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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6542986 No.6542986 [Reply] [Original]

new dbc thread, we're going to the moon tonight boys

>> No.6543035
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>> No.6543082

At noon.

>> No.6543085

pls dude
there is no moon anymore
moon machine broke

>> No.6543131

Stop overhyping shit.

The competition might end but the whole market is still in a dip.

>> No.6543162

Understandable, have a nice day!

>> No.6543201

See you in the earth’s core with my brain gang bros

>> No.6543274

>guess we're going to the moon tonight I swear
>every morning I wake up it's lower
>my portfolio is this close to going below my initial investment

>> No.6543352

YOU NIGGERS COST ME 150 dollars!

>> No.6543382

This. Everyday they claim moon mission is about to happen.

>> No.6543403

Only if you sold. This was never meant to be a short hold. This is at least a half year hold

>> No.6543430

Stfu pajeet, I'm down from 16k to 4,3k. Hold

>> No.6543491

Yeah right.

>> No.6543552

This is the whole crypto market visualized. Almost the entire thing is red. Don't blame DBC for that.

>> No.6543571

Is DBC the new DGB?

>> No.6543713

So you're saying theres a chance? Or am I doomed to walk the earth with these bags strapped to my ankles for eternity?

>> No.6544250

Will I make it with 70K brains

>> No.6544330

look at the charts dbc is leveling out nicely. just got in 7500 hope for the best.

>> No.6544350

We'll definitely moon to 20cents today l-lads

>> No.6544373

I'm just gonna Hold. Don't really have any other choice. I hope it goes back up to .50 cents

>> No.6544390

I'm counting on it hitting 1$ EOY at least.

>> No.6544393

can these roomba fags do anything?

>> No.6544477

Way earlier than that for sure

>> No.6544538

plus I just did another chart analysis and the blue and yellow squiggly lines have intercepted which is probably a good thing.

>> No.6544756

look at it's graph on cmc. After the whalers did their little hype campaign it doubled in value and has been consistently falling since. I have no hope that this shitcoin will ever be worth anything.

>> No.6544796
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I like to be conservative about my predictions. Q2 will show whether the project can actually deliver something. I think people don't yet understand how exactly the blockchain could work together with neural networks, but once they figure it out, we'll see. It's always very easy to say that something is unfeasible, but frankly, you never know until you try it. Neural networks were pretty much shoved to the wayside because they were deemed "clumsy, useless, using way too much overhead". Look where we are now. At this point the question isn't what it is that they are doing, but much rather what it is that they COULD be doing. With NEO backing, huge business partners like Disney etc, they have a good environment to thrive, and china has some great minds as well. If they come up with something (which may be something none of us expects yet), it will be huge, and that's what I'm counting on.

>> No.6544814
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120 K at 0.12 cents.


>> No.6544836

Do you really think the whales bought it all up and crashed the price to just sit on it? The pumps will come, and they will be glorious

>> No.6544862

We're going below ico price tonight brainlets

>> No.6544889


>> No.6544905
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You're talking about it like it's some exit scam, and the only value it has is artificial PnDs by whales. There are actual people working on it and trying to do their best to make something great happen. Don't underestimate that.

>> No.6544927

I do believe it is starting today

>> No.6544932

my man

>> No.6544944

Kek, we were almost there a little more than a week ago. How quickly expectations change.

Unless you meant $1 for his whole stack.

>> No.6545044

Kek. Look, all I'm saying is is that if you buy in now (in this hugeass dip), 10x is pretty much fucking guaranteed.

>> No.6545119

nothings guaranteed. but it looks promising.

>> No.6545440

bought in at 44c

>> No.6545573

Man DBC threads are some of the saddest I've ever seen. I used to make fun of you guys but now I genuinely want you all to succeed. It must be hard living with mental disabilities.

>> No.6545762
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Why does everyone forget unlike any other memecoin neo backed them with 1MM, they got a deal with disney, they are fixing their sorry ass chink presentations and getting english speakers, they are a group of smart as chinks with a plan, and that DBC actually has a product to sell that seems promising unlike other shitcoins?
The competition ends at 4 today, without having faggot tunnel vision were rightback wherewe started before that massive pump to .60 So now tge coin will go back to its traditional slow and steady incline dbc pace that it has had since the coin started minus the pump and dumps

>> No.6545769
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Thanks, that's really nice of you. I hope you're going to make it anon. I hope we're all going to make it.

>> No.6546011

Since I took like... 75% of my portfolio and bought DBC because I thought the coin would be massive, I want to believe you. But when the Huobi volume is so low, how will it have an major effect on DBC price?

>> No.6546122

It's going to be massive. But it's just been trading for a couple of weeks yet, and the annual dippening fucked it all up anyway.

>> No.6546218

Dude, stop being an idiot. If DBC goes back up, it's most likely when everything else goes back up as well. This shit wasn't whales, do you people ever take a look at other coins? If you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a slightly severe crash right now, that could actually widen to a very severe crash.
And yet here you people sit, staring at this one coin, and babbling about "whales accumulating due to the Huobi contest". It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.6546263

Cause none of it matters and this particular coin's price is almost entirely down to whales' whims.

When drama on 4chan affects price more than announcements on twitters you know you're in for one hell of a ride

>> No.6546388
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funny how contradicting

>> No.6546416


For my own sake, I hope so.

However, I've noticed this pattern with a lot of coins after being a victim to it with DBC.

Why does every fucking coin tank when it reaches Huobi?
Literally going from a small, whale-dominated exchange like cuckcoin, etherdelta, cryptopia --> Huobi/Binance --> Price deeper than the fucking Mariana trench

>> No.6546569

what an ugly man

>> No.6546595

I don't see it dipping, it just went back to its esistance at 1500, who of you crips bought in at 3.3k tell me

>> No.6547115

everything is the new digibyte right now friend

>> No.6547233

>mfw when all the whales that sucked this coin dry are stuck with humongous bags

That's right faggots, if you weren't such greedy ass kikes maybe you could've sold at a profit around $1 before the great crash. Let this be a lesson you amateur investors that just got lucky with btc

>> No.6547444


Which one?

>> No.6547512

I understand that there are people working on it, I understand that they are attempting to solve a real problem, but it's obviously not worth it so far. Either they are doing a lousy job, or someone else is doing it better, or they have to present themselves better, or the problem itself is not considered relevant or whatever.

I'm not calling it a scam, it just looks riskier and riskier as an investment with nothing going for it so far.

>> No.6547562


>> No.6547636

Is the kucoin's recent transactions list frozen for anyone else? The chart and offers are fine.

>> No.6547859


>> No.6548014

Classic example of a pump and dump. /biz/ fell for a scam that is centuries old. Fuck, I'm convinced all altcoins are just the chinese pnd on us.

>> No.6548071
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I started new thread but no one cares.


>> No.6548084

Its only going to go up from 17 cents right? Thinking about buying more right now. And if the competition ending doesn't change the price tonight I'm trading it.

>> No.6548087

Came here just to ask about this. Shit's annoying.

>> No.6548131

Do it. We're climbing

>> No.6548173


>> No.6548207

They're holding 0.15 btc and 1k DBC of mine hostage. Cancelled the orders but they're stuck in "Reserved" limbo. If this shit moons now I'll be so fucking mad. Never trust chinks

>> No.6548381

ETH transfers faster than BTC right?

>> No.6548382
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This happened with my bnty too, my assets stuck in reserved and not appearing on the list...
what will happen to our hostaged coins

>> No.6548448
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It happened to me when I first started using Kucoin too. Took maybe 30 minutes back then for the coins to reappear. I heard it can take a lot longer though.

>> No.6548450

This is like, basically THE best time to buy this shitcoin, right? When things return to normal, minimum 5x my cash right?

>> No.6548459

AFAIK nope, ETH is slow (up to 8 hours), but BTC costs a lot

You'll get em eventually

>> No.6548533

Pretty much, yeah. It broke the downtrend, so it's unlikely to continue dropping any lower. This is as low as it will get. I'd buy more if I could, but bullshit fiat takes forever to transfer, and it would take a week to get my money to the exchange, so I'm stuck.

>> No.6548627

yes minimum

we just dont know exactly when, could be eom could be mid feb worst case 6 months

>> No.6548696

not happening stfu please. thanks.

>> No.6548733

Maybe if BTC and ETH stop shitting themselves we can hope for a reversal.

>> No.6548828

I completely agree with this, so glad I just jumped in already up 20% from the super low in the middle of the night.

>> No.6548903

no were not foo.
It's over now. Big money ain't gonna let us moon.

>> No.6548990


What the fuck is wrong with you deep brainlets? Crypto market is done, smell the roses. Already cashed out my 30K dbc stack, should've sold at 50ct fml

>> No.6549015

DBC will moon but it won't be till at least later this year. If your were looking for a quick money maker, you chose the wrong one.

>> No.6549185

It's dead, Jim.

>> No.6549251

Babies first crash, see you in a week.

>> No.6549306
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>Buy high sell low

>> No.6549367

Yes, if you look on their red dit right now there is some guy spreading this FUD link


Is it over for us?

>> No.6549426

moon with btc shitting the bed? lol good luck

>> No.6549567

well yea you should have sold you had alot of profits.

>> No.6549667

>fudder name is asd f

>> No.6549767

>attacking the messenger

>> No.6550075

Anons lets make a pact that we do not until it is on Binance

>> No.6550096

>/biz/ is one person
Well, there's also "le gud goy xD" who keeps yelling BRAAAIIINNNNN GANNNGGGGGGHH and telling everybody "it'll be okay, today it will really go up, at least the whales won't let it drop any further, and le based Kraken xD lol" every fucking day for the past week.
Fact is, BTC is shitting the bed very seriously now, knocking on the 10k support line. If it breaks that, we're in a world of pain. AND THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SOME IDIOTIC DBC COMPETITION ON AN IRRELEVANT SHITCOIN EXCHANGE.
I'm really not sure if you guys are trolling, but then again, there have been so many retards flooding /biz/ lately, and the cryptosphere in general, it's not that unbelievable anymore that these people actually ARE this retarded.

>> No.6550285

Anyone who's been around long enough just cant take any sort of doomsaying seriously, even if its legitimate.

>> No.6550295

>When things return to normal
Yes, it's a good project.
However, the first question should be IF things return to normal, and if that answer is indeed YES, then we can look at what timeframe we're talking about here. Worst case scenario would long bear-market like in the past, when it took almost two years to reach previous heights again.

>> No.6550323
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Fucking hell dude. I had my panties in a twist losing $70 on this shit, you've evolved past iron hands into some adamantium hands

>> No.6550397

DBC got fucked with a perfect storm of pump and dump, the Korea bullshit, and now the worst BTC dip on recent memory. This is all true. I think the huobi competition may have had a role towards the start, but holy shit watching the -30% day after day I really think it just became psychological.

>> No.6550416
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more like braindead gang LOL

>> No.6550626


The absolute state of biz right now. All these fucking poor under aged neets posting wojaks and fud over less than 100$ losses. Just fuck my shit up my dudes.

>> No.6550965

im down hundreds of thousands of dollars in btc. im literally here drinking coffee laughing at wojacks. i laugh because i have no idea why they care, it will go back up once its ready. to not know this means youre brand new, and thus, i will laugh at the noobs.

>> No.6550976

IDK why people cry about <1k USD losses.

I've bled from 80 to 28 k in 6 days, yet I'm having a great fucking time with all these pink wojack memes

>> No.6551521

Are we finally out of blood to bleed?

>> No.6551549

Still holding 100k DBC, bought at 145vits

It's like ~8% of my portfolio anyway so just holding for the yolos

>> No.6551671

You still have bones to rip out of your body and suck the marrow out of it.
Never ask such a question. You never are, unless the project truly and officially dies, and even then it's hard to sink to a true zero instead of fractions of a penny.

>> No.6551679

It's weird i was always fucking Angry when losing hundreds of Dollars. Now i am at Peace losing Thousand of Dollars...

>> No.6551903

>The absolute state of 4chan when people confess and take pride in being a normie

>> No.6551957


>pajeet capitalization

Be at peace more

>> No.6552006

im at peace with my 50k bags

>> No.6552030

If you post some proof, you will have made my year.

>> No.6552227
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>> No.6552461
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Whooooops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯