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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, neo_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6451639 No.6451639 [Reply] [Original]

Silently triples in price.

>> No.6451936

Remember when biz made fun of people who bought at 50 USD?

>> No.6451982

I remember /biz/ making fun of people for buying ANS above 5 dollars

>> No.6452013


i was one of them.

I bought in though @ 90

>> No.6452016
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Holy shit, these sell walls go down like it's nothing, i'm starting to think we'll hit $200 very, very soon

>> No.6452044

Nigger it will drop back when the FOMO stops because something went green

>> No.6452063

wtf is going on?!?!?!


>> No.6452096

already sold. Good luck all

>> No.6452124

Need NEO to buy an ICO

>> No.6452141

Congrats on your profit anon

>> No.6452201

Oh yay. Used to have 200 antshares/neo when they were 5$. Sold them at 15. fuck me i guess

>> No.6452203 [DELETED] 

discord gg/3fW7bzr

>> No.6452235

Neo moons because they don't market themselves, they just keep getting shit done. This is the Chaddest of coins.

>> No.6452243
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>Chinese Ethereum

>> No.6452329

it has something to to with the chinese and korea normies because icon and neo are rising the same

>> No.6452383
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NEO isnt even on korean exchanges and china is banned you fucking newfag... Once NEO will be available in Korea and China lifts the ban you'll see the real NEO price.

>> No.6452484

Dump pajeetblocks neo gonna to 1k eoy.

>> No.6452615

I sold at 107$, just before the pump.


>> No.6452707
File: 267 KB, 388x602, 1515475686720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna buy more last night, but I bought VEN instead....

>> No.6452758

Tfw only bought $100 worth at $3.

>> No.6452770

Yesterday i want on Ven.
Huge news. Doesn't moon
should have held neo

>> No.6452783


>> No.6452877

Are you fucking retarded? Jesus fucking Christ this board is starting to get me...

Reasons why NEO is mooning

>China back in the game
>Utility crytos (ETH, NEO, XLM, XRB, VEN) are finally getting their shine
>People go back to safe bets
>Entire January is NEO development conference
>Yes, ENTIRE January
>All over the world
>People are sick of fake partnerships resulting in pnd and want a real deal
>There are tons of ICOs coming on NEO so expect ETH moon soon

>> No.6452945



Good luck trying to move them

>> No.6452954
File: 48 KB, 426x341, BEBF7DD0-8699-41A0-A3AE-64A7157C3AA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripled in price? Let me chase it!

>> No.6453042

how does GAS get distributed? will it show up if I hold it in an exchange?

>> No.6453090

On binance yes
Dunno about other exchanges

>> No.6453091

They will move next week. It is fixed, devs confirmed it hour ago, all tests went fine. We'll see, definitely not selling them as I bought them at 4$.

>> No.6453095


got the answer. hold it in NEO wallet

>> No.6453128

>network gets killed by a 5000 people whitelist sale
great stuff you got there

>> No.6453145

are they fair? i don't trust bitfinex or binance in these matters

>> No.6453189
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AAAAAAAAAH I was gonna buy last night but I listened to the VEN shills....

>> No.6453204

On binance, yes. On bitrex, no.

>> No.6453294

I sold my NEO at 110 to buy more XLM, and I see now that was a stupid thing to do.
I'm just gonna bite the bullet and buy back in once NEO corrects a little

>> No.6453446
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>once NEO corrects a little

>> No.6453544
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Amsterdam event, more people are buying.

more conferences all January, so comfy af

>> No.6453557


move to neotracker.io wallet, only whole numbers tho.

>> No.6453558

I feel you, same for me. Was broke when it was <10 and forgot about it afterwards.

>> No.6453930


This was the right move. I also bought the ven dip and was very happy this morning.

>> No.6453982

deluded noneo venny

>> No.6454069

dummy. I already own neo. so yes I'm stoked about this run!

>> No.6454121

Stfu about ven u shill

>> No.6454146
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mfw I bought and sold at $33 to chase the BTC pump and ended up with a shitty ass bitcoin stagnation.


>> No.6454185

Meh xlm could heat up these next month or two

>> No.6454478

you get gas delivered every day if you hold neo on kucoin - 1v4y1

>> No.6454911
File: 78 KB, 499x499, 1443123928046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get that sweet, sweet GAS with a Ledger? DL the wallet? Do I have to use whole numbers for some fucking reason?
>tfw smoking dat GAS

>> No.6455018

so if NEO is not divisible, how come you can buy decimal amounts on binance?

>> No.6455062

>what is withdrawing?

>> No.6455078

ummm wat?

>> No.6455154

I bought at $100. Still comfy.

>> No.6455209

DYOR. Lurk more. Google: Private keys, paper trading.

>> No.6455653

You can still buy .5 NEO on an exchanges, but because it doesn't actually exist you can't withdraw it. If you buy .5 more, you can withdraw it

>> No.6456206


>> No.6456266
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>Selling NEO, ever

You dun goofed.

>> No.6456722

LOL NEO is on another level to ICX.

>> No.6456778

tfw didn't buy $100 worth btc at $7 because I was broke

>> No.6456919

Its going down. RIP chinkcoin

>> No.6457038

Is this McAfees pick for coin of the week tomorrow or what?

>> No.6457148


>> No.6457154

once its off exchanges do you pay a fee to move it to a new wallet? I just got a cold storage and was going to leave it in there for a bit but I dont want to effectively lose a Neo in the process

>> No.6457267
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>> No.6457276


>Utility token


>> No.6457319


>> No.6457396

No, he only picks shitcoins. The only exception was FCT, which is a solid coin he picked.

>> No.6457579


>> No.6457598

I am seriously considering selling all my BCH and dumping it in NEO. I'm scared because NEO's mooned hard and BCH has been trading sideways = primed for the next moon

>> No.6457633

Half expecting him to pick Bitcoin Cash tomorrow. Shitcoin or not, it is one he likes to promote. Lots of good news on the horizon for BCH.

>> No.6457646

guys. it's bouncing off the previous sat ATH on binance, look. of course people are going to sell there to buy back

>> No.6457660

I sold literally everything for NEO. This better be worth it. I’m already depressed so if shit hits the fan, I can just kms.

>> No.6457672

hold me dude, went all in at 12400 sats

>> No.6457686

Depends on the price you got in at.

>> No.6457701

why do you people only chase ATHs? do you have any foresight at all?

>> No.6457705

I used to have 600 NEO that I sold at 19, so don't trip too much about missed gains it's just crypto. Everyone makes money

>> No.6457712

155. I just got in.

>> No.6457732

Your bad decisions aren't an emergency for anyone else.

Lucky for you Neo is guaranteed to hit $1000 by end of the year so just drop it into storage

>> No.6457753

Fuck this, my portfolio has been going sideways for two weeks and I missed a moonshot right under my nose

>> No.6457755

keep calm and surf the kali yuga

>> No.6457799

i went all in at 12000 lol just fuck my life, the one time i pull the trigger

>> No.6457915

might as well hold, too late to cut our losses now. Im confident well be back up within a few days, as long as bitcoin doesn't crash

>> No.6457998

went all in at 121 satoshi.

Am I retarded?

>> No.6458004
File: 73 KB, 1308x769, neo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone wondering why it's going down. of course it was going to bounce off previous ATH.

>> No.6458020

when are you useless pajeets going to realize that NEO is 1 year behind ETH. so look at the chart for ETH in 2017, thats what NEOs gonna do AT A MINIMUM in 2018. If you want a safe way to earn > 5000% this year, put a big chunk of your portfolio into this chinkcoin,

>> No.6458031

yea dont mind holding for a while since you get gas.

>> No.6458051

just sold and put my buy order at .01btc

please drop pleas drop (If i get this short, I would earn 3 neo in one trade)

>> No.6458140

will it tricke down for the next few months this time too?

>> No.6458151

what app do you use for that and also how do you do TA?

>> No.6458172

Where can you short?

>> No.6458212


>> No.6458233


>> No.6458242
File: 12 KB, 424x394, 1464574243066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 0 NEO

>> No.6458262

buy some tea leaves and curry then take a shit in the streets of India

>> No.6458277

if this was the top of this pump.. but i think this thing is still going far. everyone is buying now to hold for gas generation

thats tradingview.com, i don't do heavy TA, main thing i use for finding where prices will change is Moving Averages 20, 50, and 100 periods. the lines are previous peaks which turn into future support/resistance. i try to stick to 1hr/4hr/1day charts, going into the minutes will mess with your head.

>> No.6458344


I just sold hoping it would go lower. I'm using bittrex, but it looks like I sold at the bottom of this downtrend so I got JUST"d instead

>> No.6458370

>selling low

>> No.6458395

Stratis is about to do this from the bottom, unironically.

>> No.6458432
File: 19 KB, 253x229, tumblr_o0y977rrgc1v0pigno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been holding since $5 ANS

>> No.6458465

And why's that?

>> No.6458496
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>> No.6458901

link to that or shut the fuck up

>> No.6458981
File: 5 KB, 250x216, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys ATH

>> No.6459010

why is my 5 bch not transfering instantly from my ledger to my bittrex? I want to buy 20k worth of NEO

>> No.6459025

$185 was ATH m8

>> No.6459041
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>> No.6459051

don't buy now you fucking idiot

>> No.6459077

>hurr I post anime

>> No.6459084

i will post screencap when I do and then /biz/ can share in the thrill and the agony

>> No.6459090
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>I was one of those people
>mfw I sold at 45

>> No.6459124

Yeah, wait for it to double its price. That certainly is the smart move.

>> No.6459164

why are there 10000 unconfirmed transactions in the BCH mempool? I want my BCH on bittrex right now

>> No.6459203


>> No.6459205
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unit of measurement/unit of measurement

>> No.6459237
File: 74 KB, 498x441, Where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah anime is bad

>> No.6459258
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Post higher quality, faggot.

>> No.6459311

I'm buying in now. Inb4 >buy high. This fucker's got room to grow.

>> No.6459535
File: 248 KB, 1100x700, 1515465390334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesss yesssssss, BUY BUY BUY
i'm about to sell my 1 million NEO in one hour from now

>> No.6459640


>> No.6459742

now you could buy here if you wern't a pussy

>> No.6459921

Enjoy it getting listed to binance, them disabling deposits/withdraws like kucoin and the exact same dump will happen. Anyone with a brain will sell now and buy post binance dump

>> No.6459935

I woke up just in time to sell the top, thinking of buying back in, 10000 sats looks like the new floor?

>> No.6460555

i hate u smug pepe

>> No.6460711

for fucks sake, I bought at 15$ less than the all time high And still lost 4000 dollars. This is fucked up man im cashing out the gains I do have. I keep losing in this bear market

>> No.6460760

i bought at 164 too anon fuck. iwas thinking about buying yesterday but i thought i would wait a day and see if it would correct but it went up more and i decided to not wait this time.

>> No.6460844

the prolbem is people are selling alts in order to sell btc, crypto is bear market now, im going to cut my losses and cash out. I can always buy back in if crypto ever heats up again (it will eventually but I cant wait weeks/months)

>> No.6460870

Just wait a week and you'll be in the green by a good margin anon.

>> No.6460922

Which one of you anons is going to fall for this bull trap? kekekeke

>> No.6460976

I don't understand while people are selling when they can get free GAS.

>> No.6461093

yeah im not gonna sell ill just hold and collect gas. I just wish i had more money to buy more neo.
best of luck anon im just gonna hold mine since i dont need the money right now

>> No.6461149
File: 115 KB, 600x600, 77FD51B8-DFC1-4460-AAB1-9C5DBEFBCAE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on how much you have it may not be worth it to stake if you could be getting into something else and making more money. That being said I’ve been holding 1500 since the 10 dollar ANS days and am generating so much lovely GAS

>> No.6461426

I only have 200 and I feel lucky.

>> No.6461578

why aren't you faggots all in on qtum. Can't you see it's breaking away.

It's also a chink coin which follows NEO's trajectory.

Take a look and thank me later.

>> No.6461741

300 here. Im just gonna wait till GAS is 500bucks, then Im gonna comfortably retire at age 30 (living is cheap as fuck here)

>> No.6461939

I would say charts look like it, but volume is gay as fuck

>> No.6461964

Man I have this stack and still feel like I should have more. I bought in ATH during that initial moon in June at around 13-14. Which in the grand scheme of things is fine now but back then it crashed right back to 5-6 so I could have had 2 or 3x the amount.

But hindsight is 20/20 and you can’t get greedy. I wouldn’t have even got into it if I hadn’t made some bad trades and said fuck it and just went all in on ANS since I was sick of trading. Been holding ever since.