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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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646954 No.646954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is this girl. She is literally perfect. 9/10 looking, smart and perfect body. Problem is she is a tier above me popularity vice. (yeah H.S sucks dick) She isn't the most popular but she is just a bit higher than me. I don't know if I am lying to myself but I think she finds me good looking. We sit together and she always asks me for shit (paper, pen etc.) I KNOW that she has her own but I think she is just trying to start a conversation. How do I start flirting with her without creeping her out?

>> No.646957

Wrong board m8.

>> No.646968

Whip out your dick next time she asks for a pen.

>> No.646971

Put all your savings into the Vanguard S&P 500 index funds.

That bitch will be so impressed by your fiscal responsibility she'll be all over your dick.

>> No.646972

Ask what her thoughts are on the Roth IRA.

And yes you posted this on exactly the right board.

>> No.646973


Since this is /biz/, I'm going to suggest that you diversify your emotional investments from this girl. You have all your eggs in one basket and that is bound for failure.

>> No.646985

Lol wtf is this weabo shit? When I went to highschool that shit didn't matter. So long as you aren't a total autist. Just go balls deep. What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.646991



>> No.647026
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This is the gayest shit ive ever read.

>> No.647039

Show us your resume

>> No.647040
File: 207 KB, 607x1080, CtTwhYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed 8/10

>> No.647054

I was in the LOWEST tier of popularity in my high school. BUT, I absolutely reigned over all of the losers. I fucked so many lower-income family bitches it was ridiculous. And they were all so slutty. Some weren't so bad looking, either. I was the loser-king.

>> No.647058

Capsule Corp.?

>> No.647074

You may have accidentally come to the right board. What do broads love more than anything? Money. What broads are the easiest to impress with just a little bit of money? High schoolers. I have a great investment for you that can return up to 400% of your investment in one month. All that needs to happen is you need to send me the money, preferably in cash. Do we have a deal?

>> No.647086

Buy a mustang like that retard yesterday, and that Girl Might pay out some major dividends if you catch my drift

>> No.647096

Well, ask yourself this? Are you 9/10 yourself? Are you at least 8/10? No? Then no, you can't get this girl.

Also, that shirt does not make sense.

She obviously is not out of everyone's league. That is impossible. There are plenty of tall, attractive, sexy guys who are within her league.

I am ripped myself, 6'2'', have my own business, intelligent, wide shoulders and chiseled face with nice hair. I think I'm in her league.

>> No.647102

So basically that was just an excuse to brag?

>> No.647108

I'm 5'8", terrible diet, don't lift and better looking than you

>> No.647109

i think you're a neet faggot neckbeard who doesn't even lift

>> No.647125

>literally perfect

>> No.647129
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>I am ripped myself, 6'2'', have my own business, intelligent, wide shoulders and chiseled face with nice hair.

>implying that matters

when you are born into the 1% like myself, you dont need anything else to get with 10/10's

>pic related, me everyday

>> No.647134

To her, you're just the kid who always has pens and paper to draw your Naruto characters with.

And I'd be willing to bet you hve permanently stained Cheeto fingers and always smell vaguely of cheese and AXE body spray and sit directly in the path of an air vent.

>> No.647136

Or better yet, ask if she wants to join the PEN15 club.

>> No.647139

A rape charge.

>> No.647148


>> No.647150

LOL, not into being used for money like a sheep

Enjoy fucking that dry pussy lol

>> No.647152


>tfw discussing business opportunities and career goals with a bunch of high schoolers at 1 in the morning when I have a work presentation due in a few hours

What the fuck am I doing with my life

>> No.647161
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>> No.647204
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Yfw this is sound advice.

>> No.647210

LOL u dont get it, money turn women on
>pleb detected

>> No.647238

>literally perfect
Also, wrong board.

>>Can I borrow a pen?
>Yeah. So, are you busy after school today?
>Want to hang out, maybe?
>>I'm busy, anon
>Right. How's [some day that fits]?
If she still doesn't want to, you should stop giving her stuff. "Forget" it at home, she's only using you then, and bitches love being ignored when you can clearly see them.

Don't propose a date at first, though, go somewhere public/semi-public and then see if you want to meet again for something more private.


Enjoy never meeting a genuine person in your entire life. You don't have friends, you don't have a girlfriend. Your money does.

>> No.647243

How is being used for being pretty like a whore any better?

>> No.647254

lol, money makes them want to use you. As I said. Enjoy being used ugly sheep
LOL @ buying women in 2015
LOL @ fucking dry pussy

>> No.647266
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>mfw butthurtttt pleb

>> No.647275

I'm glad you said LITERALLY perfect. I wouldn't have thought that a 9/10 would be perfect, but thanks for clearing that up bro. You're a teenager with hormones and a skewed world view because of the shitty fake social system we've set up called high school where things like popularity seem to matter. Also, you're like 17, so everything seems REALLY SUPER IMPORTANT all the time. Get over it, she's not special, and if you want something out of her, be an interesting person and not a fucking goober.

In general, there's no such thing as leagues. White privilege speaking from a mountain top here though, so yeah take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure that there's barriers to entry but I haven't really hit any so maybe I'm full of shit.

>> No.647305
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I mean clearly if she only borrows stuff shes more of a liability than anything.
god I hate leechers

>> No.647314

>White privilege

Get the fuck out.

>> No.647327
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>> No.647331

that's probably because you've never tried to do anything with significant barriers to entry

>> No.647387

>high school
underage b&

>> No.647718

>In general, there's no such thing as leagues

How cute...

>> No.647745

I nearly shat myself laughing at
>tier above me popularity vice

you autists really believe there is tiers to popularity? pro tip: everyone "above" you doesn't give a fuck

lmao like what even is the reasoning? tiers imply you can move up and down. is there a big poster in the school and the most popular guy stands up there every morning and places you in a tier?

>> No.647770

This isn't LoL? Fuck me, I won't stop being bronze tier if I just ace the next 5 haircuts and shopping trips (sucks to carry your team)?

Yup tier implies mobility. Consider yourself in a caste, like outcast.

>> No.647778

kek, I think he meant wise

also, "cool kid" rankings are a pretty common mentality at a lot of american high schools

that's nice that your high school wasn't too concerned with "popularity tiers". mine wasn't either, but kids are retarded