, its way before the "Early Adoption" phase.

>Again, normies buying bitcoin and ripple on coinbase is NOT real adoption

YES IT IS. You still dont get it. Crypto is about personal banking, decentralization, and putting the power of managing your money back into your hands. The act of holding BTC in your wallet is adoption. Period. End of discussion. Now granted, they may not realize that they are adopting the technology, but they are, and eventually they are going to find out and "get it".

>> No.6577316


Im all in on neo fuck you. 1k of neo because uh.. yeah its vastly technological superior than eth and partnered with two other auxilliary smart contract blockchains elastos and ontology, one of whom has been directly financed by chinese gov and foxcon by the way.

>> No.6577387

>get a loan for a house
>get a loan for buying bitcoins
>get a loan for buying drugs
>earn a six figure yet live hand-to-mouth
You're right you down deserve to become homeless.
You deserve to get murdered, humanshaped trash.

>> No.6577419

Sell everything now


>> No.6577496


it is impossible for bitcoin to inflate. inflation can only occur if the supply of bitcoins could be arbitrarily increased.

>> No.6577523

In the meantime join me and pump some shitcoins with soon 200k members.

discord invite ID -> WsPjVwF

instead of calling me a pajeet, give it a try and see for yourselves. I'm white and fairly wealthy, looking to retire soon through crypto even in a bear market.

>> No.6577574

What OP says is the truth, I’m getting into altcoins because I truly believe it’s the future

>> No.6577586

Losses are a write-off

>> No.6577657

You can have crypto and pay your taxes.
Banks are the enemy, not the IRS.
First one will take you money, play roulette with it and then ask you to pay if they loose, second one will probably not spend it your preferred way but at least you get roads, defense, law enforcement and courts out of it.

>> No.6577805

Losses are not a write off. In this case as soon as January 1 began that amount is what you are taxed on. You can only write off your losses for the crash next year. 2019

Not only that but how crypto is being taxed right now they made it so when you trade one coin for another that moment is a realized gain. This means that if you have a coin that goes up 100x then trade it for another coin that suddenly plummets. You still have to pay for the 100x gains coin before.

The coin to coin taxation is NOTHING SHORT of an attempt to destroy crypto and anyone who uses crypto should abstain to not pay the crypto to crypto tax on a matter of principle.

>> No.6577866

>Banks are the enemy, not the IRS.

capital gains on crypto makes the IRS an even more dangerous enemy than the banks. They are setting up the rules for the right to use violence on anyone who has any amount of crypto currency.

>> No.6577966
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>drug tested me 3 times last week

>> No.6578100

>Bitcoin is slow, expensive and inferior to alt coin competitors in both features and growth potential
>everyone who accepts this says it will continue dropping to nothing
>every time it drops alt coins drop as well
When are we going to see the flippening where Bitcoin's tailspin no longer drags other coins?

>> No.6578116

Still in denial phase I see anon

>> No.6578186

BTC price now= 11K
BTC price at its height= 18K

11K/18K = 40% correction

>> No.6578231

>refusing transfers
hard to do it across the globe.
unless theres some weird future where crypto countries are an axis of evil and america invades them to stop selling cryptos

>> No.6578234

I could point out anon is still half right if it never goes above 10k again

>> No.6578277

If someone got JUST'd today and has a 100k capital loss, but by year end has a capital gain of 80k, you have a net capital loss of 20k for the year. You will not pay any taxes on that gain. However, you can only carry over 3000 of your 2018 capital loss to 2019. So in 2019, if you have a capital gain of 50k, you can apply 3000 of 2018's loss to 2019's capital gain.

This correction will screw lots of people over who were planning on filing a legitimate return for 2017. They locked in thousands of dollars worth of short term capital gains, but just lost a huge amount of money. You will still owe for 2017, but if you haven't moved any of your crypto into USD then you are going to have a hard time come April. Everyone should have a cash reserve, and everyone who day traded in 2017 should be filing an extension.

>> No.6578324


As soon as someone launches a full fledged USD based exchange and gets us off this fucking BOAT ANCHOR called BTC

>> No.6578342

I'm looking at memelines and what's happening it scales really well with what happened with $1K as a support.

>> No.6578362
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>Zionist Elite
kys my man this is about making money

>> No.6578412

This ... this is the smartest thing i've seen here for a long time. [slow clap]

>> No.6578546
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>> No.6578591
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Japan’s Largest Bank to Launch Cryptocurrency Exchange!

>> No.6578662

they are already on it. liquid platform

>> No.6579312

Bitcoin will be above 1 million US Dollar this year, then the crypto bubble will burst and 99% of cryptocurrencies will die and never be heard again.

The value of Bitcoin will then become worthless. ( $0 or near $0)
Bitcoin will then sink into oblivion.

>> No.6579462

I've bought $800 worth. I know it's not much, but I'm poor, and I'd be happy just to have the value doubled, which it inevitably will based on trends. I just hope I don't have to wait too long for this to ash out as that's pretty much all I have.

I seriously hope you guys are right here.

>> No.6579506

You hope /biz/ is right in preaching the death of your investment? Nobody but other bitcoin bag holders think it's going to elastic band its way to a new high.

>> No.6579524

I recall this being said last time, and I regretted not buying in the dip. I ain't missing out again

>> No.6579549

If you want a surefire double for that $500 why on earth would you put it in Bitcoin when Eth is almost guaranteed to double its current price within a couple of months?

>> No.6579641

>not buying ETH
Come on m8 BTC is going to die. It may have a tiny bounce back but it will probably never reach 16K let alone 20K

>> No.6579772




>> No.6579968 [DELETED] 


Yeah that’s cool and all but everyone knows the best way to earn money is a pump server. Check us out at

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6579994
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oh dear.......

>> No.6580003

Why the fuck don't we have a stickied thread with suicide hotline numbers like reddit?

>> No.6580104

If you're investing big numbers you should be prepared for big falls. If you can't handle big falls after investing big numbers you deserve your big flip.

>> No.6580150


>> No.6580278
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Can someone explain to me why Roger and and Jihan arent switching mining to BCH and pumping it like last year?, with btc this low now would be the perfect time?

>> No.6580900

This is what you get you stupid LARPing faggot

>> No.6581010
File: 35 KB, 1920x631, 20180117_115404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is it not like 2014 and goes back to 1k before that loved bounce?

>> No.6581029

BTC and ETH aren't even really comparable. They're coins for two separate purposes.

BTC is a store of value and will soon be useable as currency - there's a fixed supply. ETH is for running smart contracts - there's an uncapped supply.

>> No.6581196


t. Bought btc at 19k

>> No.6581213

Steam accepts LTC

>> No.6581229

Another false prophet.

>> No.6581240

> BTC is a store of value
heh, nice store of value you've got there kid