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File: 128 KB, 1024x1013, college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6518560 No.6518560 [Reply] [Original]

See these whores? They are letting 10 Chads a week sodomize them. They will lick his dick clean of their shit afterwards.

When they are old they will look to settle down with YOU. But you will have to spend a lot of money to wine and dine them. Then perhaps, they will give you a kiss on the lips!

Wage slave, stocks or crypto. All gains go to the roasties.

>> No.6518601

Man I miss college

>> No.6518614

That's fine. Men were made to be slaves of Women. Read Tesla's essay about Female Bee's and learn how we are entering the most prosperous times.

>> No.6518663

what's rule no.9?

>> No.6518676

no cock blocks

>> No.6518677

no cockblocks

>> No.6518680

Implying I'd waste my money on a roastie.
Fuck off.

>> No.6518688

This is the truth. Alpha fux beta bux.

But if men stood up for themselves, this wouldn't happen. Too many men let roasties walk over them just for a sniff of her blown out fish hole

>> No.6518704

Clever Ethereum FUD

>> No.6518713

No RaiBlocks allowed

>> No.6518732


no cock blocks

>> No.6518751

no cock blocks

>> No.6518778


The drawing of a penis stands for Rai, so rule #9 is "No Raiblocks"

>> No.6518785


>> No.6518795

no cock blocks

>> No.6518813
File: 2 KB, 88x125, 1515174764035s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All gains go to the roasties

Don't remind me

>> No.6518829

You who?

>> No.6518838

All gains go to Chads you silly virgin.
Chad always win, roasties and neckbeards are no match in the game of life

>> No.6518845
File: 235 KB, 800x1199, 1514339766323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6518850

Is there any place in society for a beta with self-respect? Don't have the genes to be Chad, but have the desire to not get fucked over

>> No.6518873

no blacks

>> No.6518874


>> No.6518878

No stellar blocks, because it is a bad blockchain investment. Pay notice to how the logo is rightfully going sideways, instead of up.

>> No.6518890

Imagine how ugly OP is, then read his post
Its pretty funny huh

>> No.6518971

hey this my uni

>> No.6518984

What i read, these whities be racist yo

>> No.6519026

Dear god bitches like this exist...

>> No.6519030

The way I see it, no matter what I do - roasties will get what they want.

They get men's wealth through the state and\or they get it through men handing over their wealth directly to women voluntarily.

All I know is that this system of redistribution to women is unavoidable. I'm better off being financially independent even if this means women garnish a large amount of the money that comes from my time\effort. I've worked in wagecuck jobs with female bosses and I refuse to go back to that.

>> No.6519062

No raiblocks

>> No.6519072

I have never ever had a girlfriend

>> No.6519154

No condoms sounds irresponsible af, I mean condoms suck but if these girls are fucking loads of dudes like the fridge implies they're going to contract mad diseases. If I were drinking in their place that would catch my eye and I'd avoid

>> No.6519225

Yeah it sucks, but its honestly not the worst thing in the world. I'm 27 and have been married 4 years, was with her since 19. Never been with another girl, and it haunts every second of my existence.

Also she's fat as fuck and gets nipple hair, I guess she had been shaving it her whole life but stopped now that my opinion is meaningless because she has a contract and my Catholic guilt to fall back on.

>> No.6519255

Did you marry a gorilla?

>> No.6519271

The thing is anon single men don't spend nearly as much as couples or single women. More men today are avoiding relationships and at some point the economy will collapse. The only solution would be for the government to make a bachelors tax.

>> No.6519273
File: 159 KB, 723x368, 2c714113c7e7ac07370ca3ba890dbf81d52a950c44b914fd23a42ac522138eb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually took my gf's virginity after fucking around a bit. DESU I wish I waited for her, but I didn't think I'd ever find a qt worth dating. If you're worth dating you'll get a good girl, you just need to pay attention and go to the right places.

>> No.6519298

>she's fat as fuck
how do we know you aren't?
holy fuck that's a red flag. there's a possibility that they are all taking contraceptives, but they're going to get all kinds of stds

>> No.6519308

Most roasties dont want to use condoms. Once they let one guy go raw, they just begin letting everyone which is why the 'pretending you dont have a condom' shtick can work to gauge how irresponsible a roastie is. This is also why I cringe when I hear guys mention that their one night stand was cool with them going raw but she said she usually doesnt do that.

>> No.6519314

i dont know why people hate this image? seems like a fun way to live

>> No.6519380

I've lived that life and when you look at it in retrospect it's not fun, it's degenerate as fuck. Sure you might have some good/great nights but most of the time you just realize how shitty people are/can be

>> No.6519445
File: 86 KB, 704x396, mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dream is to cash out with enough to fuck the hottest bitches traveling the world

I'm going out like McAffee

>> No.6519462

No blacks

>> No.6519494

self destruction is great but then you start bitching how unfair life is and become a bigger waste of shit that everyone just wants to see you die. so good luck with that life.

>> No.6519524

Stop obsessing over "chads" and "roasties".
>When they are old they will look to settle down with YOU. But you will have to spend a lot of money to wine and dine them. Then perhaps, they will give you a kiss on the lips!
is only applicable for retarded incels like you. Subconsciously you probably want to be cucked by some slut that only uses you, so your subconscious works yourself towards that.
Meanwhile, normal guys just ignore such /r9k/ selfharm and have fun and happyness.

>> No.6519525

I looked it up, I guess like a quarter of chicks get it. It's still gross as fuck though. But I have bacne at 27 so I guess nobody is perfect.


Nah I work out a lot, she doesn't though obviously. She says it "hurts her"... bitch it hurts everyone.

Anyhow, I'm just hoping that my reserve unit get deployed somewhere and I get to die that way. Leaving my SGLI to my parents.

>> No.6519526

he fucks ugly meth looking bitches and married a hideous ape.

>> No.6519531

those who don't cash out will make more in the end, the future is crypto lol

>> No.6519537

Nah bc they won’t get to my (unknown amount of Monero)

>> No.6519548

If you have zero aspirations in life and want warts on your dick maybe.

>> No.6519554

Fuck. Mcafee's a fucking giant, he towers over those people. Black guy still has two bitches tho.

>> No.6519556


The absolute state of white women

>> No.6519558


>> No.6519579

You're counting on the market not correcting itself

>> No.6519587

>not saving money with 3rd worlders

>> No.6519604

Your going to make millions and then marry an ugly nigress?

>> No.6519639

he's barely 5'10 or something, they're just south americans

>> No.6519648

no 8=D blacks

>> No.6519675

did pic related ever take off? sounds hilarious

>> No.6519714
File: 15 KB, 749x852, 1514936822458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But now that I'm 30 and have finally made it, I must find my virgin bride. Why didn't all the women my age wait for me to move out of my parents house?

>> No.6519753

>just dropped out of college
>never got the stereotypical party experience

>> No.6519801

keep your cuck fantasy to yourself degen. My wife makes more money than me

>> No.6519825

one on the left can

>> No.6519836
File: 81 KB, 694x530, data-condescending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When they are old they will look to settle down with YOU
Hahahaha how fucking pathetic are you? If she's not a virgin she is literally incapable of bonding with you. It's like playing the marriage game on extra hard difficulty. If she's a thot, it's pretty much dark souls.

>> No.6519910

"don't usually" means "i didn't, but now i do, until something bad happens and then i won't"

>> No.6519920

know that feel bro
And even when i went back, it was community college and i didn't go to parties

All good

>> No.6519959

it's all fun and games until you really find out how disgusting women can be. like used tampon ""pranks"".

>> No.6519999

A lot of people make fun of this guy till they realise he mastered the Blockchain and he's now rich fucking 10/10s on a daily basis.

>> No.6520035

I will never give money to a roastie OP. I will never get a wife. I will be a neet for life. And when I interact with women I will make sure it is under professional circumstances and I know beforehand how much they cost.

>> No.6520057

what? but dropping out IS the ultimate college party experience? How did you drop out if not from partying?

>> No.6520058

This photo makes me sad if true and not shopped

You're not missing much. Like other anons said here, there were some fun nights but at the end of the day its degenerate and self-defeating. It just leads to lonely nights. You're better off getting married early on and having a family.

>> No.6520074

It's going to be interesting times when we have the AI / Android equivalents

>> No.6520080

If you're going to have sex it's better if you feel like you earned it through gentle persuasion/manipulation rather than by paying for it. It's like winning a medal rather than buying one from a store

>> No.6520149


>> No.6520153

what if you want to fuck hot young girls and you're genetic garbage?

>> No.6520257

lower your standards

>> No.6520280

European here, is that shit for real?
Aren't moms freaking out?
What if a bunch of frat boys shared a similar pic?

>> No.6520314

that's the biggest mistake you can make in life.
much better to be completely alone in that case

>> No.6520318

plastic surgery and PUA.

>> No.6520327

I'm looking forward to secretly shilling sexbots while scooping up the dip on 3dpd. Have fun with your toys.

>> No.6520341

I don't really care about winning medals. I just have an urge to have sex (my kind of sex) once in a while

>> No.6520345

That sounds creepy as fuck. How about just being Chad and having girls actually want to have sex with you and not regret it

>> No.6520388
File: 48 KB, 400x462, disdain_for_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much better to be completely alone in that case
4.6 billion years worht of successful procreation, generation to generation, and you'd rather not continue that because you can't bang 10/10 thots? Pathetic.

>> No.6520396

I'm definitely not a Chad and when I try to act like one I fail miserably

>> No.6520424

Lold bro

>> No.6520442

>women my age
i love this meme
31 here and in a perfect relationship with a 18 years old
a smart young woman beats an older woman of average intelligence when it comes to clicking together. she's more attractive to boot, much more likely to be a virgin, to bond with you and you only, and so on
there's literally no reason to marry your age unless you've started your relationship in late teens / early 20s

>> No.6520508

That's an interesting thought. But no, because I know I would regret it for every single day when I look at her

>> No.6520558

>there's literally no reason to marry your age unless you've started your relationship in late teens / early 20s
I second this. I actually see that there are some issues involved in dating a girl of your age - mostly that she wants to have financial security and you to have an established career. That's really fucking hard to accomplish when you're young, so all you can do is essentially look promising, like you have a lot of potential. And even then she will still have doubts because she sees one of her GFs who has a BF that's 5-6 years older and already established in his field because he had been working it for 4-5 years at least, and he can afford to take her out to fancy dinners, etc, etc.

>> No.6520609

You really are pathetic. I suppose it's a good thing you won't precreate and your genes will die out.

>> No.6520674

Do you think Chad doesn't say suggestive things and use gentle persuasion to get it? Do you honestly believe Stacey walks up to Chad and immediately unzips pussy.exe? No, Chad has to play the little game, roastie has to act hard to get but is also playing the little game, and then the inevitable happens.

Am I on r9k or what

>> No.6520711
File: 22 KB, 306x400, 42AAC6EC00000578-4727760-Richard_Dawkins_a_renowned_atheist_had_been_due_to_speak_at_an_e-a-4_1500974634368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by mere chance a string of code forms in the mess that we now call the "primordial soup"
>it's able to self-replicate and form a simple vehicle for itself
>it adapts to the most harsh conditions, and is able to sustain itself for billions of years
>creates the ultimate vehicle for self-preservation
>ah fuck, its sentience is getting too advanced, i can't manage this shit anymore
>great, it got to the point where it doesn't want to procreate anymore, maybe is should make the fear center of the brain bigger, that'll work
>no, that made it even worse...

>> No.6520751

This. Paying for sex is horrible, not to mention that you're exploiting the vulnerability of an (admittedly stupid) girl to boot.

>> No.6520767

I don't know why it would matter to anyone but an imbecile like you. You are pathetic because you think what happens after you die actually matter.

>> No.6520772

Just go to prostitutes. You get everything you want without having to constantly feed them money or attention. Most women are just cumdumpsters with strings attached anyway, prostitutes allow you to cut those strings at your choosing.

And you don't even have to talk to them if you don't want to. It's the world's oldest profession for a reason.

>> No.6520877

All this nihilism. No wonder the West is killing itself.

>> No.6520906

Paying women to fuck them..... lol

>> No.6520907

yeah I love thicc black bitches

>> No.6520946

Why do people think that whores are exploited? Maybe the whore knows the most valuable thing she has going for her is her pussy and losers will pay a high price to touch it for a little while.

People want to believe women are powerful all-knowing beings except when they make bad decisions then " OH NOEZ , SHE WAS ABUSED!" .

Women can be just as fucking slimy and money-hungry as men if not even moreso.

>> No.6521040

I'd rather spend an hour playing videogames and get my meme sense of accomplishment there, then go fuck a smoking hot babe for an hour both of us solely trying to please me with no fucks given, rather than spend 3 hours with a roastie buying drinks. I honestly dont fucking bother anymore unless I am legitimately interested in the girl.

>> No.6521096

Thats why you do the most degrading sex acts you can think of, treat her like a queen in whore standards

>> No.6521140
File: 36 KB, 805x669, whelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people think that whores are exploited?

Because literally every one of them was molested, raped, and/or abused before the age of 14. I'm not saying women are some kind of celestial beings who are infallible, virtuous, etc. No, I ascribe full moral responsibility to them, which is why their acts are reprehensible, but it doesn't change the fact that the reason why I couldn't stick my dick in a prostitute is that I know that I would capitalize on someone else's moral and rational failings. I don't see women (or whores) as my enemies, so when I see them make a grave mistake (destroying themselves by selling their bodies), I don't just jump in to exploit it. I just couldn't do that and live with myself.

>> No.6521287

wrong answer, correct answer is work like a demon and have enough money to consistently fuck top-tier escorts or accept your fate and settle/lower standards

>> No.6521488

>because literally every one of them was molested, raped, and/or abused before the age of 14.
lol no. You really have no idea. High end escorts especially are just working a job like everyone else. You are effectively reading Prostitution FUD by people who have no idea about the industry. Im sure all crackwhores on the eastside are like this yes. but not all escorts. And if they were so what? you cant undo it, they are trying to make the best of their lives just go with it. Sex isnt some diabolical act that only the truly desperate do lol it can be fun. Just treat them properly and everyone will be happy.

>> No.6521496

found the faggot

>> No.6521589

I admire your sense of virtue I do feel it is misplaced though . What exactly does a woman destroy by becoming a prostitute ? She makes money right now , not to mention all the social programs many countries offer for women while they do that shit, and at the end of the lovely prostitution rainbow lies a pudgy little husband who will kiss the very ground she walks on and excuse her past because " she's different now" .

If you don't want to contribute to that cycle then I can respect that I just feel like we make women constant victims and it gives them constant excuses for shitty behaviors. Single Moms are heroes no matter who they chose their baby daddy to be, Women can never be sluts they are just empowering themselves through sex, voluntary Female sex workers make more than any honest job and are " exploited" , and men are the bad guys in all of these equations . There is no sense of " She chose to do this" anywhere apparently life just happens to women .

The common sentiment is those of us with penises get the burden of making conscious mistakes and wrong moves and yet the same creature with a vagina is a poor mesmerized moth burned in the harsh flames of society . I find it ludicrous.

>> No.6521691

That's how your wife finds out silly.
*as well as.

>> No.6521762


That's why it's best to start burning prostitutes alive, along drawing/quartering men who leave the girl they got pregnant.

Single mothers should have to take weekly lashings

I'm not joking

>> No.6521921

2 edgy 5 me

>> No.6521977

bruv if im making big money why on earth would i continue fucking 6/10s from tinder when i can slam model-tier escorts and not feel the pinch financially

>> No.6522072

> bruv if im making big money why on earth would i continue fucking 6/10s from tinder
You shouldn't you should find a women you love to settle down with. Even if it means lowering your standards and fuck the escorts to compensate. the latter alone gets lonely.

>> No.6522140

actually some people don't fall in love that easily. some are actually incapable of it

>> No.6522156

>apparently life just happens to women
Yes, though I'd like to add that if you speak out to it you get a shitton of flak. It really is amazing how much hate you get once you ascribe moral agency to women.

How about you just drop the state support for single mothers? You get literally no incentive to be a shitty parent/partner/human being, or for making bad decisions in general. You're not getting paid to divorce your husband. No need to apply force, just don't support this shit.

>> No.6522222

You're doing that regardless, you're just too stupid to see through the social rituals you have to go through to get to the bottom line.

Why are we so obsessed with the concept of love as a species. There is nothing more harmful to a health romantic and sexual lifestyle than to operate under the assumption that you have to find this magical amazing soulmate who you completely click with on a personal and spiritual level or your life is meaningless.

Just find someone you can stomach sticking your dick in, stick your dick in them and get them pregnant if you absolutely have to. Stop chasing this puerile self-destructive fantasy of your one true love and you'll realise just how many opportunities you were missing all along.

>> No.6522231

>>apparently life just happens to women
>Yes, though I'd like to add that if you speak out to it you get a shitton of flak. It really is amazing how much hate you get once you ascribe moral agency to women.
>How about you just drop the state support for single mothers?
Congrats you just fucked the futures of a whole bunch of kids all to their own.

>> No.6522251

Why is it that you guys always seem to place the blame solely on the single mother as opposed to the men who abandoned them?

>> No.6522325


>> No.6522397

Where did I imply there is one teue love faggot? Im sure I could find love in Australia, UK, Asia, Canada, USA wherever. Its like friends or a Best friend. You dont have a "soul" friend. But everyone acquires relationships that are necessary for your mental health and make you happy.
also checked.

>> No.6522417

i agree 100% when you are older and ready to invest in a relationship compatibility is more important than looks but thankfully we can have have our cake and eat it too , thanks crypto

>> No.6522446
File: 538 KB, 1080x1920, 1439841688219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a slave to roasties

>> No.6522618

I have friends for that. Friends who associate with me because they genuinely enjoy my company and see me as a person as opposed to a status symbol or a chequebook. Friends are worth an infinite amount of vapid gold-digging whores and even they aren't worth as much as we pretend they are.

Ultimately, most of the people you meet in life will turn their backs on you. That's not something that can be prevented, it's the natural result of an inherent incompatibility between what we expect and what we get. True mastery of the self is achieved tlnot through the rejection of loneliness, but the acceptance that loneliness is your natural state of being. Other people are a fleeting distraction from the introspection that leads to that acceptance. Anyone and anything can be bought, sold and lost.

The only thing worth investing in is your own well-being.

>> No.6522623

>Congrats you just fucked the futures of a whole bunch of kids all to their own.

Boo fucking hoo. If you do this, you'll get LESS of these children, because women will look at these children and their mothers and think to themselves "Wow, I NEVER want to end up as a single mother!"

Plus there's going to be charity and stuff like that to take care of them.

Because evolutionary speaking, women are the gateway to procreation. These women are not getting raped and left alone, they voluntarily engage in unprotected sexual intercourse with a man. In /biz/ terms, these women are buying Confido-type coins at ATH and are crying when the price plummets.

>> No.6522721

Goddamn, I can smell the middle class two loving parents privilege coming off this post in waves. You my friend have never really wanted for anything and damn if it doesn't show.

>> No.6522733

Nah it’s the fault of the father who died in an accident

>> No.6522834

Single mothers != widows, fuckwit. Don't mix the two terms, they are completely different.

>> No.6522866
File: 59 KB, 743x538, you mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend sent me pic related. Proved her wrong with my crypto gains and now we're happily together. You mad, virgin?

>> No.6522931

So you're saying the OP is 100% correct?

>> No.6522962

How so? In your ideal world, they would be just as liable to be punished for their crimes against your antiquated, childish views of marriage and procreation

>> No.6522979
File: 48 KB, 400x389, 1499495893906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually took my gf's virginity

>> No.6522980
File: 72 KB, 672x935, whattheshitareyoudoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, you sure showed him.

>> No.6522984

>genuinely enjoy my company and see me as a person as opposed to a status symbol or a chequebook.
great. Find one of those that you are sexually attracted to and profit. Im not saying go marry a roastie.
ever make out with an escort? kinda fun tongue wrestling but nothing yo write home about.
Ever make out with a girl you are into? itd a fucking high man. It'll wear out naturally as the relationship settles but its one of the greatest things in life.
If you need to write a self help book tier post. Chances are you are the one who needs it.
pent up sexual frustration mostly.
>boo fucking hoo
Jesus spotted the man who has no fucking idea
>be born
get completely fucked cause anon hates single mothers
>become or create one because you had 0 chance in life.
Wow thatll make less of them!
I bet you oppose abortion on demand too.
this has to be fake lmao.

>> No.6523051

>Oh yeah? Well my gf was a gold-digging whore who was prepared to leave me for not being rich until I became rich. Now we're in a completely healthy and stable relationship with no strings attached whatsoever

Good for you man

>> No.6523238

I feel you. Not married thankfully but getting women to work out or stop snacking is an uphill battle you can't win.

>> No.6523267

Because the reality is that women control reproduction . If a chick doesn't want to have a baby there's IUD's, Plan B, Abortions, and countless other forms of making sure she doesn't have babies....as men we have far fewer options and also you know that fun little mantra " Her body her choice" ? We need to append to that " HER body , HER Choice, HER Responsibility".

Again women are completely responsible until shit goes bad then " OMG WE GOTTA PROTECT OUR GALZ!!!" because apparently being decision makers without facing repercussions of poor decisions is something women are allowed to enjoy.

>> No.6523290

>I bet you oppose abortion on demand too
Ofc I do, unless it's the product of rape, the mother's life is in genuine danger, or if it's legit retard. Which is the law in poland btw, and there are only like 250 abortions like this every year (population: ~40 million).

>> No.6523397

No you moron we gotta protect the fucking children. Not the Gals.
Not to mention you are neglecting men walking out, even in marriages divorce is common. And sometimes its the man who fucks it up. Maybe he became a drunk, abuser adulterer or some combination of AFTER birth.
>I want less accidental kids
>fuck single mothers
I love Americans.

>> No.6523426

I literally never said that.

>> No.6523443


what can anybody even say to somebody this dumb. So single mothers are comendable now? That's the state of liberalism wow.

>> No.6523608

abortion is an effective form of birth control you daft cunt.
>we should help children from broken homes
>sometimes men can fuck up and be responsible for breaking them.
sorry Ill go punch out my wife, if she leaves me she should be flayed and if we had kids they would deserve to be left to rot.
>muuuh liberal boogeymen
Oh your one of those.
Sorry Soros didn't pay me enough to finish this conversation

>> No.6523642

>killing babies is the same as putting on a condom

Are you for real?

>> No.6523693

It's not always the womans fault I'll agree but I think single moms are far more often the product of poor decision making rather than " Let me knock up a bitch and skip to the next town" type men .

In fact let's think about it, how many men do you know who actually could and would do that? They'd fuck a bitch and fucking split at the drop of a hat? Exactly not many. Sure those fucks exist but they are a small minority.

Speaking as someone who grew up with a single mother who poisoned me against my dad to an extent and who essentially created a wedge in our relationship that took decades to get past I'm not convinced.

Again women are in power but we keep taking away the repercussions of shit. Back in the day if the man left the family the family fucking starved or severely struggled, a man leaving the family was a huge issue. With big daddy government though now it's not even a thing.

Single Moms are the future or some shit

>> No.6523702

>killing babies
Who said infanticide. I said abortion.
I guess that's why Americans are weird about that. No scientific education.

>> No.6523712

If you were less obsessed with punishing people because tlno one touched your pee pee in high school you would realise just how retarded your perceptions of everything related to marriage and single parents are and make the intellectual choice of stepping down from this woefully one-sided argument

>> No.6523805

ahhh so its repressed feelings and projections of your mom.
Men fucking up happens quite a bit. Its silly to encourage single parent households and there is a problem where it is mostly men's faults so when it is the womens fault the father tends to get shafted to the detriment of the kids.
Now why we shouldnt just do what we van for the kids and their future is beyond me. She fucked up? he fucked up? who cares. It happened now there is a child needing support.

>> No.6523863

I'm not even american, m8. But drawing a line is completely arbitrary. Might as well go balls deep and say you support postnatal abortion as well. At least that way you're ethically coherent

>> No.6523909

jesus christ i'd be so fucking miserable in your shoes man, would rather be single than deal with that kinda shit

do you have kids? if not, why not just get a divorce if you aren't happy? you say you work out, you can probably find a more attractive person to fuck if you wanted to.

i dunno if i was feeling miserable and wishing for death I'd probably just bite the bullet and file for divorce even if it means alimony payments

>> No.6523960

not being able to tell the difference between an embryo the size of a sesame seed and a human isn't something to brag about Cletus.

>> No.6524071

oh boy are you gonna be miserable in 10 years if you dont end it soon

>> No.6524112

Is it just me or this sort of degeneracy doesnt happen in europe.

I mean yeah people party and have sex, so do I, but its not like this extreme.

Hell I am having trouble with girls cuz they arent slutty enough, before fucking then you gotta take them to few dates. I am from southern EU tho.

>> No.6524141

>tfw virgin gf

>> No.6524265

Not EU, but I go to both alot and am a netural third party. I think its because American's don't have drinking culture. Their first experience with alcohol is ragers in HS their parents dont know about then frat parties throughout college till they can finally club at 21 and then they got wild some more. In most the world by 21 a lot of people have settled down from clubbing and shit they just experienced. While euros have been walkkng down to the neighbourhood pub since teen years and can drink socially. Those dont exist in NA.

>> No.6524290

i dunno man, im in Canada and it seems like lately (last few years anyway) all the women here are whores

went on a date a few weeks ago, had never met her before, we go see a movie, I'm not even cuddling her I'm just sitting in my chair watching the movie and she starts jerking me off, I'd only met her like an hour prior

last week I went out with another girl, we went to dinner, she said she had to work in the morning so I drive her to her place. She says I can't come in cause she needs to get to bed but asks if I want a quick blowjob...

I'm not anything special either, average guy, 6/10 looks, not particularly muscular/tall/anything, and this is probably the 5th or 6th time I've had these kinds of situations in the last 8 months with girls I'd just met the same day.

>> No.6524329

You live in montreal or something?

>> No.6524352

My issue isn't with the children needing support my issue is with the bullshit praise we offer single moms for " stepping up" " being the dad" and whatnot.

We have basically overlooked that women choose shitty men to have kids with and then whine about how hard life is now that she has chosen to kept the baby with a shitty guy . We also give women incentives not to have a dual income household. If we want to promote support and stable families you would think married ocuples with children would receive support but they do not. A selfish woman has a lot more reasons to raise kids alone then she does to raise them with a man in the household.

>> No.6524355

Where the fuck do you live? I thought Surrey was ratchet but my word.

>> No.6524444


Lol fuck. Stay away from Western union jack countries. Your women are loose.

>> No.6524584

>We have basically overlooked that women choose shitty men to have kids with and then whine about how hard life is now that she has chosen to kept the baby with a shitty guy .
Well why so we have shitty men?
>We also give women incentives not to have a dual income household.
not really still better off with them
>If we want to promote support and stable families you would think married ocuples with children would receive support but they do not.
its catch 22 we need to support and help the children/single parent households but we dont want to encourage it either. Double income households dont need the support so that would just be wasting money
>A selfish woman has a lot more reasons to raise kids alone then she does to raise them with a man in the household.
thats an absurd overstatement you dont have any idea how much two parents helps. realistcally the incentives aren't as grand as you think. Its like saying "if we pay dole nobody will work!" yeah but id rather not live off pennies so I went to college got a real job. It might make it worth it in borderline cases, but thats a good thing. When women can afford to leave abusive relationships or alcoholics who are fucking up their children and not starve to death.

>> No.6524733
File: 176 KB, 1140x1113, pvt_134_6_061201_f005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do, this all started just back in November. I was at a family get together and my cousin mentioned trading crypto currency and making gigantic profits. This was right around the 'segwit' fork, right before that gigantic Bitcoin Cash pump...then there was NULS with 238% gains...I'd never seen anything like this. It was a money machine.

I got started trading with some leftover Litecoins I'd purchased back in September for the some LSD. I got it delivered to the office and my wife still hasn't found out about any of this.

I've possibly ruined my life and others as well.

I traded the Litecoin for a few shitcoins, lost a bit and then made a bit back on stuff I can't even recall. I held ARK, held LINK...I had no clue what I was doing and I was spending more time looking at these candle charts. My work performance was starting to slip and I was sleeping less. I was up all night researching coins, making wallets, registering on exchanges--totally obsessed. I went all in on IoTA at .70 and watched it rise to $1.30. I had no idea what I was doing, but I held.

The explosion of IoTA up to $5 was an absolutely amazing feeling. I felt like I had done it--all those years of slaving away and being 'wrong'--now I was right. I finally did something right.

I held IoTA for a while, letting it slip down to $3.60. I sold, still confident and satisfied. This was right around the time RaiBlocks was picking up steam. I parlayed the IoTA profits into XRB and then hit another fucking moon. But yet again, I was stupid and delusional and didn't sell at the top. I got out at $23 so I was still way up.

Where this story gets interesting is within the framework of my life. After I hit the IoTA moon I was confident I'd found my saving grace. My job performance was already slipping and with the money on Binance over $25k I decided to quit. No notice.
I just went to cash out 26 btc and sent it to a bitcoin cash address. I lost it all.

>> No.6524768

Get your commie bullshit out of here. People react to incentives and disincentives. You give money to single mothers, you'll get more single mothers. But I guess they don't teach that in your marxist economy classes.

>> No.6524953

Im actually a hardcore neoliberal from an economics background. I thoroughly believe humans utility maximize. However that's not how it fucking works.
its not
>if you leave your full time working high salary husband you love who helps with kids Ill give you a dollar.
I think you might actually be retarded. Single mothers dont make as much extra money and a husband would provide. Noe do they get the other free support, that would both increase their income and decrease their costs. Utility maximization says a rational actor stays with her man all else equal.
Seriously compare a married women making $60k a year to a single mom making the same money look at their standards of living.

>> No.6524991

I will find you and turn you into an immortal, and grant you lordship over the continent of your choice.
This, i promise.

>> No.6525013
File: 7 KB, 210x243, 1516067720506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail, fellow Chad. I know you went balls deep on that beej

>> No.6525058

this has got to be reddit

link me this shitpost

>> No.6525064

>making $60k a year to a single mom making the same money look at their standards of living
Wow it's almost like money doesn't solve poverty!

Most poor people are poor because they are immensely stupid and make bad decisions constantly.

>> No.6525114

no anon. let this be a larp plz

>> No.6525198

yes, that and bad education. and so you think this proves women choose to be single mothers for monetary "incentives" why...?

>> No.6525568

Wait, so is it that men who leave these women, or cause them to divorce, are shitty deadbeats, or they're high salary loveable guys? Pick one. You can't just generalize men differently to suit your argument.

>> No.6525796

well if its the former then they are hardly making the choice for financial gain. But out of clear necessity.
In the latter the decision is a clear financial loss. both cases exist, there js a wide gamut but Neither fit your delusions. But you dont need to be "high salary" to be worth it. In fact men making well below the mean would still be more of an asset than government assistance in most cases. Because you literally have lower costs typically twice or more the income due to dual income. And a large bump from being able to work more.
So now im curious. Are you saying women should stay with abusive deadbest men, because they financial loss to them might be more than government assistance, and in rare cases if its not, government assistance should be lowered to force the women to stay?

>> No.6525938

I'm not saying anything. It just seems like your arguments revolve around men sharing a greater percentage of the blame. As if a single mother is generally more likely to be in her current circumstances because the man fucked up. Maybe it's just because you've been arguing with people who hate single mothers, but all of your posts place emphasis on the men being the issue.

>> No.6526013

I would further add that govt assistance is just a sunken cost as well. It doesn't improve shit for how much it costs the tax payer. Because women are quite frankly, incapable of raising males properly.

t. Biracial child of a single mom

>> No.6526057

Not him, but I'm saying women shouldn't marry abusive deadbeat men. And the government should fuck right off and shouldn't regulate marriages for fuck's sake.

You swear an oath for crying out loud, saying that you will never, ever leave them, till DEATH do you part. Don't swear that oath if you don't intend to keep it.

>> No.6526079

Quads confirm. Fedoralords are getting laid 24/7 while we are stuck in hell as slaves to the dollar.

>> No.6526124


Also, stop trying to promote homossexuality you retarded faggot.

>> No.6526624

>the less clothing the better
>both fully clothed
bitches can't even follow their own rules