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6574106 No.6574106 [Reply] [Original]

From your Portfolio's ATH:

>greater than 50% loss - F. you lost. Kill yourself and try again
>35-50% loss - D. You are below average, but you have good chance to make it. Buy through the bear market
>20-35% loss - C. Average. 80% of traders fall in this region
>10-20% loss - B. You did extremely well. Pat yourself on the back, your gains will come screaming out of the gate.
>0-10% loss - A. Godlike. You must be holding 100% GAS
>positive profit - A+. You are an insider

Compare your portfolio with the above rubric, and grade yourself. Have a good day.

>> No.6574158

F tier reporting in

>> No.6574217

but green Id so im saved fuck you

>> No.6574264,1 [INTERNAL] 

D grade... below average... fuck you OP

>> No.6574264
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>>10-20% loss - B

>> No.6574331

Jesus how new is everyone here? Literally anyone who bought in a year ago should be at least between 10-20x if theyre not retarded. Real OGs should be up even more than that. Im still like 3x from when I got serious about this shit 6 months ago and thats factoring in the current correction and a month of trying to daytrade like a retard. I seriously don't understand how people are losing money unless everyone here bought in like a week ago or bought bitconnect because theyre retarded non-native english speakers.

>> No.6574345

C- here. I held through a 34% - 40% loss. I probably shouldn't have jumped aboard the COSS train.

>> No.6574371

F, I peaked at $1100, down to $2800.
DBC fucked me.

>> No.6574387
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>> No.6574410

I'm up x10 on my initial investment of $300, but I added in $4,700 in recent months, so I'm technically only up x2. ;-;
t. May oldfag

>> No.6574451


>> No.6574518

I own ATM so moneys always drippin

>> No.6574539

23% loss here

holding 60% in bluechips (btc, eth, neo)

>> No.6574599

F- here. Taking your advice to kill myself.

>> No.6574615

A+++, mined coins in 2013, BTC would have to drop to $300 for me to lose money

>> No.6574749

In bitcoin or USD?

>> No.6574798

D, but ATH didn't last long.

>> No.6574803
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B after a year of practise

>> No.6575216

Right now at 16% loss and climbing down to 15-12% if not for OMG I would have made it out just fine.

>> No.6575268

Oh this is for the last 24 hours. I’m up over 1750% still from initial investment and this does not include many ICOs I have between 1ETH and 14 ETH invested in so I am fine.

>> No.6575304

> 30% loss
> started last week


>> No.6575349
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up 20% YoY :^)

>> No.6575469

F. Started right before the crash

>> No.6575487

OP here.

you guys are fucking idiots.

im saying judge your portfolio NOW vs. your ATH.

Not your entire fucking history. obv everyone started at $0 at some point

>hurrdurr infinite gains

so many fucking idiots infiltrating 4chan from reddit and normie sources. i can smell you.

>> No.6575589

Down from all time high. Everyone is in profit (unless you are absolutely retarded) but OP isn't talking about actual losses.

>> No.6575765

Entered in January, made x2.5, then lost 50%. Still in the green.
How did I do?

>> No.6575837

OP said from your ATH not your retarded gains from last year. Ffs biztards can't follow instructions without larping.

27% cause i cant be bothered to trade my NEO and ETH to tether

>> No.6575916
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we talking sats or USD big boy

sats wise im down like 3%
USD wise im down like 33%

>> No.6575968

Fuck I'm a C just like in school I'll never be good enough...

>> No.6576084

Only down 15% and I bought most of my shit at the tip of the bull's dick

Did I do okay?

>> No.6576272

Down 39% from ATH, although some of that is from moving into alts that I think will kill it over the next couple of months.

>> No.6576385

I'm down 11% currently but that could get worse kek

>> No.6576450

may. . oldfag

yeah no

>> No.6576460

>Can get worse
Will get worse

>> No.6576510
File: 124 KB, 740x1026, 740full-jailyne-ojeda-ochoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~~25% loss - Average
meh im fine with this