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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 620x835, vitalik-commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6462421 No.6462421 [Reply] [Original]

>is against property rights

How do you deal with this commie?

>> No.6462526


By worshipping him.

>> No.6462590

Letting him fuck my wife

>> No.6462694

Butey is our lord and saviour

>> No.6462710


This shows he is pants-shittingly retarded. Amazing how good a programmer he is, yet such a numbnuts about this

>> No.6462803

So....this kid's a plant by Satanists isn't he? Just like Zuckerberg, the geek whizkid, stole our privacy, this little shit is going to steal our money and property right? He'll be able to shut off anyone who complains, kick them out of their homes. That's the gist of it, and we go along with it because some of us might get rich off it. That's the carrot, isn't it, just like how youtube eventually got our cell numbers. Some of us might get rich, so we'll all rush in to give up a little more freedom to get a shot at the dream.

>> No.6462827

>good programmer
You didn't investigate enough.

>> No.6462828

We should abolish rent. Property ownership for everyone.

>> No.6462840

He is smarter than you.. with automation property can't exist forever. Sooner or later property relations are going to have to be radically reconfigured if we don't want a hell dystopia

>> No.6462885


I am a commie and I'm also all in on ETH so it works out pretty great. Can't wait for flippening. Last step before we collectivize farms

>> No.6463000
File: 126 KB, 604x516, 1509494002484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually believe this

>> No.6463015

Spoken like true devils.

Property is superior indeed.

>> No.6463053

Vitalik is a sperg but this shit doesn't impact etherum development so idgaf

>> No.6463074

he can say what he wants, he won't be able to change anything in the real world, his influence is restricted to what happens on the blockchain, and if the community doesnt like it, they refuse and he backs down, or a fork is created

>> No.6463134
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1512408597151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can evict me from my paid-off home when the last drop of my blood congeals into a pool on the floor you fucking commies.

>> No.6463204

He is a moron. We see situations similar to that in a 3rd world country, the Kowloon Walled City being a very good example of what would happen.

>> No.6463226

Yes goy so let’s get it over with now, I’ll take your property for the good of the cause

>> No.6463530

"Trust me, I'm stealing all your shit for your own good"

>> No.6463569

There's only one way to deal with commies. Bullet to the back of the head. This is now a /pol/ thread.

>> No.6463830

If you can't own property then you can't even own your own body. i.e. you are cattle (goyim)(which you are)

>> No.6463919

Then who programmed it?

>> No.6463921

>Implying intelligensia won't lobby for draconian copyright and IP laws and use that to lord over everyone else.

>> No.6463949
File: 84 KB, 900x600, Gadsden_flag_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethereum DROPPED

>> No.6463972

I never liked him and feel validated just about every day. I appreciate the technical achievement that was implementing Etheruem at a young age, but it didn't translate to a vision of how to develop it or a will to resist the mainstream and think for yourself. He seems like a lot of guys I met in competitive programming; talented, but gullible and always craving recognition. He's getting it now by sucking up to liberal academics and journalists.

>> No.6463995

agreed. Vitalik is Russian and maybe that's why he is sympathetic to communism but this is ridiculous. I'm starting to lose faith in Ethereum now. Not even fudding, but clearly he doesn't understand how the world works

>> No.6464006

So who owns it then? The state? Sounds a lot like communism to me, luckily nothing ever goes wrong with communism. What about all those long working hours people put in for 30 - 50% of their life to pay off their property? Those are not relevant I guess, this kid can only talk shit because he is rich himself he can go fuck himself.

>> No.6464022
File: 84 KB, 960x925, 4MnFdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464066

Vitalik commenting on ethics and property rights is like when dumbass celebrities comment on politics

>> No.6464181

Snek want allodial land not totalitarian expropriation

>> No.6464218
File: 49 KB, 800x600, the_ordos_executrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrelevant. He will continue work on Ethereum.
Imagine you saw this a year ago, and decided not to invest in Ether. Stop thinking /pol/, but start thinking /biz/. Embrace the scramble for pennies. Let greed consume you. All other considerations are secondary.

>> No.6464962

Why would a communist create a cryptocurrency? I don't understand

>> No.6465025

He is, as you can easily see in this thread, dumb as a brick. He is the Steve Jobs to Wozniak. He didnt create or program eth. He doesnt have the technical knowledge.

>> No.6465281

All true, which is why I am holding on to my Ethers for now. But as an investor, you shouldn't ignore this bullshit, either. To me this is another sign that Ethereum won't last as a top crypto.

>> No.6465386

what the fuck is with all the cuck tweets from ethereum devs this week? fuck me making my palms sweaty

>> No.6465565

This one's back from October. OP probably saw the other thread and wanted to share this old one.

>> No.6465601


What the fuck did he do then?

>> No.6465686



>> No.6465760

You're trusting a commie with your money. You're trusting your property to someone who does not believe in property. He's got no reason (in his head) not to steal your money someday.

Of course though, if he does that so many times ETH will be reputed as a bad coin and will die off. Thanks free market.

>> No.6465889

he's an ideaguy