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File: 21 KB, 1000x600, AChain-Hard-Forks-DApps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6543635 No.6543635 [Reply] [Original]

1) ACT is a blockchain PLATFORM
>The most succesfull coins right now are those that provide a platform for all possible applications related to blockchain. Look at ETH and NEO. ACT is a platform but...
2) Better TECH
>while ETH is still implementing POS, ACT already has an improved version of this, RdPOS
>1000 tx/s compared to ETH's 66 tx/s
3) It already has a shitton of dApps and subchains
>ACT is the main chain of which subchains will be forked off related to currency, transport, audit, ... everything that blockchain can be used for
>They already have more dApps than NEO
4) Currently not known in the western world
>untill now, marketting has focussed on chinese audiences. This changes this week. The CEO will be speaking at the Miami blockchain conference of which they are the HIGHEST LVL sponsor. After this a marketting campaign will start aimed at western audiences

I can go on about the many planned forks for this in the comming months, but i'll conclude with: Buying this now means getting in at the ground lvl

Mooning has started, don't miss out.

I predict 2 dollars by the end of the weel

>> No.6543943

I just found about this coin today and bought what I could with the fiat I had. This is definitely among the most undervalued coins in the top 200. Easy x10 in less than a month IMO.

You can get it at Kucoin. If you have to register you can use this code: 1bNcH

>> No.6544077
File: 16 KB, 520x390, 1451216795880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 scenarios here.
Either both of you are new to crypto, or you bugnuggets bought in at the ath and need to lose your bags


Achain will have a lifespan of less than that of a fruitfly.
Do some fucking research before you actually convince yourself your doing a justified shill.

>> No.6544093

didn't read

>> No.6544130
File: 10 KB, 224x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544182

pnd soon then?

>> No.6544219

Supply is too high, forks are nice though.

>> No.6544253

Don't bother shilling to people here, they'd rather buy over pumped top 100 'game changers'. They'll only consider buying ACT when its close to ARK's marketcap.

>> No.6544983

Definitely agree on that. Feels good to actually buy into a solid coin relatively early.