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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 285x180, justinstrm-285x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6481828 No.6481828 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 80,000 $ worth of TRX when it was 0.30$ now it is 0.08$ and it continues to fall.

Justin Sun has no product, no clients, the partnerships are fake, and he alredy cashed out all his billions of TRX coins that he was swearing it is "locked until 2020":


I know I got carried away by the hype,
but losing 80,000.00 USD is just too much for me,

Can I go somehow after Justin Sun and make him pay for this scamming of so many innocent investors, and destroying so many naive innocent lives like mine and my family?

I am serious, what are the options?

>> No.6481875

why didn't you spend 5 minutes googling his WONDERRFUR NUMBA WUN TOP PAHTNAH'd social network before putting actual money into that pos

>> No.6481887

I know I am not the only one who got scammed by Justin Sun, his lies and his fake big promises.

Everything he says always turns out to be bullshit.

There has to be some recourse to what he did.

Maybe you guys know things that I do not know?

I am searching any straw that I can hang to,\

Thank you

>> No.6481897

If this is no bait, I am truly sorry to hear that. Don't know much about legal options, but I don't think you can do a lot about it.

Just don't sell. The market is crazy and it might rise again. If you do get out, don't throw that much money at something you do not understand. Hope you will be fine anon

>> No.6481911

>Justin Sun has no product, no clients, the partnerships are fake, and he alredy cashed out all his billions of TRX coins that he was swearing it is "locked until 2020":

Why the fuck did you buy 80 grand worth?

>> No.6481912


dont worry im sure it will recover and go to $10,000 per coin lmbo!!

>> No.6481931

Fags like you want this market to be regulated. Fuck off.

>> No.6481948
File: 52 KB, 501x585, 1518BDC9-07F0-4092-A76F-5ADFDC9FA13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481982


TRON in its current state is far far behind its current valuation. Justin is also a young foolish kid.

You may as well hold, as others have said it could make a comeback in the future.

>> No.6482017

a fool and his money are soon separated. you're retarded OP, sorry, you were never going to make it anyways.

>> No.6482019

you guys actually think his real name is Justin Sun LMAOAOAOSPMIGSDGNIUSDFNGISFUDIJGDSBFIG. I'm a full blooded american and my name is Xin Pao

>> No.6482026

Lol you're stupid OP. Enjoy your monstrous bags.

>> No.6482031

I just bought some recently. In my opinion I think you should hold your TRX, it won't go down much further, in fact I think we have already bottomed out. It may take a while to get back to 30 cents but I am pretty sure it will.

>> No.6482035

How long has it been since TRX mooned? Like two weeks?

Just take it easy big guy. This coin will moon again eventually and you can dump your bags then.

>> No.6482044

Obvious troll bait is obvious

>> No.6482067

The Reddit spacing gave it away.

>> No.6482070

You put 80 grand in without doing any research? Don’t say you did research because if you did, you would know there’s no product. There’s no wallet and there’s no network so it’s just running on Ethereum. You basically FOMO’d in blindly and paid the price. You can only blame yourself. Justin tweets about all these people he’s hiring but I have no idea what they’re doing. They’re probably just spending all their time counting the money.

>> No.6482095

Nice FUDing Pajeet, try learn better English next time

>> No.6482097

its you shitstains who will demand government and market regulation

>> No.6482109
File: 40 KB, 368x400, 29f8b9097c6142ab645bb2e8fbd24ab7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not do my research ... I know I know... I just went with the FOMO

>> No.6482127

You learned a lesson on how to not be a faggy investor

>> No.6482141

i can't understand why some of you normalfags who got burned don't pool your money to hire a PI to find where justin is, then gang up on him and shake him out
but perhaps this is the curse of the normalfag, to always take what life gives them, to lack any sort of initiative and follow the crowd's momentum, jumping on a shitcoin pump well under way and giving up once the rug is pulled under you
sorry for your loss

>> No.6482165
File: 45 KB, 516x688, Gordon-Gekko-in-Horizontal-Stripe-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I bought 80,000 $ worth of TRX when it was 0.30$ now it is 0.08$ and it continues to fall.

>> No.6482175

Send him a glitter bomb

>> No.6482199
File: 267 KB, 605x485, gekko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love the cryptomarket.

>> No.6482201

The fucking game never even released on English scammed!! -_-

>> No.6482208

the good news is he's small so if you corner him in a shanghai alley you might be able to pin and rape him before he can call for help

the bad news is he's small so if he has any oil on him whatsoever he could slip out of your RAPERHOLD MAXIMUS and potentially get Officer Chang to counter-rape you

idk your options are pretty limited here OP

>> No.6482207

Your best recourse is to cease being such a stupid fucking moron.

>> No.6482217
File: 77 KB, 1024x727, gabrielle_sad_and_mad_by_mayya447-d6ebpva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that I was an idiot, and basically I bought just when Justin Sun was dumping his scamcoins onto me, and I didn't do research in detail, I just believed blindly what the shills FOMOed to me. I probably deserve your insults, I just want to know if there is some sort of recourse, how we can stop professional scammers like Justin Sun from hurting all of us again?

>> No.6482234

Disgusting chinks....

>> No.6482288

see it as some kind of expensive but very valuable lesson most people will never learn. getting greedy and blindly following the hype will fuck you over and dumped on. learn from it, cut your losses and do it better next time.

>> No.6482291

Play some crypto dogs do relax

>> No.6482331
File: 57 KB, 401x450, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bought TRON because it sounds cool

>> No.6482358

Lmao, ok Baljeet, I was going to make fun of you but now I feel a little sorry and wanna help you.
Go all-in on ChainLink, it's this year's Ethereum and it's dirt cheap right now, but this time try to actually research it beforehand and you'll comprehend the huge potential it has

>> No.6482367

I don't believe you.

>> No.6482369

ATH was 28 cents. Nice LARP faggot

>> No.6482374

> has JUST in his name
> still buy his shitcoin

>> No.6482399
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 15156586681701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your TRON now. Please take a seat sir.

>> No.6482426


I always laugh at this type of shit.

>> No.6482431

Kel, I made 6 million off of trx so far. Hats off to anyone who is losing money right now.

>> No.6482441

haha get cucked. You deserve it.
If you go after Justin, Jack Ma himself will hunt you down and give you a wedgie

>> No.6482448

ha you fucking idiot faggot, China is ripping us off in Trade and you continue to invest in these faggot, fuck you idiot. Not even an alt that makes 100% in a day guaranteed would work with you as you will find a way to lose it you idiot unamerican faggot. Don't think this is the most amount of money you will loose, as its only the beginning you insufferable faggot.

>> No.6482459

Listen, buddy. The crypto market is unregulated. The government will only get involved to take your money. They won’t help you. You have to trade smarter and do your research or just stop trading. There’s no way to get Justin Sun. He’s laughing all the way to the Bank of China. I wouldn’t recommend selling at a loss. Just hold, pray for some greater fools (there will always be greater fools) then sell when it reaches where you bought in.

>> No.6482472


Stop buying shitcoins. Ada is next.

>> No.6482475

You gambled money and lost it. Try a casino next time and get out of the house

>> No.6482492

you just have to believe its going back up to 2000 sats

>> No.6482563

omg i'm so happy to have cut my losses quickly...

having a moment of silence for the person who bought my bags

>> No.6482572
File: 157 KB, 409x409, 1515646914982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought 80,000 $ worth of TRX when it was 0.30$
rest in peis fren

>> No.6482573

its natural selection
dumb people like you get to lose their money so smart people can get them

>> No.6482589


>> No.6482638

To add on to this: Confido, a KNOWN exit scam still pumped after the fact. Don’t think for a second that TRX won’t go back up. There are a lot of stupid people in this world *cough* and most of them are not invested in crypto. So... hold on and don’t get impatient.

The longer TRX takes to recover, the more time you have to think about how to make better decisions in future. You wouldn’t have learned anything if TRX dumped for one day and then recovered.

>> No.6482652
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>> No.6482766

I'm new to the crypto scene and I saw hundreds of posts on 4chan and Reddit saying it was a scam
and yet there are people who managed to blindly buy this shit
how is that possible?

>> No.6482819

>believe biz and reddit

most just shill and fud on every coin in existance for gains

>> No.6482838

I got burned by Justin too. Holding 10k trx, I think its too early to say that it will never go back up.

>> No.6482851
File: 65 KB, 800x729, 1507413361698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because dumb normies have no idea what market cap is and thought this was a cheap coin lmao they all deserve their losses

>> No.6482869

Sorry but anyone who bought this coin deserved to be scammed it was obvious what it was. Would have happened to you sooner or later anyway

>> No.6482873

>the whitepaper outlines what the product does
>it was copied
>showing that they have no idea what they’re doing over in the “tron labs”

I sold every last TRX the second that plagiarism article hit the internet and I was still way up on my initial investment. Feels good man.

Idiots don’t try to obtain all the information. They hear one or two other idiots talking about how great something is and then their mind is made up. Why is so much trash shilled on /biz/? Because there are an infinite number of idiots willing to buy.

The unintelligent are incredibly easy to persuade.

>> No.6482879
File: 193 KB, 900x796, 78B2641F-8C2B-46B0-A37D-1572C2C7870C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hear about from becoming a top 10 crypto currency
>Read the white paper
>”we want to be a coin that allows people to share music and video in our new social media platform”
>lmao wtf what an absolute bullshit scam, crypto is a fucking joke
>see this thread

It feels, pretty great

I wonder what % of the crypto market is made up of dependents (kids) spender their savings

>> No.6482907

you were greedy, but he was greedier. seems like a fair fight to me

>> No.6482913


>> No.6482951
File: 380 KB, 2158x1136, 1515987787103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at a certain point, its just natural selection working

>> No.6482962


pretty clear Justin Sun AKA J-Dawg AKA JUST'n Sons AKA Just-Rising, Sun got them first in the alleyway with the shortside of the chopstick

no kiss hello, no lube
no hope, no future

ching chong
bing bong
bell toll for shit tron

>> No.6482983
File: 16 KB, 250x167, tumblr_nlx96dGfXM1t2nchho1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other brainstprmed ideas? Thanks guys

>> No.6482996

Buying token more then 100$, you deserve this

>> No.6483017

Cryptocurrency could do with having a few of its scammers murdered desu. Show that they cant keep getting away with it.

>> No.6483035

>I know I am not the only one who got scammed by Justin
no, but you're probably one of the few morons that put $80k into something without at least researching it.

>> No.6483043

This concerted effort on the part of whales and shills to snap up cheap TRX is comical and there's no better coin to do it to than a normie-infested piece of shit like this

>> No.6483050



>> No.6483087

but its already cheap why would they need shilling?

>> No.6483096

disgusting redditor you need to fuck off

>> No.6483124

Yeah I also got scammed by this dirty chink :(
I lost 10 grand, I don't even have enough money to buy gas or actual food. I only have some oats left that I will have to stretch for at least a week and a half. I'm beyond furious, i'm fuming. I can't wait for the nuclear war to happen that will turn asia into GLASS!!!!

>> No.6483144
File: 300 KB, 1076x2041, Screenshot_20180115-164151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I guess

>> No.6483150

You start researching only after you lost money? Why not before.
God I wish I had $80k from the start. Would be a millionaire by now.
Really hurts seeing brainlets like you throwing $80k at something. Just imagine what people with a functioning brain could do with that.
Fucking deserved it.

>> No.6483202

>Can I go somehow after Justin Sun
Tip the FBI and the SEC. He's in San Francisco, so he could easily get arrested for breaking sercurities laws.

>> No.6483225
File: 116 KB, 468x494, 1515214802786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, next time please go cry to reddit you entitled normie piece of shit, I'm glad you lost that money

>> No.6483239

what securities laws?

>> No.6483337

unregulated market.

maybe next time normies..

>> No.6483342

>touting intelligence while responding to transparent FUD post as if it's real

>> No.6483528

Do I look like a fucking lawyer?
Ask a specialist. I think he's not supposed to pump his own coin. That would make Tronix be considered a security. If he doesn't have a license to sell securities, he's fucked. Not to mention he lied to investors about a product that doesn't exist and fake partnerships.

>> No.6483632
File: 3 KB, 226x223, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims he broke the law
>doesn't know which law he broke
toplmao. crypto is not even classified as security dummy

>> No.6483661

I really hoped you were larping.
My sincerest condolence.

>> No.6483678

>crypto is not even classified as security dummy
Cryptos that held ICOs can qualify as securities, yes.

>> No.6483688

>dude the market is unregulated you can make mad gains!
>where can i go to report this guy for fucking me over?
fuck off normie faggot

>> No.6483727
File: 103 KB, 700x998, f5c4f62e36ae910b373925ab0c7bc2af--girl-portraits-character-portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is how the crypto world is transforming itself into scams world...

>> No.6483751

if serious, you shouldnt be able to do anything, he didnt put a gun to your head and force you to buy $80k worth of his shitcoin

Your loss is your own fault, a dumb man and his money are easily parted, you are that dumb man. Don’t repeat the mistake again and stop trying to blame anyone else but yourself DUMBASS

>> No.6483850

>what are the options?

one option is to go back to r e d d i t and never come back

another is to sell at a loss an invest in ngr coin

>> No.6483889

You are so stupid. It's been what, like 2 weeks? They are just getting started. Building an HQ in silicon valley. Hiring top level execs every week.

YOU are the one that bought in at a ridiculous price based on hype. They don't owe you shit. The patient people bought in at 2 cents and are still fine.

FYI I don't have Tron and I'm staying far away from that cesspool because of fudders like you. But a lot of people are and will continue to be making money on it.

You're the failure, not Tron or their goofy CEO

>> No.6483893

You were duped.

>> No.6483904


OP is a total retard.

TRON climbed up very high after the ICO - as all other ICOS do.

After a bullrun, it declined - like all the other new ICOs do.

...TRON is 3 month old.

OP shits his pants that he isn't rich by now.

Dude GTFO of crypto, you ahve no idea.

> OP bought BTC in 2011, sold in 2011, claimed that BTC is a scam.

FAGGOT. OP you are a FAGGOT.

Please GTFO you have no idea.

fucking " I want to get rich in 2 days" kiddies.


>> No.6483988

IKR? Coins dropping 70% after their ATH is totally normal guys!!

>> No.6484001



>> No.6484061

tell me again that other coin that dropped 70% of its value in 1 week?

>> No.6484062

So this is the type of people we get our money from.

You better hodl, bagholder.

>> No.6484086
File: 71 KB, 576x768, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


newfags are fucking stupid. ...GTFO out kiddies!

TRX is great and will get up very high. If you sell low now you are a total newfag retard.

...but maybe it's better that the fucking stupid kiddies leave the cryptospace

>> No.6484106
File: 37 KB, 656x800, Hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got good coin I sell you coin go moon in 10 minute

>> No.6484113

Honestly OP you went full retard. You threw 80k at Justin Gay's Tron? Wtf

Are you a billionaire? If 80k is more than 5% of your overall wealth you deserve to go broke. You wouldn't either bet 80% on black or red at Roulette.

>> No.6484140


you faggot that coin went up 1000% and dropped 70% ...are you stupid fucking kid? you better get the fuck out. please leave I am tired of you newfags that think of getting rich overnight and cry around every fucking day because price moved downwards.

FUCK OFF retards go back to facebook / instagram / snapchat.

>> No.6484185
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went up 1000% and dropped only 70%
>up 1000% and only 70% down
please tell me you are trolling. Nobody can't be THIS dumb right?

>> No.6484229

>now he buys 80k of linkies

>> No.6484263
File: 110 KB, 820x606, 948607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through lies, cheating and deception, Justin Sun did basically stole from all of us

I dreamt to have a house like this... and I have nothing now

>> No.6484275
File: 20 KB, 306x306, fgtshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are an idiot. fucking newfag go back to facebook / instagram / snapchat where you belong.

Dude I invested in crypto since 2011 and made x80. ...what happens to TRX happened to most of the coins I invested in.

IF you are a weakhanded little faggot PLEASE GTFO and don't come back. PLEASE, JUST LEAVE!

You fucking newfags have no idea about simple trading basics, you are so ridiculously stupid ... damn kids, get a life.

>> No.6484285
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>> No.6484315
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1506610241340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys this coin went 1,000,000% up and then only 99% down, its just a small correction!

>> No.6484344
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actually it was about 60% of everything I own liquidity.

So I am pretty fucked.

Will it ever be a general rise? I am unloading the last TRX I have now before it's too late should I ?

The Youtube is full of liars and TRX pushers scammers

>> No.6484356

Make sure to sell it at a massive loss like a faggot.

>> No.6484359

I'm sure the Chinese government whose #1 priority with regards to crypto is preventing capital flight, will punish Justin for draining millions of dollars from naive westerners.

>> No.6484379

Damn I feel bad for you guys, but seriously why dont you invest into something that has a future and is already proven on a market like Digibyte (4+ years).

>> No.6484425


Get the fuck out newfag. ...go to school or fucking learn trading basics and PLEASE LEARN TO UNDERSTAND THE CRYPTOMARKET:

If you really think TRX is dead by now (it didn't even start) you are some real stupid dumbed down murican retard.

...kid GTFO

>> No.6484449

>reddit spacing
Go back no one scammed you

>> No.6484464


Had you spent 5 minutes reviewing the information available, you would have known it has all of the ingredients of fraud.

You and many others deserve to lose all of it, since you are the worst breed of crypto moon kiddie.

It is going to zero. You're lucky there's still an active market for it.

>> No.6484481


Reddit spacing

>> No.6484515

srs question, how do you guys know that Justin sold his coins? As in, it was him and not another person?

>> No.6484540

TA says were gonna find a bottom somewhere around 400-500 sat, and after that were in for a meteorical rise possibly upto 10k satoshi.

Hold your TRX and dont make any rash decisions please.

>> No.6484542


>An exit scam might make a comback after the exit part of the scheme

Truly, the state of nu-/biz/...

>> No.6484551
File: 40 KB, 645x729, 1506879178657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 billion market cap at ATH
>he thinks they can ever reach that again
>even if you eventually reach ATH after months you think it won't correct back again

enjoy your chink bags

>> No.6484564

You're probably the same limp wristed twinkle toed cocksucker that bitches here last month about suing head over the beecrash debacle. Go fucking kill yourself. Tron made me millions. Not Justin's fault you were fucking stupid and not smart enough to cash out you faggot.

>> No.6484573


>Buys a coin at $0.30
>Supply: 100 Billion

How can you be this much of a brainlet?

>> No.6484590

Just wait, it’ll go back up. Justin is a Forbes List dude with big connections. He’s working on making a decentralized internet using satellites. Shit don’t happen overnight. It’ll far surpass your $0.30 buy-in if you wait a few months.

>> No.6484618
File: 25 KB, 627x202, 1515954589420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes write themselves

>> No.6484654
File: 213 KB, 1000x600, U5dsR2vGbFmksmNvhAa6pqpun1CSqx7_1680x8400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't ICO scams illegal in China?

>> No.6484658


> OP and other newfags think TRX is a scam

oh dear, what a fucking stupid retard can you be?!?? please kids, just sell low now JUST SELL IT AND STOP BITCHING AROUND LIKE TOTAL RETARDS. I will buy your bags dumbed down murican faggots.

>> No.6484683

terrible meme

don't ever post again

>> No.6484699

are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6484717

I'm actually thinking that in at toss $80k at some shitcoin on ED that I know I can lose it all just so I can post it here and watch OP become an hero.

What else besides tron is going to zero today?

>> No.6484724
File: 12 KB, 728x380, china-ico-ban-cryptocurrency-fundraising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ICOs are illegal in China, how come Justin Sun cashed out billions from his Tron scam? How is he getting away with it??

>> No.6484751


You are just a deluded newfag. ...please GTFO out and stop being a crybaby.


>> No.6484831
File: 37 KB, 720x407, 1515783821144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some memes are true.
stop coming here from plebbit

>> No.6485164

Dude, this is my way of thinking. If you lose and you have nothing more to lose make them pay for your lost.

You know his name, you know where he is from. Get more info. Travel to countries. Search. Find him, stalk his life, caught him in the right moment. And make him pay.

I did not invest in tron, but everything I invest in I make sure I save all the team info. Coins, icos and exchanges.

I don’t like to get theft, do you?

>> No.6485190

must be bait, do you not realize that 1000% up and 70% down would be equivalent to 700% down for the same purchase? its barely 2x the 300 sats it sat around for weeks lol. It's a trash tier coin if you lost money sucks for you.

>> No.6485246

JUSTin sun

>> No.6485393


newfag confirmed... >>6484086

>> No.6485517

the only people that spout newfags are newfags...

>> No.6485707
File: 59 KB, 350x343, ooh-matron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a terrible thing to say

just wait till bitboin goes belly up when they realize it pays pedo's in russia an the ukraine to rape children

>> No.6486007


sure newfag. ...go ahead. ...please look at the trendline of the TOP 20 coins and tell me that TRON is a scam. ...if that would be true all 20 TOP coins are scam too.

Why are people on /biz/ such uneducated retards?
Back in the days I met a lot of read autism here, not 90% newfag kids that think they are cryptoexperts because they made a little profit because of the hype. ...damn kids GTFO

>> No.6486062
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1507190064437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tried to warn you, you retarded fuck.

You deserve to lose that money. And Justin Sun made his powerful Chinese investors even richer. So there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.6486064

Literally how did people fall for this

It had all the tell-tale signs and even fucking typos in the waterpaper

>> No.6486232
File: 53 KB, 800x450, biztards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guys you ae so ridiculously stupid. you think a project that is in it's beginning stage (3 months old) is now an exit scam?


damn /biz/ - please kids GTFO I want my good ol /biz/ back.

tired of these "gettin rich in 1 day lambo moon" fags.

>> No.6486239
File: 37 KB, 321x333, 1509767047771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le reddit spacing meme

>> No.6486272
File: 64 KB, 781x552, 0000000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK if only I could see your face I'm sure you look absolutely stupid. Who the fuck would actually buy shittron. I got 500 from the airdrop and dropped that shitcoin right when it peaked. KEK you stupid cunts you deserve to lose every last penny for fomoing into shit tokens.
Let this be the most expensive lesson of your life.

>> No.6486278

>Says the Reddit spacer

>> No.6486340

Pretty sure I saw someone say “it won’t go under 600 sats screen cap this” where you at now bud cause it’s under 600

>> No.6486406

fuck off you played you lose. and you lost because you are retarded and didn't do proper research. If this is not some lame attempt at bait ofc

>> No.6486483

And is stabilizing right around there. As far as being right or wrong using specific numbers, he was damn close to right.

>> No.6486487

This is going back up guys
what goes down must come back up, and in crypto world, it will go up a few hundred percent again

>> No.6486546

delicious tears

>> No.6486926

Unless it keeps going down.

>> No.6487284

No it wasn't, it was .30, pay attention to this stuff before you go and post wrong shit like this.

>> No.6487349

Dude you didn't get scammed. You literally came into this market following hype and doing 0 research. The bags you got are exactly what you paid for.

>> No.6487411


Seriously. TRON bagholders are the best.

>> No.6487456

proof of bags?