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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6561797 No.6561797 [Reply] [Original]

Is crypto over?

>> No.6561921
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Yeah, just like those others 176 times before today

>> No.6561924

Yes, and I'm glad this board can go back to actual discussion

>> No.6561965

Enjoy your fucking bag, retard. No amount of memes is gonna help you cope.

>> No.6562411
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>> No.6562505

Yes, It's over for the weaklings.

>> No.6562557

I hope so, but I doubt it

>> No.6562649

It should, this piece of shit is enough as fuck.

>> No.6562671

this is a long overdue lesson for normies, crypto is not a place to earn easy money, it kind of like stock market but 100x faster / 24x7 and house of scam artists. This crash will open their eyes and hopefully stop them from pretending to be "investor" "entrepreneur" "eat/sleep bitcoin"

>> No.6562684
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i hope so i can buy the dip at 0

>> No.6562722

I honestly hope it is. I want to be able to concentrate on actually making something of my life again. Without the constant feeling of missing out on the big gains.

>> No.6562747

This. We really, really needed a nice dip today and we seem to have gotten it.

>> No.6562818

I don't know what makes it pump again to 20k after this rollercoaster ride besides amnesia

This could be the entry point to another 3 year bear market

>> No.6562821

How does it feel to be the embodiment of never gonna make it

>> No.6562893
File: 25 KB, 573x552, 4564621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..that's it..
..it's .. over..
..All is lost..
..Naked in the dark..

>> No.6562911

Crypto will never be over. Cat is out of the bag.