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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 497 KB, 2374x1150, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 7.14.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6455027 No.6455027 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is happening with LINK right now?

>> No.6455065

Price singularity

>> No.6455077

Looks like it's about to crash

>> No.6455083
File: 278 KB, 1280x1280, 2378948767896781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad singularity

>> No.6455101
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What assblaster told us.

>> No.6455111

people realise ist overpriced as shit

>> No.6455179

it has found its price its going to sit at for 15 months

>> No.6455191
File: 104 KB, 885x960, 1514701381302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d..do we have any sign of life? Did he do the suicide with two shots to the back of his head yet? Did he die for our sins?

>> No.6455198

We’re pumping. 100k group coming in shilling biz over the next 10 hours. Screen cap

>> No.6455335


bump. Was he actually ousted?

>> No.6455382


does this mean


i sure hope not. I'd like to think some great karma is headed his way

>> No.6455388

>what is market manipulation
you linkies are truly retarded

>> No.6455449

huge news tomorrow, people are accumulating

>> No.6455514


"As the investor dumps the stock onto the market, the price will naturally begin to nosedive. Other investors might panic so now they begin to unload the stock as well. As a result, the price continues to fall.

At some point, the institutional investor decides that it's time to jump back in and it begins an aggressive buying program. Soon other investors notice that the price is rising again, and they also begin to buy. This also pushes the price up higher."

so its going to go up some. then we get dumped on? or it goes to uranus?

>> No.6455545

He did a post some days ago, he fucked up, he put a ticket of a dinner in Belgium with /biz/ written in it, and our autists friends calculated who he was. Apparently his twitter was doxxed and is no longer a public profile.

>> No.6455594
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1515304710126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. Hence the worry, retard. He got justed, BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6455598

i literally just watched a few thousand sell walls pop up

>> No.6455704

literlly not a single move as I watch the trades. Not a single trade is happening

lol wtf is this

>> No.6455868

clearly the singularity approaching

>> No.6455897
File: 28 KB, 619x453, IMG_8495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is chainlink kill

>> No.6455898

MY FELLOW LINK MARINES ARE NOT FUCKING SELLING, is what AssBlaster warned us about

>> No.6455914

on eth pairing you can literally wipe the entire sell side of the book with $20k

>> No.6455928

what happens then?

>> No.6455994

Funny that's not what it looks like to me you lying cuck. Looks like Linkies are about to get decimated.

>> No.6456002
File: 48 KB, 1387x565, ETH btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It's ETH/LINK
2. Zoom out

>> No.6456008

Then you put in a sell order at 10btc for 1 link.

>> No.6456022

Pluto is the limit

ETH pair was exactly like OP pic some minutes ago

>> No.6456045
File: 196 KB, 1914x781, Temp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6456061

Assblaster is a stupid larper

>> No.6456138

nice photoshop dude, fix the prices on the axis next time faggot

>> No.6456140

>knows he's been found out
>immediatly tells his companies to drop chainlink out of spite
>/biz/ single handedly crashes their own light of hope for themselves

>> No.6456164


>> No.6456207

We didn't deserve him, he was too nice to be true

>> No.6456215
File: 52 KB, 1383x613, BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk wtf I just said, but that pic ain't legit

>> No.6456365
File: 48 KB, 1024x962, 0F133597147344F79BF14A97A87D4D61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We didn't deserve him, he was too nice to be true
I miss Assblaster, he was rich and handsome, a good guy, now he hates me because some stupid anon

>> No.6456446

Assblaster Died for our sins, but worry not, he will resurrect.

>> No.6456466
File: 366 KB, 1080x1080, 1515893517218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


c u on teh m00n fag8s

>> No.6456498

I'd like to think he knew the autists of 4 chan would do what they did. And that he's watching right now. smiling with a cigar and a glass of whiskey.

I don't blame him if he never trips again.

>> No.6456524

dont sell, lmao the volume of btc on binance is so low now. people are holding on like fckin goldddd

>> No.6456529
File: 255 KB, 1918x831, t11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show the whole screen you fucking scammer.

>> No.6456550


so in theory if someone had 25k to throw at link right now, we'd all take off into Andromeda?

>> No.6456589

nice try. again...

you know we all have binance and can see zoomed out right? Eric.

>> No.6456638

just check,if someone buys 30k we will reach 8

>> No.6456650

I never said I wasn't zoomed out fag.

>> No.6456679
File: 62 KB, 800x377, 1515813115977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AB wasn't doxxed, he basically outed himself.

AB posted a picture of himself (face blocked) on /biz/ and mentioned he worked in Brussels in the insurance industry. He then went on to post in the ChainLink slack (under his real name) mentioning that his company would be testing ChainLink. People looked him up (due to the comments on Slack) and he was a guy who worked for an insurance company in Brussels and just so happened to look like AB.

4chan really wasn't that nefarious with this one.

>> No.6456692
File: 47 KB, 1920x1080, 1515958831166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about BTC or ETH pair?

>> No.6456703

He wasn't assblaster

>> No.6456710

@Creatine on twitter isn't our guy Ass Blaster
unless he's super smart at LARPing

>> No.6456711

nvm checked again, sellwall got bigger

>> No.6456714

LINK holders formed a resistence, only 1.6% of the circulating supply was traded in the last 24h. It's going to fall, but it will take longer than expected

>> No.6456954

Do you think there's any realistic chance of Binance delisting LINK due to having such low volume?

>> No.6457124

It's simple

The digits are converging

>> No.6457156


People do have that much to blow on link; you can see the buy walls, but they aren't dumb enough to just market buy 25k.

>> No.6457165

since the start of this thread, the sell walls have now become the giants.

one final attempt to shake us down?

>> No.6457177


>> No.6457181
File: 819 KB, 3840x1080, 1515963915045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my comment just trigger that massive dump?

>> No.6457243

They've never done that, and it would go agaisnt their interests.

>> No.6457304


but it looks like its gong down again

i've been taking photos of the buy walls
there was one for 7,777 @ .00073064
32,443 @ .00073063
3,284 @ .0007300
26,041 @ .00072701
41,937 @ .00072700
15,740 @ .00072675

it looks like they all pulled out and went to the sell side.

the buy walls were huge. a group is def trying to shake it up

>> No.6457317

Are there bots or what? I'm seeing buy/sell walls apear and vanish in seconds wtf

>> No.6457345

Everyone is HODLing. Only retards sell now.

>> No.6457372

Would it be dumb if I liquidate some of my other positions to get some more cheaper link now.

>> No.6457508
File: 360 KB, 700x1790, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 9.20.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck are you watching that? Are you retarded?

>> No.6457591

I don't know. but I am 100% in Link. And I'm tired of oatmeal.

These buy orders can be cancelled at any moment from what I understand. Could just be a final bluff. I imagine if someone buys some serious volume right now the enemy will take notice.

Then hopefully their greed kicks in.

Up to you though anon

>> No.6457736

Relax pink ID

the tables just turned out of nowhere

>> No.6457848

Oatmeal bro, I'm probably about to liquidate $20,000ish in other coins for link.

What would happen?

>> No.6457974

I'm completely relaxed with my 60K LINK.

>> No.6457999

I'm honestly not sure now that the sell wall is so large. It's been hovering hard at .00073062 - I was repeating out loud that while cooking my dinner. it's slightly lower now.

>> No.6458149

I have 185 link, will I make it?
>captcha: Bruxelles beech

>> No.6458178

Ha aaaaaaaa Link BTFO back to 7.1k sato

>> No.6458200

Don't eat Quaker oats. There was supposedly a class action suit against them for carcinogens in the oats

>> No.6458268


You've got to be kidding me.

>> No.6458305

Well I just put in another £200 in to it so it's likely crashing to zero.

>> No.6458353

Dump my Link?

>> No.6458487
File: 178 KB, 1244x765, link projected growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever planned on selling you don't deserve LINK
I've hodl'd through losing hundreds on this coin and rn I'm up ~$400
It'll get better, especially since no real news has caused this minor price drop

>> No.6458505


>> No.6458584

So two whales are in a standoff?

>> No.6458588
File: 102 KB, 564x675, 1509493498161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard market manipulations, aquire LINK and believe in the use case

>> No.6458783
File: 246 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180114-195126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't. Google search.

My 1st cousin died from the ones that was found in Roundup.

>> No.6458788

>go all in on link
>have to live frugally while I wait for return
>oats and 100g chicken a day, water only
>1 time a week I have some milk
>link still hasn't mooned
>nothing but oats for months
>start to feel bad, having really terrible stomach pains and blood in my poop, maybe malnourished?
>go to doctor
>"Sorry, you have colon cancer. It was those Quaker oats you were eating. Do you have health insurance?"
>no, I'm american
>"Well do you have some savings? Chemotherapy is expensive without insurance."
>n-no...I'm waiting for my link to moon....any day now...
>"Sorry we can't help you. Security, show this man out."
>as I am hauled out of the office I notice the doctor open his blockfolio with a sneer
>its okay hes only got a small 3 figure blockfolio
>oh, its the total amount in bitcoin measurement
>w-wait! what do you think about link??
>security throws me out
>he takes his phone out and checks HIS blockfolio
>ETH/DOGE 50/50 split, 6 figures usd
>"get lost, stinky linkie"
>oatcancer riddled bowels loosen and bloody diarrhea floods down my legs

>> No.6458835



>> No.6458849

Top kek

>> No.6458920
File: 488 KB, 500x667, link beat it chick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6458941

I unironically eat Quaker oats every morning.

>> No.6458975

what does that image show other than a fuckhuge buy wall?

>> No.6459014
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1515431322757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459016


Oatmeal with frozen fruit, greek yogurt and honey is actually quite a luxurious meal, without even adding in possibilities of nuts and seeds. People are just trenchbrains of they don't understand that some of the most frugal meals are also some of the healthiest/most nutritious.

>> No.6459092

the jews are still poisoning you with mercury in your canned tuna. your efforts are for naught.

>> No.6459145

Any whales out there? Feel free to break down walls.

>> No.6459185

12k LINK sergeant major here, about to fomo and liquidate some of my other holdings to increase my link stack, i need 20-30k to feel comfy ;/

>> No.6459225
File: 241 KB, 508x469, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS40Y2RuLm9yZy9iLzE0OTQwMzg5NjQ0ODAucG5nIn0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459283

>tfw increased my stack by 20% these past 2 days because of the price drop
pls keep this wave going 1 more month so i can reach an even 100k

>> No.6459346

How do I find out what kind of taxes I'm gonna need to pay if link moons hard? I can't imagine that any boomer financial advisors near me know anything about crypto

>> No.6459384

Fuck, 73k sell wall.

Fuck off whales

>> No.6459391

My plan is to cash out and hope the tax man doesn't notice. If he does I'll pay him when he comes.

>> No.6459394

Price is about to spike hard is what's about to happen.

>> No.6459422

What are some healthy meals? Preferrably things I can throw in a slowcooker. I've basically been fasting because I dont know what to cook and heat out too much still...

Gonna cook a sweet potato now actually

>> No.6459427


Sure. Post about it in an internet board where other crypto tax avoiders hang out. Surely nothing bad will be coming your way.

>> No.6459446

So basically just keep 30-40% of your gains free/saved so that you can pay if you're ever audited?

>> No.6459461

is that damn CUP handle happening or not /biz

>> No.6459487

K will do.

>> No.6459490


look up slow cooker chicken or pork recipes

you can get really cheap pork cuts like shoulder or flank and toss it in the slow cooker for the day, with some veggies and other stuff

very cheap and great, combine it with some rice and there you go

can and did eat it all day every day for years back in the military, saving thousands of dollars a year compared to retards spending $30 on food every day

>> No.6459634

It is. It will take a few days tho.

>> No.6459645

you can make 3000 calories of balanced nutrition a day in a slow cooker for like $5

take your 2500 and put 500 in some Tupperware as a snack for the next day, or a treat for your dog (you have a dog right?)

its the perfect cryptobunker device, provided you don't mind leaving your cave to buy pork, beans, rice and veggies at the market

>> No.6459647

hahaha. did you hoard mre's and eat them in the mansion while everyone else was out drinking?

>> No.6459678

Learn how to make crock pot borsht with potatoes in there for carbs. Absolutely delicious and filling, very cheap.

I'm a big fan of chili as a crock pot meal, but burger can be expensive sometimes. Maybe a chicken-based chili for penny pinchers?

When on a budget, do not overlook beef and chicken stock in soups/stews/broths. There are cheap ways to get this. My wife knows the supermarket near us that sells big bags of chicken feet for dirt cheap-- those chicken feet are gross but they make the absolute best chicken stock for the money. Ox tail also works, or neck bones.

>> No.6459703

why do you even want to be wealthy. you're perfectly content subsisting like a rodent.

>> No.6459751
File: 21 KB, 228x320, 1511141106168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be an idiot. Hold for over a year to pay long term capital gains tax (cheaper). Hire a tax guy if you dont know how to pay it and talk to them, theyll help you out. Otherwise youll be fined and penaltied plus interest plus tax bill.

>> No.6459781

my sides

>> No.6459789

But how to find a tax guy who knows what the fuck to do with crypto gains?

>> No.6459799


Thanks anons, will do this and get the ingredients tomorrow with an early start

>> No.6459852

God speed and bon appetite. Crock pot life for the win

>> No.6459853

Cointracker.info. print that out and give it to a CPA.

>> No.6459889


What's you problem, shitstain? Why are you personally offended that somebody else on the internet prepares delicious and also cheap food for themselves?

If you can beat 3 great meals a day for 15 minute prep time, by all means, enlighten me. Sorry you still piss away hundreds of dollars a month on garbage, maybe someday you will learn the value and pride that comes with being able to do things yourself, and do them well.

>> No.6459890


>> No.6459908
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>> No.6459928

Interesting, thanks

>> No.6459951

correct. you belong in a dumpster.

>> No.6460012

That's what I'll do if the meme magic pays off and this is $100 eoy 2020.

>> No.6460191


Oh, you're a millennial that doesn't know how to cook. I forgot for a second that this upcoming generation is completely clueless in basic human fundamentals.

But wait, let me guess: you think spending an hour waiting for shitskins to make you contaminated food in a feces covered, filthy kitchen, is a 'privilege' of being wealthy.

You do you, man. Enjoy your minority-microwaved tendies.

>> No.6460369

Fucking roasted

>> No.6460406


>> No.6460442
File: 32 KB, 370x370, 1468069149354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woman detected

get out of biz child

>> No.6460512

he fucking slow cooked him/her

>> No.6460636
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>> No.6460849

Listen up you faggots, you could add hundreds of more dollars to your crypto stack a month (which could turn into tens of thousands of dollars if you are smart), by preparing your own food. THIS ADVICE WILL NET YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A YEAR.

Pretending to be money obsessed while also having wasteful habits like eating out all the time is contrary to your goals of getting enough fuck-you-money to do whatever you want, for the rest of your life.

>but I've already got X amount of money from crypto :P!

Great, so how about you diversify using your savings from food and protect your investment in the case your stack gets raped by bad news or some market bullshit? Would you rather have the memory of a big mac, or a stack of coins that could 10 x?

>I dont wannnnnaaa cook it takes too long!

Wrong. In almost every case, it is faster to prepare and cook your own meals than it is to go to a resto and dick around. OR order delivery and wait.

>I'm so laaaaazyyy

well okay, this one is legit, but getting into your car or walking to a cafe is still effort, using a crock pot is probably even easier than driving to mcdonalds, and all you have to do is just buy some shit at the store and put it in during the morning

>I'm a belligerent millennial fuckstain child that had helicopter parents and I refuse to learn how to do anything for myself!

sorry, you can't be fixed unless you experience serious emotional or physical trauma in your life, pray it happens to you so you can become a real human being instead of an NPC

TAKE MY ADVICE AND MAKE MORE MONEY. or don't, whatever. It's your life. Being able to cook also gets you chicks, and lets you keep them.

>> No.6460969

The more I think about what will happen if I suddenly become new-money rich, the more I think about classical western philosophy and what it means to be a good person.

Great power --> great responsibility is a meme but it's a true meme. Wealth makes people and breaks people depending on their foundation or lack thereof.

>> No.6461091

Shit story, oats are healthy.

>> No.6461134
File: 1.24 MB, 911x675, 1476009172505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive written down some yalls recipes to search, and already have cream of chicken and mushroom I havent used and some spices. Figure I should learn to cook outside of chicken breasts if I'm gonna be living that frugal life. We're all gonna make it

No more falling for the eating out leaf.

>> No.6461158
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>> No.6461205

Lazy nigs who find cooking too hard to keep doing. Find recipes that involve throwing meat and vegetables into a big pot.

Bolognese sauce is literally the easiest shit to make and you can portion it off and freeze it, just don't buy shit mince.

>> No.6461233

>this upcoming generation

Gen Z here. Please don't group us in with the faggot millenials.

>> No.6461239


>oats contaminated with cancer causing glyphosate

pick 1


There are tons of recipes out there bro. If it ever starts to feel stale you can mix it up a ton. Enjoy the health gains and the wallet gains.

>> No.6461281

serious wall of virgin wobblys

>> No.6461302

the old wesley snipes maneuver. nice. worked out well for him.

>> No.6461304


Breakfast: steel cut oats, Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, honey. Seeds/nuts if you can get them for good prices.

Lunch: you can prepare four servings of a rice/veg/protein dish in a large pan in about 30 minutes.

Responsibility is literally the only thing an admirable and virtuous man can hope to live for and fulfill.

>> No.6461422
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We have a stoic here

>> No.6461540

Link threads has become breeding grounds for animal feed discussion.

Truly S T I N K Y

>> No.6461592

LINK has been super weird the last day or so, most definitely.

Massive, massive buy and sell walls being set up.

>> No.6461608
File: 3.21 MB, 625x7465, NjXJ8V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a tip, from a lazy millenial, skipping breakfast and doing 16:8 intermittent fasting, where you eat all of your caloric consumption between noon and 8pm


It works wonders for people that would rather sleep in before work, and has loads of health benefits. Humans didnt really evolve to eat 3-5 times a day, just 2 times big league

>> No.6461650


>> No.6461665
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>> No.6461683

Also dont use soy sauce, complement with cheap madiran red wine and bull testicles

>> No.6461750
File: 39 KB, 700x525, Julian Assange Keep Fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just say... I am truely honored, and a little confused, to be living in this bizzarro timline with a bunch of weaponized autists like (you) all, who can elect a president of the united states, and then get rich off tips by a guy named ASSBLASTER.

>> No.6461767


>> No.6461786


I usually eat 2 meals a day. Eating oats outside of morning seems weird but it isn't really.

I'm not really needing to do is to though. I can barely keep on weight regardless if I am cramming calories for weight lifting. 3.5k cals a day only gives me a few lbs of weight per month in my experience

>> No.6461794

Could not agree more. So grateful to be here in this timeline. Enjoying it while I can.

>> No.6461852

because its pasta retard

>> No.6461936

/biz/ autists doxxed the guy who was advising companies to buy link.
How stupid can you get? Did you guys want link to crash?

>> No.6461980


Whale here, I typically accumulate at 15% below market price. My bot configuration check prices at 5 minute intervals and adjust my order accordingly. When those orders stop getting filled, it will let the price run and start selling at +20% profits with a wall at 25% to attempt to keep the price down. If I have to manually dump 100k to keep the price within my target, it is still adventagous to do so.

Coins like LINK are beauty’s because I know the price won’t fluctuate too much until any further announcements so I can single handedly control the market in that Binance holds a minority’s of the trading volume.

I can tell LINKIES have weak hands because I don’t need to work too hard to keep the price under $1.25. If nobody sold, I couldn’t accumulate, so, stay weak linkies.

>> No.6462034


>> No.6462168


>> No.6462382

why are you so interested in a pajeet scam coin from an African hut building forum?

>> No.6462393


I am just barely a millennial and I feel truly bad for the ones a few years younger than me. The tranny/lgbt shit hit them hard and they pretty much are all worthless when it comes to having any kind of self-agency

>> No.6462404

does anyone have a link to the sxsw talk? i'd like to get a ticket.

>> No.6462447


pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6462489

Are you trying to prevent the formation of cute traps for us to have?
Let them transition. It'll be beautiful

>> No.6462537


I’ve been doing this for 3 years now, I don’t give a shit about any crypto project, this is just a means to make money without working too hard and I’m pretty good at it too.

>> No.6462612

Doesn't mean it's not funny you nigger

>> No.6462683

I see that shit too and it hurts pretty bad desu


>> No.6462744

>runs a bot
>"I'm good at this"

You're not getting any of my links

>> No.6463257
File: 18 KB, 395x387, po20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can tell LINKIES have weak hands because I don’t need to work too hard to keep the price under $1.25. If nobody sold, I couldn’t accumulate, so, stay weak linkies.
You're trading with/against other bots you god damn moron.

>> No.6463484

So if I wanted to learn about letting the computer trade for me, where's a good place to start learning?

>> No.6463626

I hate you but can't blame you

>> No.6463814

the API of your fucking exchange? You probably shouldn't try if you have to ask about such shit... good luck paying some shekkels for a bot that will secretly steal all your linkies :D

>> No.6464125

>secretly steal all your linkies

fucckk spectre/meltdown made me buy a trezor

>> No.6464528
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>> No.6465028

Thanks for the help.
Have fun watching sub dollar link.

>> No.6465834

>minority microwaved

Go back to pol you moron lmao like white hands microwaving the food makes it any better lmfao how fuckin insecure can you be

>> No.6465927

no no she's correct, my white hands make the finest of microwaved dinners. you wouldn't understand, subhuman. shh shhhh.

>> No.6466018


Well, bots don’t “trade for you”. I configure my bot to make trades automatically based on guidelines that I set. If you don’t have a lot of coin to begin with a bot won’t do anything for you.