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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 933x429, debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64856 No.64856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm in debt. Pic related.

Here's what I have to my name:
>Apartment, bought at 22,000€, in much worse condition now
>561€ cash
>PC worth approximately 200€ if sold to a sucker
>5 grams of shit-tier cocaine, could possibly get 250€ for it, max 300€
>1.252 bitcoins, approximately worth 550€

I was fired early February.
Nobody is hiring software engineers. India took mah jerb.

The cash will last me through the next two months. Bitcoin could last me the two after that.
Cocaine could last me another month.
After that, I'm fucked.

I need some advice. I'm not talking short-term. I have at least 5 months. Possibly more than a whole year, if I can refurbish and sell the apartment.

Books on stocks? General stock advice?

Also, /debt/ general I suppose. Tell your story of how you lost it all after the Dot-Com Bubble burst.

>> No.64916

That must be one shit apartment for 22,000 euros.

Stocks require money and time to make any somewhat reliable profit. You have neither.

I like how you consider bitcoin and cocaine to be in your top 5 most valuable assets though.

sage for pathetic.

>> No.64929

>That must be one shit apartment for 22,000 euros.
I absolutely is.

>Stocks require money and time to make any somewhat reliable profit. You have neither.
Oh well.

>I like how you consider bitcoin and cocaine to be in your top 5 most valuable assets though.
It's because they are. I used to have a car, but I sold it.

>> No.64938

Buy a crappy used van or something to sleep in, rent your apartment out to some saps, and then go to the library every day and look for a new job.

>> No.64947

Well at least you have a sense of humour.

Sell the bit coins and cocaine as soon as possible.
Keep your computer and use it to look for jobs.
Fix up your apartment to get the best price for it.
You're a fucking software engineer, if you stop being a drug addict I'm sure you can get a job somewhere to make minimum repayments on your loan. You've only been unemployed for a couple of weeks.

>> No.64953
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1391340268307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin and cocaine

>> No.64976

Last resort. Thanks for the advice.

Man, I'm not a drug addict. I just used to sell drugs. The cocaine is some leftovers I found back in November.
And yeah, I suppose it's a bit early to get scared.
Thanks for the advice and the encouragement.

>> No.67532

>Nobody is hiring software engineers. India took mah jerb.

Seriously? I always thought software engineers just said that to keep potential SE out of the market so they had more opportunities.

Anyway, learn a trade. You can't outsource them. Them again, you're Swedish, you'll probably just import them.

>> No.67569
File: 23 KB, 460x276, not-him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in technology service indusrty
>people want someone onsite to ask questions of
>notice who unproductive remote work is
>Indians can't take the job without a visa
>even then between the cost of an H1-B, limitations on numbers of them, and having to pay them living wages in the US, they want to hire Americans
sounds like it's time to switch where you work instead of claiming the death of European/US SE jobs

>> No.67657

How are you not able to find a job as a software engineer?

I had a shitload of job offers graduating. But then again, I do live in NYC.

>> No.67683
File: 28 KB, 450x300, officespace_stupididea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Software Engineer
>Loses job
>Sell drugs
Sounds familiar. You should write a virus that steals fractions of pennies like in Superman II

>> No.68014

That's not Swedish. It looks Faroese or Icelandic.

>> No.68046

It's Faroese.
Eik Bank is a Faroese bank.

>> No.68049

sell apartment, relocate to thailand and become outsource fag.

(dont pay debt)

>> No.68066

Don't worry, we're all in debt
It's all over for us man