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6564832 No.6564832 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not helping their parents? My fantasy is literally to light $1 Million on fire in front of my parents and than bleed them dry in court sueing them for emotional damages

>> No.6564971

No, I had good parents. I hope I can help them retire.

>> No.6565017

they couldn't have been that bad

>> No.6565047
File: 37 KB, 600x401, Offended+emo+kid+with+deep+feelings+for+linking+fart+bleeding+_42f953c12fce3cb6e96178b1dee7ad26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his hobbies are crypto and cutting

>> No.6565062

Hey anon. It's not your fault.

>> No.6565067


>> No.6565111

Quite the opposite, in fact. One of the reasons I'm desperate to make it in crypto, is helping my parents. At the very least, being able to afford them a good healthcare plan.

>> No.6565143

Nope, my parents have given me all the love and support I could have possibly needed, and they even loaned me 5k to invest in crypto.

I want to make it and then by my dad his dream car, a lamborghini countach

>> No.6565149

sickfag here
my parents paid for my medical care so I want to make their lives easier. If they've been good to you, then be good to them and you'll enjoy the good feelings that come from family, and if not then it's whatever.

>> No.6565153


>> No.6565160

and then you go to jail for destruction of federal property

>> No.6565192


>> No.6565198

I'm sorry for what happened to you OP.

>> No.6565236

My parents poured money into me and my sisters when we were younger, out of the three of us I am holding my own now but my sisters drain them dry all the time.

I haven't told them about crypto involvement yet.

We all gotta make it /biz/

>> No.6565374

One of the first things I'm going to do is pay them back for my previous NEETING and send them on a nice cruise. If I really make it, one of my dreams is to pay down all my friend's student loans. Most of my dreams about money are about helping others tbqh--for real.

>> No.6565450
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hey anon

what if i told u, all the problems in ur life are your own fault?

>> No.6565540


>Your dad fucked you in the ass. Repeatedly when you were kid
>you grow fucked up
>it's your fault

kek brainlet

>> No.6565598

No my mother immigrated from Poland and was the best mother on the planet, always worked hard as fuck to make sure I have everything and more. I would love to make enough to buy her a house and make sure she doesnt have to work another day in her life.

>> No.6565677

spoken like an entitled teenage girl

your problems are YOUR problems

>> No.6565747

I haven't told mine about my crypto either. Gets a little awkward when they try and send me money for stuff while I'm at uni. I really don't need it but they still assume I'm poor as shit.

I'll pay them back at some point.

>> No.6565790

Love my parents. Same here.

>> No.6565794

Nope. Like others, a major motivation for me to make it is to support my family. My parents deserve to retire and enjoy all the things they missed out on by supporting me and my brother before they're crippled.

>> No.6565822

your dad fucked you in the ass?

my condolences

>> No.6565924

>you grow fucked up because of a penis in your ass
If you can blame your parents for things you couldn’t learn to live with, then you have to praise them for being able to put food in your mouth and get up every morning, since you apparently couldn’t learn those by yourself either. Always look at the positives, you’re privileged enough to be on 4chan every day. All thanks to your parents.

>> No.6565952

he liked it every time so it's fine

>> No.6565958

Stop judging OP unless you know what happened with him. Some parents happen to be absolutely terrible people who abuse children. Some happen to be sociopaths. You don't know what happened with OP. If you guys weren't a bunch of sheltered faggots you wouldn't be able to be so callous. As you guys get older you'll run into some truly horrible people who have kids, as well as some unfortunate people who grew up being abused by them in ways that you couldn't even imagine.

Having said that, my fantasy is to give my parents $10 million. My parents aren't perfect but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Hope the best for you, OP.

>> No.6565993


When did biz get so fucking soft and boring?

>> No.6566044

What did they do to you anon

>> No.6566066

You sound entitled, and that's why you will never make it.

>> No.6566174


>the positive side of getting fucked in the ass when you were a kid.

anon, can you enlighten me?

>> No.6566260

shut up weirdo

>> No.6566307

lmao just fucking kys

>> No.6566336

>Anon posts thread about how he hates his parents and wants them to suffer
>Most of the people posting love their parents and want to help them once they make it
Really tells you a lot about /biz/

>> No.6566339


so youre currently going through the ''im 15 and my parents are literally the worst'' phase, how fucking cute. Grow up op you faggot

>> No.6566394

Forgive your parents for what they've done. Try to be a good father to your children. God loves you, anon.

>> No.6566422

Actually.... I am giving all of my gains (20k) to my mum. I love my mum.

>> No.6566439

I feel you. I'm gunna just get rich, take my sister with me (shes currently living with them) and go ghost.

>> No.6566445

Then you’d be a bluepilled normie with a boomer “bootstraps” mentality

>> No.6566483

You blame completely unrelated problems on the ass fucking, so you can thank them for the ass fucking when you realize you have a computer and a healthy heart.

If you had just taken responsibility where appropriate, then nobody can tell you to forget or get over the ass fucking. But since that’s your whole life, you gotta take it as the reason for every good thing in your life.

Lmao I was 13 once.

>> No.6566492

Hey OP don't listen to this guy

>Hey anon. It's not your fault.

It's definitely your fucking fault, you were a little stupid baby acting like you had your shit together, all the while shitting in the nice bed your parents literally bought you. You broke them up with your selfishness, you stupid little baby.

>> No.6566493

Grow up you fucking loser. How do you walk around with all that pathetic emotional baggage on your back lol.

Some of these newbies are pathetic!!

>> No.6566504

My parents should never have been allowed to breed.

Their terrible genetics have made me a low-test incel and their terrible upbringing (such as home-schooling) has made me a social recluse.

They will never see a penny.

>> No.6566538
File: 36 KB, 297x365, (((Anger))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal in crypto is to cash out enough to pay my parent's mortgage you degenerate fuck

>> No.6566635

I gave up. I'm just going to make my money, get my career.
I'll pay the mortgage for a year or two when I get out of college. Then I'd like to move in a remote part of town. Its useless to argue or hate. I'm just going to keep faking good terms until we really are in good terms.

>> No.6566750

you're dealt the hand you're dealt kiddo

sitting there and crying about it is no fucking use
and little fantasies about 'revenge' are even less use

man the fuck up you pathetic virgin nerd

>> No.6566792

Return their hatred of you with more hate - you poor soul.

>> No.6566855

I'm the exact opposite. I don't even have any dream on my own or know what I want to do with my life. My main goal in live is to make my parent happy.

>> No.6566856

>tfw bullied all throughout elementary and middle school
>ran way from home in the midwest at 14 over some stupid autistic shit
>parents didnt even try to stop me
>text them maybe once every 2 yearsish
>seems like they dont have any animosity or any real emotion towards me
>just checking in to see if im still alive with 0 expectations, dont even ask about my education or work
>over the course of 13 years somehow work my way up to being a project manager at microsoft even though i only have a GED
>plenty successful financially already sitting at $3 million but still want to hit 8 digits before seeing them again
i really don't know what my goal is and how they or i will react if at all, or if i'll even tell them actually
thanks for stimulating the brief introspection

>> No.6566978

Buy their property and kick them out to establish dominance

>> No.6566990



fucking biz

>> No.6567125

I'm sorry for your inherited sociopathy. Sucks to be you.

>> No.6567244

you must have had a really really terrible upbringing to be this defensive, you defend child abuse to protect your ego from admitting the fact that you were abused by your own parents

>> No.6567324


have great parents, i'd love to be able to help them

dont know much about child abuse, but what i do know is that its YOU AGAINST THE WORLD, and the sooner you realise that the better

buncha slack jawed faggots on this board

>> No.6567518

>dont know much about child abuse, but what i do know is that its YOU AGAINST THE WORLD, and the sooner you realise that the better
Yes, including against your parents in a lot of cases.

>> No.6568101

At least I dont still live in my mother’s womb at 25+

>> No.6568719

You shouldn't blame all your problems on your parents when you're an adult but making excuses for their abuse is mentally ill, you're mentally ill.

>> No.6569049

I only pointed out the fatal flaw in blaming his fucked up lifestyle on some ass play from when he was a kid. Also, he was clearly making hyperbole to look less retarded than blaming helicopter parents or negligent parents. If you grow up a certain way because of your parents, then that includes the good things you take for granted, like your health and comforts. Don’t bullshit me about mental illness, I’m not the one claiming to rely on my parents 20 years ago to live normally today.

>> No.6569291

>tfw not gonna make it though
>tfw will always feel guilty for not being able to make their life better

>> No.6569324

Well you're either mentally ill or retarded if you refuse to admit that child abuse can damage a person so badly it has consequences for the rest of his/her life. Offering food and a place to sleep is not impressive, even a kidnapper would do this, a slave owner would do this, a government orphanage would do this.

>> No.6569327

why would you do this? unless your parents actually abused you or severely neglected you as a child (as in didn't feed you, or beat the shit out of you) there's no reason for that.

Life is hard for most people including your parents. Most of our parents did the best they could with what they had. Most of our parents cared about us as much as any parent does. If you had a poor childhood that sucks and you could make arguments for your parent deciding not to conceive you in the first place, but that's more of a philosophical debate and hardly something you can actually hate them for.

I dunno man, you seem like a spiteful, immature cunt. Unless your dad fingered your butthole or something, in which case that sucks.

>> No.6569541

You sound like a dumb narcissistic boomer retard.

>> No.6569549

kill yourself

>> No.6569610

>hey man, listen, man listen
>I know that
>I know
>I know that I ran over your le-
>Man, listen
>I know that I ran over your legs
>and you're in deep emotional pain n sheeit
>Man listen
>But your problems
>Your problems are your fault
>Not mine
Fuck off, man. It's never been about skirting blame by putting it on our retarded parents. It's about realizing how terrible they were raising us and that they're not getting a cent of our hard earned money once we're finished fixing all the shit that they broke.

>> No.6569743

for >>6565924

>> No.6569787

Nope I'm not narcissistic at all really, I'm quite modest. Only 29 years old as well, so I don't think that qualifies me as being a boomer.

His post just seems angsty like some retarded kid whose dad yelled at him to get his shit together or something.

I dunno, I like my parents, but I don't spend that much time thinking about them either, so the idea of wishing to cause them harm just seems mentally ill and something a young boy between the age of 15-21 would be thinking.

>> No.6569812

You're retarded and emotionally stunted.

>> No.6569817

look at all his replies he's a troll or a nutjob, normal people understand he's a freak so just stop responding to him

>> No.6569837

Consequences are irrelevant at that point. The conversation is about responsibility. If we were talking consequences, it would be specific, logical cause and effect. If you say you grow up with a fucked up life because of molestation, I’ll say you grow up with a relatively good life because of molestation. That discussion is meaningless because there’s always a line that someone draws for what they are personally responsible for. Some people feel too guilty, some too innocent. But parents are one of many influences and traumatic events only hold power as long as you want them to. The quality of life you perceive for yourself is entirely your own, and the actions you make every day have nothing to do with your parents unless it was just this morning that they were still breastfeeding you and holding your hand

>> No.6569847


Same... I want to pay off their mortgage.

>> No.6569900

In my impotent rage, I took the bait.

>> No.6570029
File: 577 KB, 600x683, iykysyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow reddit small world i'm also going to pay my parent's mortgage

>> No.6570081

care to elaborate? I always considered myself to be emotionally developed

>> No.6570247

>If you say you grow up with a fucked up life because of molestation, I’ll say you grow up with a relatively good life because of molestation.
Yeah, you're utterly insane.

>> No.6570331

Oposite here. The main reason I want to make it in crypto more then any thing is so I can give my parents enough to live comfortably and never work again

>> No.6570363
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1514861618283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always been a disappointment to my parents
>wanted to make them happy
>told them about my gains and how i turned 1k into 100k on crypto
>they were supportive and the happiest and most proud they've ever been for me
>told them i would help pay off the house when i start cashing out at 200k
>this week happens, market collapses and now i'm down 50% with no sign of stopping
>too scared to cash out now because everything will immediately bounce back and start mooning when i sell like every other time
>even if i did cash out now the current amount won't change anyone's life
>tell myself "i-it wasn't real money anyway"
>don't want them to find out what's happening because they'll be even more disappointed
i'm going to be a failed abortion of a disappointment forever and it's all my fault

>> No.6570580
File: 59 KB, 600x772, A5DDA08D-4D25-47E1-AF09-114E4BD3547B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not your fault. You know what to do, you KNOW you should hold through this dip. It’s too late to tether up or cash out. That’s fine. Crypto isn’t going anywhere, zoom out brother. Seriously, zoom out and get some perspective. You might not get back to 100k soon but you will in due time. You only lose if you sell at a loss, don’t forget that. 2018 is gonna be a crazy year, strap in, get smart and make your parents proud.

>> No.6570660

Just walk away dude. Live a good life, best revenge.

>> No.6570813
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180116-202301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad the other day

>> No.6570829



Ride it out bro, its gonna be okay! Time heals all wounds and you'll get back up again. Good luck

>> No.6570830
File: 326 KB, 1080x2220, 1516162737726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hold for another 6-12 months and postpone the plans you had, everything will recover and your previous 100k high will become like 350k-500k by end of year

some CNBC article came out today saying "the only coin performing well is TETHER up 4% during this massive sell-off", if that's the extent of normie knowledge right now, it's proof positive that we're in for an incredible 2018

>> No.6570878


Me too. Or just never tell them at all. Let them think I’m a failure.


Makes me physical ill people like this exist desu.

>> No.6570934

That bitch triggered this whole bull market, maybe it was the straw that broke the camels back but I seriously can’t believe CNBC can just publish articles like that with zero fact checking whatsoever

>> No.6571321

I neither want to help or hurt my parents.
They are dumb fuck boomers.
They lived through the mocrosoft boom and never got on, the dot com and never got on, and the housing bubble, but never got on.
They believe the only real valuable work is manual labor, and that electronics data storage, and automation, what ive built a near 6 figure salary on is a fad, and regularly try and convince me to get a different job that pays almost 2/3s less because it isnt tech based, so its a stable job. As if manual labor is a stable income, and not about to go away.
Long story short they will not benefit from any of my investments that they tried to convince me was gambling.
They are hopeless, and any money I share with them will be wasted.

>> No.6571459

I'm giving my sister 10k to leave and never speak to me again.

>> No.6571590
File: 13 KB, 229x220, 1515445231851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAAHAHA the levels of ignorance holy moly... boys we have great times ahead of us

>> No.6571612

lol good shit. Also why do this?

>> No.6572458

I hope you aren't actually John Mayer, he's a cool dude

>> No.6572533

That's cool anon. Are you a "Project Manager" i.e. one of those guys who make $60k sending emails all day or a manager of an engineering team?

>> No.6572564

HODL anon it's okay, don't worry. Even if it goes down to $10k you still literally 10x'd your money, those are amazing gains by any investment standard. Hold the line anon we're all going to make it, just make sure you don't have shitcoins, please only have good coins like BTC and ETH

>> No.6572585

Suing your parents for emotional damage? soyboy

>> No.6572601

>the only coin performing well is TETHER
Holy KEK

>> No.6572712

my dad made it from the bottom, he worked in every sector imaginable and now he has his own company (30 employees or so). He wants me to enjoy the things he couldn't have while i want to make it myself too. I love them but sometimes i just wish i'm not living on handouts (college student)

>> No.6572725

He's not really a cool dude, he's got some serious mommy issues if you read about how he treats the women he's intimate with. Like the dude has unresolved issues.

>> No.6572750

I'm grown up. After literal decades of consideration, fuck them.

>> No.6572813

>implying i havn't already helped my mom go from 500$ to 8k

>> No.6572878

>he's gambling on crypto
>you're sending him r/ crypto links
kek. your dad is a chad and you're a cuck