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File: 161 KB, 423x516, 1508317082581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6549892 No.6549892 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is getting fucking rekt but cant help laugh hysterically at all this shit going on

>> No.6549918

Lost all my gains and am eating into my principal lmfao

>> No.6549949


>> No.6549952

this guy right here. lost a lot of profit.

>> No.6549983

Any good reddits or hasthags to watch the normans burn and jump off buildings?

>> No.6549994

not even mad, we all saw the crash coming and did nothing.

>> No.6550025

Never felt more alive

>> No.6550053

>mfw I’m still 3x my principal

this is fucking brutal though

>> No.6550089

I feel happy for some reason, this entertains me. Fuck the future, right now this is hilarious.

>> No.6550117

My cost basis was $1100. I'm still up over 2x (down from almost 5x) for now, but I don't sweat it much because I'm not a moron who poured more than he could afford to lose into the market. If my positions get even more rekt I have no problem letting them sit in cold storage for a few months. Might be good to actually get work done instead of shitposting here all the time.

>> No.6550171

I've lost 15k and all I can do is laugh
This shit is just to funny

>> No.6550202
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Plez Mr. Satoshi, I pray as I lay that there will be no delay to persuade people to play. I'm gay

>> No.6550230


I put in money I was prepared to lose.

I'm being rekts but it's so much fun it doesn't feel real.

>> No.6550251
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I lost an entire years pay in about two days

I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.6550258

down 600k but can't be bothered to give a fuck

>> No.6550273

Still up about 12x from my initial investment in november.
I'm just enjoying this whole thing. Really entertaining. kek

>> No.6550283

Me. I caused this shit. I made my first purchase of BTC last week. Luckily it was only $600. All these wojaks are worth it.

>> No.6550305 [DELETED] 
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This situation is very sad but at the same time is ver

>> No.6550322

Are there seriously people here who think the market will not recover? I'm not even the slightest bit concerned, this shit happens all the time

>> No.6550328
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All these dumbasses selling are literally making the rich richer, They got a money cheat code in real life served on a silver platter and they just fucking blew it. The poor remains poor..

>> No.6550330

>this is the timeline we're living in

has life turned into a meme?

>> No.6550357

I started with 2k in june, hit 700k last week and now at 550k, im just laughing idc

>> No.6550370

Not this time dude. It's over. The whales are leaving for good.

>> No.6550374

I want to laugh but at the same time, I start to worry that I might not reach my EOM goal. Had I had eg $50k and gone down to $25k, I would be laughing. But I only got $1.2k, down from $2.5k

>> No.6550383


I am there anon. Psychotic laughter is the only solution to endless terror.

>> No.6550399


Down 10k, and the thing I'm most upset about is not having more money to buy in right now.

What the fuck is wrong with us lmao

>> No.6550423

i been chilling, but man, my portfolio just dipped below 6 figures so shit is getting real I had 150k yestererday WTF

just keep lol'ing tho I can't help it

>> No.6550424
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lost half my principal
all I can do is post pink wojaks and laugh along

>> No.6550428

This is probably the final dip.

>> No.6550433

I'm with you OP. Portfolio is down almost $20k. Burn it all!

>> No.6550438
File: 2.04 MB, 700x394, dubu need to pee version.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto portfolio is going to absolute shit
>somebody fraudulently used my credit card to pay for their holiday in the Costa del Sol
>my gf wants to borrow 2k

all this shit in just one day

>> No.6550453

Lost all of my gains, eating into my initial. I find it hilarious as well, it’s just so ridiculous, but I guess the only reason I can laugh is because I believe it will go back up even higher.

>> No.6550485

If you believe that you should sell

>> No.6550522

Only invested 2000euros so not so desperat right now

>> No.6550578

>not having more money to buy in more

This is why this is happening. Everyone currently in on crypto has all the fiat they can afford in crypto, so nobody can buy the newest dip to push back lmao

>> No.6550584

Lost 40% and happy lol

>> No.6550592

I have no cash to buy the sale and everything is down half. I missed a big opportunity and I was going to tether but got drunk and memed

>> No.6550635

I actually got money to buy in. Shall I wait for it to drop to 8500? Or is that not gonna happen ?

>> No.6550652

congrats on your gains man, what were your big winners?

>> No.6550680

Hopefully my loan of 13k goes through tomorrow so I can buy the "dip"

I'm fucking loving this shit

>> No.6550696
File: 38 KB, 500x255, Joker_burns_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

186K to 93K within less than a month. Ho lee fuk. Rich NEET so really IDGAF. The bonus money to spend on hookers and an M4 was a nice idea if i cashed out. Oh well. I'm laughing as it all burns. Suck it.

>> No.6550835

Is Donald Trump president?

>> No.6550846

it's somewhat comical

i suppose i never had the money in the first place

these pink wojak threads though fuuuuuuck

>> No.6550924

>only make 30k a year
>just found out I owe $1000 in taxes on top of what I already paid in even though I don't own anything
>now my small crypto portfolio has halved in 2 days
>at least my stocks other than the blockchain ones are doing well

>> No.6550943
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I invested tens of thousands into internet funny money and now I'm losing everything

>> No.6550979

This guy nails it

>> No.6550989

I don't own any fraud coins.

>> No.6550995
File: 117 KB, 960x1280, bitcoin_private.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesssss, anon.

also, buy zcl.

>> No.6551014


Take a tip from me and pay that loan off once you realize your profits. Nothing is worse than holding bags on margin. Not because it won't go up, but because your leverage is exhausted during a downturn. Shit's got me frustrated mayne.

>> No.6551063
File: 96 KB, 504x470, C87B4E4F-ECC7-45D7-80A0-187EBCCD8A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fags actually believe crypto is over
sell me your coins pls

>> No.6551123
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I am literally laughing out loud here and i lost $100k.

>> No.6551141

Even if the bubble pops we will eventually get our money back as long as we hodl... in 4 years.

>> No.6551160

I'm not worried about the loan, I still wagecuck so I can pay it off that way

>> No.6551189

Don't give a shit, still like 150% up from when I first got in
Thank god I made tons of gains the past few days and I'm only 5% down this week.

>> No.6551198
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>> No.6551204

"Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful"

>> No.6551234
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I lost half my principal

>> No.6551260

Lost about a million. laughing like never

>> No.6551286
File: 331 KB, 1063x683, 1514233815926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too be honest, I'm sitting at 30-40% up. I don't give a shit if it hits my initial investment since I have other investments. I'm riding the ship with you guys until the end.

>> No.6551292

If it crashes hard enough it will be like you got to rewind time ten years and by BTC at launch.

>> No.6551335

speak for yourself norman. I secured my gains 2 weeks ago

>> No.6551351

Oh fuck you've got to be joking me, it's literally crashing. 50% down from yesterday is in sight.

>> No.6551389
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Das it mayne.

But srsly. Same.

>> No.6551582
File: 22 KB, 600x553, i-know-that-feel-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life can be a bitch sometimes, it hits you the hardest when you least expect it. You'll get through it, just hold on tight buddy.

>> No.6551741
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, aizen-aizen-6596762-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when were you under the impression that life wasn't always a meme?

>> No.6551754
File: 413 KB, 1280x1920, momo comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brother. Everything is going to be alright but it still kinda sucks for the time being. Hope your portfolio bounces back nicely.

>> No.6551764



>> No.6551767

Only sat losses matter. So many new friends ITT

>> No.6551776

lmao down an entire month's salary today but this board makes it all better.

i love you guys, full homo

if anyone got in before mid-december, remember you're probably still up 200%

>> No.6551897

I got in 1 or 2 days before the first dip.
Not even worried, the lols are worth it

>> No.6551944


>> No.6551959

The nukes missed the target by a couple of thousand miles to the East

>> No.6552135

I've only invested a little of my money into crypto, so while I'm losing my ass right now, I'm not losing my ass to the point of financial ruin. I just want to know where and when to buy this dip.

>> No.6552199

>losing money by the second
>laugh-screaming "ITS ALL RED!!!"
>neighbors probably want me to shut up
>can barely stop laughing long enough to post this

>> No.6552204


>> No.6552209

Think 8500.

>> No.6552242

American education

>> No.6552305


>> No.6552321

I'm just here for the wojaks

>> No.6552365

Everyone is getting destroyed, that is the beauty of it. No smug. Just comfy pain.

>> No.6552380
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>> No.6552394

It hovered at 14k for weeks and we told you it was the trap but YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN. Now the trap closes.

>> No.6552414

guys should I sell so that it starts going back up again?

>> No.6552536


>> No.6552597
File: 1018 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this board right now? These people either have amnesia or are newfags, or both. Take a break and come back later.

>> No.6552693

Thats probably why we're all laughing

>> No.6552733

I put only 200€ in this shit so far, i'm not worried if everything goes to shit

>> No.6552975
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When the dopamine from the laughing is all used up...

>> No.6553038
File: 20 KB, 320x383, 1512527814626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to go to my grandmothers funeral and waking up to -60%

>> No.6553137

Atleast you will be able to look suitably distrought.

>> No.6553190
File: 104 KB, 602x709, 1511453832537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Support line at $10,500 breached
>$8k is now a certainty
>If we breach support at $8k, we'll go down even further
>BTC Futures is what drove the price down today
>They halted trading for 24 hours after forcing the price down 20%
>When trading opens again tomorrow, they'll continue shorting the fuck out of BTC

The fun is just getting started. $8k is probably not even the floor, as previously thought. The cryptomarket managed to get it there on their own. When the futures start trading tomorrow, they'll probably force it even lower.

>> No.6553265

Because things don't always have to move in the same pattern.

>> No.6553317
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>> No.6553468

I'm laughing my ass off at all of the despair but I did a little inside each time I open up blockfolio. Down 118k.

>> No.6553632


>> No.6553823

Guys, should I sell my ETH or?

>> No.6553848
File: 695 KB, 912x1074, 1515937982101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the drop
>"haha I don't care, I'll just buy more once it dips further"
>"It's gonna adjust itself, r-r-right?"
>"I still got p-p-profits.."
>reaches point where my profits start becoming losses
>"It's okay, I can take a s-s-small dip, it's gonna r-r-rebound"
>keeps dropping further
>"fuck it"
>price starts going up again

every fucking time

>> No.6553858

rip anon should have already.

>> No.6553920

My account has now halved. Lel. This is pottery.

>> No.6553987
File: 58 KB, 960x540, wuUEGWZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna check any prices or news for two weeks, go with god lads

>> No.6554061

Don't worry billy, this happened last crash and while it stayed at 14k for a while this crash today happened.

Now it will stay around 10.5 for a while and then wham 7k and then it will stay around 7 for a while and then so on.

>> No.6554141

>bought when it was down -15%
>it keeps falling
>it won't stop

>> No.6554421
File: 614 KB, 800x605, 1515832741903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell at 8400 euro cause it keeps dropping
>it's back at 9000 euro now

Just fuck my shit up bitcoin. My asshole isn't ready for this

>> No.6554574



>> No.6554622
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You can thank me

I sacrificed myself for you all bros

>> No.6554624

the coin im all in is the 3rd biggest loser of the day on coinmarketcap lmao

I'm still up compared to the beginning of the month. IDGAF!

>> No.6554703

What will be the banger after this dip?
NEO... VEN... ETH?

>> No.6554791
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>wasnt even worried

>> No.6554987

Lost 70k, still up 5x my initial

>> No.6555669

Ven and Neo will be the next big thing
and rise to the top 5 it is just a matter of time now
Both have done really well compared to other alts during this crash

>> No.6555671
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The memes here help me get through it desu

>> No.6556096

Stratis. has an ico platform launch about to go out.