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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, internet-node-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6556158 No.6556158 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is feeling comfy?

>> No.6556324

I almost went all in last night. Prayed it'd keep dipping and I'd go in this morning instead. Could've doubled my money, instead I've halved it.

>> No.6556417

Suprising how well this managed to keep it'self together during this fucking bloodbath.

>> No.6556574

its the only thing saving me

>> No.6556639

It literally didn't care for the crash.
Imagine what it'll do in a bullish revearsal.
This is /our/coin

>> No.6556743
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INT and HPB both were safehavens in this crash.

Both are SOLID projects aswell.

>> No.6556833

Feeling pretty comfy.

Discoverd the coin yesterday. Went allin. No dip for me!

>> No.6556902

are you guys using coinegg for this? they only accept btc deposits, and that sucks. it's dissuaded me from getting in, is it the only wat\y? no ltc/bch deposits?

>> No.6556992

im on coinegg. Whatch out for withdrawl problems. They dont accept every country. I'm from the Netherlands and verified as german. Coolcoin has more countries.

You can deposit with ltc, almost every coin

>> No.6556995

oh FUCK, just accidentally discovered how to send BCH. damn im mad now lol, could've got in ez last night

>> No.6557026

Deposit ETH or LTC then convert to BTC
are you serious?

>> No.6557063

i read that US citizens simply have to verify ID to withdrawal, can anyone confirm?

>> No.6557143

i didn't realize it was a drop down menu to choose the depositing currency

>> No.6557178

Why is this shitty chinkcoin stable ?

the only thing it has is the "muh IBM portnership"

I hope every shitcoin dies

>> No.6557243
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Am I gonna make it /biz/ or should I go all in on TRON?

>> No.6557274

if you're a US citizen there's a trick. Because they disable trading for US

So to still be able to get your INT:
1. Create Coinegg account
2. do NOT verify yet
3. deposit Crypto
4. Buy INT
5. NOW you verify
6. Get verified and withdraw your shit to ERC20 wallet

>> No.6557369

Because it's the Chinese version of IOTA, but valued at only 65$m now
just like NEO is the chinese ETH

Get in now or miss out on YUUUGE gains

>> No.6557506
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Only have 6k INT

But got in on shipchain airdrop at least. Sucks being poor my dudes. Won't look at the price until Feb 10th. My birthday is Feb 21st, give me a proper moon for my birthday guys. Even 20k would be life changing. Good luck

>> No.6557510

I feel blessed having you in my thread. Our guy.

Bought in at 2k sats. Considering selling some other positions for more INT and bulking up my ETH stack while it's on sale.

>> No.6557519

Front/back of ID, selfie with said exchange and date w/ id, and a little more proof if you want to take more money out or deposit more. Get off coinbase and gdax. Any site with social security numbers needed. Government is already aware anyways though.

>> No.6557725

how did you get in on the shipchain drop? pissed I missed it

>> No.6557782

awesome dude, your real bday gift will be SHIP tho, if you hold it for a year
>2k sats
literally doesnt get any better
Was lucky enough to get some more INT today for a cheap 3700 sats (original big buys 1650-1900), so glad ive found this
btw dont forget about SHIP end of Feb ;)
yes but only after he has bought it

>> No.6557849
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It's still ongoing
>scroll down, join telegram channel
>check their pinned airdrop post
>free moon money

>> No.6557938

worth selling part my VEN at a loss (bought at $5.90) to buy equivalent INT? Martian help

>> No.6558049
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I don't know much about VEN
But I'd do it.
Definitely more short term gain potential imo

then buy shipchain end of feb, then dont touch it for a year
buy your wife a house and be thankful you got to live in shipchain timeline

>> No.6558156

when is the next dip?

got 200$ to spend

>> No.6558318

where do i buy

>> No.6558326

oh fuck, i was the 15th was the deadline, not the beginning. helly eah

>> No.6558523
File: 51 KB, 536x547, 1515534224899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just bought 33k yesterday.

>> No.6558572

coinegg or okex
for coinegg if youre american:
register, deposit crypto, buy INT, only THEN verify! select UK, put in drivers license get approved and withdraw your tokens to metamask or your preferred wallet or keep it on exchange (not recommended)
i dont know about OKEX

>> No.6558839

youre def gonna make it anon
dont forget to get some SHIP after INT moon
I'm so fucking sure in SHIP i wish i could get $10m loan to buy it upon token release

>> No.6559204
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mate are you the anon that shilled me all in INT > Shipchain 90% and 10% in IntenseToken? because I came across that thread aswel, pretty much researched all the shills there but they didn't came close.

>> No.6559266

Too late to get in on INT?
I saw your first thread the other day and I was skeptical, now I'm kicking myself - will definetly get in on SHIP tho and get that airdrop.
I'm still a little concerened about investing in chinese assets right now with all the uncertainty around asian markets.
Help a newcoiner out senpai~~

>> No.6559359

Logo of INT is a penis. HPB is an anus

This can't be a coincidence

>> No.6559427

dude this coin is still like 60-80m marketcap and so far everything checks out pretty legit. This is still literally ground zero. IF it would compete with iOTA it would grow atleast 100x from this point and more.

>> No.6559590

yeah thats me, just made a new thread, spreading the word. Let's get as many anons as rich as possible.

id still get in yes, my target is 3-4$ for mid feb
and definitely get into SHIP, yes.
Chinese will just ban the exchanges because they want to keep their yuan strong. In-land blockchain solutions are welcomed.

>> No.6559598

What is the best wallet for INT? Gonna go all in when I get home in 8 hours.

>> No.6559601

I swear to god watching you retards use coinegg has revealed the I.Q. issues of this userbase.

>> No.6559737

I'm using metamask to store the tokens.
pretty much this
id say 400-500m market cap is very feasible short term (1 month max), maybe even 1 week.

>> No.6559762

What does the fact that his has essentially not moved at all through this crash mean? I can't believe such a new coin survived this, makes me wonder what would have happened if there were no crash.

>> No.6559850

i dont want to do it
i know i shouldnt do it

pls convince me otherwise so i can blame someone else later

pls mummy

>> No.6559857

Enlighten me.

>> No.6559988

martian, my nigga. I doubled my worth from flippin int haha. went from .023 to .053c feels comfy man

>> No.6560032

it means it's strong as fuck and as soon as we have a +30% day this will be in $2 territory, then $4-5 swiftly
Jump into the cold water, don't get into heavily shilled coins, get into this one with zero marketing, solid team, big partnerships, low market cap and 50x moon potential
just do it like >>6557274

>> No.6560285

If I send INT to my Metamask address will it appear there or do I have to configure something?

>> No.6560432

Three biggest examples of mouthbreathers I saw.

>"wtf, you can only deposit bitcoin"
>deposits ETH bcuz speed and price so slightly smarter than the above, but then asks: "there's no way to buy INT with ETH, did I just waste my ETH?"
>Last but not least: "don't use coinegg, I heard they charge you 0.01 BTC to withdraw."

>> No.6560475

maybe they should change their UI or make it more apparent it's a drop down menu, it's vastly different than any other site i've used in that regard

>> No.6560502

add the contract address into meta mask first
here it is:

then just send it there
take care though: i dont know if it'll be an ERC20 token end of jan when mainnet is released
but devs will give directions so keep watching them on twitter

>> No.6560503

zero marketing, solid team, big partnerships, low market cap and 50x moon potential

would be achain my martian nigger, not this pnd coin

reason this coin didnt dip is because the chinese whales need more bagholders before they can unload

>> No.6560509

any chance of this dipping again or should I just bite the bullet

>> No.6560540
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Omg I hope it dips again!!

>> No.6560559
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>> No.6560568
File: 65 KB, 1116x897, int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was warning 2 days ago :)

>> No.6560759

Only thing keeping me afloat in the sea of just. Bought at 2k sats, only wish that I bought more. Thanks to the anon who shilled this.

>> No.6560769

it's timestamped as yesterday you fucking mong

>> No.6560869

If there's a risk of losing it later by keeping it in metamask I'll keep it in the exchange. I don't trust myself to do it right.

>> No.6560891
File: 48 KB, 800x729, retardwojak7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in the world lives in the same time zone as I do !!!

>> No.6560924
File: 174 KB, 480x360, ERIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for a good enough dip it falls all the time because of flippers. just read the trend and dont fomo nigger

>> No.6560997

well, INT is also pretty solid and more undervalued imo.
also it's chinese, these been mooning left and right lately
its like buying antshares
see that artificial wall? once that breaks we'll be in 70s then $1 then $5
so its still pretty cheap at $0.50
2k sats, doesnt get any better than this. hold firmly onto them.

>> No.6561024

What an idiot

>> No.6561119

thanks! I've placed my limit orders. Hopefully, the patience pays off

>> No.6561124
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See you guys there

>> No.6561225

Kek, this guy keeps outing himself as a retard.

>> No.6561372

youre doing god's work
keep on spreading the word.
lets make biz rich again

>> No.6561464
File: 145 KB, 624x352, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true if big

>> No.6561829

I had no idea it didn’t end already. Ty anon bro

>> No.6561873
File: 98 KB, 837x892, BrendanfraserJust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just accidentally sent 200 INT to an Metamask address without inputting the int contract address

>> No.6561934
File: 87 KB, 800x533, Grumpy-Bunny-Rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro come on lol
Here's a bunny to cheer you up

>> No.6562241

i think you can also add the contract address afterwards, no?
get em!

>> No.6562431
File: 150 KB, 500x566, quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still here, now is the time to buy whiles its around 4000 sats

>> No.6562687
File: 18 KB, 187x169, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever got the 4000 sat dip congrats, that was pretty fucking lucky

>> No.6562730

Martian bro surely IoT Chain (ITC) is Chinese IOTA? This isn't based on DAG - like IOTA, Raiblocks or ITC.

Full disclosure still went in tho

>> No.6562933

so i am waiting for my ledger to get hear to move my tokens but that won't be till march. you guys think they will be alright on the exchange? they are on coinegg at the moment. I made a mew but i created it while i was online so there is a low chance it could be compromised but there is a chance.

>> No.6562979

Bought in at 2k sats. Have more than 20k of them.

Sadly I can't login on Okex with google auth, they have some issues with it. I sent two mails, no answer yet. A bit amateurish for a such exchange site.

>> No.6563064

Can you not reset it?

>> No.6563177

what is a mew?

>> No.6563179

The password? I tried to but it needs my google auth and it doesn't work for no reasons. If I recover, I get my token and get the fuck out this exchange as soon as possible.

>> No.6563218

Reset the google auth as if you lost your phone.

>> No.6563262

I only have like 150 (poor newfag) but I'm comfy

>> No.6563291

mewtwo from pokemon

we're all gonna make it anon

>> No.6563297

I have 161, also feeling comfy

>> No.6563334

Just downloaded telegram. Holy shit people still use emoticons when they chat? This looks like fucking msn. What have I got myself into? This better be worth it.

>> No.6563389
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>> No.6563520

I tried to listen to you anon
I know how to take a good advice
But fucking chinks on okex stole my moneys :(

>> No.6563665

Wait, what the fuck is gonna happen to coinegg? Chinese government will shut it down eventually? Sucks lmao

>> No.6563865
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It arrived after all.

>> No.6563961
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easy fucking money

>> No.6563971


Bought in for 350 INT yesterday at great difficulty (had to use BTC to deposit/trade in CoinEgg, fucking expensive and slow).

Hope it was a worthwhile investment!

>> No.6564060


Tron is possibly a scam coin. The amount of hype compared to the actual product is ridiculous.

INT is the exact opposite. HODL.

Also, when you are becoming a multi-millionare because of my advice, send me a few a dem INT's brah 0x952a15b5d86c3d6c9658f82509681308bb41a429

>> No.6564183

>had to use BTC to deposit/trade in CoinEgg

>> No.6564220
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I 2nd this, when will newbies learn to use eth THEN exchange it on coinegg

>> No.6564261

ltc still cheaper

>> No.6564299

it's the same thing with me when I tried to register and set up auth first.
Eventually, I purchased at coinegg

>> No.6565015
File: 92 KB, 500x675, Garfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my pajeet shilling for this coin???!?!

>> No.6565226
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How long does it take to get verified on coinegg?

What country should i have picked if im an amerifag?

>> No.6565265


>> No.6565273

UK if burger

>> No.6565695

soooooo comfy, went 50% in yday, i wish i put all.

>> No.6565834

Total 0.000044 Amount 1558.7920 Total .068586848

Calling it a night boys, setting sell to 6000 sats, hopefully some chinks buy it

>> No.6566224

As comfy phat as i can at 2300.

>> No.6566273

All ponzi

>> No.6566329

how is int ponzi?