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6543825 No.6543825 [Reply] [Original]

How many did you take so far?

Fucking curse of mlk nigga is trying to take the white mans money

>> No.6543901

Fuck off, this is the stuff of the devil himself

>> No.6543983
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drugs are for thugs

>> No.6544042

1mg. Plus a redbull.

>> No.6544051

nothing cool about xanax

>> No.6544111

None, shittiest drug of them all, only use them for acid comedowns so i can sleep at a decent hour.

>> No.6544139

Will this kill my social anxiety, going to class is torture

>> No.6544153
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Drugs are for cucks**.

Accept death into your heart, and you will live.

>> No.6544232

Try a beta blocker before anything else

>> No.6544328

>All these Xan FUDders
Just don't take them everyday for long periods of time, Jesus Christ. A few bars here and there is fucking nothing.

>> No.6544433

fake bars wont help you trade better

>> No.6544925
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>taking any drug that isn’t a stimulant or psychedelic
Why the fuck would I want to do that?

>> No.6545507

>fucking around with benzodiazepines

dude, stahp! shit is dangerous even if its very comforting. you may not feel the full effect this has on your body and brain. tho benzos are very useful, taking them without medical advice (and no amerimutts, your medical system doesent count, you produce millions of drug addicts) is purely dangerous. withdrawal from a benzo-addiction can be fuckin worse than heroin or methadone, it affects both your body and mind - if you go cold turkey on heroin, it should be out of your body in max 1-2 weeks, if you go cold turkey on benzos this can last months if not years. you seriously may die. and yes, even if it is just harmless xanax. ass the fpbp said, this is truly the stuff of the devil if you dont know how and when to use it.

>> No.6546208
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I used to be hooked on these, shit was hard as fuck to stop. I still still have to resist urges even though I know xans are basically worse than heroin

>> No.6546260

xanax is drug for niggs and white trash
step up

>> No.6546261

You won't even remember class

>> No.6546299

This. Literally only people I ever saw take xans were the fucking chimpanzees I went to high school with

>> No.6546327

0 because i'm not a pill addicted waste of space faggot

>> No.6546493

trips checked.

Also same as this anon. It's great for acid comedowns. Otherwise, that drug ruins lives and is a terrible thing.

>> No.6546500


This will kill every anxiety you have or could possibly imagine having

>> No.6546977

Yes, but I still urge you to never start. Took benzo for 8 years, it was hell to get out of it. Try meditation, yoga, physical exercise.

>> No.6547050

What do you mean so far? I m not counting anymore. I m on 3 pills a day for almost 10 years now with some small breaks here and there.

>> No.6547213

have fun when one of those turns out to be aspirin with a 10x lethal dose of fentanyl pressed together by some hood nigger

>> No.6547828

a bunch but I haven't touched that shit in over 8 months allready
not planning on it neither, altho it would help in this annoying dip
it was my first contact with crypto when I ordered these online

anyways u should be investing your money in productive things anon, not in shit that will make u lose all your edc

>> No.6547866

those are presses boyo...

i only take GG249/s or DAVA s903's

>> No.6547876

Prescribed to take .25 mg 3 times a day for social anxiety. Yes I am an antisocial loser hence why I visit 4chan. Xanax is awesome.

>> No.6547925

>he doesnt know xanax is a prescription drug

>> No.6547934


>> No.6548074

>implying people who take 2+ bars a day have a prescription for that amount
>implying 70% of people taking it have a prescription for it and dont buy it online or from "their buddy"

>> No.6548164


You are retarded

>> No.6548186

Used to be heavily addicted to benzos. Was taking 2mg CLAM a day which is equal to 8mg of xanax. It was actually more because that shit builds up in your system so realistically I was on equivalent 16mg+ of xanax a day. Went cold turkey off it, would have tapered if I had a choice. Hallucinated for weeks with no fucking idea what was going on, had seizures, worst pain imaginable. Got stuck in a psych ward after going to the hospital for detox and they didn't help me at all. They told me I was a schizo and injected me with months worth of straight up evil meds that gave me akathisia and made me feel like a zombie. Moral of the story is don't ever think a benzo addiction is manageable. I'd say I'm lucky to be alive but these massive losses are making me question how lucky I really am. I'm having serious trouble paying my bills because of this crash because I don't want to sell at a loss and all my savings are tied up in crypto. I'll hodl til the bottom if that's what ends up happening. I can't afford to sell at this big of a loss.

>> No.6548271

There are fake presses to be bought online, some actually contain other RC benzos, some contain indeed alprazolam in varied dosages. You are the one who is clueless here.

>> No.6548407

you can buy some top quality presses, i used to buy a boat for 2xmr and flip those for 5 ea, 100% 2mg alp, down to the texture... only difference is that they dont dissolve under the tongue as quickly as phrams. They are still bitter and kick in within 15-20 minutes. Never had a bad experience. Always go through a trusted vendor

>> No.6548458

> heavily addicted to benzos
>all of savings in crypto
>can't pay bills

You're just chalk full of good decisions ain't ya?

>> No.6548551

This, have some god damn will power for fucks sake

>> No.6548617
File: 176 KB, 950x633, ptoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me some nice hydros to tide me over this heavy dip.
Down $100 grand in one week you say? Can't feel my legs, can't feel my bags.

>> No.6548997

Where can I buy these online?