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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6463643 No.6463643 [Reply] [Original]

Should you invest?

>small market cap almost tipping on $30m USD
>limited exchanges (for now)
>partnered with Bjork for their album release late last year
>switching blockchain from their own to Blockpool (based on ARK)
>blockpool have been focusing resources on ‘Delegated Proof of Stake’ and ‘Smart Contracts’
>boasting partnership deal between AudioCoin and "one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world" This has been SIGNED
>in talks to get listed on other exchanges
>website being refreshed
>full rebrand imminent
>festival partnerships
>aurovine integration
>team has been around for AT LEAST 2 years working on this project
>Resetera's child

How many fucking reasons do you need /biz/? Do your OWN research. This project will be taking off soon with or without you.

>> No.6463813
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Rumor has it that they will partner up with a japanese company (Yamaha?).

Sure it's a risk, but I can see this going up after it gets noticed by media and normies get in

>> No.6463866

Wow an actual non-shit shitcoin. Just bought 25k, let's go boys

>> No.6463927

>check discord
>”hey guys made a thread on /biz/ lol pls comment”

>> No.6463935

Just sold all of mine for a nice gain.

>> No.6464058

What a blatant FUD, no biz mentioned kek

Pajeet spotted

>> No.6464164

P&D confirmed

>> No.6464326

Literally a moonshot and people are still going to shit all over this token. It always happens. Have a look at the people that shit on req, chainlink, bounty0x, deepbrainchain, upfiring, etc.

There will ALWAYS be scared people that aren't going to jump on board and will call out 'scam'. Fact is the team has been around for a long time with this project, things are in the works. Bjork partnership was only 2 months ago, they garnered industry publicity from this event.

>bjork has 776K followers on twitter
>228k subs on youtube
>3.2m followers on facebook

She isn't MASSIVE, but she is big enough to create crypto noise in the music industry. AudioCoin has been there to make this noise.

You're a deadset fool not to get in while it's low.

>> No.6464403

Honestly. This is a good 5x or 10x for the next month or so

>> No.6464474

dont trust music coins /biz/
invest in nice coins like ethereum

>> No.6464600

I smell XBY pajeets

>> No.6464762

The announcement will def be a partnership with one of these companies.


Yamaha Corp (Japan) $4.496 billion
Roland Corp. (Japan) $1.020 billion
Kawai Musical Instuments (Japan) $763 million
Sennheiser Electric (Germany) $637 million
Fender Musical Instruments (USA) $625 million
Harman Professional (USA) $523 million
Shure Inc. (USA) $425 million
Steinway Musical Instruments (including Conn-Selmer) (USA) $318 Million
Audio-Technica Corp. (Japan) $295 million
KHS-Musix Co. Ltd. (Taiwan) $293 million
Source: The Music Trades, Dec. 2011.

I think Yamaha. Which will be f huge.

They are following Yamaha in Twitter

>> No.6464839

some nigger on the discord posted exactly this and now it’s pasted in every single ADC shill thread even though there’s 0% chance of this shitcoin partnering up with yamaha

>> No.6464872

even the developer said it’s not fucking yamaha and yet they still use this as shill bait


>> No.6464894

Anyone with a brain has already sold for a profit.

>> No.6464947
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Sure OPUSfag, no way your vaporware could get any partnership

This is only the first thing on a horizon, there's a major music label under NDA

Go fuck a goat pajeet

>> No.6464998

keep your bags, like i give a shit

>> No.6465005

With this amount of FUD, this is going x10 at least in next two weeks

>> No.6465022
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Opus or ADC? I can't decide what to buy.

>> No.6465036



>> No.6465061

none. stay away from music coins

>> No.6465154

>like I give a shit
>5 posts already
>only FUD

Someone shut shutdown internet connection to India

Comfiest moon ever, been stable for days so far over 200 satoshi, market depth looking good

No way this will be under x5 short term

>> No.6465215



OPUS is a scam. They blocked me from telegram and slack when I asked about development.

Nothing in GitHub.
Bunch of fresh-out-of-college faggots looking for a quick buck.

Not FUD, facts.

Have fun with your bags man, sorry

Glad I got into AudioCoin instead.

>> No.6465291

i got bags @ ATH. NOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.6465344

im warning others who are contemplating about buying adc. people who really think this will skyrocket should look at the white paper and the roadmap. maybe have a lil chitchat with the team. do your homework

>> No.6465561

I've seen this guy spreading FUD in a few threads

Pajeet writing shit for $4 a day

I know a girl who got literally this this coin because she's a fan of Bjork as her first investment. Normies are gonna bite this

Easy x20

>> No.6465615

im sorry, no. i had 9k adc before i decided to put it all in another coin. this ship is sinking slowly

>> No.6465666

i am down 20% on this because i bough in high. valuable lesson not to get shilled by biz

anyone wanna buy my bags?

>> No.6465778

>9k ADC



>> No.6465828

weak hands

Just hold until the announcements

Bought 200K ADC

>> No.6466043

Just put in $2000

Transferred LTC to Cryptopia, traded for BTC and then put a buy order for ADC

>> No.6466459
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>> No.6466844

In with $1000

Lets goo to the MOOOOON

>> No.6467277

Knowing the track of Resetera's gods which made XBY possible, this will definitely go up, there's no overnight moon anons

XBY was at 200-300 satoshi last month and now it is at 4000, expecting AudioCoin to do the same

>> No.6467706

will i be alright with 290k adc?

>> No.6467814

Yes! Coins never drop price on an announcement of announcements which will be in two days, so you're golden at this price

>> No.6468088

Jump here for xclusiv advidce
discord.gg slash jgdQVpt

>> No.6468311

Definitely, just hold until those announcements at least or even longer if you feel comfortable waiting for even more stuff

>> No.6468734

$600 more into ADC from TRX bags

>> No.6469256

$1000 more in

10x easy

>> No.6469367
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>> No.6469732
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Join ADC on Discord: BA9yFb7

>> No.6470084

Thanks, $2900 in

>> No.6470491

This already has a nice media coverage, could be really huge since it's based on ARK which is the best thing at the moment

>> No.6470890

Probably this months biggest mooner

>> No.6471043

where are you getting this info - im interested in the coin but seems hard to find anything really. Anything out of discord?

>> No.6471181

You have everything in the Discord group: BA9yFb7

Someone also posted a thread on /biz/ earlier today when to get into coins, this moment would be tier 1: an announcement of announcements

Easy x10 moon and cashout to BTC

>> No.6471269

when can i get an exact time of the announcement?

>> No.6471317

They have a progress meeting later today, so it will be known on Tuesday tomorrow


>> No.6471614
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Tier 1 coin, safe moon

>> No.6471900

I LOVE this coin BUT all music platforms fail. They are selling a product that can be easily copied which makes the products value zero. Music is a free give away promotional aspect to selling the "artist" and the artist makes money through endorsements. TIDAL failed with the biggest names there are. Bjork is a proto lady gaga at this point in the game. Her value ads zero to the brand. This coin is not in good shape.

>> No.6472031

So perfect timing for getting into ADC

OG Bitcoin are also following Audiocoin on Twitter

>> No.6472113


>> No.6472234


Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6472243

Love this fucking coin. And CAPP.

>> No.6472253

why can't the price break 300 sats over the last couple of days?

>> No.6472277


I just checked its market depth, doesn't look like pnd

Too much FUD

This coin is getting more and more popular:

>> No.6472339

This is a pump and dump

Look at the comments lol

“I’m in guys”

If you buy you deserve poverty
This shit is worthless

Outdated coin that the dev realised could make him money

>> No.6472349

It will, basically everything is red atm, but this one always managed to stay in 220-300 range, could only go up with those announcements and hype building up

It's also at a too small market cap to go down after it gains more daily volume.

Media talking about industry deals will only help it

>> No.6472382

>becoming a sidechain of BPL which is ARK-based


>> No.6472431

Shit coin being pumped by the neck beard dev on discord

You can buy this coin if you want to lose money lol

Luckily I sold at the peak and got out before it crashes

>> No.6472506

You must be a poorfag that sold for $30 profit kek

Kept visiting every thread since after it went up

>> No.6472647

Went up? It’s done nothing but sink since the p&d was discovered

You’re a shill though what does it matter

You’re probably the dev lmao

>> No.6472748

Sure you did

Fuck off OPUSfag, sell your scam-bags somewhere else

>> No.6472775

feels like this discussion is either 100% in or 100% out

>> No.6472827
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Oh yeah, you're lying.

This is already getting noticed my normies, has a great media coverage, real artists/musicians, small market cap, supported by Resetera, marketable name and huge industry partnerships.

No way this is going down, you're just spreading FUD faggot

>> No.6473017

When it's mostly one or two guys spreading FUD really hard, you can be sure that it's going to moon really soon.

I trusted those faggots a few times and missed on some good coins.

I'm in this time and they can fuck off

>> No.6473141

are you guys using Cryptopia?

>> No.6473229

I recommend you to deposit LTC for cheaper fees and faster confirmations, ETH can take a while and BTC is too expensive

>> No.6473272

already got 50K ADC oon cryptopia - was just curious

>> No.6473311

TIDAL was popular it failed. You like popular shit buy TRON and VERGE. I like making money

>> No.6473481


>> No.6473782

There's a huge support for ADC on Resetera like it was with Xtrabytes in December and that also mooned x20 since then

It's gonna be the same with ADC or even better with those partnerships

>> No.6474214

Already going up

>> No.6474485
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Audiocoin Discord invite: BA9yFb7

Feel free to ask anything in the group

>> No.6474685

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6474900
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>> No.6475106

I want to believe haha please

>> No.6475281

OK, so holding this coin for at least a month will be good?

>> No.6475641

I would think so, it's probably the music label that is under NDA

They already said that the studio equipment company is just the first thing on horizon

>> No.6476224

I think the same, it's probably go x20

>> No.6476470

Agreed with Bjork, but she's just the start. Plus the normies will dig it. I would pay for music if I could use my crypto. Even though I download torrents of mp3's, I buy to support the artist if it's good. Kind of a try before you buy. I would pay for more music if I could pay with a coin that already did a 10x. Would rather have it legit if it's worth it.

>> No.6476895

If those announcements end up being at least decent, this coin will easily rise to $300M market cap

>> No.6477329

I believe this will be at least x5 within this month

>> No.6477587
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$10 eoty
ill literally fucking cum.

>> No.6477995

I could have downloaded music in the time it took me to read what you wrote. Normies will never pay for music EVER again. We live in a post Napster world Metallica gave up and so should you on music making money. I make music trough a licensing company but I NEVER post my music anywhere I just sell to the company, but Im more of business than I am artist. Musicians are to ego centric to do buiness with. They give music away for FREE. You going to try and make money off these people good luck

>> No.6478761

Fuck off

>> No.6478764

could this possibly dump after announcement?

>> No.6478815

What? Almost everyone pays for music now through Spotify.

>> No.6478911

More people stream music on Youtube than use Spotify. Spotify is a membership service and Musicians get paid very little to be on spotify. The record companies collude with spotify. The musician isnt really involved anyways. Spotify is an example of the music industry giving up. You know no band has been signed to a major deal since the KILLERS in the mid 2000s I know so much more than you. Care to continue? Labels only distribute now to musicians already earning money.

>> No.6479136

Neither YouTube or Spotify are illegal. Even if artists make cents for each Spotify play they are still being paid. It is a lot easier to pay for Spotify than to go through the trouble of finding and downloading music of that obscure band you like.

>> No.6479362

I don't think so, it has a very small market cap so it could obly benefit from the announcement. Also, there is a partnership from a major music label under NDA, so it could only go up more

>> No.6479758

For those that don't trust that this is a legit thing, here's one more thing the devs are working on: https://jump.woooba.com/wooobux/

>> No.6480007

Obscure band I like is begging for me to listen to thier music as a promotional device to go to thier live show where they actually make money and sell swag (clothes) I know more than you shall we continue? Im correct long term if you want a pump and dump sure buy the coin, but looks like its just you and your discord group promoting it here creating an exho chamber. Most laymen already know music and musicians are a terrible investment, so you are kind mind fucking yourself and are going to end up like the TRONIEs if you keep this shit up.

>> No.6480296

So how do you propose most people listen to their music or discover them in the first place? Spotify offers an easy to use interface with loads of music, recommendations and "discover" playlists. If you as a musician want to be discovered then, as miserable as the pay is, you are better off putting your music in Spotify and YouTube for cents than selling it.

Actually I think we both agree on the same thing why are we arguing?

>> No.6480386

why is this bleeding?

>> No.6480430

It’s a pajeetcoin.

>> No.6480534

>9 posts
FUD by a poorfag

>> No.6480646

I as an undiscovered musician have the internet and do not need a 3rd party. Saavy musicians are making more than ever independently, but its through live performance, not selling recordings. Spotify is not promoting anyone. Again, record companies no longer promote they only distribute. They use spotify and itunes to plug the massive gash in the industry but they already bled out. Music recording sales was very greedy for 50 years and is a dinosaur. I dont know how you people can call BTC a dinosaur and think recorded music tech has any potential to make money. Again music is like a pen with some companies brand printed on it that is given away for free. Youcan repeat the word spotify as much as you like ill just keep saying, myspace, soundcloud, cdbaby and tidal. The platforms were never the problem this coin solves no problem. The problem is the product being simple to copy and thus worthless.

>> No.6481356

0/10 macro
>normies normies normies
>muah partnerships
>your opinion is FUD
confirmed Pump and dump discord shit
>muähhh you poor

Projects discarded