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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 480x349, Jack-Ma-Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
657496 No.657496 [Reply] [Original]

Post you favorite entrepenuer.Pic related.This bastard has a 20 billion USD net worth.He applied 10 times in Harvard and got rejected , got rejected from working in KFC ,only got a degree in English and started his company with no connections what so ever

>> No.657524
File: 21 KB, 270x215, vova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite entrepreneur?
Vova Putin of course, who else. Went from a low level KGB agent to the ruler (dictator?) of the largest nation on Earth, with all natural resources and serfs that came with it. He was even unemployed at one time during the 90s after he got pushed out from his job in St.Petersburg. The guy is possibly the wealthiest man on Earth after E. Rotshchild, and unlike the rest of people on Forbes, he has not only money but real military power at his command.

>> No.657537

>Stanford Business
How does it feel to be 2nd choice?

>> No.657538

>largest nation on Earth

by what useless measure?

certainly you aren't talking about gdp, population, standard of living, education, happiness...

>> No.657546

Lets see, if I tell you that my car is the largest in the parking lot, are you gonna think I'm talking about it having largest engine, airbags or fuel economy? I'm clearly talking about the physical size of Russia.

Dictators in the worst-run African nations live better than 90% of Americans/Europeans/etc... Its the paradox of being the best guy in a village or the worst guy in the city.

>> No.657552

He also did it all as a midget. For that I respect him.

>> No.657556
File: 282 KB, 348x340, 马云.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like a lego man

>> No.657557


land area. Russia is like 7 time zones. it is ridiculous. It really is pretty incredible that all that land and all those people are united under one government.

Seems like a pretty horrible place to live though.

>> No.657558

Vova is quite of short stature as well. I wonder if there is a correlation between short height in men and general aggressiveness and drive to succeed. Anybody has stories to share?

>> No.657560

Putin is the most powerful person in the world. Has total control over Russia and invades CIScum whenever he wants.

>> No.657671
File: 45 KB, 620x465, pg-35-napoleon-1-dea-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wonder what what they would call a something like that...

>> No.657678

Napoleon was taller than average for his era. He was just demonized by the monarchists all over Europe, since they were shitting bricks any time a new area was liberated by the French, and the people got a taste of relative freedoms due to Napoleonic Code.

>> No.657760

>wealthiest man on earth next to e. Rothschilds

Dropped, gb2>>>/pol/ and don't come back.

>> No.657770
File: 248 KB, 470x305, 2345546432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch.

>> No.657808

I think you're the one who needs to gtfo to >>pol.
Britain still hadn't paid back its 1800s debts to the clan.

>> No.657813

Anyone who is 5'7" or over because I'm a manlet

>> No.657829

5' 11 5/8" master race checking in.

>> No.657840

20b just to be a middleman for cheap lead painted chink crap? Baller

>> No.657843

They also offer a marketplace for chinks to buy/sell with other chinks.

>> No.657856
File: 179 KB, 648x365, stevejobsyoung_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 autists rev up the hate machine because they don't like the products he made

>> No.657858

ashton kutcher never made anything

>> No.657862

He made your moms pussy wet

>> No.657887

But "he" didn't make them.

>> No.657890

Putin is the man although he is more of the man for the sake of himself, rather than his people. He doenst care that his people are eating shit right now because he wants the world to know he is a badass.

I do like how he makes obama look like pussy by barely acknowledging him and calling his bluff. Take notes Juliani.

Not that many people, just a fuck ton of space. Its like saying the Governor of Alaska is the best Governor in the states.

Its called overcompensating and statistically short men arent as successful as tall. Its just a few men who stand out that make you draw a correlation,

>> No.657897
File: 51 KB, 640x360, better person than you ever could be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody wrote a book on this guy
>Japanese people made it into a fucking manga
>people keep idolizing him years later

>meanwhile, his main competitor is running one of the greatest humanitarian organizations ever made
>Steve Jobs couldn't save himself, Bill Gates is saving everybody

>> No.657902
File: 180 KB, 1024x710, 1422541360438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spends billions on the Winter Olympics
>No one goes to the Winter Olympics because Russia
>Putin should be bankrupt 3 times over
>Still has money to wage war and invade Ukraine

How does he do it? What's his secret?

>> No.657907


>> No.657911

>saving shitskins
>worth anything

fuck off to reddit. i bet you actually WANT minimum wage to be 15+. lol

>> No.657922


Of course, the sanctions are cutting into that.

>> No.657925

Lots of debt, and debt that will never be paid back as now Russias credit rating is below Kazakhstan.

>> No.657942

Lol @ poorfags who have skills are worth less than $10.

>> No.657971
File: 34 KB, 332x500, 1424404921421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.657983

>not educating shitskins just enough so that you can outsource your company's tech jobs to them

And that's why you'll always be a pleb.

>> No.657994

I'd accept $15 an hour when there are tracking devices available for employers that counts even minute someone is actually working. On top if that I want a new law that allows companies to cut wages from employees that aren't working. I guarantee you most minimum wage employees will get half a paycheck every pay period.

>> No.658012

>people are eating shit right now

>20% more expensive food
>omg everyone is starving

I see the propaganda worked super well on you.

>> No.658084

>Nothing bad can happen

Other than that feel-good hippie quote that doesn't say anything insightful or original at all, he's a pretty amazing little gook and I'll read his autobiography if/when he writes one.

>> No.658087

Steve Jobs had the blueprints for the iPad back in 85. He just didn't have the technology to implement it. I don't care what anyone says, this man imagined his ideal future and pulled the present forward to meet it.

That's like me trying to come up with telekinetic communication and actually succeeding with it. Like what the fuck who cares if some engineer got a big slice of the company and I actually didn't "make it" from a technical point of view. Goliaths like apple are created from groups of people coming together for one common goal, not just one single autistic math wiz who can design muh circuits.

>> No.658090

>imblying Bill Gates is doing it out of selfless generosity and not to fuel the cuck market with bulls

>> No.658103


another substanceless twat who got lucky

>> No.658290
File: 14 KB, 370x229, lego-computer-programmer-370x229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.658295

So would white collar workers...