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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6538014 No.6538014 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/,
I'm from Europe, in my twenties and a bitcoin early adopter. I discovered bitcoin in 2010 in a thread in /b/ and earned a shitton with CPU mining, it was worthless back then. Now they are worth about $100m and I try to always convert enough to fiat that I have about 10% of my net worth in fiat.
I got circumcised four days ago and am currently sitting in my apartment, bored out of my mind because I cannot do anything while it's healing. Yeah, so ask me almost anything. Won't answer everything because of anonymity reasons. Also won't post proof, either believe me or don't.
I'm behind 7 boxxies so do not bother to track me.
Also I haven't lurked on 4chan in at least 5 years and never on /biz/, so forgive me if I sound like a newfag.

>> No.6538098

cool story bob

>> No.6538150

I"ll do anything for you. You just have to ask, God

>> No.6538153
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proof or gtfo

>> No.6538161

Your take on BCH?

>> No.6538169 [DELETED] 

Why'd you get circumcised anon? Figured it's not that normal in Europe.

Also, are you in a generous mood today? If so, you can change my life completely by this address:

>> No.6538175

"I won't post proof"
Then I won't continue to post in your thread, fag. It's not hard to censor any private info.

>> No.6538193 [DELETED] 

1 BTC will do

>> No.6538471

What were the main catalysts in your head that signalled to you that this was the next big thing?

Did you ever purchase things back in the day using bitcoin?

Where do you see this market headed in the short term and in the long term?

If feeling generous, you can literally change my life (recently got hacked for 30k :(): 1MYiLGx1tkwKmfkn1VmWh4jGaNwfg7SBAM

>> No.6538855

I think BCH is a shitcoin and simply increasing the blocksize is no long-term solution, also Ver is a clown. I have high hopes in the Lightning Network to solve the fee issue.
I have to admit though that I thought that BCH would not survive a month and the only reason I didn't sell all at $300 is because of tax uncertainty. In general I would be a shitty speculator because the market never acts like I expect it to. So I keep on simply hodling.

Foreskin was always too tight. Happy I finally got it done, but it hurts like a bitch.

>> No.6538911
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>and am currently sitting in my apartment, bored out of my mind

yep you sure are

>> No.6538954

where do you think BTC and ETH will be in 5 years

>> No.6538962


Don't jerk off too much, my dick is also cut since kid & can barely cum from sex.


>> No.6539001 [DELETED] 


Change my life a bit pls
Send even the smallest for me at


and help me pay enough of my debts that i can go to uni for CS again

>> No.6539038

Excuse the slow replies. 4chan is blocking most of my proxies.

In the beginning I didn't really grasp just how big this could become. I fiddled around with Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney etc. back then and I liked the idea of a completely decentralized currency with no central authority. It definitely felt revolutionary, but I didn't do the math on future value yet. When it first reached a value of a dollar in 2011, it finally dawned on me that this could be worth millions. But I thought that would take decades at least.

I purchased some things, mostly web services like VPNs.

Short term I think it will crash further. Mostly because most alts are unsustainable bubbles, but their inevitable downfall will also tarnish the reputation of serious cryptocurrencies in the eyes of the normies. After the crash BTC will rise to $40k in late 2018. I have to reiterate though that my market predictions turn out to be wrong most of the time.

>> No.6539063

do you make gains from alts?

>> No.6539073


How does it feel to be unintentionally rich?


>> No.6539112

>penis enlarged

>> No.6539121

give me money jewboy

>> No.6539142

Homeboy I bet we were in the same threads back in those days.
Your meme usage is back when there was a queen of /b/. Good on ya mate. I wish you well. I have phimosis too, just enough so like half of my Vick head sticks out when hard.

>> No.6539146

You from Belgium OP? I think I know you.

>> No.6539155

>I think BCH is a shitcoin
LARP confirmed (or you never really have been very involved in crypto in the early days)

t. bought at 4$

>> No.6539214

Will you give me some if I post my dildo collection?

>> No.6539242

>Foreskin was always too tight. Happy I finally got it done, but it hurts like a bitch.

Same reason here, It gets so much better from there

>> No.6539260

I knew about btc in 2010 to think that i could be you with 100 millions at my name enjoy your life op in this multiverse theres a you who is like me and a me like you

>> No.6539267

Ill suck it deep


>> No.6539277

Invest in some different ventures. Look specifically for kids and college students, as we are the least likely to fuck you over because we really need the fucking money.

>> No.6539286

Hey Can i have some Bitcoin so i can invest and get rich to? :D


Also do you have any Altcoins?

>> No.6539290

If you are feeling particularily nice today :)

>> No.6539291

BTC will have a six figure value and will be an established storage of value. I honestly have no idea regarding ETH. I missed the train on that one because I didn't bother to do the research and thought it was done for after the DAO debacle. To me the intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies came from their immutability so the hard fork destroyed ETH in my eyes. Again, I was wrong.

No, as I think most of them are quick cash grabs, and because I would be really bad at speculating.

Honestly, it feels great. I'm still adapting, trying to not let it influence my lifestyle too much. Nobody in my private circle knows about it and I'm planning to keep it that way for now. Still, having the financial security and possibilities did a ton of good for my confidence and outlook on life.

>> No.6539330
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i like your circumcised dick anon, if you send me some i'll show you mine.

>> No.6539460

Jesus Christ on a crutch would you guys stop begging?!?!?!

OP: Curious if you view any alt coin as a worthwhile venture/good tech. I got into BTC because drugs, drugs left and I stayed. Buying at libertyx and shit, lol.

>> No.6539520

Yeah, those days were great. Spend all the nights lurking on imageboards instead of doing normie shit and it even paid off. 4chan made me a millionaire, who would have thought?
Seek out a good plastic surgeon and get it cut. Fuck having that anteater dick.

Thanks, I will! You enjoy your life too, maybe you manage to find the next big thing!

>> No.6539584

Thank you for the answers. Do you have some throwaway email where I can contact you by any chance?

I wanted to learn more about the early era and some other things. You can also email me at hfr_98j@protonmail.com

Thank you!

>> No.6539614

>BTC will have a six figure value and will be an established storage of value
I hope you are real so you get to experience LN failing and your 100m evaporate while BCH rises. Please sell your bitcoin cash.

>> No.6539725

Yeah, I will just ignore all the begging.
I have always been a bitcoin maximalist. When the first altcoins came up, I thought they were just quick cashgrabs for people that were salty about missing the train. Like Litecoin, I hated that shit. Nowadays I think litecoin has proven to have a right to exist simply because of its longevity.
Also Ethereum because it has the first mover advantage on smart contracts and Monero because of anonymity. I haven't really looked into other altcoins and I'm not really planning to. As I stated before, I don't have a good intuition for speculation.

I also have about $200k in xrp that I got for free back then. But fuck that shitshow, I have no idea how they are still worth anything.

>> No.6539810

Since the beginning I always kept in mind that most of my wealth is just theoretical until I realize some gains. I always try to be mentally prepared for bitcoin going to zero overnight. And even if it does, I still have already realized millions in fiat, so who cares?

>> No.6539888

OP, you wanna do me a favor an pump a few BTC into OST?

Altcoin bluechips are gonna be VEN, ICX, NEO.

You can thank me later. BY PUMPING OST.

>> No.6539892


OP didn't deliver ._.

>> No.6540187

>Like Litecoin, I hated that shit
i still do anon

>> No.6540205


Hook me up so I can buy more during the New Years sale! Once I hit 500k i'll totally forget about paying you back.


>> No.6540341

Do you feel more confident, i mean when you talk to people are you much more confident to the point you dont give a fuck if they behave in a discrispectful way to you or if you get refused on anything?

>> No.6540354


>> No.6540483

Or you could put 1m in each of the top 4 coins brainlet. Whichever coin wins this wont matter to you anymore.
Putting everything on LN is retarded. You would know this if you had a technical background.

LN is an overcomplicated POS that has been 6 months out for 3 years.

>> No.6540556


What the fuck are we supposed to ask you, brainlet. You never lurked biz before, you don't know shit about altcoins, you're just a guy that had the luck and the good instinct to keep your btc instead of selling them once they reaches 100$

I don't know, how is the dick going?
Where are you from? Is the weather nice?

>> No.6540646
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>> No.6540769

Just in case you want to make a fellow european anon a little happy

>> No.6541112

Definitely. I still have some issues with my confidence from time to time, I think that's typical for people lurking on 4chan, at least it was back then. But having the financial freedom to do whatever I want in life definitely helps even in day-to-day social interactions. Hard to explain. I simply got more laid back, give less fucks, have a positive attitude and all that seems to resonate well with the people around me. My social life improved a ton over the last few years.

I'm hedging my bets with real life investments now. Still always keeping 90% in BTC because there is still the possibility of becoming a billionaire through bitcoin (u mad?). As I said, I have a really bad intuition when it comes to investing in other cryptocurrencies, so I keep away from that. But I'll keep my BCH for now. My intuition tells me they will become worthless sooner or later, but who knows.
Hodling has always played out well for me, even if everyone kept telling me how bitcoin was a stupid fad. So your warnings regarding LN don't really faze me. You might of course be right, but this is how I'm playing it.

Yep, I got lucky. I'm definitely not a good investor. But I' still kinda proud that I managed to hodl all these years despite all the crashs and obituaries.
The dick is swollen to double its size and is massively bruised, also there's crusted blood all over the cut. But I think the surgeon did a really good job I think and I'm looking forward to it being fully healed.
Weather sucks, but I can't leave my apartment anyway right now.

>> No.6541267

How do you secure your Bitcoin ?

>> No.6541339

Well godspeed anon. I only made 4m. But I didnt make em by pure hodling. I managed to time the top on 2013 bubble and sold at 17k on this one.

Im very confident BTC wont see another bubblecycle for a looong time, perhaps never. BCH however....

>> No.6541375

What did you do with your (presumably) hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin Cash?

>> No.6541437

Several multiple-signature wallets with keys stored in several different physical locations. Some other security measures too that I won't disclose here.

>> No.6541537


sir pls sir I have a family

>> No.6541579

Still hodling. I have no confidence in BCH and would have sold it all at $300 but refrained from it because my tax advisor could not yet say how it would be taxed. Then it rose to several thousand dollars so I had torealize once more that I would make a shitty speculator, so I'm hodling them for now as a hedge.

>> No.6541640

Also it's not hundreds of thousands, but more than $10m now.

>> No.6541814


>> No.6541910

nice blog post

>> No.6542513

You're a faggot. Thats it.

>> No.6543090

I see people mentioning early Bitcoin threads on /b/ yet I was there every day in 2009 and 2010 and never saw a single one. Seems fishy.

>> No.6543204

Why would he? Honestly kill yourself. It's against the rules to beg for a reason.

>> No.6543433

First threads on bitcoin I have seen where in 2010 on /g/, though I admit I didn't go much on /b/ anymore by 2010.

>> No.6543624

Why would you let a surgeon cut off part of your penis

are you a kike

>> No.6543657

Nobody likes an anteater, anon.

>> No.6543679

Does your penis look larger now?


>> No.6543822

>cutting of the most sensitive part of your body because you dont like the way it looks

>> No.6543919

OP how do you cash out?

>> No.6543931

Well, in it's flaccid state it's doubled in size right now because of the swelling. That will go back though.
Don't know about the erect state. I have to prevent erections for now because they might pull the stitches. Yesterday morning I woke up with an erection which caused some bleeding and hurt like hell.
But overall a circumcision should not change the size. Maybe the perceived size, though?

>> No.6543963

Only if you are selfconcious about it.

>> No.6543982


>> No.6544045

Why do you talk about your penis ?

>> No.6544080

Again, nobody likes to look down and see an anteater.

>> No.6544117

Bitstamp. Also used MtGox back in the day and lost BTC there that would now be worth millions.

>> No.6544175

I'm bored and he asked.

>> No.6544351

I want to be rich like you. Please help me. I don't think I'll kill myself if I don't make it this year but I totally understand people who say it half ironically. Why didn't I stumble upon btc back in high school god damn it.

>> No.6544532

I'm not even gonna bother sharing my family sob story. I'm just feeling depressed because I stupidly put a lot into btc last night to buy an alt. Then figured I'd wait for the alt to dip more and now I'm getting raped by this btc dip. I think I can still make it but shit.

>> No.6544569

Well if it helps: my wealth definitely made me happier, but only because it changed my attitude towards life. I haven't bought anything expensive and I could theoretically live the same life I do right now without the riches.

Sounds cheesy, but do not think that you need to be rich to be happy. I realize that that's easy for me to say, though,

>> No.6544672


>> No.6544725

That's all I want. A comfy 6-7 figure amount in the bank to retire, take care of myself and my loved ones, and then pursue areas of study I'm passionate about with no financial struggle. I want that more than anything. 2018 is going to be the year I make it by any means necessary. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do.

>> No.6545117

OP, I'm not going to ask you a question, instead I'm going to make a suggestion.
You mentioned that you were transitioning some of your wealth to traditional investment vehicles. I'd like to consider taking some risks on that front and investing not simply as a financial measure, but with intent. The kind of money you have can contribute to changing the world in an even larger way than crypto aims to do. Throw some money into other revolutionary techs; unconventional alternative energy solutions, transhumanism, gene editing, quantum computing, space exploration, that sort of thing. Fund an ambitious research project at your university of choice. Investing in blue chip stocks and ETFs etc may be safe, but you could use your fortune to do something more meaningful than just living well. And you stand a good chance of getting richer in the process.

>> No.6545294

>i dont want attention
>but i want attention

pick one, faggot

>> No.6545496


gib a fellow man of god some coins pls


>> No.6545570

First I'm building a solid foundation with traditional investments like real estate and index funds. But that's definitely something I'll keep in mind for the future. I had tremendous luck with this and I plan to give back to the world.
I'm also already putting 1% of my wealth each year towards charitable causes. If bitcoin indeed becomes something like a world reserve currency, those 1% a year should amount to much more than simply giving 50% now.

>> No.6545780
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>mfw all these pajeets begging

I'm poor as fuck, with my last 40$ in shitcoins but I can't even imagine myself begging on forums.