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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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645492 No.645492 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ I'm a first year at college and I came in with Econ as my major, but I'm wondering if Business would be better. What concentration should I choose if I'm a lazy unmotivated fuck and outside from like 3-5 years of hard work to advance to a good position, I just want an ez job so I can play vidyas and shit.

>> No.645501
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Going as a Business with that attitude? Have fun working as a fucking McDonald manager you lazy unmotivated fuck. I work with those same people and you sound just like they are. It hardly sounds like you'll even make it through college.

>> No.645502


>> No.645503

If you major in Art History, you can get a part time job at starbucks, then you can totally play video games all day.

>> No.645513

Ok then, explain to me how much work I would need to put in to get a decent 60-80k salary? I'm not above working, but I just want to make shitloads of money so I can play vidya in my offtime.

>> No.645535

Good luck doing that with a general business degree
source: I have a business degree

>> No.645538

>I just want to make shitloads of money so I can play vidya in my offtime

If all you want to do is play video games then you don't need much money

>> No.645542

Be a video game tester like in that movie grandmas boy. That dude just smoked weed and played video games. Then he would go to work and test video games.

>> No.645546
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It doesn't sound like your thinking logically here.
Why would you want a career -- which pays
highly compared to the waist of life, life-style
you want. Why would you need a big house just
so you can keep your computer powered and
internet running in your basement. Hell! I bet
you wont even need plumbing because you can
use your shit bucket instead.

I'm sorry anon, but get some real ambitions, do
something with your life you sack of shit! You
can easily do better than that.

>> No.645553

That's not much of a thing anymore, companies just have the public test most of thier stuff now.

>> No.645563

>choosing any major degree program which has thousands upon thousands of other holders thereby making it useless.


you people need to get critical thinking skills.

>> No.645580

hey anon what imaginary friends are you talking
to? Because that's nothing about what were talking about

>> No.645697

are business degrees useful in life
i have college fund, enough to go to a 4 year university, and then some. would it be worth getting a business management degree, then go for a more specific degree for masters?

>> No.645854

I want a lot of money, so I can buy a fucking nice house, turn it into a gaming mecca, then just spend the rest of it investing it into securities and stocks, so I can just have a filthy rich life. It's not hard to imagine.
Also >>645546
>Calling me a sack of shit because I want to make lots of money and play vidya in my offtime
>instead of giving actual advice
>shiggary diggary doo

>> No.645859

it's really not hard to imagine.
I'm willing to put in 12 hours a day into work and run the rat race so I can get a better salary and opportunities. But at the end of the day I want to come home to chill and play Vidyas. Stop fucking trying to push your shitty ideals. All I wanted to know was what field should I go in where I can make a good sum of money without having to boil in a suit for 10 hours a day for 20 years.

>> No.645863

3-5 years hard work shud get you to 60-80k if ur smart.

35k salary is all u need for the lifestyle youre requesting.

>1st yr 36k
>2nd yr 44k

job change

>3rd yr 60k

but i am in top 10 of what i do at my company imho

>> No.645913

what is it that you do? No one has answered my question whatsoever. What branch of business should I go into? Even if my lifestyle can be cheap, I still want a lot of money. What field of business should I pursue to earn that money.

>> No.645956

Samefagging this hard

Listen OP, You should look into what you enjoy the best, because both Econ and Business will land you a decent job that'll become a good career if you work hard. You need to be dedicated and put time towards your work, because frankly there's going to be little time for you to lolvidya for 3-6 hours a day. Find what you like, the amount of work you put in will dictate your success and advancement. If you're really willing to settle after a certain point, I'd say put in 6 years of work and you can have a 50-80k salary where you can afford everything you need and some more. But yeah, like those two retards said, without ambition, you're going to be stuck in a rut. Do all you can for now. Internships, Mentor programs, and econ/business clubs so you have multiple points of reference. If you do the heavy lifting while you're in college, your ability to advance in your career will be a lot easier.

Personal Note from a vidya addict: Don't waste your initial salary on a big ass splurge. I kept my gaming desktop for a year and a half before tricking it out.

>> No.646425

thanks for the advice. I'll go talk to my School of Business and Economics. Still bummed I didn't get a dedicated answer, but your advice was helpful. I plan to spend my 3rd paycheck on a huge upgrade. I don't really need anything else, so unless there are serious issues, I want to get an awesome computer and start building my gaming room.

>> No.646442


Are you in NYC?

>> No.646478


>> No.646494

You should not waste money on college given your goals.

>> No.646514

blow me

>> No.646566


just work at qwik-e-mart u lazy fag.