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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 600x885, 1516043428208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6499245 No.6499245 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, I'm going to sell my wallet of 3000 link coin, I'm done this shit coin isn't going anywhere.

>> No.6499355

3k? You are a small player anyway? Gtfo
Cant wait to see u cry in 6 months

>> No.6499416

Good call, even if something happen it will not be before main net, which is in a long time.
Better sell now

>> No.6499421
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>Just hodl bro
>Lose all your gains because it's a project that's going nowhere run by an artist

>> No.6499426
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Poo-handed Pajeet detected.

>> No.6499470

Ah, as i don't want to mislead you i precise that i am not selling myself

>> No.6499492





>> No.6499508

I have a PhD in crypto economics and mathematics. Crypto incentives in Chainlink are a legitimate concern. I saw Ari Juels speak at a conference recently where he mentioned tokens and asked him about the token economics of a node staking system like the Chainlink network is planning to use. The problem is that node operator incentives are fuzzy at best and not even figured out fully by the team (see the gitter for Steve stuttering about this). When I brought it up to Ari Juels, I told him that in the way the network is expected to be used, the fees payable to node operators would actually decline as requests become more ubiquitous because as the network grows it becomes cheaper to use. This makes sense if you took a few advanced cryptoeconomics courses. Ari admitted that it was a great question but that they were "actively pursuing research in that area." I sold my LINK immediately after that and saw a significant dump on the binance charts. It's pretty clear these guys are pulling you along making you think they're doing something revolutionary when the incentives aren't even fully determined yet.

>> No.6499543
File: 70 KB, 1400x661, iychmamw-LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sell, we dont want you in the link marines anyway

>> No.6499584

sold my link for qtum about 3 hours ago.

>> No.6499615
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>Posts a delusional fake picture
>Wee don nee yu andyways

>> No.6499632
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indeed, Q2 2018 is years away.

>> No.6499669

You linkies digust me. You're so deluded you don't realize that link is nothing more than a simple Jason Parser that could be written in javascript in a few minutes. it doesn't even need a token. Speaking of tokens, link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin. How can you be this oblivious?

What real world use does link even have? Have you ever thought beyond the memes and the charts and really considered it? Nobody uses smart contracts because nobody wants to get involved in white supremacist internet funny money. Banks aren't going to adopt it because they make money off of things taking forever, and normies don't know any better.

And that's not even talking about the 'team', which is literally two people. They haven't even hired anyone. Did you miss all of the reports of Sergey fucking prostitutes and eating cheeseburgers after the ICO was finished? Hope you got your $32MM worth, retards.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that link is just an ERC20 token. What other token has made it past, say, $2? Can you name a single one? Exactly, no, you cant.

Even Vitalik says it's not worth $32MM. Are you going to disagree with the autistic genius money skelly? Of course he understands the value of oracles, that's why he's going to include it in the next ETH update (cap this). Why the fuck would he leave something like this to a no-name shitcoin? Use your fucking brain manlets.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that Ripple (XRP) will effectively put bank supercomputers in every major city, completely removing any use LINK ever may have had. If you believe in oracles, great, why not pick a project that has an actual fucking future?

OH LOOK, IT'S CRASHING AGAIN, SURPRISE. Fucking deluded stinky linkies. Market sell your shit now and thank me later.

>> No.6499704

tfw "crypto economics" is not a real degree at any school in the entire world, and even if it was, it wouldn't have existed in time for you to have a PhD in it.

You know what's a legitimate concern? You being this retarded.

>> No.6499874
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>tfw it is you that is retarded anon
Shame on you, falling for pasta

>> No.6499913

gdi, I am retarded.

>> No.6499961

You realise Ethereum is basically a single page of code, right?

>> No.6500055

>link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin.

there is a section in the whitepaper that literally states that the price of one LINK should never be higher than that of a cup of coffee.

>> No.6500095

A few months ago, /biz/ started shilling Chainlink. I thought it was just another shitty copycoin or a shitcoin, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I remember sitting at my laptop when LINK was $0.20. I didn’t buy. In fact, I didn’t buy till we hit $1.00. This will probably always haunt me a little, but then again, there’re people who won’t heed this advice, wake up one morning and find that LINK has crossed $5. Then $10. Then $20. $50. $100.

I beg of you, I PLEAD with you, buy some LINK. It doesn’t have to be a lot, maybe throw a few bucks at it, but DO IT. This coin has such powerful applications, I.t boggles the mind.

We’re on the verge of completing the cup-and-handle, and rocketing up. If you’re not getting on board, PLEASE promise me you won’t FOMO in at the new ATH when we turn around and correct and then fill /biz/ with bullshit FUD because you don’t understand how markets work.

Links for LINK:

>> No.6500101

If LINK is so great, then why has PBC not shilled it yet?

>> No.6500331

teeka is still accumulating.

>> No.6500332

Literally who

>> No.6500338

Somebody please unfud this

>> No.6500358

discord gg/3fW7bzr

>> No.6500414

FWIW the LINK community & # of LINK owners are both growing every day. Even though price is dropping, this is a positive sign. Just a week ago there were 15k wallets with LINK, now nearly 17k. If we continue to grow at a rate of 13% owners/week, we'll see upward buying pressure in no time. Iron fucking hands, boys.

>> No.6500418

The token is divisible to 18 decimals, the price of it literally does not matter for usability.
Link could be 1 billion per token and you could still pay someone 1 dollar cent worth of Link.
And the white paper doesn't say anything about any cup of coffee, dyor.

>> No.6500445


1. Its a free market, putting a price tag on something thats determined by supply & demand is fucking idiotic, this guy has philosophy major? What an idiot.

2. What the actuall fuck? If companies use this, and a lot of them do. Then HOW can this ever be just 1$? It would have to be atleast somewhere around 10-20$...

3. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!! LMAO /BIZ/ Gave money to this guy!

>> No.6500450

Why do you feel the need to tell us?

>> No.6500460

Lol, no but seriously, this has been around for a while. if Teeka knew there was something here. He would have shilled it by now.

>> No.6500619

Unironically because Sergey WILL NOT pay him under the table.

>> No.6500654

Deposit to me ill PayPal u 20 bux pls

>> No.6500838
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I'll give you 10 for twenty.
I'm letting people know this coin is going NOWHERE SirGay has no plan and works out of a fucking coffee shop....

>> No.6500892
File: 15 KB, 228x267, LINK-PRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbfucks are selling gold bars for $0.89 right now, are you that fucking stupid? I'm all in with an average of $1.06 now and if anything I see this dip as a positive opportunity to accumulate more. Quit being pussies ffs.

Where are my steel-handed linkmarines at? Fuck these pathetic glass-handed fucks. $20+ end of March and $200+ in 2019.

>> No.6500968


who gives a fuck what Teeka shills?
He shilled salt buy to $20. that is a trash tier coin and is currently sub $10

>> No.6500986

>3K link
u a small fry nigger

>> No.6500998

Nail salon. Not a FUD. Look the place up on googlemaps.

>> No.6501064

>$20+ end of March and $200+ in 2019.

More like $0.20 by next week, lmaoo

>> No.6501073

honestly it's really impressive that this shitcoin has held out as long as it has without hitting the magic 1 sat buywall

>> No.6501092
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Just gotta visualize this shit. It will happen! Soon!!!!

>> No.6501138

>that is a trash tier coin
Thats fighting talk. 40% in Link 20% in salt 20% in DBC 20% in various other shitcoins.

>> No.6501151

I hope it does, I'll add 100k to my stack then

>> No.6501229

is 17k enough ?
if i go more its basically all in for me

>> No.6501492

Honest fucking question: Do you guess think I will have enough time to accumulate for the last time in 2 weeks? I'm looking at putting $3000 by then. I have already bought as much as I can for the time being.

>> No.6501621

You linkies digust me. You're so deluded you don't realize that link is nothing more than a simple Jason Parser that could be written in javascript in a few minutes. it doesn't even need a token. Speaking of tokens, link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin. How can you be this oblivious?

What real world use does link even have? Have you ever thought beyond the memes and the charts and really considered it? Nobody uses smart contracts because nobody wants to get involved in white supremacist internet funny money. Banks aren't going to adopt it because they make money off of things taking forever, and normies don't know any better.

And that's not even talking about the 'team', which is literally two people. They haven't even hired anyone. Did you miss all of the reports of Sergey fucking prostitutes and eating cheeseburgers after the ICO was finished? Hope you got your $32MM worth, retards.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that link is just an ERC20 token. What other token has made it past, say, $2? Can you name a single one? Exactly, no, you cant.

Even Vitalik says it's not worth $32MM. Are you going to disagree with the autistic genius money skelly? Of course he understands the value of oracles, that's why he's going to include it in the next ETH update (cap this). Why the fuck would he leave something like this to a no-name shitcoin? Use your fucking brain manlets.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that Ripple (XRP) will effectively put bank supercomputers in every major city, completely removing any use LINK ever may have had. If you believe in oracles, great, why not pick a project that has an actual fucking future?

OH LOOK, IT'S CRASHING AGAIN, SURPRISE. Fucking deluded stinky linkies.

>> No.6501686

You think you're posting pink wojaks now? Wait until main net. I can see it now


>> No.6501761
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>> No.6501775
File: 10 KB, 300x290, ohmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please hit 10 cents. I want my 100x gains

>> No.6501817

It’s literally BAT fud copypasta kys

>> No.6501925

Jason Parser? Yeah I know the guy. Went to college with him.

>> No.6501927

Jason Parcel? He’s Rory’s dad. He’s got a problem with Sergey because when Rory and Sergey were friends when they were younger, Sergey used to raid the cupboards and eat everything in the house. It cost Jason Parcel a lot of money to replace all the food Sergey used to eat. The final straw was when Sergey was staying at Rory’s one night and stole his car when they were 15 to sneak out to a McDonald’s drivethru. Rory’s dad Jason thinks Sergey is a bad influence on his son and does anything he can to stop them being friends or working together. Why do you think we haven’t heard from Sergey in so long? Jason Parcels has been staying with Rory and Sergey has been in hiding shitting his pants.

>> No.6501984

Yes I predict mass actual suicides when people realize they passed up this opportunity at another ETH-tier gainer. People think we’re shilling or pajeet but they don’t realize that if they take a moment to do their own research they won’t want to hang their selves in a year.

>> No.6502063

I think we should ban ChainLink shills, they are fooling newfags into buying their shitty bags. Such unethical

>> No.6502112

>Such unethical
Pajeet or Chang?

>> No.6502248

I kekd

>> No.6502281
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>> No.6502282

Yes, fud. GTFO >>6501621
Fuck I forgot about supercomputers on every city. Top meme

>> No.6502465

I think you'll be fine. I don't expect any serious price action until the superconference in february. The most I'm expecting is for LINK to return to the $1.20-$1.30 price range and stay there until big news drop.
Then again, it could be $10 tomorrow because some youtuber shills it. Anything can happen with crypto.

>> No.6503068
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Just sold it off, I'm riding the DRGN from here on out.

>> No.6503318

I must admit, I believed the shills and bought in at 70 cents. I didn't lose but I damn near almost got stuck with bags. These dumbasses think that SirGay has anything up his sleeve that will save this diarrhea coin.

>> No.6503467

Sell anon. Literally no one cares. I'll take your bags bro!

Realistically we want link being restricted to as few users as possible. When no-ones selling the price will rocket. And people will stop selling, because this token has a shitload of value.

>> No.6503547
File: 1.44 MB, 1440x617, 1513815788393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When no-ones selling the price will rocket.
Yeah ok, that'll work out great when no one wants to buy this shit coin.