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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 631x446, SQhf2lr6WamMEGPWC8wCpc6JlMKpK1N0fUoo2TiLyS8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6505214 No.6505214 [Reply] [Original]

Where is Brian when you need him.

>> No.6505596

we don't need him

>> No.6505686

When tf is shit going to go back up?

>> No.6505726


>> No.6505775



>> No.6505866


>> No.6505865

My portfolio is now down 40% and close to my initial cash investment. I'm losing hope in DBC, my FUN is now in the red.
I just don't know any more. My hands are growing so weak...

>> No.6505883

This shit is burning a hole in my portfolio. I come back after a week and it’s the goddamn titanic up in this bitch. If this shit doesn’t improve soon I guess Im going down with the ship baby

>> No.6505888

Don't sell, then the pajeets win!

>> No.6506040

DBC facts
During the massive crash this coin has:
>risen slightly in the afternoon
>jumped in the morning
>crashed to a worse low than the previous day in the early morning

This pattern has held for several days, until today. DBC has been completely stagnant today and now going down along with the rest of the market. Tons of people are counting on a pump after the Huobi competition, and if it doesn't come, there'll almost assuredly be a massive dump. BTC slumping takes the market down with it as people pull money out and lose confidence, but BTC rising also fucks alts as people pour money into it. In short, almost every outcome of the next day results in DBC falling even further.

>> No.6506205

I feel sorry for guys that are actually playing with their real money. I withdrew my initial investment a long time ago - so I'm just playing with profits.

>> No.6506208


>> No.6506241

Ehh, you are only thinking short term. Almost assuredly there will be another small dump after the huobi competition, but you are underestimating the number of people with really heavy bags who really can't sell. Really everyone who can sell, had sold.

This also ignores the fact that this token actually has a use case, neo backing, and a long history in ai with a really smart team. It will be fine.

>> No.6506297

Sure, but I imagine most people here are looking at this as a short-term investment they want out of now.

>> No.6506338

You are correct on that. Ideally I'd like to pull most of my funds out to throw at elastos, but I may end up bagholding this shit a little while longer.

>> No.6506385

god dammit how much more can this fucking shit dump

>> No.6506388


I've lost hope, I'm just too apathetic to bother cashing out.

>> No.6506409

You have a poor grasp of opportunity cost.

>> No.6506435

Agreed. It was short term for me - I was naive to think it would hit $1 so quickly. Looks like I'll be holding longer than I wanted too.

>> No.6506727

You don't want the honest answer to that. Good news is, this is a solid coin despite it being targeted for manipulation. Bad news is, if you were looking for short term profits, you are fucked.

>> No.6506748

No, what I'm saying is that I don't really give a shit because I'm only playing with house money.

>> No.6506877

Perhaps I'm in the same place. The coins have fallen from my tortured hands and onto the clod floor but I'm too broken to pick them up and throw them away...

>> No.6507198


>> No.6507495
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I sold... my hands still feel weak, but I will buy back in tomorrow morning at 15¢. Then hold for the long term. AI will be big this year, no doubt about it.

>> No.6507563

question is are we strong enough to buy the dip

>> No.6507576

Hopefully it goes back down to 0.07 cents. I'd buy 10K more DBC

>> No.6507794

I went for this as a long-term hodl so I'm still waiting, but it's painful to watch

>> No.6507809

18 cents will see my first 25% sell to buy back at 15. 16 will see the following 50% sell.

>> No.6507906
File: 2.69 MB, 480x270, cancer food, the gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello again my GAAANNNG BAAAANNGG friends!

I hope you are all doing very very bessed, lol. Eat some food and play Street Fighter - it will be all you have when DBC goes to 0.000001 sats.


>> No.6507983
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>> No.6507984
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You guys realize at this point a huge amount of DBC trading is bots selling to each other right?

>> No.6508397

Is there a dbc richlist?

>> No.6508904


>> No.6509087
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>> No.6509177


>> No.6509216

Think I might buy more to average down

>> No.6509245

Sold on the bounce somewhere between 50 and 60 cents when I suddenly realized every single market move is pre-planned by whales.

>> No.6509290


>> No.6509296

Holy shit, this thing really has tanked. I was kicking myself for a while after getting in at 0.09 and out at 0.023 right before it went above 0.60, but now its even lower? kek

>> No.6509508


Never because people finally realized you cant use blockchain for artificial intelligence. You fucking idiots fell for the "attach the word blockchain to everything" meme and wasted all your money. There's a lot of things blockchain is good for, but AI is not one of them

>> No.6509509

theres no difference you faggot. Its all your money

>> No.6509658

Why you so mad faggot

>> No.6509823

I smell curry

>> No.6509865
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>> No.6509931


Sorry, no, just a typical white american who actually looked into this. Have you looked at the DBC white paper? Almost the entire thing is listing investors, showing how much its worth in the ICO, how to exchange the coins and then about 1 paragraph of how its actually used for AI.... which amounted to about "Its used for AI because AI manufacturers will use it for AI".

>> No.6509950
File: 22 KB, 400x292, BreadandWater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still holding.......we are gonna be ok.....right??

>> No.6510009

You obviously never even looked at the whitepaper. Its so easy to see through you pajeets. "Did you even look at the whitepaper, its just buzzwords and memes". God damn this board needs flags

>> No.6510089

Blockchain just attaches an economic method to buy and sell hardware usage. You may actually be retarded and not pajeet. My mistake.

>> No.6510122

I feel terrible for anyone that fell for that cringey "Brain Gang" pajeet discord shilling. Holy shit lmao.

>> No.6510154

Pretty much.

>> No.6510212
File: 154 KB, 693x919, dbcshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> just a few short paragraphs of "AI is hard" on page 3
> only thing about actually using deepbrain chain fro the AI is a small blurb in section 2.3

>DeepBrain Chain realizes the decentralized supply of core computing capability of artificial >intelligence, but artificial intelligence, in addition to computing power, also needs algorithms and >data. Data are trained to be the model while the algorithm, with the model, generates artificial >intelligence applications. Therefore, DeepBrain Chain in the future will derive AI data trading >platform, AI algorithm trading platform, AI model trading platform, AI container trading platform, and >AI application trading platform. AI application trading platform has a certain scale: there are >hundreds of AI skills applications on DeepBrain, which can be sold to users. In addition, the >DeepBrain Chain ecosystem will help the artificial intelligence manufacturers to issue their own >virtual currency lobally, and the virtual currency of the manufacturer can be freely exchanged with >DBC

If you think this type of technology is useful for AI then you're an actual idiot. To properly train a neural network takes hundreds of thousands or millions or more iterations upon a sample set of hundreds of thousands or millions of samples. That isnt getting shoveled through any blockchain and CANT be split up because each iteration of training has to perform forward and back propogation on the previous samples results. You can't just divvy this up like you would a graphics card.

>> No.6510220

And this s why you should never buy overpumped ico bags
Either get into the ico early or jut forget about it, save that eth and put it towards the next good ico

>> No.6510223

jesus christ how are you going to get out of it though

>> No.6510247

You're calmer than most of the board, and have balls to post a loss like that. Hope you hold and things work out.

>> No.6510264

I bought in before that nonsense, but that doesnt mean it hurts any less...There is something disheartening about watching your portfolio triple, and die in the course of a week.

>> No.6510308

If you’re white why do you smell like shit?

>> No.6510386

Don't be a dick.

Average in, you'll be fine. Invest only what you can lose and have a long term perspective.

>> No.6510700

I knew that too, but i had bought at 8 cents. Sold at 16 cents but that shit keep rising i fomo way too late at 40 cents, now sold at 25. Fucking shitcoin i knew all the time but the free money was there. This is what i get for being greedy. Fucking crap coin, it may be useful in 10 years when we actually have research to do the so called desentralized AI.

>> No.6510753

This will go down to .10, don't know what will happen afterwards. Is there any other coin in this market crash that has fallen so low?

>> No.6510995

I bought in pretty early, but I was away when it was being pumped in that $0.45 - $0.60 range. I'm still up, but it does sting seeing it collapse like this. Genuinely thought $0.30 was the new floor and it'd just stagnate there for a while.

>> No.6511040

You literally copied and pasted the 1 paragraph that of the entire page that address your dumbass point. Try again pajeet

2. Optimization of neural network computing performance: DeepBrain Chain focuses on the service of
artificial intelligence factories, and the current artificial intelligence products are developed on the basis of deep
neural network as the core algorithm. DeepBrain Chain is currently optimized on CUDA GPU and plans to dock
the current mainstream deep learning framework, such as TensorFlow, Caffe, CNTK, and so on.
3. Highly concurrent: Users of artificial intelligence factories are massive in number. DeepBrain Chain needs
to facilitate high-performance computing while supporting a massive number of users. Through a unique load
balancing technology, each node container can cooperate with each other to share concurrent pressure.
4. Low latency: While it is possible that the training time of neural network can be very long, all online user
requests must be responded in seconds. This requires that each module of DeepBrain Chain is able to respond
quickly, taking up as little resources as possible.

>> No.6511058

I think it will hit $1 eventually. If it can get massively manipulated by whales to .60, whats to stop the world's largest population obsessed with block chain and AI to take it to a dollar? The company checks out, is backed by real people, and has plenty of time to set up a product. At least I'm not a Tron plagiarism fag.

Eh. Got greedy, Anon. Threw a big buy at it thinking it would spike with Huobi and I was going to exit right away with a cool extra 2 grand in my pocket.

>> No.6511118


So literally what I said here: >>6509931

"It's used for AI because AI manufacturers will use it for AI"

Sorry you bought a shitcoin anon, maybe you can make your money back on litecoin

>> No.6511137
File: 531 KB, 670x780, 1516069776762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few historic massive dips

>> No.6511147

5. Privacy protection: To protect the privacy of each participant in the ecosystem, participants can freely
determine the degree of information developed. We need to ensure via the encryption algorithm and the separation
6. Flexible supply: Artificial intelligence factories’ user requests are not temporally homogeneous, and
they are likely to be, say, ten times more frequent at the peak times than at the non-peak times. This issue needs
to be effectively dealt with the burst traffic, which requires flexible expansion technology, so that the docker
container can be automatically deployed. Fast replication is deployed to multiple idle nodes at the peak of
7. Automatic operation and maintenance: When a node container fails, it should be able to alert in a timely
manner, remove the faulty node, and add a normal node.

> this guy actually expects the technical design of the ai to be in the whitepaper.

>> No.6511218

>implying load balancing and timeouts are AI
The is why we are all going to be poor anon.

>> No.6511311


It is in most other white papers of coins that actually have valid use. That's the whole reason a white paper exists is to show how the functionality of it works. DBC is also not open source, so people can't even review it.

>> No.6511395

>didnt even read the whitepaper
image computing engine DCEngine:the entire lifecycle of a container management instance for a single
user or group, according to the user's needs to provide virtual services, responsible for the creation, suspension,
pause, adjustment, migration, restart, destruction, and other operations of containers. When the user requests the
calculation of specific value of distribution amount of container capacity (set by user), the container calculation
engine will start the alarm and will start to automate the deployment of container expansion into other normal
nodes. First, the configuration file is read, the configuration parameters are read, the initialization message queue
is configured according to the configuration, and then the internal message interaction is carried out with other
components later. At the same time, the DB server according to the configuration item in the configuration file is
started, and a server corresponding to each API in the configuration file is configured. According to the system
GPU core number n, each DB server will have n process to deal with the request.
Def main():
For api in CONF.enabled_apis:
Should_use_ssl=api in CONF.enabled_ssl_apis
If api == ‘db2’:
Server =service.DBService(api,use_ssl=should_use_ssl,max_url_len=16384)
Server =service.DBService(api,use_ssl=should_use_ssl)
Launcher.launch_service(server,workers=server.workes or 1)

>> No.6511460


> a tiny snippet of java script saying that it will launch code that it needs to do the thing

wow you did it anon you found the secret to deep brain chain! thats how it all works! wow!

>> No.6511495

theres a text limit dumbass:

mage computing engine DCEngine:the entire lifecycle of a container management instance for a single
user or group, according to the user's needs to provide virtual services, responsible for the creation, suspension,
pause, adjustment, migration, restart, destruction, and other operations of containers. When the user requests the
calculation of specific value of distribution amount of container capacity (set by user), the container calculation
engine will start the alarm and will start to automate the deployment of container expansion into other normal
nodes. First, the configuration file is read, the configuration parameters are read, the initialization message queue
is configured according to the configuration, and then the internal message interaction is carried out with other
components later. At the same time, the DB server according to the configuration item in the configuration file is
started, and a server corresponding to each API in the configuration file is configured. According to the system
GPU core number n, each DB server will have n process to deal with the request.
Def main():
For api in CONF.enabled_apis:
Should_use_ssl=api in CONF.enabled_ssl_apis
If api == ‘db2’:
Server =service.DBService(api,use_ssl=should_use_ssl,max_url_len=16384)
Server =service.DBService(api,use_ssl=should_use_ssl)
Launcher.launch_service(server,workers=server.workes or 1)

>> No.6511560

2)Image management system
A virtual container image lookup and retrieval system has the functions of creating mirror image, uploading
mirror image, deleting mirror image, and editing basic information of mirror image.
Image management system is mainly composed of image management API and image management
register. Image management API is the entrance of the image management system service, responsible for
receiving the user's API request. The image management register deals with image metadata related requests.
When the image management API receives the user's API request, if it is determined that the request is associated
with metadata, the request is forwarded to the image management register service. Then the image management
register parses the contents of the user metadata request, accesses, and updates the metadata of the
image interactively with the database.
3)Storage management system
A large scale extendable system for storing objects through built-in redundancy and high fault-tolerant
mechanisms allows storage or retrieval of files, providing image storage of the image systems

>> No.6511563

they bought my ico bags at 0.6


>> No.6511593

You stupid amerifats think that you're smarter than Chinese when you copypaste some java-garbage?

>> No.6511624

Storage management system consists of four parts. API server: Storage management system API is the
main service interface, which is responsible for receiving and processing the external API request, putting the
request into the AMQP message queue, and then executing it by the back-end. Dispatching service: The task of
the task queue is processed, and the appropriate volume service node is selected according to the predetermined
policy to perform the task. Volume service: The service runs on the storage node, manages storage space,
processes read and write requests of maintenance status of storage management system database, and interacts
with other processes through the message queue and directly in the block storage device or software. Each
storage node has a volume service, and several such storage nodes join together to form a storage resource
pool. Backup service: This provides services to back up the volume of the storage management system to the
backup storage device.
4)Identity service engine
This is to provide authentication, service rules, and service tokens to other modules of DeepBrain Chain and
to manage commands, projects, users, groups, and roles.
5)Network management engine
This is to provide network virtualization technology and network connectivity services to other services in
Back end storage system
Storage management system API
AMQP message queue
Storage management system
Storage management system
Volume service
Storage management system
Dispatching service
Storage management system
Backup service
Client A Client B
DeepBrain Chain: Artificial intelligence computing platform driven by blockchain introduction 10
DeepBrain Chain, providing interfaces to service users that can define networks, subnets, virtual IP addresses,
load balancing, and so on.
6)Database service engine
This is to provide extensible and reliable relational and non-relational database service engine to users in
DeepBrain Chain environment.
No, I just

>> No.6511749
File: 65 KB, 555x503, 1515738185393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, chainlinks paper has literally one paragraph about LINK tokens, and the rest is about the oracle problem and their plan to fix it. Why the fuck would people buy this scam?

>> No.6511762

>but it doesn't say how it works!
>expecting a for profit company to fucking handhold you through the actual coding
>implying documents like this aren't intended to be high level overviews.

You people are obnoxious. It was more intelligent when you focused on how annoying the discord memes were.

>> No.6511952
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If this dips below .10 Im buying more

>> No.6511956

The only references to the token are the token sale section. This guy 100% just copied and pasted the first paragraph he found that said Artificial intelligence so he could sound like he knew what he was talking about.

>> No.6512194

I have to agree with him anon. I just took an upper level AI course at UW Madison (top 10 in the nation for CS) and a lot of these paragraphs are just jumbled buzzword sentences.

Maybe I'm just fucking stupid, but I'm honestly having a hard time understanding what they're trying to say. Do you even know what you're reading? Because most of this shit doesn't even seem related to AI.

>> No.6512328

Read deepbrain.ai and news related to that. Too bad they're in chinese.

>> No.6512398

STFU and buy more you fucking losers. This can’t be better. Accumulate. This is backed by NEO...

>> No.6512465

Yea, I don't want to dabble with something like this if it's all in Chinese. The video on their homepage is confusing as fuck because of the broken English. Their "Team" pages doesn't list any names, just partnerships and investment firms.

I want to like this coin because I think AI and machine learning are cool as fuck, and it has a low M Cap, but I am having a very hard time understanding how block chain factors into all of this. If someone who isn't a brain let can explain it more clearly, that would be appreciated.

>> No.6512685

>Their "Team" pages doesn't list any names
Hahahaha, you haven't even read their whitepaper. The essential information of their team is there. Now I can confirm biz is completely retarded and can't do their own research without holding their hands.

>> No.6512762

I never said I read their whitepaper. I just started looking into this coin because of this thread. But seriously, explain the purpose of this coin to me in simple terms. If you can't, I'm convinced you don't know what it does either, and are just impressed by big words.

I can't see how this will compete with Amazon's and Google's free AI development resources either.

>> No.6513256


Not a response. Shocking.

>> No.6513530

Fuck you, /biz/. I PUT EVERYTHING INTO THIS COIN!! I had to sell my car and ask my girlfriends parents for a fucking 4k loan to buy DBC. I even sold my PS4!!!

Pretty sure my girlfriend is leaving me, man. Man, this coin is whack as hell, man, this shit ain't right. Where the fuck is that "deep brain good guy"?? Motherfucker shilled me on this shit ass coin.




>> No.6513686

I've been wondering where that guy is too. Maybe he finally gave up. I know I have. Still holding though.

>> No.6513855

lol RIP ZCash

>> No.6514046
File: 80 KB, 533x800, 15159010413012621971716882768497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my face when I'm going all-in on DBC right now.

Hope you guys are right, otherwise I'm going to need to speak with your managers, and it will be very unpleasant for you.

>> No.6514475
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Good question.

Brian if you're reading this my power level should be sufficient for us to date again. I'm only becoming successful in crypto so I can buy a house for us when I make it. Be my life partner Brian. My autism makes it impossible to relate with anyone but you.

>> No.6514685

Is that you Sammy? I still love you

>> No.6514847

Every few hours it randomly jumps up a hundred sats, then bleeds back down even lower than before. Just happened again.

>> No.6514853
File: 99 KB, 499x499, Comfy Brain Gang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was with my family watching the 2003 royal rumble on the wwe network.

You are down 10 thousand right now, and you will be up more than that when it rises.

Do not let negativity bring you down. This coin is like many others, this market got hurt today.

I told you this is a long term hold, not an over night lottery friend.

If you believed in the BRAIN GANG once then you need to do it again, take a break and come back later.

Do not give up my friend, have faith and believe in your dreams. This coin is 2 and a half weeks old, did you think it would make you a million dollars that quick?

Only invest what you can afford to lose right now. Try not to hurt your dreams my friend.

>> No.6514872

No anon, but I hope this Sammy accepts you back into their life and your DBC profits bring you peace when the sun shines again.


>> No.6514881

Should I use federal 62 grain green tip or 77 grain IMI to kill myself also keep it mind I'm going to use one of those sear keychain and a knot to mag dump into my head.

>> No.6515006

Weird my name is Brian too

I hope you find your Brian my friend