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6543743 No.6543743 [Reply] [Original]

crypto is the most exhausting thing in the entire world

>> No.6544362

> think im making easy money from doing very little
> actually a hugely disruptive influence on my life
> been in for 6 months now
> feel like a Pacific theatre vet watching the enthusiastic, happy, green recruits return to camp after their first firefight

If everything goes to plan in Q2 I am fucking OUT and never looking back

>> No.6544539
File: 10 KB, 205x246, tired wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start trading crypto the absolute moment I turned 18 in september 2016
>fuck, I'm way too late, I'm not going to make anything

fast forward exactly 1.25 years

>in college now
>debt free after two semesters thanks to crypto
>sleeping a total of maybe 15 hours a week
>trading, building ios apps, running a dropshipping business, three subscription sites

And my friends, going to school on their parent's dime, have the nerve to tell me they're exhausted from school.

>> No.6544643

You should kys. Nobody cares that you sleep for 15 hours

>> No.6544646
File: 48 KB, 510x345, 1515626417104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who say this isn't work haven't had their absolute limits pushed by the stress that is crypto currency markets.

>> No.6544676

why the fuck would I do that? there's money to be made

>> No.6544680
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>> No.6544766
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You're telling the internet you sleep for 15 hours

>> No.6544886
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it makes regular day trading look like retirement

>> No.6544954
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It actually is because markets never fucking close.

>> No.6544973
File: 47 KB, 632x852, 11FA80C5-61C0-4D3E-B9AF-92F500BD0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as easy money

>> No.6545045

You should try wildland firefighting you little bitch. I work 16 hour days, 14 to 21 days in a row of back breaking labor in sweltering heat and choking smoke, while sleeping in a soggy tent for a few hours every night, for two thirds of the year. Crypto is fucking easy, and if you can't even handle it then you don't deserve shit.

>> No.6545132

plus the market is
>SUPER fucking volatile
>has NO fucking laws or regulation so it's full of manipulation
>said manipulation is by anonymous people
>worldwide so subject to all sorts of regional swings e.g. stupid faggot gooks sending the market down randomly like 15% because of dumb gook government

>> No.6545141

>buy some
>hold for 2 years and do jack shit
what's ur problem
maybe u're doing it wrong

>> No.6545187

i held BTC since 2014 and that gave me a nice sum of capital
but i also ignored the entire market until then

i caught up on 3 years of crypto in 3 weeks and made a shit ton of diversifications and trades

i'm fucking tired

>> No.6545188

Yeah that's cool and all but nobody actually gives a shit that you sleep in a tent.

>> No.6545230

>crypto makes banks and government irrelevant
>banks or government fart in crypto's general direction and the entire market tanks

What did AnCaps mean by this?

desu though nobody should give a fuck what (((they))) have to say about crypto.

>> No.6545244

Yeah that's cool and all but nobody gives a shit at the end of the day that you sleep in a tent

>> No.6545261

t. just woke up

>> No.6545290


> Do research for a couple weeks
> Buy coins and put on hardware wallet in a place you can't access easily
> Come back in a years time

Not that hard anon.

>> No.6545319


>> No.6545341

Keep working on your cp subscription sites, dude!