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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6514553 No.6514553 [Reply] [Original]

So biz
We killing this pajeet now?
I lost everything and it's not coming back, hopes and dreams smashed to pieces by this fucking shit monkey

>> No.6514603

Literally who?

>> No.6514614
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She deserves to be torn apart in the street.

>> No.6514623

Sorry sweetie, it looks like you're going to actually have to find a real job and do that 9 to 5 "shit" you didn't get before. *Sips tea*

>> No.6514632

brian armstrong caused all this adding bcash

>> No.6514689

We both know one crazed anon that just lost everything is going to stop taking his meds and this fucking pajeet will be found in a dumpster a few days later

>> No.6514696

she's a mole for (((them)))

>> No.6514702

What did she do exactly?

>> No.6514709
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that fat pinky looks like it's trying so hard to stay out from under the expanding girth of her arm.

>> No.6514769

She wrote the first FUD Korea article in which she exaggerated a few things. No idea what she did this time.

>> No.6514790

Wrote an article for fucking CNBC that said Korea was banning crypto and triggered this tsunami of red we are seeing now.

>> No.6514823

>Korea is planning to ban crypto trading
>exaggerated a few things

>> No.6514865

I might send her a thank you card for putting everything on sale and letting me accumulate from dumb panic sellers. thanks bae

>> No.6514894

and nothing of value will have been lost

>> No.6514929

Yes.. Kill her. But kill her family first. Let her watch

>> No.6514944


>> No.6514959

haha oh wow

>> No.6515011

pajeetas are our friends

>> No.6515035

Interesting if you click the article she later changed it to read Ethereum. What is going on with CNBC? There seems to be a coordinated effort to tank crypto. But is government behind it or their Wallstreet buddies?

>> No.6515048

how about china increasing crackdown on more trading services?

>> No.6515066

Make her marry a pajeet, there are no worse fate.

>> No.6515083


>> No.6515128


Did you really think (((they))) would allow a decentralized, tax free, worldwide currency to take hold?

>> No.6515188

>SJW.com paywall

not in a million years

>> No.6515193

there's nothing new in crypto in terms of tax evasion, it's never going to be a real problem

>> No.6515198
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This dumb cunt literally tipped the first domino starting this entire burn fest. She should be stoned to death.

>> No.6515206

literally every chance she gets she trys to shit on crypto

wtf is her problem

>> No.6515227
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BREAKING: South Korea is considering a new law that would outlaw cryptocurrency exchanges, a move that would likely put their prices into a free fall.

>> No.6515230

huh thats weird
i clicked it from twitter and there was no paywall on this article a moment ago

>> No.6515285

>shut it down

>> No.6515302

mainstream media is just a propaganda mouthpiece for the establishment technocrats. she is told what to say. obviously. you think they're real journalists? lol dude, do you also believe in santa?

>> No.6515309


try from here

>> No.6515358

she didn't start the fire, this is just the cover story so you don't realize that the bots of a single whale have tanked the entire market on purpose. just look at the numbers, that's all i'll say. the market is being hammered down by force

>> No.6515361

so rustled right now

>> No.6515587

>Saheli Roy Choudhury
>Manager- Commercial Banking at (((Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank)))
So the bankers she works for sent her to shut crypto down?

>> No.6515631
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I'm looking for every piece of info I can find and I'm dumping it here
Will a hero rise from the ashes and slay the pajeet queen to avenge his fallen brothers?

>> No.6515686

Doing gods work anon

Let's find out everything about this cunt

>> No.6515696

haha seriously though bro don't kill anyone.. and definitely don't talk about killing anyone on here.

>> No.6515733

You have to be retarded, if you think pajeeta has any word on what she is ordered to publish

>> No.6515743

I'm not killing anyone, it's not like I have the money for a fucking plane ticket now anyway
But if a certain liquidated anon happens to live near her
Well what ever happens she brought it on herself

>> No.6515776

Great job incels. This is gonna be screen capped and put on buzz feed again to attract more negative attention to crypto and 4chan

My fucking god you people ruin this board with this shit.

>> No.6515794

That could be said for any war criminal just obeying orders, doesn't change the fact that what happen was done by her hand

>> No.6515831

B-but /biz/ needs a happening. Let some anon become a happening and murder rape snuggle her

>> No.6515843

Well, if she's shorting it, she's smart and rich.

>> No.6515932
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This fake? Pic related

>> No.6515979
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Is this you?
Please leave Apu

>> No.6515999

They never where going to shut it down
They just pulled a few dodgy exchanges back into line
That was literally it

>> No.6516003

I swear if you losers don’t leave my fucking girlfriend alone I’m filing a report with the police

>> No.6516012

oh god you are pathetic.

>> No.6516029

Never talk to me or my wife's son again

>> No.6516138 [DELETED] 
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Please. This fucking whore doesn't realize how many people's lives she ruined.
I got out with a x10 on my initial investment after only 3 weeks. But there are people who got fucking ruined from her bullshit. Her smug ass deserves anything bad that happens to her. $200B in wealth, vanished. What did she get out of it? A pat on the back from her boss?

>> No.6516175

Stay out of this, boss. I hope you got the message. Delete this page right now.

>> No.6516189

This stupid whore deserves anything bad that happens to her smug ass.

>> No.6516237
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Nice larp. If you would genuinely fuck that steaming turd holy shit man congrats on that. seriously.

>> No.6516239
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freedom of speech does not include calls to violent action, that is against the law

>> No.6516254

>his id is curry colored

>> No.6516291

Ah yes, white "civilization" mentality. Kill everyone when things are aren't looking good. Truly you sub iq pale niggers are above niggers with your 5 point average over them, unlike 25 below even the dumbest Chinese. And of course, chimping out is a black/white thing to do.

>> No.6516297
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Wrong retard.


>It’s Official: South Korea Is Not Shutting Down Bitcoin Exchanges

>The South Korean government today officially put to rest the recent rumors it plans to close all bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchanges in the country. However in announcing its decision, it warned investors to trade in digital assets at their own risk, and reserved the right to “strictly deal with” individual exchanges if they engaged in illegal activity.

2 days ago, you're behind as fuck on the news. Catch up or you might make a dumb decision. What exactly have you done?

>> No.6516303
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>> No.6516314

>*sips tea*
>Crashes whyte ppl market

Nothing personal /biz/

>> No.6516438

I am not the type of person to witch hunt, but that fucking piece of shit article of FUD literally destroyed a large chunk of the market.

>> No.6516445
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>> No.6516470

Kys u newcuck

>> No.6516632

It's unfortunate, do they face any consequences for spreading false information?

>> No.6516722

Her Twitter went silent. She must be terrified of the basement dwelling neckbeards that troll /biz/... I don’t blame her.

>> No.6516767

no, that's why the public needs to call her fat, lying ass out on it

>> No.6516813

Practically every article the bitch puts out is FUDding about crypto.
>haha a PARODY crypto is worth billions, lol so unsustainable
>LMAO a bitcoin conference doesn't accept bitcoin! crypto's so unstable!
>south korea gonna ban crypto OMG SELL SELL (jk not really)
She is obviously working to further someone's agenda. She was just throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck, if it wasn't her made up story about Korea it would've been some other BS she made up.

>> No.6517034

inb4 somebody finds out shes actually a jew

>> No.6517096

check her twitter, this poopjeeta literally takes every chance she can to shit on crypto

>> No.6517148


>> No.6517197

Doubt it. These fuckers can say whatever they want to manipulate the market and because CNBC and the likes have such a strong reach, they can influence the market that way. Also, it's decentralized so one FUD article like that one about SK banning cryptos, is enough to cause a dip in the market.

Short answer: no, no consequences. She might have an agenda though; maybe she's getting paid to shit on crypto

>> No.6517254

Published 9:15 AM ET Wed, 25 July 2012 Updated 2:58 AM ET Fri, 2 Oct 2015
Regional Headquarters
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Email adress still coming

>> No.6517287

Never mind the email is near the top

Singapoor is t

>> No.6517303

>it's some random woman who is to blame for me being gullible enough to buy into a literal meme market!
The finest mental gymnastics available to man.

>> No.6517316


perfect, now we just need some smart anon to draft up a nice letter we can all spam

>> No.6517321

Never mind email is near the top
Singapoor is the one I think is the one responsible

>> No.6517324

Fucking lmao
Here we go

>> No.6517334

>Saheli Roy Choudhury
>Roy Choudhury
>Roy Choud
Think about it.

>> No.6517455
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Let the happening begin

Not the pajeet killing I originally wanted but I will settle for her career getting slaughtered

>> No.6517461
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>> No.6517465

Plebbitors letter of disapproval, seems pretty decent. We could use that as a template with a few edits.

>> No.6517472

I got some BTC at $10k because of her :^)

correct, this is like the investor buying 30k BTC years ago news story pushing BTC up to 15k
whales merely used that as a pretext to move the price

>> No.6517605

That's the point lil zoggy. Buy the dip.

>> No.6517670

This my brothers, is why I came here. I missed chanology and gamersgate, but I will not miss fudgate. We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Let's teach that fucking whore slut a thing or two about messing with the legion!

>> No.6517744

>We do not forgive, we do not forget.
I hope you said that ironically

>> No.6517760

as if it wasn't going to happen either way

>> No.6517776

>pajeet apologists

>> No.6517813

Good cunt i cant wait

>> No.6517838


Fishing for retards again FBI?

>> No.6517896

Not good. Chinks would laugh their asses off at this. We need to threaten cyber warfare and leaking information while hinting at the fact that asians, especially Japs, are the largest money movers in Crypto and the blackmarket would be happy to resolve the issue for us.

>> No.6517958
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Pajeets email

Stay tuned I'm digging up more

>> No.6517966

>Saheli Roy Choudhury is an anagram for "Hey! Usury-roach! I HODL!"
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.6517992
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>> No.6518053
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>> No.6518095
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>> No.6518174

Hi and welcome to 4chan, new friend

>> No.6518213


>> No.6518237

For real tho i'm surprised some monerofag hasn't done the deed yet

>> No.6518306

Singapore is only half a shade of shit better than Cayman Islands...All that dirty old money will try stop Crypto. Its a major threat to the expensive shithole that is Asias tax haven.

>> No.6518365


Here's the email we want

>> No.6518388
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>> No.6518552

Sub human pale niggers chimp out over pajeeta, news at ten

>> No.6518588

Thank you sir

>> No.6518862

This. This downward trend started exactly with coinbase hoping to flippening to bch. Fucked it all up, next thing you know normies are buying cripple on cnbc.

>> No.6518996

She deserves a visit from all of us !