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File: 41 KB, 615x654, Mugger-ATM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6546809 No.6546809 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bitch withdraw your cash before I cut your throat
>2000$ limit, robber takes off
Hey bitch pull your phone out. Let me see your bitcoin wallet.
Transfer those coins now or I'll cut your throat
>no limit, lose all your wealth

>> No.6546839
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1478670271180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrying your entire bank account on you instead of just a smaller proxy wallet

>> No.6546859
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>implying a woman has any crypto

>> No.6546879

>not taking drugs to make yourself forget your passwords

>> No.6546892

You make a good point in being secure. How many people will actually do that though?

>> No.6546908


>> No.6546943

Sure, let me transfer from my blockfolio

>> No.6546971
File: 56 KB, 403x448, ADPOIFWMIF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking all your crypto with you outside

>> No.6546991

>hey anon, withdraw your cash before I cut your throw
>withdraw my minus £15,000 balance
>hand it to him

>> No.6546997
File: 244 KB, 1080x1350, ahrNJSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that niggers have crypto wallets

>> No.6547074

Yea I heard one source say it was like less than 2% women in the market lol

>> No.6547077

They use iphones. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.6547100

The other day I was thinking and I think I've found a way to get out of any situation like this. Basically just pretend to have a spasm and pretend to faint. The robber won't blame you, because it'll seem out of your control. He might even blame himself for causing this. Just land on your side with your wallet and it'll be too much effort to go digging for it and he'll get scared that someone else will see him. He'll also be scared that he accidentally killed someone. Bonus points because you won't be able to tell him your PIN and/or crypto passwords so he'll only get chump change in your wallets.

>> No.6547140

Can't download Coinbase on MetroPCS phones made in 2007

>> No.6547157

We can make them explode dw

>> No.6547176

all my homies have crypto tbqh famalamandem
sooner or later all rappers will turn their wealth into crypto taking BTC into the new paradigm

>> No.6547230

This, also try to poop and pee yourself. Bite your tongue a bit too to draw blood. If you know how to detach your eyes it's a great trick to do in this situation.
Also try to always carry around heavy caliber can of beans - purely for defensive purposes. I pray I'll never have to use them but it's best to be prepared.

>> No.6547247


I have wallets and my portfolio is worth more than yours I'm positive of that

>> No.6547292

Bitcoin will fall to irrelevancy, but in a hypothetical scenario where there wasn't better cryptos about to take over, one can imagine a mass adoption scenario would come with the most popular wallets protecting customers from themselves, replicating a checkings/savings account model with different levels of access and security

>> No.6547307

Literally anyone with half a brain.

>> No.6547335

found the nigger

>> No.6547336

>see white boy trading on binance at the bus stop
>punch him in the face
>snatch his phone and run
>start transfering all his shit to my wallet
>hope u can get to a computer fast white boi

>> No.6547348
File: 568 KB, 1280x720, bitcoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting point OP!
But, unfortunately for you, I have come prepared.

Do you see pic related? You can buy a "fake" bitcoin on aliexpress for less than 1$. That's also the picture every news outlet puts when talking about bitcoin. Retards don't actually know what a bitcoin is. So I carry a bunch of these 1$ bitcoins with me at all times.

also this

>> No.6547395
File: 966 KB, 1000x753, Red_Herring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't keep your whole checking account balance in your wallet, do you OP?

You do have an e-banking app on your phone, don't you?

>> No.6547399

Good luck, I'm behind 7 trezors

>> No.6547403
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, MusicBomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger brags about the wallet he got that he can use to rob thots
You are an aids nog faggot.

>> No.6547412

>tfw no smartphone
>tfw have ~10 addresses for each major coin
>tfw my visa is always around $500

>> No.6547515
File: 239 KB, 330x330, Smug woman from Littlest Pet Shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he robs all my bitcoins
>bitcoin crashes not even an hour later

Serves you right asshole.

>> No.6547526
File: 772 KB, 320x240, sh-sh-sha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't keep sand in his pocket

>> No.6547534

Any decent bank will protect your holding from theft (they can swallow the loss). Transactions through my phone are slow enough that I could just call the bank and have them stop it.

>> No.6547568
File: 433 KB, 800x800, 1515648386427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robber threatens to kill me for my money
>tfw he tries to rob the one person that doesn't really care about living anyway

>> No.6547635

>Creative AND autistic

Congrats dweebs now go take your first shower this month

>> No.6547666

I carry my private keys with me in case I go to someone's house.

>> No.6547686


This is why I prefer Ubers. My buddies got mugged when we were in middle school by a couple of niggers on the bus.

>> No.6547688

>Hear this white boy is big into crypto
>Gather up my homies and head to his house
>Tie him up, beat him bloody and steal everything he has

Crypto is a joke


>> No.6547695

You stink

>> No.6547719

>see white boy trading on binance at the bus stop
>punch him in the face
>snatch his phone and run
>start transfering all his shit to my wallet
>hope u can get to a computer fast white boi

This is why a massive security needs to be placed over crypto that doesn't take away from our privacy. Civic. I hope Vinny can find a way to add onto the app and what Civic does.

True identity protection + security protection = financial protection. Say he punches you, but you setup certain features on your phone and wallet that even if they used your fingerprints and other identity, they still get stopped.

Whoever can make that happen and a coin gets put out and partners with tech and cell phone companies.

>> No.6547788

Yeah, walk around with fucking sand in your pocket, anon. Better yet, don't even wipe so you can grab a finger of feces from in-between your asscheeks and put it by their nose.

>> No.6547850


Oh boy I know THIS setting and that face . The guy who took this pic had a night he will never forget.

>> No.6547868

Niggers on here aren't even trying deny niggers are violent criminals

>> No.6547890

Something like this would need to be done.

Another answer would be crypto insurance. Premiums to cover theft/sending crypto to wrong address. Not sure how the second one could be filtered for abuse.

>> No.6547911

>"Lmao you actually bought into the buttcoins scam?"
>"Are you a fucking idiot"

Laugh in his face as I walk away with my tangible wealth

>> No.6547929

Jesus Christ I hope you’re never mugged some nigger is going to murder you.

Do you really think they think about consequences or anything like that? Boy you’re in for a rude awakening.

>> No.6547948
File: 45 KB, 604x391, sheeeeiiiit_o_784457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are professionals at taking that which isn't theirs. The word work isn't in their nigger skull vocabulary.

>> No.6548027

Niggers rely on weapons and other niggers because they have no heart.

>> No.6548123

what does this even mean

>> No.6548192

>not using a cold storage wallet
>carrying all your money in your cellphone

>> No.6548273

>Keeping your entire balance on on account
>Keeping your entire portfolio on one seed
>Keeping your entire portfolio on one device
>Keeping your entire portfolio on an NSAphone
>Keeping your entire portfolio in your pocket
>Not having multiple decoy passphrases with small amounts of crypto
>Not keeping your assets in a smart contract with a mandatory time-delay which can revoke transactions before the time is up

>> No.6548352

Or you could just carry a gun and blast niggers who try to rob you.

>> No.6548410

Op dont be an idiot you forgot important info
>Security footage gets your insured deposits reinstated
>crypto is gone forever.

>> No.6548439

>Not knowing the 21-foot rule

>> No.6548480

I don't even know my own keys. Super secure.

>> No.6548515

this actually will happen
reminder that the Exmo Finance CEO was kidnapped because they knew he or his company would pay the ransom in crypto

just another reason to never tell anyone you have a portfolio or you are a target

>> No.6548597

>Sorry, all my wealth is in an ETH smart contract that doesn't let me withdraw more than $200 daily unless I have multiple private keys, some of which are currently being held in a safety deposit box

>> No.6548659
File: 1.30 MB, 500x264, hugge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) on the right

>> No.6548692

Hmm this is probably the answer. I didn't even think about that

>> No.6548710

Trezor allows you to create a special duress account. Dude has a gun on you. Type in your oh shit password. This opens account with small stack instead of entire pile of loot. People need to think about this as niggers are starting to wake up. One came up to me at work and asked about ripple the other day. THUG.

>> No.6548727

Unless you're a eurocuck

>> No.6548730

>Rob the bitcoins
>bitcoins crash
>get nothing

>> No.6548781

so like no one?

>> No.6548845

>see white boy trading on binance at the bus stop
>punch him in the face
>snatch his phone and run
>input password

Y'all niggas are stupid af

>> No.6548901

>implying common nigs are going to wait the 5 mins for you to empty spaghetti from your pockets, hold up a qr code or read the btc address back to you and wait 10 mins for the first confirmation

>> No.6549019

In atm location is somewhat secure. You can get robbed at any location with a phone.

>> No.6549036

It's even worse. I'd say it's more akin to bragging about keeping $100k cash in your house in a big, heavy steel safe. Sure the odds that someone will be able to take the cash themselves are low but it's just a matter of kidnapping you to effectively steal the funds.

I don't know about you guys, but my wallet would have to be worth a multiples of what it is now before even just threatening to cut a finger off would be more than enough to give them the key.

>> No.6549120
File: 111 KB, 960x960, 13432209_1014653478603270_8297916714718095446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6549263

.>cavemen stole entire continents and still do steal entire countries and priceless resources

Typical dumb cac projection

>> No.6549504
File: 133 KB, 230x219, Pepperpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh in the robber's face.
I pull off my sunglasses, revealing the tired bags under my eyes.

"Didn't you know robber-san?
You can't cash out."

*turn into BAT with batwings and fly away.*

>> No.6549850
File: 56 KB, 510x680, blazed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal a bunch of africans from their home continent
>bring them into your home and force them to do labor for 400 years
>force them into sex slavery to get expensive mullato house slaves
>every now and then let a quadroon son into the family as he looks white enough.
>slaves become free
>begin to take revenge for half a millenium of exploitation
>"duh neggers done took what weren't theirs."
