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648260 No.648260 [Reply] [Original]

Everything having to do with business schools, undergrad or graduate.

>> No.648265

Trying to get into Yale's MBA/JD program. I literally do nothing fun. Ever.

>> No.648272
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>> No.648620

I applied for 9 elite MBAs during round2, I got rejected from 4. Waiting for the next 5 rejections

>> No.648636

I'm a materials engineer who has worked in the private sector for one of the large US defense contractors for a few years. I've recently been put into a relatively supervisorial role in my work unit and all of the guys directly above me have MBAs or an advanced degree and loads of experience (I have neither, just a BSc). Should I take this as a sign to go get my MBA so I can move into management? The company offers free mba courses at a large public uni nearby, would it matter if I went there vs Villanova or Michigan or something?
Idk about this business management stuff, maybe I'll just get a PhD.

>> No.648651

Ross is one of the best b schools in the country, def top 10

>> No.648654

Will passing the CFA exams look good on a B school app?

I have a Computer Science undergraduate degree with no background in finance or business in general.

>> No.648672

>Should continue with my current job while I get a FREE MBA or should I leave my current job and pay out of state tuition for one?
Yeah man... try Michigan... or something

>> No.648676

germany here

Did two semester of economic engineering with focus on EE, hated it after a month and started Economics, much easier and better classes, after two semesters i can start of spezialize on different majors like management, taxation, production&information, International Economics or education, or mix up the majors

i cant decide which will be the best for me... management, internat. economics or taxation

>> No.648687

Top quality advice. Glad I posted.

>> No.648723
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Any Eurofags here applying to the god-tier HÉC Paris? Those Grande Écoles seem super fun.

>> No.648751

I put it on while applying to British universities and it helped. I'm writing Level III in June.

>> No.648818

>studying in France
Enjoy your anarchy.

>> No.648850

It's the #1 Biz school in Europe and #5 in the world for MiM programmes.

I quite like Paris too.

>> No.648869


Associates in Biz Admin at a CC

Petty gud, not going for Bachelors cause I'm an entrepreneur not looking to work in some cubical.

>> No.648875

Should've done science or engineering bro

>> No.648903

Villanova accounting alum here.

Our Grad programs are utter shit, I wish they would do away with all graduate programs period. The school is marketed as a undergrad focused school which it is. We are one of the best undergrad business schools in the country and easy mode for getting into the big 4 or JP Morgan.

The law school was caught lying about admission stats and the MBA program just piggybacks off the undergrad program's success.

I would not recommend Villanova for a MBA. Go to Wharton if you must stay in Philly. Send your kids to VSB for a top tier undergrad education but stay away from the grad programs.

>> No.648930

If you are going to study finance and probably other fields too stockholm school of economics is the obvious choice if you want value for you money, since it is free for eu citizens.

>> No.648944

What are the rankings?

>> No.648947

Any Baruch people here?

>> No.649065

Its very good for accounting. Big 4 in NYC will know it and they pull many grads from it.

>> No.649078

Ross is also driving me into the ground this month. The wonders of a dual masters, huzzah.

>> No.649108

Advice: don't go for an undergraduate business degree. Study economics instead.

>> No.649118
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Advice: This only counts if you go to a school where the merits of being accepted means youre smart enough for a job on wall street.

Advice: Only study econ if you go to a great school that doesnt offer any more technical majors like accounting or finance. The only reason why many econ degrees get into fields is because their alma mater doesnt offer these other majors (Harvard).

Pro tip: The previous posters advice implies you will be going back for a graduate degree. Grad degrees are only practical after working a meaningful job for a couple years and hopefully the employer will be paying for the grad degree.
Studying Econ will likely not get you to that great first employer unless you went to Wharton, Stanford, Yale, etc.

>> No.649119

>More technical

This reeeealllly depends on the school. A lot of universities just tack some some extra accounting classes and a single class on investments to a business admin. degree and call it "Finance"

>> No.649193

I sent out a bunch of JD/MBA applications and haven't had any luck with the MBA programs. But I did get into Harvard Law. Should I go anons? My interest is going back into finance (my background is in wealth management/financial advisory), I have zero interest in practicing law. I'm wondering if the "connections" I could make at a place like Harvard Law would be comparable to HBS, Wharton, etc. I'm more interesting in working at a regional firm like Baird, Stephens, Raymond James, etc. than a big Wall Street name.

>> No.649454

what are your stats and current job?

>> No.649457

truth. when i think 'technical', i'm looking at MIT & princeton's finance masters, not what are essentially undergrad accounting programs with some financial analysis, corporate finance, & investments thrown in.

>> No.649459

Stanford > Harvard

>> No.649717


Right now I am at a top 40 private unvi I applied to transfer into a bunch of top 20 uni's with some ib recruitment. I don't know if I'll get into any though since I'm applying sophmore transfer with a shitty hs gpa

>> No.649722

What sort of business finance degrees/jobs are good for someone who has more math skills than people skills?

>> No.649733
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>Implying accounting is easier than finance

>> No.649763

Are you still in UG?

MFE or a phd in stats but you'll be competing with Chinese kids who probably are way smarter than you. And by "good at math" I hope you mean you aced courses like real analysis, not that you did well in your intro to calculus class.

>> No.649779

>BS in econ
>not technical

I've taken more math, statistics, and programming classes for my degree than any accounting or finance majors I know. That said any degree can be as technical as you make it. My degree plan already had those courses built in but there's no reason a finance or accounting person or someone whose Econ program doesn't offer these classes can't pick up a minor or something.

>> No.649838

I'm in ug any advice to someone in my situation

>> No.649947

Depends on the school bud

if you are at a target study finance and join IB

>> No.649955
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>I've taken more math, statistics, and programming classes for my degree than any accounting or finance majors I know.

Ah you think mathematics is your ally? You merely adopted the math. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the general education courses until I was already a senior, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

>> No.649959
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I had a 3.22 GPA for my undergraduate(business admin) and I plan to take the CPA exam towards the end of the year.

Is a CPA advantageous towards acceptance into an MBA program?

>> No.649960

I think you only need like 12 creds more and you get the MBA title
canada btw

>> No.649971

I lol'ed.

>> No.649993


Oh wow, thats really hard to learn but atleast its useful to a specific job! Econ is important to learn and have a basic understanding of for everybody. However the same goes for pol sci.

And you have taken more math courses? Maybe because the accounting and finance guys are taking actual accounting and finance courses? Not just general math which is part of a liberal arts education?

Econ is a liberal arts buddy, time to realize it mr. artsy

>> No.650590


>> No.650689

Just curious any anons here familiar with Wharton? My friend who goes to the school of engineering at Penn says all of the business students are blatant about cheating, like extremely audacious and good at it. Any truth to this? Plainly curious, just definitely not the case at my nearby sort of good state business school.

>> No.650701

Wharton mba here.
Yeah they cheat a bit, but not that much. I have seen people getting expelled over ethical issues. That being said probably your friend is thinking more about how whartonites behave generally, they are great at convincing (manipulating)people to get their way and are very, very smart. So they get their way most of the time.

>> No.650716

Ah, that makes sense. I've just heard about texting in morse code during exams and other stuff lol. I go to Smeal (Penn State yes pleb tier but the Nittany Lion Fund is good) and whenever I talk to Wharton students it's a huge step up, but you get the vibe they have an ulterior motive to speaking with you, almost like that sketchy uncle who pitches you business ideas at family gatherings.

>> No.650724

LOL, a Smeal student calling all of PSU plebe tier. Please, bitch. Try taking thermo or ochem, fail out, then come back and say the whole school is plebe tier. You business majors are a fucking cancer, far worse than the SJW retards in theater and gender studies. You actually entertain the notion that your worthless major is worthwhile, that Smeal is hard, and that you are any better than a fucking CC student. Do you faggots even take calc?

>> No.650726

Any Bentley guys?

>> No.650728

Wat? I was calling Smeal pleb tier, not PSU. We have probably the easiest course load next to IST. I hate most of the business students here lel, I'm the only Finance major I know who has taken Math 141 (majority just take 110). I admit that 95% of the people in the school right now will get the typical PSU business cubicle jobs that are so "god tier" (OMG NESTLE GAVE ME CANDY AT THE JOB FAIR I WANNA MAKE $40K/YR WORKING FOR THEM)

But yeah, I will never take ochem or thermo because I know for sure I couldn't handle them.

>> No.650781

Currently studying at the University of Richmond for UG. I appreciate the education I'm getting but I despise the social scene. Is it worth being miserable for four years to get a BS in econ with a concentration in Finance, or is it more worthwhile to transfer to a top tier liberal arts college (Swarthmore, Amherst, etc.) and get a BA in econ?

>> No.650786

Damn this bro is humble and cool and you look like a jackass now, how does that feel?

>> No.650788

how daft do you have to be to be scared of thermo? introductory thermo courses are among some of the easiest science courses.

>> No.650809

what did it take to get their?

>> No.650881

Idgaf. Fuck business majors.

>> No.650919

Hey lads, I'm currently doing a bachelors degree in journalism, but maybe 3-5 years down the road, I'd like to go for an MBA.

I'm soon going to have a leadership position at my school newspaper, and I can speak French. I've also been an intern at a public company. GPA of 3.22 atm.

What can I do in the meantime to boost my chances of getting into a decent MBA? Canada btw, but I also have British citizenship

>> No.650947

oh wow you're serious

>> No.650956

Accounting is definitely more difficult. Finance is more the dumb fratboy's major, while accounting majors are generally serious and more intelligent.

>> No.650959

Is it true that accounting (the major, not the job) is dry, soul-crushing and generally boring?

Is accounting considered to be a "better" major than finance? Would it be possible to get into S&T at a prop shop with an accounting major or do I need math/CS/engineering for that?

>> No.650962

An accounting degree is far more employable. An accountant could learn finance pretty easily, but not the other way around. Accounting isn't inherently soul-crushing, but it takes a lot of work.

>> No.650964

What makes it so different? How high-level is the math involved?

Also, could you answer the other question of my previous post

>> No.650971

I don't know enough about that to answer your other question. But I'm taking advanced accounting right now and the math doesn't go much more beyond arithmetic. Any more algebraic stuff can be done with financial calculators.

>> No.651060

Does anyone know what kind of job/company you need to be in to be able to get into a top 10 MBA program? I've heard that they don't take candidates from beyond the big consulting firms, IB's, consumer goods etc. What if I work for a local financial services firm, and have excellent track of leadership & undergrad academic achievement? Would my profile necessarily be overlooked because I didn't go to work for MBB, Goldman etc?

>> No.651133


As an accountant you basically are learning where all money in the company goes and there are tricky rules to recording it. There are many tricks in it which are meant to basically fool investors. If you do want to go into anything investment realted, its great to have an accounting background.

You can do so much with it, tax, law, financial analysis, forensics. It lays the groundwork for many great careers.

If you dont get hired with your finance degree (and you wont unless you went to a top 10 school) you will walk away with knowledge that is hard to apply anywhere else.

Very few people regret majoring in acounting. Even if you want to start your own business its great to know. If you plan on ever having upwards of 5.5 mil worth of stuff when you die, accounting is great to know. If you have to pay taxes, accounting is great to know.

Im in the military and I am so glad that I studied accounting even though my job is not related at all (Im a pilot). I do plan on going back to law school to become a tax attorney one day.

Many tax attorneys dont have a background in accounting which is insane to me. I guess Ill be a step above the rest once I have my J.D. and CPA