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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6517426 No.6517426 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here lose 40% in two days?

I feel the depression slowly creeping back

>> No.6517456

Don't worry OP. Just trust /biz/ when they say "it will never crash!"

>> No.6517464

More mate....70k to 25k.

>> No.6517533

Hope so. But I'm leaning to trust biz less with each passing day.

Holy shit

>> No.6517851

Lost 75%, too many FUD news.

>> No.6517874

Nice, just lost another 100 k

>> No.6517888

I lost like 50%, don't worry too much, just wait it's going to come back up. As long as you HODL you'll be alright, this is also a really good time to accumulate.

>> No.6517892

Yes. I’m been in a shit mood and it’s effecting my wageslavery. Felt like walking out today without telling anyone and never coming back

>> No.6517910

I peaked at 11k, I'm down to $3700. FUCKING DBC.

>> No.6517921
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40k to 10k, feel like shit

>> No.6517930

Jesus guys, just fucking hold. It'll bounce back, there's not even a very good reason behind this, just the way that the markets work.

>> No.6517962

Lost 20% of my allocated because I traded it for a loss. I couldn't trust the coin and now it's far from the original price.

>> No.6517969

I feel a bit better now about my measly 700 down to 500 thx guys

>> No.6517990

You guys are being pusiese. HODL!!!

>> No.6518005

Well, i sold my neo just before the 170$ bullrun to buy fucking tnb. Yes, i am fucking stupid.

>> No.6518038
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Me too anon. I hate going to work now knowing I’m going to be at the shitty job another 40 years and I’m not going to make it. Thinking I was out soon was the only thing keeping me going.

>> No.6518051

I wasn't expecting to succeed anyway :^(

>> No.6518074

Damn, and here I was beating myself up over going from $63K to $49K

>> No.6518091

same here
I've repeated "it'll bounce back" to myself whole week long.

>> No.6518119

>You guys are being pusiese. HODL!!!

>> No.6518128

you never had it in the first place

>> No.6518142

The only thing that's bouncing right now is my head off the cement as I watch a sea of red

>> No.6518217

I hate this fucking meme so bad.

I was shorting the fuck out of shit, trying to mitigate losses. Thought I was doing so well, but I just keeps hitting new lows. I can't keep up. I'll be sitting pretty if things get back to pre FUD prices but this shit is painful.

>> No.6518301

I have a feeling this bleeding will last until March

>> No.6518356

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6518415

I've learned my lesson regarding hesitating on taking profits. My plan has been locked in. As long as it goes back up (lol) I'll know better for next time.

>> No.6518419

I did. Went from 9k to 5k. I keep losing more every day. I'm 80% in ENG and I just bailed on ICX to buy neo thinking it'll be more stable to hold funds to buy anything good that dips enough

>> No.6518573


>> No.6518811

I haven't even looked at my wallet. I know my coins are down, but until I look at the dollar amount it doesn't register

>> No.6518843
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everything is fucked

>> No.6518880

damn it'll be okay bro.
me and you in this shit together i guess

did dbc do this to you too?

>> No.6518912

Are you me? Haha
Have a hug brother

>> No.6518946

Haha you too? 3 of us in this thread. :(

>> No.6518954
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around 30%. a lot of my coins that were withstanding the crash have tumbled over. i am excited for the day that i slip into real lost, values below my inital investment. then it will be delicious.

>> No.6519118

From 70k to about 40k.
Feels shit

>> No.6519147

They will all come back, soon too. Hold the bags. HODL.

>> No.6519164

Buy Linda

>> No.6519166

Jesus fuck, 5-fgiures+ is real money. How do you'll sleep?

>> No.6519437

Considering I only ever put in about $500 of real hard earnt cash I dont really care.

Its like gambling with your winnings.

Suicide would be an option if I had wagecucked for that 70k.

>> No.6519486

40k to 29k, ill start worrying when it hits 15k

>> No.6519527

lol no I put it into BTC a last week I'm only down 4%

>> No.6519559
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save me

>> No.6519596

Swingtraded myself up from 51k to 72k the last 2 days. I'm not sure if I'm a daytrading god or I've been hit by a lucky streak

>> No.6519632


Enjoy getting assfucked by taxes

>> No.6519649

Yacht money come march

>> No.6519658
File: 51 KB, 1024x751, hodl_or_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay calm and hold out anons. If you can't keep a level head during dips, you shouldn't be in this game.

>> No.6519670

I'm not a burger. I already cashed out in July and paid 15% tax on it, no audit or taxman up my ass since then.

>> No.6519767

Peaked 12k from 4k initial, at 6k now watching the daily red woooo. Tried swinging tron and held dbc for a day after ATH cuz /biz said huobi listing would be good...

>> No.6519784

Or you could sell now and re-buy at the bottom. HODL is fucking meme for lazy fucks.

>> No.6519840

I've made a shitload of trades, but most of em are losses. Am I still fucked?

>> No.6519842

Use math sucker

>> No.6520242

> sell at a loss
> buy more
hmmm really made me think