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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 600x596, Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6458045 No.6458045 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw missed out on crypto and now have the crippling realization that even if I cut my expenses to the absolute minimum and have nearly zero enjoyment of life and shove all that money into index funds I will barely have a few hundred thousand dollars by 35

Does anyone else feel like terrible knowing they've missed out on so many things in life and realize that they simply DO NOT have the willpower or motivation to become an early adopter/pioneer let alone by the first to uncover the next big thing?

>> No.6458091

Crypto will eventually collapse under its own weight. Remember that Altcoins are simply a way to acquire more Bitcoin.

>> No.6458159

Yeah, I hear you.

It's even worse for me, because:

- I'm a very senior programmer.
- I have decent technical knowledge about cryptography and economics.
- I've been reading about cryptocurrencies from BTC's first year.
- I've always thought they were interesting and always contemplated throwing some money at them, but never really got around to it.
- While the topic interested me, it wasn't really something I watched closely, I just saw it mentioned on Hackernews every now and then and read an article occasionally.

>> No.6458168

But Bitcoin is worthless due to the transactions times and fees.

>> No.6458214

Get. The fuck. In here

>> No.6458223

>Remember that Altcoins are simply a way to acquire more Bitcoin.
Not true. A lot of people are accumulating ETH more than BTC. Proof of Stake gives passive income unlike just holding BTC.

>> No.6458260

Not really. Everything has to settle in bitcoin.

It is the reserve crypto at this point. No other coin comes close despite minor setbacks.

>> No.6458389

You mean acquire more Ethereum

>> No.6458400

Proof of stake coins are the same as proof of work in practical terms.

Proof of use will be the future when there is a workable implementation.

>> No.6458461

Found the Bitcoin HODLer who missed out on serious gains in the altcoins.

>> No.6458515

I don't hold any coins lol.

"traders" aren't going to see the exponential leap coming.

>> No.6458606


See this baffles me. I have a cousin who’s really clever and works at google and I sent him a link to ethereum and asked his opinion about it, and he was extremely lukewarm about it. I ended up buying 200 ETH and now he seriously regrets it. But I just don’t get why people who are into software and programming and shit weren’t more into crypto? Is it tunnel vision??’

>> No.6458671

>barely have a few hundred thousand dollars
awwww poor big baby life must be so horrible :(

>> No.6458748

Ain't nobody mentioning to this mother fucker that he's not even LATE to the crypto train? The fuck dude get in here

>> No.6459012

It's because it's just not all that impressive of an idea, if you know how to code. Plus $200 sounds like a lot for fake internet money. Even 20 cents seemed insane when bitcoin was that price. Bitcoin has never not seemed insane to most people, but now that a lot of people are waking up to the fact that it can make you rich we have the beginnings of mass hysteria on our hands.

After looking into it, though, some of the ideas are undeniable and they incite the imagination to an interesting future. But before anything practical happens, we first need to sacrifice several million souls to mammon, as is custom.

>> No.6459052

faggot don't think about what you've missed, think about what you can get.

>> No.6459089

dude crypto will last for 100 years if it works, the richest people in the world in 20 years will find it inconceivable to own the amount that you can today

>> No.6459101

It's over.

>> No.6459324

I think most people who got early into crypto fall under 3 categories:

- People with an ideology (anarcho-capitalists)
- Cryptography/economics nerds
- People into high risk investing

It's easy to see why someone like a Google engineer working on ML would miss the train. He might be capable of implementing a Bitcoin clone from scratch, but maybe he's not into politics, not particularly interested in cryptography, and not keen on high risk investment.

>> No.6459413

Reminder that HackerNews was certain the iPhone would fail

HN is the worst place to go for product advice, they're complete and utter spergs

>> No.6459471

Just buy coins now anon. I need you to buy the bags I aquired in 2015. Gonna invest in real estate

>> No.6459580

>we first need to sacrifice several million souls to mammon, as is custom.
This isn't even a meme. They have big shifts planned in how the world works, crypto is part of it, and they will need a ritual to go with it. It is custom.

>> No.6459682
File: 37 KB, 620x400, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got into crypto because i rotted my life away for years on /r9k/ and decided to check out /biz/ one day to see if i could make money online and now i'm rich and making $1k a day scalping shitcoins

>> No.6459817


I work as a software developer and knew about bitcoin around 2014, and started following it when it hit 1k.

It's ascendance just seemed too fucking insane to be real for what it was.

>> No.6460062
File: 99 KB, 786x826, 1513129439896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was retarded enough to never look at /biz/ despite years of browsing other retarded 4chan boards and got into crypto just some months ago

I would be literally a millionaire by now, fuck.
Gratz for making it.
I'm not from the US or Europe, so I literally NEVER heard about bitcoin or crypto. My first time hearing about it was on /biz/.