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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6537621 No.6537621 [Reply] [Original]

did i just get pajeeted??

>> No.6537670
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>> No.6537681

Lmao, go on their telegram you dropkick

>> No.6537718

i'm so happy i put my whole portfolio into the ICO, thus avoid getting JUSTED right now

>> No.6537797

I only bought 5k, is there any price prediction?

>> No.6537891

OP youre such a faggot
Go on there telegram before crying here

the token is erc223 not erc20, so it's a different process to launch and distribute. They're ensuring they get it right

You realize if they had distributed tokens a few days ago they would be tanking because the whole market is down

The delayed distribution is a blessing in disguise.

this guy knows whats up. ICOs are great for protecting funds and AXP came at the perfect time

>> No.6537957

I believe the ICO price was $0.1
I think $1 in a few weeks isn't unreasonable,
thats only around a $200m market cap

>> No.6537978

>tokens were supposed to be distributed Monday
>everything crashes but aXpire still worth the same and will launch in time for the next bullrun
I guess God is real

>> No.6538042

ya what happened to the token distribution? lol
also they have ZERO timeline for going on exchanges lol


>> No.6538166

When is this shit hitting exchanges? Any ideas?
Holding 10k of these.

>> No.6538308

>ya what happened to the token distribution?
They never stated that it would definitely be distributed monday, just "within a few days"
>also they have ZERO timeline for going on exchanges
A guy in the telegram group found a transaction to a token address which belongs to an exchange, he believed it to be Binance

>> No.6538330


Check telegram. Devs originally said Monday but it's delayed to later in the week. No word on what exchanges. In hindsight this is a good thing. Would have been justed hard if they released Monday

>> No.6538363

>the coping
why the fuck would you go all in on this? how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.6538366

That's fine I have no issues waiting

>> No.6538574

I only have 1500$(1k up from my initial investment) to play with, so i don't consider it to be that big of a loss if it turns out to be a scam.
Also i've not seen any real indication of it being a scam, but that might be because i'm not a paranoid /pol/tard screaming scam at the first sight of an indian dude

>> No.6538644


A Binance listing right out of the gate would be huge. Hope that's real but I doubt it.


Depending on the size of his portfolio perhaps not stupid at all. When you don't have much capital you gotta take the big risks for big returns.

>> No.6538701
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>being this poor
godamnit lol you dont know anything about crypto and have made absolutely fuck all in the game and yet you think you know what youre doing. you fucked. big.

>muh /pol/tards
hahaha so glad i didnt invest in this norman scam. so happy youre so poor.

>> No.6538808

Join this P&D group boyzz. Make some profit even during the dips!
discord>> UXBnfm2
BTC giveaway soon too...

>> No.6538989
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We all gotta start somewhere man. I only had 500 bucks in crypto two months ago. Now I'm up to 30 grand. Was I stupid for putting my whole 500 dollars behind 1 coin? When you don't have much capital diversifying doesn't make much sense. I'd say once you hit 10 grand you should start spreading some around.