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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 721 KB, 3500x2314, panda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65070 No.65070 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>63667

>> No.65081

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.co/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee) Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)

Mining Guides:
Mining guide:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.65093
File: 2.90 MB, 1361x1513, 1390519631781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for France

>> No.65094

Can someone donate pls, I will dump some stuff later if needs be:

>> No.65096

Anyone willing to help me get started ?


>> No.65102

6th for how shitty is a Radeon 3800 HD for mining

>> No.65111

Can someone give me coins for just shits and giggles?

>> No.65112

Can someone help me with the syncing issue

>> No.65117



>> No.65119

Pretty shitty, I'm sure. Better than CPU at least

>> No.65120

Have you added these lines to your %AppData%\Panacoin\pandacoin.conf?


>> No.65127

9th for going hard on amDOGEs pool

>> No.65133

Thanks dude, I just needed the link, I know how to fix it myself, just setting up a wallet for a friend

>> No.65134

>tfw 1337

Thanks, anon.

>> No.65139


>> No.65154

Please just link to http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip from now on. This takes care of the config on first run.

>> No.65147

bout 55 khs mate

>> No.65151

thanks, that's too bad though.

>> No.65152
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>> No.65158
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are you french

>> No.65164
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Reminder that Wolong's coin's homepage links to /a/ for some reason.

>> No.65167

well that's not going to scratch anything, then

captcha: custamin ( yes I know captcha, I want to, too )

>> No.65170

better propaganda

>> No.65177
File: 4 KB, 247x248, LETS ALL GO TO MARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying we won't reach $0.1/pnd
>Implying amDOGE isn't taking us beyond the moon

>> No.65178

So have about 350,000 confirmed coins, however they are not showing up in my wallet? My wallet is synched and the link for payout is my stock link in the "Receiving" tab. What do?

>> No.65184

Enable automatic payouts in your account settings
Set address
Set payout threshold

>> No.65185
File: 50 KB, 800x600, fda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to offer some advice on how to improve my khash/s?
I'm using cudaminer. And have a GeForece 250 GTS.
>-l f100x8 -i 1 -H 2 -d 0 -C 2
Those are the settings I'm using.
Using anything f20x15+ doesn't work ->
>GeForce GTS 250 result does not validate on CPU <i=[ random number] s=1 or 0>

I tried a cpu miner on my i7 laptop and couldn't get much better results. However with cudaminer, I'm getting ~60khash/s with an nvidia gefore GT 650M. I would like to get my tower to a similar level if possible. Any suggestions? Different miners? Different Config?

>> No.65187

>tfw I'm on this train pretty much solely because of amDOGE

>> No.65193
File: 5 KB, 246x242, 1392740108158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Jacob retard helped too
Sort of

>> No.65204

can someone please donate to me, I'd really fucking appreciate it, thanks in advance.

>> No.65199

Who is Jacob?

>> No.65201

It is enabled, I hope I am not wasting electricity here.

>> No.65206
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>> No.65207
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1376382132740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>442.71 MH/s

>> No.65208

he is a pillowlover

>> No.65217


>> No.65213

why /a/
what the fuck are they going to do?
spam us with animu?
spoiler us with shit like "Senketsu dies"

they're almost as lost as we are right now.

>> No.65214

If you have coins confirmed then you should be able to pay them out.

Try a manual payout

>> No.65227

Net network hashrate
Not his personal harshrate

>> No.65229

Does it have a windows binary? Folk in /b/ want one.

>> No.65230
File: 23 KB, 418x291, ANONMAHBOII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're trying to fight back against millions of bored NEETs when they have no clue how 4chan works

>> No.65231

wtf senketsu dies?
whats the point of the series then?

>> No.65223

Guy with a pillow fetish

>> No.65232


Behind the scenes amdoge is a lot less invested in this than she would like you to believe.

>> No.65236

>tfw feeling poor as fuck with 2 million

>> No.65239


>> No.65234

It's the windows binary.

>> No.65246

I was gonna stop at 1 mil, then 2 mil, now I'll probably just keep going until it hits an exchange.

Fuck it, it's not like anything else I mine really goes anywhere.

>> No.65253

>amdoge is a lot less invested in this than she would like you to believe

He made a pool and the fucking coin all by himself and spends every waking hour of his day troubleshooting and coming up with solutions to make it better. Plus his mining rig that costs 1200€ a month in electricity is running 24/7 on panda, I'd say hes pretty darn invested in this

>> No.65254

But anon
It will reach $0.1/pnd, or more.
That's not very poor.

>> No.65259

Can somebody post the most recent updated wallet?

>> No.65267


>> No.65273

Much obliged.

>> No.65285

Is anyone else just geting the cloud with the large "M" on it when trying to download the most recent version of cuda miner? Trying to get an operational copy.

>> No.65298


Except amdoge mines all the low difficulty shitcoins

why wouldn't she mine her own?

And atleast making back the electricity is easy even if it is shit.

you think amdoge understands the wallet setup but she doesn't.

and don't get me fucking started on her pool.

>> No.65308

Is it within the rules to beg for these babies on /b/? I don't want to be banned.

>> No.65310
File: 64 KB, 480x360, pandadeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65311


>> No.65314


>> No.65316

If you're after the linux version with improved hashrate, here's a copy.


>> No.65329

Anyone wanna help a good goy just starting out?

>> No.65337

Start mining

>> No.65333
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>466 MH/s

i-is it happening guise?

>> No.65346
File: 14 KB, 343x117, hothot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your mining temps?

>> No.65356

don't really wanna know lel

>> No.65362
File: 133 KB, 712x799, dhflshf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65374

I've parted with all I can! I Swear!

>> No.65382
File: 320 KB, 705x500, 1392240993866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did we get those IRC guys in #dogecoin-market involved yet?

I'm sure they hate Wolong's guts

>> No.65383


>> No.65389

Currently sitting at 68c

I moved all my stuff close to the window so I can let the glory of winter cool my gear

>> No.65397

He has many spies there.

>> No.65398

>tfw 1337
is nice

>> No.65414

we should risk it.

>> No.65406

when or how do I confirm my balance and how do I sent it to my wallet?it is automated when it gets confirmed?

>> No.65408 [DELETED] 

Can someone send some coins my way so i can confirm my wallet is synced properly?

Much thank, Many luck

>> No.65412


>> No.65421

What's he gonna do? Call the Chinese embassy on us?

>> No.65424
File: 33 KB, 248x242, IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outstanding link
You put >>>/board/number to link cross board

>> No.65438

Log into your pool
Go to your account settings
Enable auto payout, set a threshold, and put your wallet address for payout address.

>> No.65428

Thank-you to whoever sent the coiyns, It works flawlessly. We are all gonna make it!

>> No.65430

You guys do it, I can't compromise my handle. Will come in more useful later.

>> No.65433

Thanks for correcting me, I forgot how to even.

>> No.65444

Oh, yeah I don't give a single fuck about IRC handles.

>> No.65448

pls send me just for confirmation of sync of my wallet too

>> No.65449

I am going to get some sleep, we will be reaping the rewards soon enough.

>> No.65466

thank you guys it works

>> No.65528
File: 983 KB, 270x190, 1389598418944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone maek a pnd version of this one

>> No.65574


is broken

should be fixed

at least change the bitcointalk forum post

>> No.65571

"Failed to update your account: Invalid coin address"
on bamboohouse.info
wat do?

>> No.65582

Your coin adress is probably invalid

>> No.65586

Get the proper client from http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip..

>> No.65595

>not typing /nick <new nickname here>

>> No.65589


>> No.65591

I informed the owner

>> No.65602

Back to /b/ faggot.

>> No.65601

Anybody know how to get asteroid working on a Mac?

>> No.65609

can you also tell him that the arch PKGBUILD he has up is the woloshit one and to put this one up? https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pandacoin-qt-git/

>> No.65611

thanks, why would they host shit version on the website?

>> No.65613

what makes you think Im from /b/?

if youre worried about compromising your nick, you can change it on the channel

>> No.65617


>> No.65631

I downloaded the client from thepandacoin.co and all addresses were invalid

>> No.65634


there you go again

>> No.65638

done, but I think he's away now

>> No.65640

No idea.

>> No.65642

You are new to IRC, you must be.

There are many reasons why you're being retarded. I am too impatient to list them.

>> No.65649

amDOGE you really need to get that client sorted.
It's not really an option for new users to add the nodes or that you need that silly password to unlock the archive.

>> No.65651

that's the wrong wallet, see the OP for download links

>> No.65654

Wait so is my 2mil PND actually worth something? I've handed out ~500k for fun.

>> No.65656

bump needed on /b/


>> No.65661

What do you mean?

>> No.65663

seems like wolongs client forces itself into your startup folder without asking.

not sure if I like that.

>> No.65669

You know wolong got arrested a few years ago for having a 30k strong botnet?

Do NOT use his software.

>> No.65677

yeah I've got it in a VM
thinking about writing a bot to drain his faucets.

I'll dump it into pnd when I get it done.

>> No.65678
File: 790 KB, 1928x1536, 1392743840118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im feeling poor 2

>> No.65684

How much PANDA does 250kh/s mine? What's PANDA worth right now?

>> No.65687

>Way more unconfirmed than confirmed and both are about 10X what I have
How is that even a thing?

>> No.65690


>> No.65703

I'll lick your pussy amdoge.

>> No.65706


39k ≠ 22m

>> No.65707

I'll eat some chicken I was planning on eating anyway for 15,000 PND

Awaiting Pic

>> No.65712

do you know how to read, or is envy clouding your vision?

>> No.65713

If you recite the Stallman Interjection into vocaroo in the style of Christopher Walken I will give you 25k

>> No.65723

amDOGE you should be donating amounts of at least 1k on /biz/ and /b/. We know you have over 100 million.

>> No.65719

Can I have some please, I'm begging you.

>> No.65727

Disregard my previous post, it seems like I need more coffee

>> No.65729

we are doing that instead of her.

>> No.65739

I am donating on the /b/ thread and I only have 80k PND.
Which means I can only give 1k at a time

>> No.65737

>We know you have over 100 million.
I didn't.

>> No.65746

What miner did you use and how did you get it working?


>> No.65747

I am, no worries.

>> No.65742


You should still be donating to these people.

>> No.65744

Is it because it tells people you just switched your nick or "blank" is now known as "blank"

>> No.65752

I have already said all I will say on the matter.

>> No.65758



>> No.65765

What does a sound of a bubble popping make?

>> No.65769

How long until the train will leave the station ?
I can start mining in a day or two probably, will the diff still be low enough you think ?

>> No.65767

cgminer 3.7.2

>> No.65775


Whenever it hits an exchange.

>> No.65776
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x1836, 20140218_122657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's two problems with that: one is that I don't have a microphone to speak into and two, my christopher walken impression is closer to bill cosby than anything else. But if I can find a vocaroo app on my phone, I'll try it.

This looks gross though

>> No.65779

you better hope on as soon as you can.

>> No.65783

My donating fund hit dry, I can't tip the /b/ thread to keep attention.

>> No.65791
File: 144 KB, 1468x772, 1392744847244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65799

Thanks bud. Keeping the panda train rolling!

>> No.65800


amDOGE........exchanges always want a fee to list coins now but NEVER pay them in your own coin. They dump the coin instantly on their exchange.

Always pay them in BTC.

>> No.65804
File: 7 KB, 821x33, Screenshot_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i can do.

>> No.65805


>> No.65806

If you manage it, would be fucking based <3

>> No.65809

Hey Jacob here

Do you guys need help?

My devs and I would like to make this pandacoin better. Currently it is pretty bad.

Just my two cents.

>amdoge running a 4chin coin

>still no one gives a shit

Am doge you still did not teach me proper pillow fucking technique.

>what is a tenga?

Guys I need to know this.

>> No.65818

Hey amDOGE, this is the http://wolongsucks.tk admin. Just woke up, about to get back to work. Any chance of getting the pool added to the next thread? I'm going to do similar to the other pool, first block finder gets a 100k bonus. Weekly, 25% of the pool's fees will be given away to a lucky miner as well.

>> No.65814

50 Satoshi in this month

>> No.65816

Thanks! All bits help get this show on the road.

>> No.65819

amDOGE pls

>> No.65827
File: 24 KB, 720x576, 1323936424832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true wealth is good health.
and loving yourself.
and seeking beneficial knowledge.
and acting in accord with these.

>> No.65821

Damn it PND thread, you almost kept me late from class.

>> No.65823

I'm not the OP of the panda threads.

>> No.65835

I think it was modkilled

>> No.65832

The /b/ thread 404'd I don't know if it was deleted or what

>> No.65833
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>> No.65836
File: 2.04 MB, 3422x2664, 1392493172416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll get you a good amount.
but PND hasn't hit an exchange, yet. so can't quote an exact value.

>> No.65839

make a new one

>> No.65840

/b/ thread died and I don't have the template.

>> No.65842
File: 660 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 million
This is my hashrate

>> No.65847

~25k per every 50 minutes

>> No.65851
File: 145 KB, 1468x772, 1392745258074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65848

pastebin hNS7d2sJ

>> No.65850

PandaCoin (PND) General
last thread at >>533201412

alright listen up niggers:

do you like free money? do you hate chinks who think they're better than everyone else? Do you like supporting fellow 4channers?





Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.co/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com 1% pool fee
https://www.pandapool.info/ 0.5% pool fee

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)


>> No.65852

"This thread has been pruned or deleted"

>> No.65859

>lying this badly on 4chin


>> No.65858


>> No.65862

thank y-you anon

>> No.65865

Started up a new thread

>> No.65881


>> No.65874

I'm the OP most of the time.

>> No.65876


link it here

>> No.65895


where's the fucking link ?

>> No.65886


>> No.65887

New pool: http://wolongsucks.tk
100k bonus to first block finder.
Weekly 25% pool fee prize to lucky miner!
Mine with us and Wolong gets fingered in his sleep by little stinky fingered gnomes

>> No.65899


haha my OC. didnt received any tips for it though :(

>> No.65909


You didn't! That's a shame

>> No.65918
File: 83 KB, 792x493, banned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't make new thread

>> No.65922



>> No.65929

I'm getting a solid 1.7 khash/s. People are giving away 200k and I cant spare 20 coins haha...

>> No.65934

scooby pls

>> No.65936

lol, did AmDOGE ban you?

>> No.65950
File: 138 KB, 1123x728, 1392745851097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, this is my first time doing anything with cryptocurrencies. I got myself the wallet and the mining software and basically followed everything in that image there

Pic related, I'm fucking helpless, what do I do

>> No.65947

enjoy a small tip ;)

>> No.65954

Is there a difference if I use 2 GPU's for 1 worker or tie 1 GPU to 1 worker and the other GPU to another worker?

>> No.65958

Haha thanks for the 1 PND it will pay for the electricity I just used typing this post.

Also thanks to the anon who just donated 2,000!

>> No.65964

what's the problem?

>> No.65966

The 2k is from me m8 :)

>> No.65973

Get guiminer-scrypt, it's a little easier to set up. Set up an account at my pool http://wolongsucks.tk or another pool, set up a worker, and refer to the getting started link.

Seriously though, try guiminer-scrypt if you're a first timer.

>> No.65975


One of the main weapons for gathering miners/pools/exchanges is keeping our thread bumped near the top on bitcointalk.org.

Join up now and get your account ready for bumps, trolling etc later.

You sign up and make a few posts in the newbie section here:


You also need to stay logged in for 60mins at least.

This will now unlock your account and allow you to post anywhere on bitcointalk.

Our Pandacoin thread is here:


Keep it bumped with chat when you can.

>> No.65979

Thank you so much

And hats off to the anon who gave me 69 PND...

>> No.65984

>being this contained

No one can hear your screams on this board.

>> No.65992

I have NO FUCKING IDEA what to do. I set up the account on amDOGEs thing but it's not connected to anything, do I need to connect the wallet to the account on that site, what's the holdup, what do I do?

Come on man, if I do this I'll do it right the first time. I tried so hard and got so far, I don't want it to not even matter in the end.

>> No.66002


>> No.66012

You put the payout address from your wallet into your profile there in the site, but you don't need to do that yet, you need to mine some coin first. Make sure you set up a worker. it'll be username.workername as your username, and then the pass you set up for your worker.

>> No.66006

saved for my /ck/ folder, hope you don't mind. I hope it tasted better than it looked

>> No.66009

Oh yeah, that may be the issue, how do i connect to Bamboohouse.info? What's the POOLADRESS:PORTNUMBER supposed to be repalced with?

>> No.66033

I have a worker, named after an old school friend. I put it into the .bat.
I don't have an adress yet, not in the wallet either.

>> No.66049


I'm mining PND's in amDOGE's pool, getting 750 khash/s, just wondering if it makes a difference

>> No.66057

Can anyone direct me to something that tells me how to set up a GPU miner?

>> No.66067



>> No.66061

>naming a worker after a school crush
don't be a stalker anon

and you address is in the receive tab

>> No.66076


>> No.66072

How do you guys get so many PND? I'm running 2 PCs and getting ~70khash/s cumulatively. With only 13k mined so far. I couldn't imagine getting into the mills at this rate.

>> No.66080

It's a dude friend actually, I named it after him because he once told me that while playing FTL he named the entire crew after me and the other school buddies so it felt more personal. I didn't know weather to feel offended or honored so now I'll make him slave away for muh coins.

>> No.66088

Well, probably because some people already have strong gaming computers with a good graphics card that also is good at mining.

And some people have dedicated mining rigs.

Don't be discouraged though, 13k is still a lot if this coin takes off.

Sent you a little tip.

>> No.66093
File: 12 KB, 481x24, wurgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66097

Replace the litecoin pool with a panda pool and you're golden.


I would reccomend using guiminer if you're unsure of anything.

Someone should make one of these for pandacoin, I would but I don't have hosting.

>> No.66099

any help appreciated on /b/ probably wolong's shills are shilling and shitting PND


>> No.66111

nigga read the getting started page

>> No.66120

Check the Getting Started section of your pool m8

>> No.66115

Those are fixed.

>> No.66133

Took you long enough

>> No.66126


>> No.66128

i was happy this morning. mining at ~300k on my 270x using GUIminer on a pc i never use. i know the gpu is capable of more. since this thread I've been fucking about non-stop trying to configure cgminer on a linux machine with NO KEYBOARD. I'm doing the entire thing through my fucking phone's kb with no copy/paste facility. FUCK.

>> No.66134

wow, thanks man & other anons.

>> No.66154

Hey guys, Geforce GTX 770. Is it gud for the mines?

>> No.66173

I hate to sound needy, but I am currently mining on a single core athlon 3700 which has to also run a teamspeak server. So I have to throttle the application. Can any anon's here help me out?

>> No.66161

This is for people who can't get their shit to work, it might help you out. I'm using GUIMiner Scrypt-Alpha to mine PND on amDOGE's pool, you can use the info in the picture to connect but you will have to figure out TC, worksize, intensity etc. by yourself. I think it was originally meant for LTC but works fine for PND and DOGE aswell. DL Link: http://guiminer.org/guiminer-scrypt.html

PND tips appreciated, adress in Name field

>> No.66165

Serious issue here.

It's been mentioned a few times that Wolong (and the uno devs he's working with) are in cahoots with the exchanges. If it's true that they're paying off exchanges to block us (because wodong is claming we are ripping him off), and if all else fails, then maybe we need a backup plan.

Just a thought.

>> No.66166

definitely not bad. be sure to use cudaminer.

>> No.66177

I've been mining to about 2million PNDs.

There's very little chance of this ever hitting any exchange. Literally only /g/ is mining this, and maybe some plebbits in spite of Wolong, but thats it.

There's no other community behind this coin, and I dont see it hitting any exchange.

I've been mining Floppycoins in the meantime, but they feel like a waste at this point too.

Is PND EVER going to hit an exchange?

And besides, even if it does, it MIGHT start at like 20 Satoshi, but all the bagholders with 9-20 PNDs will dump instantly, curb stomping its price to 1-5 Satoshis.

There literally is no future for PND. And this is from someone who wants it to 'succeed' simply because I have 2mil+.

>> No.66178
File: 35 KB, 353x618, pandasetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to add pic

>> No.66182

BigVern is a channer. He might add it.

Plus he hates premined coins, so he won't touch wolololongs

>> No.66184
File: 102 KB, 663x313, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am
Is this acceptable

>> No.66186

I've also read about that, but I don't know if it's true.
Also what's our status about exchanges?

>> No.66190


>> No.66193

Subtle, but not good enough. GTFo wolong shill

>> No.66199
File: 54 KB, 744x382, ScreenShot395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Tip: PVZk7w5pnsbBjCrAhD4BYN6xPayN5m1RNb

>> No.66201

I am genuinely jealous.

>> No.66202

pretty good

>> No.66203

We need to step up our game, make this go viral, anyone got an idea?

>> No.66215

I should probably feel honored but I have no idea what I am doing or what this means, I'm the clueless schlub from a bit further up, I literally just got it started up. My worker is mining but I don't know what to do now. What do I do now?

>> No.66209


Make sure to add the faucet to the OP and on /b/. Spread the love.

>> No.66210

Are all the people over at bitcointalk saying that they are mining it from /biz/?

>> No.66213


Reddit, 9gag, facebook, the local news

>> No.66222

Panda killing chunk named wolong

>> No.66236

What should I put in my command line for cudaminer if I have a GTX 260M and I know that 260's would have this L27x3 in its launch configuration

>> No.66239

Has anyone tried getting Tyrone to do a video? I see that suggestion thrown around a lot.

>> No.66233

now while your rig making some dough you can help the community by spreading the word on reddit, bitcointalk, facebook etc.

the more the merrier ;)

>> No.66244

We need a video of a panda killing a shiba inu.

>> No.66247

I'm off to eat, have fun guys and remember to create a new thread after 300 posts ;)

>> No.66249

amDOGE will guide us home

>> No.66256

wolong pls go

>> No.66253

>difficulty increasing to 8
i'm being pushed out of the game guys

>> No.66268

... do I use the GUIMiner from guiminer.org? I hope it's not preconfigured to litecoin or something, this is confusing

>> No.66263

no faggot

>> No.66275
File: 26 KB, 963x362, ss (2014-02-18 at 01.27.51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guiminer doesn't seem to want to work

>> No.66279
File: 172 KB, 498x244, 1374570108534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66280


use the one from the Mega link in >>66199

You don't have to change any settings, the newer ones don't support scrypt.

>> No.66291


it's much, much easier, just enter a few fields and click start. i lose like a third of my hashing power, but i'd rather that than use fucking cgminer.

>> No.66298

>not using cpu miner

>> No.66305

How do I enable autopayouts?

>> No.66307

Should i sell my tops @ 6satos?

>> No.66312

tfw only 200k per day now
at least I'm a pandillionaire

>> No.66316

why not?

everyone else fucking seems to be.

>> No.66322
File: 480 KB, 1357x716, 1392748376220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I fucking up on? I tried myworker username and password that I made on bamboo house too, but it doesn't work. It just says "initializing miners" infinitely. Also, how do I get my shit in sync? I only see information on that for pc's.

>> No.66328

this is how I feel most coins are going right now. we need a new wave of buyers to kickstart the shitcoin speculating again

>> No.66333

Need backup friends. Thread is saging.


>> No.66339

Scrypt, not sha-256

>> No.66354

Stop forcing it, faggots.
/b/ won't take to it if you keep shilling it every hour.

>> No.66365

Okay, so then do I use my worker username and worker password that I made on bamboo house?

>> No.66366
File: 42 KB, 697x604, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, listen up. The new version of pandacoin is out and as per popular request I've added kimoto gravity well (short kgw). Commit is at https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin/commit/be2677fb..
By adjusting the difficulty every block, rather than every 240 this will prevent death by multipools in case we hit any exchange by accident.
Gif shows how it would look like on the testnet.

The change will kick in on block 6500.

Updating is mandatory if you want to stay on the right chain.

The binaries also have been updated, available here: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
I wasn't able to build the application for mac os yet.

>> No.66374

Yes.Just change Coin type from sha-256 to Scrypt and it should work

>> No.66381

What's wrong?

>> No.66377

>bumping a thread

>forcing it

Also, you must be /g/nu here. That is exactly how /b/ takes to things.

gtfo wololololololololololdong

>> No.66379


>> No.66392

Okay, it's still not working. Am I fucking up on the pool url?

>> No.66393


>> No.66388

>Updating is mandatory if you want to stay on the right chain.
What should I update?
The wallet?

>> No.66403


This mean that my pnd are not gonna be useful anyway?

>> No.66404

That's giving me a virus notification, gr8 m8.

>> No.66411

Where's the download link then?

>> No.66417


The binaries also have been updated, available here: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries

>> No.66422


>> No.66425




Do we just replace the files?

>> No.66426

tfw didn't break a million

>> No.66433


Oh, excuse me. I didn't read properly. It is just a new wallet.

>> No.66435

Tutorial for idiots pls

>> No.66438

how do I update the wallet? I downloaded the binary but what should I do next?

>> No.66442

>Are all the people over at bitcointalk saying that they are mining it from /biz/?


A lot more than you would think.

>> No.66449

Almost 10x my speed ;-;

>> No.66460


This is gonna confuse the newbies alot. You need a full explanation on how to update.

>> No.66452

What's the difficulty now? I might join back in with my toaster

>> No.66456

Get the win32 wallet and use that instead of the old one.
Also tell everyone else to update.

See above.

>> No.66458

I'm from /fit/, just tell me what to do.

>> No.66473

Difficulty 7.64525425
Est Next Difficulty 8.59174884 (Change in 200 Blocks)

>> No.66467

But what about the coins I mined till now, do I lose them, how do i transfer them, what the fuck man explain this shit

>> No.66480

You're not going to lose any coins.

>> No.66481

>I wasn't able to build the application for mac os yet.

So.. what am I supposed to do in the meantime?

>> No.66486

get PND on here


>> No.66488

Damn why

It was 3 the other day

>> No.66492

>do I lose them,
> how do i transfer them,
Install new client.

Remember to backup wallet.dat in case you fuck it up.

>> No.66493

Not send or receive any coins. I'll get in contact with the guy who built the last one.

>> No.66494

This, and I'm from /ck/. Gibbe recipe.

>> No.66502

can I just buy some of these bitches yet?

>> No.66516

Fucking this.
Not everybody is on /g/.
Just give me easy instructions and I'll do it

>> No.66520


Next difficulty: 8

>> No.66521

I can still change the target if you need to.

>> No.66506

>The change will kick in on block 6500

How many hours until that happens???

You need to give people a couple of days notice on big updates like this.

Not everyone is sitting in these threads everyday.

>> No.66537
File: 184 KB, 850x621, 1392749451280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question. how2sync mac?

I've only seen pc instructions.

>> No.66541

how thick are you people?


Squats and oats

JK guys, but if you couldn't figure out how to download shit when people give you a link, this is going to be hard.

>> No.66526


>> No.66529


Block 6500 won't give everyone enough time to hear about this.

>> No.66553

How about 8000 then?

>> No.66555

Can I just run this or do I need to delete my old wallet

>> No.66558

How can you use the internet if you can't figure out how to download things.

>> No.66571

Quick question, I've updated my wallet but do I need to do anything with the src zip? On win7, thanks.

>> No.66574


Everything else can go.

>> No.66580

Then get it from guiminer.org/guiminer-scrypt.html
same thing`

>> No.66585

Just add it in now. It doesn't need preparation does it?

Just push it out and advertise it.

>> No.66586

I didn't see the download link then, only saw:

>> No.66591

the train is departing...slowly but steady

>> No.66599

I'll dump my 3 millions as soon as we hit exchanges.

>> No.66600


>> No.66602

high difficulty is a good thing, it means the coin is getting popular

>> No.66603


>> No.66611

I seriously struggled with mega and Firefox, since I've avoided those and used them today for the first time.
>where the fuck does it download to?
>why doesn't it ask me where it downloads?
>oh god I don't see where the files go to PANIC

This is new and scares me, where is my hugbox

>> No.66617

shill pls go

>> No.66620

Can I put the windows wallet in a dropbox or something like that?
It'll be easier for the people to download it

>> No.66629


Yeah 8000 should give evryone time to update

>> No.66635

Yes please

>> No.66640

On the github link press pandacoin-qt-win32.zip
then press on "Raw"
Extract it to your panda directory and open the exe.

Boom done.

>> No.66643


Not everyone is in these threads all the time you dick.

Throwing things out in an rush is a sure fire way to fork the coin.

>> No.66646


>> No.66648


You don't just snap-implement software-breaking changes amDOGE. I know you're not familiar with the product development cycle, but you are going to massively alienate your non-technical users.

We're trying to shill this for you on /b/ and shit, you can't just act like a small business owner who comes in on a Thursday and decides that your plumbers now make soap.

Give forewarning if you're going to implement this shit again. It's bad enough that we've had to explain to users how to implement a conf file. Please use some thought next time.

>> No.66650


>> No.66654

probably can't.
not wishing to be a pain in the ass here, i know it's lame that it doesn't work on mac, but you can at least create and encrypt wallet.dat, get a receiving address and mine coins. only real-world difference atm is that you can't send coins, only receive.

btw, is anyone getting an insane number of captcha input errors here on 5chins tonight? some posts are taking me like 10 attempts, and i'm no more high than usual.

>> No.66674

Your adress doesnt work

>> No.66675


upvote this thread

>> No.66679
File: 128 KB, 281x222, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a smart person.

>> No.66687

This so much!

>> No.66691

I gave out around 100k on /b/ today, can't afford any more right now

If any1 wants to, feel free to donate to my tip fund, I need to get some rest, off to much some bamboo :)

>> No.66700


>Daily reminder

the 4chan is showing

>> No.66703

>blatant personal army request
>/b/ taking to it
Are you new?

>> No.66704

>but you can at least create and encrypt wallet.dat, get a receiving address and mine coins.
I can't seem to mine coins at all. I'm trying to use asteroid, but it doesn't initialize the miner.

Seriously about to give up on this panda coin shit

>> No.66712

difficulty increasing beyond our last maximum

>> No.66716


Good post, though props to amDOGE aswell. And by the way, thanks for explaining that shit with the conf file it helped me out alot.

>> No.66719

No my friend, but you are.

The combined posts of the threads on /b/ on this over the last 24 hours number in the thousands.



gtfo wolong shill

>> No.66721


>> No.66736

>was in the very first dogecoin thread on /b/ and /g/
>calling me new
>calling me a wolong shill
I understand you're excited but try to be less autistic.

>> No.66743

>what am i fucking up on?


>> No.66748


So the changes set for block 8000? We need to include the instruction to update the wallet in every OP from now on and simplify how to do the update.

>> No.66755

just do it, who cares

>> No.66761

wolong shills are already downvoting, dont let people ruin theirr gpus over this shitty coin

>> No.66765

its wolong panda

>> No.66766

I got this shit when I was 16. I can't help my decisions as a retarded teenager.

>> No.66767

Does anyone have the picture of the PND? I need it for some OC but can't find it anywhere without screenshoting the wallet

>> No.66771

Now it's out of the door.

>> No.66774

That's the problem with these threads, any time there'd criticism you're automatically being called wolong like it's supposed to be super offensive.

Likely the spillover from /g/

>call it a botnet if I don't like it

>> No.66780

Hey guys, It's me, the clueless newb. What the fuck is happening? I don't have any coins in my wallet anyway since I didn't figure out how to trasport them from the site to my wallet. Help pls?

>> No.66791


>> No.66794
File: 49 KB, 493x367, 1272188466151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the node stuff fixed now?
I think this would help our cause alot.

>> No.66799

I really do think we need KGW though

>> No.66803

Time to update your wallet then.

>> No.66809



>> No.66811

in the pool site under edit account you can transfer PND to the wallet, also you can setup automatic payouts. you must inster your PIN (4 digit) before you confirm the changes/transfers

>> No.66812

why does GUIMiner list my Processor as the device? Am I not going to mine with my GPU here?

>> No.66815

Why the fuck is the windows wallet needing to fuck with svchost?


>> No.66820

pandacoin.conf now gets written on first init.

Nothing. Just update your wallets.

>> No.66821


What? You pushed KGW already? For what block? Please be more transparent.

>> No.66825

Just noticed that Wolong's panda logo is so fat that you cant actually upvote things from the actual thread

upvote from their reddit page please

>> No.66833

New thread?
Or is the bump limit not 300 here?

>> No.66836

I just announced it at >>66366

>> No.66841

oh, thought you meant you ditched the idea

>> No.66850
File: 175 KB, 866x589, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'll never get 1m pnd because whenever i get close i start tipping you fuckers.

>> No.66853


>> No.66855


It needs to be announced in the next OP, lost in the middle of a thread.

>> No.66856


And then you backpedaled on what block you're implementing the hard fork. What block is it?

>> No.66860

phew, that was fast. This is my first succesfull cryptotrade. I have 0.06btc, wat do now?

>> No.66861

answer please
also, "Username" is my name on bamboo, not the workers name, r-r-ight?

>> No.66867

I was thinking about backpedaling. 6500 is set now.

>> No.66869

Keylogger, delete system32

>> No.66872

How do i fucking confirm my PNDs? I want muh cash

>> No.66878

it's [username].[worker name]

>> No.66881

nevermind, my GPU isn't in the guiminer list. shit out of luck I guess?

>> No.66885

>Keylogger, delete system32

Fuck you

anyway i'll let this run to completion in a VM and find out how fucked this is

>> No.66886


So we scarcely have a day to get all of the pools on the right wallet, and get someone to compile all of the wallets. Please don't do this again. You're risking the coin getting picked up by exchanges with these sudden tweaks. There may have only been one so far, but hopefully that's a lesson.

>> No.66887

you wait for the confirms, they take some time. you can see how many confirms for each block in the pool site under "blocks"

>> No.66888

>tfw you have nowhere as much

>captcha elevation nongoo

>> No.66896


>> No.66897

>get someone to compile all of the wallets
Only for mac os x. Windows and linux wallets have been updated.
>Please don't do this again.

>> No.66900


How are we going to get the pools switched over at such short notice?

>> No.66901


Also, we need a new thread

>> No.66905

>downloading wallets
>any year
Just leave it in your pool account until an exchange opens.

>> No.66906

>Coin about to get to get on exchanges

>> No.66907

can you only mine with GPUs on the guiminer list? That's a pretty short list.

>> No.66914


Fork incoming

>> No.66926

Can i mine 2 pools with one GPU?
Specifically i wanna mine DOGE and PND at the same time, because i'm running out of DOGE to gamble and i still wanna cash in PND.

>> No.66931

I'll fucking find you if we fork, amDoge.

>> No.66935


I think you'll need 2 gpus for that

>> No.66937

Pandapool has updated already. I'll look after the other pools in the next hours.

>> No.66945

Yes, but each will be running at the same khask/s total. Each mine will be doing half the amount.. ie total work stays the same.

>> No.66950

we love you amdoge

>> No.66953

I'm sold, how do i do it?

>> No.66956


This wallet includes the kimoto gravity well right? We just run this file and we're up to date?

>> No.66961

so whats the newest wallet?

i have 1.5.1

>> No.66967

No, those are the preset intensities.

It supports AMD cards and CPUs.

>> No.66968

Correct. Make sure it states version 1.5.2 in the about window.

>> No.66970


You need to gain control over the official site. Releases through your pool are a crappy way to do distribution.

>> No.66980

I'm guessing I need to compile a new pandacoind as well?

>> No.66982


>> No.66983

That's only one mirror that doesn't include a landing page like mega or uploaded. We have a gihub, uploaded and mega.


>> No.66985
File: 461 KB, 1200x798, GODS GIFT TO CURRENCY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging is okay if it includes OC, right?

>> No.66990

What is the line of code that I put into Cudaminer text document that is turned into the .bat file so I can mine PND with GPU?

>> No.66997


>> No.66998

Im glad I've been mining Reddcoin instead of this waste PND.

RDD was selling for 5 satoshi end of last week. Currently up to 10 satoshi. Literally doubled my BTC in a couple of days - easy money.

>> No.67002

I am not familliar with cudaminer but another anon in this thread should be.

>> No.67009

Buying pnd

1000 doge per 100000

>> No.67018

cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.no-ip.org:3334 -O user.worker:Password

that's the setting that I'm using

>> No.67021


huh ?

>> No.67023

>I've been mining Reddcoin
>Literally doubled my BTC in a couple of days

you woot

>> No.67025

oops I didn't mean to quote you I just meant to ask the general public...

Well... What is the line of code that I put into Cudaminer text document that is turned into the .bat file so I can mine PND with GPU?

>> No.67027


no one is going to do that

>> No.67033
File: 72 KB, 799x488, PND is cooler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you give me that png for the PND image?

>> No.67034

cudaminer.exe -o <pool>:<port> -u <poolUser>.<workerName> -p <worker password>

>> No.67035

Why not.

It's a good time to get some doge before we fork.

>> No.67037


Also to the anon who gave me 5k PND, thanks

>> No.67040

>mine RDD for several weeks
>buy up all I can at 5 Satoshi
>3 days later
>sell for 10 Satoshi

Whats hard to understand?

>> No.67047

thats more wolong oc than pnd oc.
I know its not your fault that the letter dont trust wolong is too small but still

>> No.67049

Pandas have a black stripe across their chest

>> No.67050
File: 145 KB, 372x347, panda template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but here's one for you.

>> No.67051

>Whats hard to understand?
Your chinese accent

>> No.67053

This isnt a begging request, but this wallet update/fork has me concerned.

I updated my wallet, but no syncing took place.

Can someone send me 1 PND or whatever to


To test it out? If you care so much, I'll send your PND back - just want to make sure I wont get screwed in pool autopayouts.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.67058

New thread


>> No.67059

amdoge im the arch PKGBUILD maintainer. is the github udated to 1.5.2?

>> No.67061


>> No.67062

that you have mined rdd has nothing to do with your btc doubling. that comes from your buying which you havent mentioned in your previous post faggot

>> No.67069

panda says 1.5.2 , so I have newest version, does it matter that I copied new files to old panda file? it did overwrite them, but I didnt delete leftover files

>> No.67072


>> No.67078

yes, because my massive 70k rig is pulling in all these excessive RDD mines.

I bought 90% of my holding from Coinmarket at 5 satoshi

Then sold several days later it all at 10 satoshi.

Doubled my money.


>> No.67079

meh, well, seems like the easiest way is to compile it on my home PC and upload it from here. What's the safest way to shut down my pool so it doesn't freak out with the cronjob errors like it did when I rebooted?

>> No.67080

Sent 1k.

>> No.67085

>tfw only 200k per day now
>per day

1k a day here. i got about 60k from fellow pandas so I guess i'm alright

>> No.67094

Thanks buddy, it went through. If you would like I can send it back, just relieved that I am on the correct fork now, or whatever it is.

Also, thank you to all anons who have helped me test my wallet client. If you want, I can send back what you sent, just let me know the amount you sent % wallet.

>> No.67099

thats very nice etc etc but how is this any related to pnd and why are you stealing my time with your rdd shilling?

>> No.67110

Keep it friend :)

>> No.67111

Just pandacoin stop, then overwrite the old daemon and run pandacoin again. Make sure it states "version" : 1050200 in pandacoind getinfo.
Stratum will pick up the connection automatically after it's up again.

>> No.67122

whenever I tried each different command lines, and I opened the .bat file it always opened command prompt and closed itself really fast. What could I be doing wrong...

>> No.67131
File: 117 KB, 528x386, guiminer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you can specify settings manually, that's all the gpu settings dropdown automates i think.

I fucking give up with cgminer for tonight. Drunk and stoned as hell so Imma settle with this (pic). Same shit I've had for over a year of mining litecoins. I should really sort out cgminer properly, but any newbs in here who are pulling their hair out, simply join one of the mining pools indicated in OP's post, download GUIminer, create a 'worker' on the mining pool site and a password to go with it, then enter the 'worker' name into the "username" field in GUIminer, and the password you specified. In the "host" field, put the domain of the mining pool. As for the other fields... either use one of the pre-defined settings in the "defaults" dropdown box in guiminer, or google "GUIminer settings *my hardware*" into google. That should fill the remaining fields, unless you're using ancient or cutting-edge tech which hasn't been discussed online much yet.

Ok wow I've spent way too long on this tonight and i'm fucking wasted. Night all, row row fight the powah.

>> No.67232

New thread

>> No.67234


upvote this, the other thread got removed (not surprisingly)

>> No.67243

Why is the new wallet flaging as a trojan?

>> No.67248

I figured that actually, now I'm at "clDevicesNum returned error, no GPUs usable". I guess it's not really normal that it shows my processor at the devices tab, or is it?

>> No.67251

It isn't.

>> No.67305

Ok, thanks. Compiling now.
Added announcement for users to update their wallets.

We need some miners! First block finder gets 100k PND!

>> No.67309

Please make sure to spread the info as well.

>> No.67965
File: 904 KB, 798x477, OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me 5 hours to do this, pls donate

>> No.67987


>> No.67989

http://wolongsucks.tk is running on the new wallet now. MPOS is weird about the cronjob errors, to get it to stop erroring, I had to add -f to the cronjobs, then delete the logs with the errors, then all is well.

>> No.68004

Good. Please link the people to the github as well, not just bct.

>> No.68024

Will do

>> No.68564

Why is all my PND unconfirmed on bamboohouse?

>> No.68664

Because it needs to get confirmed.

>> No.68724

Not on coinmarketcap.com yet.

Woolongs is.

How we gonna get this shit noted?