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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6512355 No.6512355 [Reply] [Original]

muh crash fags need not respond

>> No.6512434

I’d imagine another week or two

>> No.6512532

a day or so.. total market cap is testing 645B. get in before it bounces up

>> No.6513365

Some might say it was testing $700bln before this

>> No.6513413

4 days. We have some ppl w/ serious short attention spans.

>> No.6513448

same as the one in 2013, four years.

>> No.6513481
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This isn't so bad is it? I mean there's still money to be made if you're smart right?

>> No.6513488

The "correct" price of these coins is zero dollars because they aren't actually worth anything

>> No.6513500

Fuck off nocoiner.

>> No.6513520
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Multiple years.

>> No.6513533

At least three years.

>> No.6513561

No way do people have the patience to wait multiple years before speculating the fuck out of these coins

>> No.6513576

Surely people will buy the dip very soon.
It's too big to fail.

>> No.6513587

So which exchange is going to run off with almost half a million coins this time? What event will lead to over 80% of global trading volume being inaccessible?

>> No.6513592

until tomorrow morning when americans return to the market. we take one holiday weekend and the rest of you try to crash the market, sad!

>> No.6513602

Check em, see you guys at McDonalds.

>> No.6513610

Go somewhere else retard

>> No.6513617
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pack it in boiz, see ya in 2021

>> No.6513627
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Take that back

>> No.6513666

Sorry, but no

One day you'll realize I was right. You still have time to cash out. Let somebody else be the sucker and spend real money on made-up internet coins

>> No.6513737

we're goin sideways for 9 days and then alts will finally decouple from btc or crypto is a bear market

I'm 80% sure alts will finally loose their correlation with btc

>> No.6513747


trips confirms it, I am selling you all my coins at a huge discount, enjoy them mr. bank ceo

>> No.6513748


>> No.6513763

Three years ago the altcoin market consisted of purely shitcoins like MOON, DOGE, MINT, Myriad, etc.

The altcoins now are revolutionary technologies. Lots of shitcoins still, but some damned good projects with some of the smartest autistic niggers in the world working on em.

If you think any future crash will be like 2014-2017 you're actually gay.


>> No.6513771

satan is a deceiver

>> No.6513779

There's a war brewing between the old decrepid 'ohhh bitcoin will last forever' and the people that see it's fucking trash. May the decoupling begin. I'll be a part of it. FUCK BTC

>> No.6513817
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About 6 months. Bitcoin is being replaced and it's going to be a painful transition period because whenever btc dips, errything else dips too.

>> No.6513871

Tomorrow. Wall Street fags are crashing the market so they can get in with their bonuses tomorrow. Going to be a good couple of days.

>> No.6513883


>> No.6513886

finally someone gets it

>> No.6513915

BTC ETFs coming soon
big money is closing short positions after making a killing
SEC puppets will approve the ETFs
BTC will rally hard
think of them and how they are bloodlusting after crypto now. they know it's not regulated. you think they don't want a piece of the action?
nothing fundamental had adversely affected crypto. it's just MSM FUD. the media is weaponizing it's influence over the normies. if you want to sell the tip and buy the dip go ahead. but don't think crypto is dead. it's not

>> No.6513924

catch that knife you dumb nigger

>> No.6513977

Btc future contracts also finish up on the 18th
It will be interesting to see if they go long. I'm sure a lot of money has been made so far

>> No.6514009

i predict bitcoin will dip below $10,000

that is the price level where people loss all confidence

>> No.6514048


>> No.6514078

only like a day or two

some of this is natural correction and some is manipulation to drive prices down

honestly anyone that holds through (rather than buying high and selling low) is going to profit in the longrun.

>> No.6514112
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Until tomorrow

>> No.6514148


they control it now
not the retail investor
they have influence and power that controls everything around us. they understand that this isn't regulated. you think they want this to go away? HELL NO! they are addicted to crypto more than we are.

when you start hearing the MSM praising crypto know full well that BTC will rally hard

>> No.6514217

A few days to a week

>> No.6514240

Coinbase, bitfinex and tether will all implode on the same day. Numbers confirm.

>> No.6514265
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>> No.6514482
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we haven't even entered the panic selling stage on the bigger timeframes, so far this is still just a dip back to the lower end of the price range we've been fluctuating in recently, we've been ranging between 17k and 13k with a few spikes above and below that range, but always quickly came back into that range. true panic will happen when we hit below 12250, and will drop off very quickly. in the first big dip, I said we could still see 8500, but based on what has happened since then, I think we'll get down to 9500 at the lowest, and that would only be because the drop would have too much momentum to stop exactly at 10k, it takes a while for a market of this size to truly change direction, so aim for the big 10k level, but we'll probably over extend another few hundred.
here is my chart. bolinger bands show 1 standard deviation above and below the average price. anything outside of the bands are usually at extremes of one end.
I'll post another picture, showing both the ema and sma and describe a bit of that in a minute

as for timing, Expect the dip to last between 1 and 2 days (24-48 hours) after panic selling starts, in total I estimate we'll hit the bottom between 3 and 4 days from now

>> No.6514556

W=The recent bullrun, and Bitcoin dipping before it, literally disproves this.

Buttfuck's dominance is receding--so too is the alt market's dependence on it.

Bow down to ETH, the new king. It has enough trading pairs to offer the market some much needed resiliency.

>> No.6514699

I said the market, not Bitcoin you core cuck.

Your precious first mover, imo, isn't as relevant as you think. Been paying attention to ETH during all this? Stable as fuck. Wealth is being spread out amongst the top 10--top 5, really.

Bitcoin is slowly choking on its own refuse--people will sell it for other things throughout the year, ETH will overtake it within 6 months screencap this.

>> No.6514717 [DELETED] 
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Until Fairx launches. XLM will be the new king then.

>> No.6515365
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here is part two. I have both the ema and sma drawn out.the purple lines are the 25 day averages, and we have closed on the daily below both ema and sma 25's confirming 99% that we are taking another big dip, the blue lines are the 100day averages, which are the big support levels below the red 50 day. the ema is higher, at about 11400, and the sma is lower at about 10600 odds are that we will see a brief dip below these support lines as enough buy orders come through to reverse trend. expect to overshoot by a few hundred, as seen in the last correction to the 100 day on July 15 2017. we also have the support line that comes from the last significant area of volatility, which is the bottom line through the circle, at 9500. so expect to break the 10600 100day support, but to hold the 9500 support. my prediction is a final price between 10k and 9.6k

after all this time, you still haven't learned. yes bitcoin might technically be outdated, but don't expect it to go out quietly. How long did it take from the inception of the next generate of a technology until that technology was widespread enough to be considered to have replaced the previous generations. think of USB for fucks sake. most tech still ahs either USB 3.0 or micro-usb, Meanwhile, USB-C has been around for a while and is far superior in every way, yet is still not the standard. legacy tech is more powerful than you think.

you must be too heavily in alts and so you are reacting emotionally to the harsh truth that you made some bad decisions and are wrong in this case. it's a hard pill to swallow, but the more stubborn you are in situations that require you to be fluid, like markets, the worse things will be.
despite a 30% dominance figure, Bitcoin still IS THE MARKET
it's the only one with etfs, and tradable futures, it's the only name most people know. it's still number one and in the 10 YEARS SINCE IT HAS BEEN CREATED it has never dropped from the #1 spot. get fucked

>> No.6515415

until that one giant whale and his bot stop bringing the market down on purpose. so possibly never since the establishment has unlimited money to wreck us with

>> No.6515435

bitcoin is more real than the us dollar

>> No.6515468

Rocks are more real than both of them. Why don't you just buy those then?

>> No.6515482

not sure if it's a boy

>> No.6515486

I think its at the bottom right now, green numbers popping up all over on the 1hr%

>> No.6515526

I would buy rocks on the blockchain

>> No.6515529

Whenever someone ends their post with get fucked I imagine the poster sitting behind the screen giving themself a little fist pump Lmao

>> No.6515539

i don't think its time for the multi year bear just yet, we are never going back to a pre normie market because there are always going to be hangers on, for the 90% bloodbath i think we need at the very least 1tn to come back from

>> No.6515586
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here is what I mean about the last dip to the 100 day
notice the overshoot of both 100 day moving averages, ema and sma, and the bottom matching the most previous significant resistance level
again expected range is between 10600, and 9500, 10k even is pretty close to the middle of that range and would be into the previous section of volatile price action. so I'd say those are the number to watch. 10600, 10000, and 9500
good luck /biz/
this is what I see, take it or leave it

>> No.6515589

they get their fucking bonuses next in 1-2 months. stop lying to yourselves

>> No.6515673


>> No.6515702


Never, it’s over

>> No.6515719

Rare geodes have value but it has less adoption than crypto. Just regular rocks have too much supply to be worth anything meaningful, only in extremely large quantities.

>> No.6515739

Global market cap needs to fall under $500B imo.

>> No.6515755
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Years. Shitcoins have ruined crypto, we have to rebuild. There has to be pain.

>> No.6515775

1 week from today.

>> No.6515976

The way I see it is that BTC will eventually be replaced but it'll take years as the whales carefully unwind their positions in it. You have to sell a little, let the market stabilize, bump it back up, then sell again, etc. The big fintech projects are still a couple of years out from having their own blockchains and ecosystems, so it's going to be at least that long.

If BTC isn't fully replaced, it'll become an asset much like gold used to be. It will have little real intrinsic value or use, but maintain a high price because it serves as a backing for more widely-used currencies.