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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6575740 No.6575740 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to create an entire generation of new billionaires. It will be trading at $150-$200 by EOY. The more I read about it, the more I realize it is very much the new Ethereum in terms of game-changing technology in the right place at the right time.

>> No.6575776

I just bought more at a nice discount. Do you fucktards not realize this will solve the oracle problem?

>> No.6575778
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No, I hopped off stinky linky two days ago. I'm riding the DRGN now.

>> No.6575798
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I know this is a shill but I agree sort of

>> No.6575810


LMAO. You'll get exactly what you deserve.

>> No.6575828
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Sold all my links for mincoins.

>> No.6575831

doesn't expensive LINK reduce its effectiveness as a concept? like if its expensive then its sorta useless.

>> No.6575845

10k link to make it right lads?

I put my 10k in MEW + trezor to hibernate

>> No.6575863
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>> No.6575882

Nice move

>> No.6575927

why would it?

>> No.6575934

Valid point. However, LINK tokens are 18 decimal. They already thought about this and solved it by increasing the decimal. Even if LINK reaches unfathomable prices, you'll still be able to receive LINK in very small amounts.

>> No.6575967

but then why would LINK be expensive lol

>> No.6575978

the only truly decentralized oracle provider

>> No.6575991


Those are about as roasty as roasties come.

>> No.6576009


no. if anything, a more expensive LINK gives more incentive to node operators

>> No.6576012


>> No.6576042
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Can someone provide a more technical breakdown on Link

3 devs
No communication
No updates

I dont see anything.

>> No.6576060

why is link shilled so hard on this board? Is it a meme or something?

>> No.6576063


>> No.6576069

where did you read that?
on here?

>> No.6576073

>he doesnt know about assblaster

>> No.6576079

Cool, thanks for sharing! Except you didn't. Because there are no real redeeming features.

>> No.6576083
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getting me all wet just thinking

game changing

>> No.6576094

some whale paid a bunch of people to shill it for PnD. Their github is dead and months old.

sergey, the owner of link hasnt posted on twitter or done anything for months

>> No.6576096
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>> No.6576121

assblaster is a fraud, he doesnt work for any of the companies he put on his twitter

>> No.6576124
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>> No.6576141

None of the stinky linkies can, they'll just shout "MUH ORACLES" even though most of them don't even known what oracles are. If you want to own any money in the future I recommend staying away from this. Literally every one of my banker friends don't think PSD2 will last long or have any potential

>> No.6576142
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Trying to get a lot of info in one pasta:

I think the most important thing to take from AssBlaster's posts is the part about LINK being "anti-hype". Allow me to give a quick rundown, however I am in no means a technological genius nor do I completely understand the code behind chainlink:

Earlier in 2017, SmartContract and SWIFT completed PoC work using chainlink


Soon after this, Sergey and the team basically went silent. Very little public outreach. Rory even stated that they have been in talks with larger players and are not worried about talking to us at this time. This lines up perfectly with what AssBlaster claimed in this post/picture:

So we don't know if AssBlaster is real, but we do know that what he said does make a lot of sense logically. AssBlaster said multiple times that it is an absolute miracle that we stumbled upon this gem. He then goes on to say that LINK is going to be used by the big boys and they want to keep it quiet. Again, this is backed up by Rory saying they are not worried about twitter communication, but instead worried about large partnerships.

A dude named "Creatine" posted in the Chainlink Slack chat and said he was working for a large insurance company and wanted to get involved. Obviously we gave it a quick search and found that this guy was located in Brussels. The guy also had a very strikingly similar appearance to a censored face picture that AssBlaster posted of himself. AssBlaster said he was in the Brussels area at the time but I believe he said he lived in England. Not sure entirely. However, a few days after, this was released:


And where is it released from? You guessed it. Brussels.

>> No.6576143


>getting meta-scammed this hard

what does he have to gain from those threads? does he really think a secret club can stay on biz?

>> No.6576153


>> No.6576164

Who is this fluid druid

>> No.6576171
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Great gains and an actual working product?

>> No.6576176

hes a whale, or is being paid by one. Hes trying to gain trust of retards on twitter, biz, other various boards that way he can dump on them at the right time.

>> No.6576177


>> No.6576192

I have around $15K in DBC and KEY (with a huge profit of $12K). Should I sell them now and up my link stack to 100K LINK?

I would want to wait because I know DBC and KEY will be much valuable but LINK is the end gamer so...
That would also mean LINK would be like 80% of my portfolio which is kinda risky.

I have around 65K LINK but 100K would really take me to that extra dimension, maybe.

>> No.6576198
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>> No.6576202


What does he mean when he said people had to pool their money together for the ICO?

>> No.6576210


>> No.6576222

It had minimum buy ins you fucking hayseed.

>> No.6576233

What do you think it means?

>> No.6576242

chekced and rekced

>> No.6576250

>fluid druid

The public had to pool a set amount of ETH in order to buy in to LINK. I wasn't around back then.

>> No.6576301

Unless you're going to go full vocel then that's completely irrelevant

>> No.6576326

Name fag get out

>> No.6576361
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Forgot to report in.
Sergeant Major reporting.

>> No.6576362

>being this new

>> No.6576377

Pretty sure the smallest amount was 50eth

>> No.6576394
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