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6563876 No.6563876 [Reply] [Original]

If Bitcoins can be Mined how is that any different than printing money? Same with every crypto

>b-but theres a limited amount

What if by the time they are all mined the value is so inflated that it will take forever to get back up?

>> No.6563907

What the fuck is your question even you fucking retard

>> No.6563926

Printing money is easy retard. Mining is hard, and gets harder as you mine more.

>> No.6563937

What the fuck is the 2nd question? Either way, they won't even be mined in your lifetime.

>> No.6563947

Mining is literally
>We need shit done, can we use your processor to do it, we'll pay some

It's not printing money moron.

>> No.6563950

I hate this board

>> No.6563975

Anyone can mine, only Private Banks can print money out of thin air completely uncapped.

>> No.6563984

They are mined as block rewards. Blocks happen at set intervals, with a set amount of bitcoin awarded per block. This means that there is a consistent rate of "minting" of new bitcoins. To get a block reward, one must expend quite a bit of electricity and initial capital. This means that your scenario can't happen. With B-cash though, they have an "emergency difficulty adjustment" which can lead to the scenario you described. Thanks for not spending even 5 minutes on google before making a thread.

>> No.6563991

Hey hey hey i already implied im mentally retarded. What i mean is how is mining any different from money printing, other than it being legal. Won't it just be mined until it is worth nothing like printing money.

>> No.6563997
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If gold can be mined how is that any different than printing money? Same with every metal

>b-but theres a limited amount

What if by the time they are all mined the value is so inflated that it will take forever to get back up?

>> No.6564018


Value can't be inflated due to limited quantity.

>> No.6564061

So wait it actually serves a purpose? I thought it's just like finding digital coins. Can you PLEASE explain this more Idon't get it because to me it seems like the processing is just being wasted

I actually watched a video explaining cryptocurrencies and it didn't explain any of that.

>> No.6564071

See this:

tl;dr Mining difficulty automatically adjusts based on the number of miners and their combined hashing power.

>> No.6564083

There is effective inflation from a new batch of alts every day

>> No.6564093

Money is unlimited, so adding more money devalues the rest. Inflation rates can be increased, so it devalues even quicker. Bitcoin is mined based on a fixed difficulty, so you know exactly how much is added, and when it is added. This sort of allows it to be priced into the current and future price of a bitcoin.

>> No.6564111

Nobody wants your shitty printed money. People do want Bitcoin. It's called the double coincidence of wants, read a book.

>> No.6564112

>the state of /biz/
holy fuck can you not think for a second without having to make a thread

>> No.6564114

Well that kind of proves my point. Gold has gone down since the 80s

>> No.6564120

There is no difference.

Bitcoin has zero (0) intrinsic value and nothing behind it, it's a fringe in economics and will soon die out thankfully.

>> No.6564169

no you get it, new coins are added 100x faster than fiat

its just a pile of infinite garbage

brb just invent 50 new coins, easy

>> No.6564190

Well, you can mine gold too. Let's see you print some.

>> No.6564194

dumb fucks there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins and the last one will be mined in the year 2140...

>> No.6564215
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>> No.6564226

>people want bitcoin
Because they think they can sell it for real money later. Read a book

I still don't understand.

>> No.6564267
File: 16 KB, 450x311, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold has gone down since the 80s
confirmed brainlet

>> No.6564294

Miners keep network alive(they verify transactions) and get rewarded with crypto that they are mining and that is how new amount of coins get into circulation. And since block reward is limited, the speed of new coins getting into circulation is predictable and that makes it pretty much inflation free.
Please read the definition of inflation and deflation, your question doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6564336

For the mining, most coin just test all the possible result to a given mathematical question.
As soon as a compiter find the suited answer, it gets the reward.

Some coin (like etherium) allows ou to do some calculus to add usefulness to the mining.
(Very simplified explanation, in detail, it's different, but you will get the idea)

>> No.6564360
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>> No.6564366

your stupid that is in usda with is inflation currenct. gold did not go up the dollar has decreased its buying power i had newfags. if you bought a oz of gold in the 80 you would have the same buying power as it would today. i mean how do you live

>> No.6564368

Transactions need to be verified, no one will do it for free, so the incentive is to give miners coins

>> No.6564374

good things there are infinite coins invented daily

brb bitcoin cash, dogecoin, potcoin, etc

>> No.6564376

>What is inflation

>> No.6564469

Except bitcoin's network is BY FAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR bigger and SAFER. The bitcoin miners could literally kill any coin with sha256 hashing right now if they just felt like it. To kill bitcoin it would cost over $4 Billion in hardware plus $9 million in electricity every day

>> No.6564499

So how does this benefit anyone? Wheres the productivity behind it? Some anon said it's letting the internet run faster since you're basically letting someone else use your network


Miners aren't running the transactions though are they?

>> No.6564513
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>post a chart that shows it's worth more now than in the 80's even when adjusted for inflation

>> No.6564536

It doesn't benefit anyone, in fact it's a massive waste of energy and it's completely untenable in the long term.

>> No.6564539
File: 276 KB, 1550x784, btcinflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is predictable.

>> No.6564572

gold is the standard hedge vs usd inflation have you ever even talked to a boomer in your life

>> No.6564639
File: 34 KB, 600x461, 1515248095995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're beyond retarded pls go back to tidder and never come back again fucking piece of shit

>> No.6564721

The chart clearly shows it higher at the 80s fucking idiot

That's what i'm thinking! Then this is probably a giant scam

>> No.6564734

haha its being diluted by infinite shit... then again bitcoin is outdated shit anyway

good luck

>> No.6564859

Nice digits.

Ok, let's be more clear and take bitcoin as an example.
Transactions are queued.
When a suffisant amount is reached, a new block is created.
Miners will verify legacy of all the transaction of the block (easy and fast to do) and will calculate the checksum of all the transaction (easy and fast too).
Then they will add timestamp and a "write whatever you want" area and will compite the checksum (fast and easy).
BUT 99.9% of the time this checksum will not start with `0` (zeroes).
To be valid, the checksum must have the number or zero required by the network dificulty.
So, you change a little bit your "write whatever" zone and do marh again.
And so as long ad you or an other find a value that satisfy the checksum zeroes need.

Again, it is simplified, but you see the picture.

>> No.6564876

mining is needed to prove transactions, at least for bit coin

>> No.6564950

That makes no sense and im pretty sure you are just repeating what someone said, you don't understand it either. All that matters really is limited amount right?

>> No.6564969

We are already seeing the crash of shitcoins like BCC so eventually they will be wiped out of the system. Then we are left with like 10 or 20 great coins and that will be it.

>> No.6565033

Running your own version of the bitcoin code does not dilute bitcoin you absolute brainlet. Anyone on earth can fork bitcoin 400 times, and it won't change the fact that its network is insanely secure compared to any shitcoin... Eventually dipshits will lose their ass and stop falling for shticoin scams, but maybe not who knows.

>> No.6565101

They think they can buy things with it later. You know like in the future when things aren't exactly as they are in the present.

>> No.6565223

Yeah but who would sell something for bitcoin.

>> No.6565452
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>one bubble in 81 is "the 80's"

>> No.6565504

Explain thoroughly what exactly you don't understand about mining. The way that anon described it is pretty accurate, the work that your computer does secures the network such that if someone evil wants to overwrite the latest block, they have to do what it took the entire world 30 minutes to find, if they wanted to overwrite the latest 2 blocks, they have to do twice that work.

>> No.6565537

The people who survive the normie holocaust.

>> No.6565701

the evil government needs to launch that their super computer from dan brown's "digital fortress"

>> No.6565787

You can send money to anyone on earth without permission, without being censored,without trusting anyone, without risk of charge back for the seller, and it can be done fast, relatively cheaply, and extremely securely.
That's pretty damn valuable to a lot of people.

>> No.6565813

so is the money stored on the block...or the block is just the ledger. this is where I start not being able to understand

>> No.6565835

Fuck (you) anon, I take time to simplify and explain mining to (you) and you shat on me.
Go fuck yourself and lurk more newfag!

Thank. Some points are simplified and not as true as they could be, bit as I said it was to explain the big picture.
Yes bitcoin waste energy. In that sens, it is backed by electricity cost nd hardware evolution.
If a crypto quantic computer use almost no energy and break a block in no time, bitcoin goes back to very low value.

>> No.6565841

No one said it was different than printing money

>> No.6565869
File: 277 KB, 1600x900, 29ab6bda667c6f7d49eaf8712e97589e0887852d[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can send "money"

then you have to exchange them for the real money and here it's where the government comes in

>> No.6566011

crypto mining is governed by mathematics, controlled rate of expansion
>fiat is printed out of control by KIKES and stupid politicians
good crypto is limited, appreciates in value
>fiat is inflationary, keeps losing value
(((Banksters))) control fiat
We the people control crypto (except scam coins like ripple XRP)

>> No.6566063

Money is never stored as a plain number.

You have two kind of stuff written in the block :
- anon mined a block and receved xxx btc
- anon transfert xxx btc to pepe

So to know how many bitcoin ypu own, you need to rewind the whole blockchain from the start and lurk for your address and every event related to it. In the end, you have your amount of btc.
That takes almost 2h on my computer to scan the whole chain. (I'm running bitcoincore, lurk to lurn moar) that's why most people use online "wallets" that will do it for you.

>> No.6566199

You only need a ledger to derive the balance of every wallet. So the coins aren't physically stored anywhere. Every wallet already exists and is simply the public key to a given private key. The private key can be used to sign transactions that are processed by miners, it can be easily verified whether or not the private key that signed the transaction is indeed the match public key/address for the transaction to come from. Each block is a collection of transactions with a header that allows abritrary input. Miners attempt to find the input of a hash function such that when the hash function is given some input from the previous block, plus some random text, the output is of certain requirement (number of preceeding 0s). Therefore, each block depends on the previous block since the hash function took in some input from the previous block. So to overwrite any blocks, you must also overwrite any blocks after it. Anyone can submit new blocks to the network and each client can easily check the block's validity. The client therefore received many blocks, whichever set of blocks builds the longest chain of blocks is then considered the current blockchain. If someone kept 10 blocks a secret and then releases them all at once before the rest of the network has eached 10 blocks, he will overwrite any blocks the rest of the network mined. However, the only way to do this is to mine these blocks faster than the rest of the world. And since each block depends on the previous one, you only have 30 minutes each time to try to beat the network, before you have to restart all you work. Is everything clear now?

>> No.6566364

Thank you.
You manage to explain ll the bitcoin functionality in one 4chan post, that's neat.
I will keep it somewhere.

Also checked.

>> No.6566587

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin usually have a set number of coins that can be mined. From the beginning everyone has known how many Bitcoins their would eventually be maximum (~21 million).

To prevent a massive release of coins in a short time due to huge increase in hashrate (mining speed) "difficulty" is adjusted based on the amount of hashrate thrown at a cryptocurrency. Difficulty increases serve to moderate how fast the pre-determined amount of coins enter circulation. An additional mechanism called block reward halving occurs as well. Block halving reduces the block rewards over time. Some cryptocurrencies have a fixed % inflation model like Dogecoin or Peercoin. In Bitcoin difficulty and block halving mechanisms along with the fixed maximum supply prevent the possibility of hyperinflation.

Mining is different from printing money because its not done at will based on the decisions of an entity like a government. Likewise it is not like illegally printing money because it is a designed distribution mechanism and security mechanism for the cryptocurrency. The owners of the cryptocurrency are informed on the distribution model before investing by reading about it.

Nobody knows how many fiat units will be printed because the decision is made as needed versus being guided by a known mathematical model. Mining is a distribution mechanism and incentive to secure the blockchain.

Mining is a designed feature.