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File: 207 KB, 625x680, Guaranteed ROI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6454453 No.6454453 [Reply] [Original]

> INB4 ponzi FUD's

Is anyone else actually hoping to use their item collection to loot some sick dungeons?

There's gonna be crafting and other crap, can't wait to laugh at wagecucks while I loot dungeons and make the equivalent of a month of their slaving having the time of my life. It's like adventuring is gonna be a real life profession.

>> No.6454865
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1510004411425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like adventuring is gonna be a real life profession.
Imagine when they ask you what are you doing to maintain your $1M mansion, your lambo, your constant vacations, and your beautiful japanese bride, and you let them know that you bought early into ethcraft and now you play an rpg everyday to sustain yourself. Poor wagecucks, imagine their face.

>> No.6454953
File: 95 KB, 524x350, magesbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah people are all in on these loot boxes but im sitting /comfy/ on the mage masher and stone skin neck

going to make so much more in the game than on the ponzi

>> No.6454961

I was thinking of make money on this but I'm getting addicted and I wanna play the game to use this shit, i'm crazy

>> No.6455082

I have no idea why this hasn't been done sooner, imagine all the fucks that wasted thousands of hours on WoW. Once you tell people like that they can make money playing games it's gonna explode.

If this game gets known on reddit it's gonna go parabolic, far more interesting idea than a shitty cryptokitty/ethermon ripoffs.

>> No.6455134

Seriously, with Etherdelta and 0x exchanges this shit is going to be huge, all the nerds who shop will buy from us, or maybe I'll get addicted too and I'll play this shit

>> No.6455145

Might buy a cheap castle or chateu in France to fully live through my EtherCraft gains once it takes off, this is just the beginning.

>> No.6455238

Why is my shit not going through? I've given plenty of gas da fuck. I need that merchant's hat before it doubles in price

>> No.6455275

Was thinking the same thing. The opportunity for an incentive while playing a game is insane.

This game has PERMADEATH! What else do I need to say to sway you into buying.

Maybe the fact they have their own game token that can be mined and exchanged for ETH

Or maybe the fact that it’s only 9 hours old and you still have time to get in

>> No.6455310

Spent 0.465 on this already. Will I actually make money? Also should I stock up on free items?

>> No.6455317

I woke up in a new pepe hat

>> No.6455411

the free shit isn't free
you need gas
fucking scam

>> No.6455421
File: 751 KB, 480x270, 7347857348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the schlomo sheckelberger set
>buy the amulet
>buy the mage thing
>buy excalibur
>buy the pepe hat
Now you are an unstoppable machine for dungeon crawling and gold accumulating. Of course assuming the game works as intended.

>> No.6455441
File: 8 KB, 203x249, my future profession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you can mine the gold token as well?

Holy shit I could become a real life black smith magic item merchant, using my mighty GPU's to make gold and buy and sell legendary items to adventurers.

The dream is real.

>> No.6455446

this smells like a big fat scam

>> No.6455457
File: 264 KB, 1404x1004, 7E6DF5B0-73B3-4466-9DCE-80B27085409D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can’t afford the gas prices then get the fuck out of crypto now.

>> No.6455508

Do some research before you start fudding, please. This is one of the only games where you can make money while playing. Mining their own erc20 game token. It’s stilll early so you don’t need to shell out your fomo fud yet my G

>> No.6455510
File: 112 KB, 683x930, 1515536737112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I've got some heavy bags I am holding. Namely DBC and ENJ. Gonna be a while till I can cash out those, and I'm sure as fuck not selling at a loss

>> No.6455561

what were u the first person to get in on this? no one else seeing these kind of returns

>> No.6455615


>If the game ever comes out, it will be one of the only games where you can make money while playing.

you guys are shelling out eth for items on a game that doesn't exist yet lol

>> No.6455639
File: 65 KB, 736x733, 1514932230791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fucks that wasted thousands of hours on WoW. Once you tell people like that they can make money playing games it's gonna explode.
To be honest, you could do it selling gold.
The only problem was the amount of chinese bots that made gold very very cheap, so at the end if you wanted to make some decent money by yourself without cheating, you needed to literally farm 8 -12 hours a day like a retard. And add to the bot problem the fact that blizzard bans you for selling it.
So yeah, if you get rid of those 2 problems, autistic people that like to play games could make decent money.

>> No.6455707

Join their discord and you’ll get a lil more insight on what’s to come. We are still very early in this. By this time, Etheremon were $2-3k. Ethercraft items can be had for free and also better ones starting at .0001 eth. Worth taking a lot.

>> No.6455716
File: 40 KB, 830x405, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very comfy with this, bought in with 1 ETH already making gains

>> No.6455751

No need to create fud, it’s still early. You didn’t miss out just yet. Usually those who hate the most are the ones who missed out. You still have time

>> No.6455759

why the fuck are you censoring your wallet lmao, afraid someone will send you free ETH?

>> No.6455767

How to build a successful dapp game:
1. Begin accepting payments for items
2. Think about actually making a game
3. Decide better of it and retire to tropical island

>> No.6455771
File: 203 KB, 474x444, 1514319237450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I hope the team delivers, I would love to play this shit, and I'm sure a lot of people would too.
I didn't get into cryptokitties because it seemed retarded for me, but this one is perfect.

>> No.6455812

Oh missed crucial step 1a. Shill on biz

>> No.6455832
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, C252D004-8ED4-4EC4-97DE-C91F804F3C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I’ll make it biz. One of my ethertanks costed 4x more than all of this combined.

>> No.6455836

You could also boost people in arena for pretty decent money.

>> No.6455865

How are people getting these items initially?
I'm trying to get in on this shit and I got at least half an ETH to put in

>> No.6455888

>sideways phone photo instead of screenshot
you have literally 0 hope, suicide immediately

>> No.6455921
File: 130 KB, 1280x768, Ethercraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you want FUD? I've got FUD
>Eth payout varies from .001, .005 and .0001 randomly
>You can't verify that the values are increasing due to purchases and not due to an algorithm set up by the creator
>No one has been able to cash out in the last two hours
Is that good enough for you? You faggots don't even shill this bullshit well. Are there any development pictures aside from this screenshot?

>> No.6455958

Lmao come on man I’m on my phone rn. I swear I’m better than that

>> No.6455978

>Hey guys let's make a scam game that requires us to make entirely original contract code, that also gives us no control over minting products, as well as making a complicated UI that updates in realtime, and to top off the real money winner on our scam lets provide free items that in the long run will cost us money to implement.

Have fun getting JUST'd while I slay monsters and smith weapons for a living

>> No.6456028

3 hats left before it doubles, oh boy.

>> No.6456033


>> No.6456079

I got my money.
Y U Salty Dawg

>> No.6456113

been withdrawing fine here, and why the salt it's not like it's too late to get in?

>> No.6456125

Too much shilling itt.

>> No.6456188
File: 13 KB, 554x205, fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting, I'll take the risk since is just the first day and pretty early IMO.

I like the updates on Medium so far, pretty decent.

This one specifically addresses some FUD: https://medium.com/@ethercraft/ethercraft-questions-concerns-afd425382616

I cashed out 0.045ETH, nothing special but I was trying just to see if it worked, and it did.

Not saying that it will work forever but it did worked for me, you can see other people's withdrawals here:


Don't take my word for it, last one was 35 secs ago, and you can see several successful withdrawals.

>> No.6456192
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, DTbGtFWW4AE7k98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam by the same Singapore pajeet who did the etheremon scam. Expect an exit scam and no gameplay.

>> No.6456217

And all from down-syndrome redditors in a discord, too. I hope you all get cleaned.

>> No.6456906

what good are those free items? will they sell out so you can trade them later or what?

>> No.6456974

It's for using in the dungeons when the gameplay is available, also you can deconstruct them and use the materials for crafting, good idea if you plan in getting ahead.

>> No.6457007

Buy the enchanted hat. It increases the amount of gold you find when you play the game. Gold is exchangeable for Ether. It's obviously going to sell well.

>> No.6457330

>does no research
>feels as if they missed the boat
>is butthurt
>fuds to try to ruin the game to make themselves feel better

There’s been so many people trying to help 4chan out by telling them about this. People have already 3x’d there investment.

It’s. Just. Getting. Started.

If you don’t like it then go play another blockchain game that pays you to mine their own erc20
Game token.

>> No.6457403


Fuckin pussy lmao

>> No.6457474

I'm actually hyped for the game if it does come out, sounds fun

>> No.6457518

Have they mentioned any sort of time scale for release?

>> No.6457593

What the fuck is this? How is this supposed to make you money?

>> No.6457775

not that I'm aware of

>> No.6457782

don't expect anything until after valentine's day, when the current items for sale are no longer available

>> No.6457788

This is the new wave of blockchain games

- mineable erc20 token used in the gameplay
- permadeath
- rpg

Which means you can mine and battle and make their token which can be exchanged for eth. Also you buy items and the more inventory that is purchased after you, then you get a portion from their purchase.

Some may call it a ponzi which isn’t completely accurate being that they have an actual product and they have the means to pay every holder.

Idk if you heard of cryptokitties or ethertanks but this is basically version 2.0. Do some more research if you’re interested, or you can ask me through here and I’ll try my best to help

>> No.6458016

While not really a ponzi, it's definitely a pyramid scheme if you only focus on the fact that there are items you can buy that generate returns when other people buy them.

>> No.6458024
File: 10 KB, 1239x82, dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUD when its first day
>dev literally in discord right now

literally free money

>> No.6458079

where can I get the discord?

>> No.6458121

nevermind, I found it.
At the bottom.

>> No.6458130

https://discord gg/UJhXdM

get more people in here, let's keep this community active

>> No.6458318

Question: Can I sell items for the price they are worth? For instance, the gloves were worth 0.05, now they are worth 0.1, would I be able to bank on that?

>> No.6458372

They're gonna add selling/auctioning to the front-end eventually, but right now since each item is it's own ERC20 token you can pretty much start selling them on EtherDelta if you find a buyer. There was a guy here that had a rare loot crate up already.

>> No.6458431

Awesome, thanks

>> No.6458591
File: 52 KB, 472x294, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 8.48.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda neat that you can see the item on etherscan

>> No.6458715

How can we see the tokens on etherdelta?

>> No.6458798

Here's the page for merchants hat:


but I'm not sure how to find the contract addresses of items I don't own, which would be necessary to verify that links like this aren't scams. Can someone chime in on that?

>> No.6458799

Metal stuff can be broken down and used for crafting, grab the freebies and cheap ones while you can

>> No.6458856

url format is:

https://etherdelta.com/#[contract address for token]-ETH

ex. uncommon loot box is


rare loot box:


>> No.6458946

a roundabout way is using their internal txn address here


and clicking on txn hashes which link to a page that has contract address for some item. to find a specific item obvs is not efficient though.

>> No.6459083

click the picture of the item on the item page and it will copy the contract address to your clipboard. paste that into etherscan and look for "object" address — that's the token address

>> No.6459137

Do any of you people think this game is actually going to be made? how stupid do you actually have to be to think that?

>> No.6459175

nice, thanks anon

>> No.6459218

Seems pointlessly negative bro

>> No.6459257

Jesus christ. I just realized im going to need a sword because i actually want to play the game... god damnit now i have to buy in late

>> No.6459271

is it pointless if you're putting hundreds of dollars into it and receiving no return?

>> No.6459289

so are you implying you're butthurt?

>> No.6459309

>there are people who think they will use passive income generating items in a permadeath game.

>> No.6459316

i made my initial investment back and am eagerly awaiting the main game release with all my armor. Stay butthurt on the sidelines while I'm grinding away for crypto.

>> No.6459330

You gain 0.001 ETH per buy, yet with 191 sold you have 2.887 ETH?

>> No.6459336

you aren't late anon, prices only increase for items that sell 175 or more, swords are all still at initial price

>> No.6459344

you can buy multiple

>> No.6459365

They will add crafting as part of the next update, hoard some free items and when the time comes deconstruct them, you could probably make something half decent.

>> No.6459478

yeah he probably dumped 5 ETH no way he paid back by now.

>> No.6459491

I currently have 0.027 ETH on Etherdelta I want to use to cover gas prices for the free items as I have all my money tied up in altcoins. Purchasing ETH from coinbase will take a week minimum to arrive.

Anyone know if it's possible to transfer over from ED, or does that GAS price pretty much kill me?

>> No.6459495

you just have to buy in early, it's simple

>> No.6459516

Some people want to stay anonymous you nigger.

>> No.6459556

It’s a permadeath game but if you die, you lose the weapon but still keep your passive income. If you did research you would know that. Stop fudding, faggot.

>> No.6459563

I cashed out my initial investment 1.5 hrs. ago. Please go kys.

>> No.6459585

transfer from ED to metamask should work. good luck and god speed anon

>> No.6459596

People own multiples of each.

>> No.6459601

Thanks anon.

>> No.6459696

This is going to be bigger than RuneScape!

>> No.6459725
File: 386 KB, 459x593, 1473352573104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, if every crypto to crypto transaction is a taxable event, and you use crypto to buy items that count as crypto, but you can never cash out those items, how can the IRS legally tax you for it?

>> No.6459736
File: 76 KB, 1049x581, etherscancorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a heads up, this does not work. The address you get for corn is


but the address needed to trade corn (listed by the dev here https://medium.com/@ethercraft/ethercraft-questions-concerns-afd425382616)) is


The address you get by clicking the item appears to be the creator address for that token.

To get the actual address, you have to go to etherscan, look up that creator address, and look at the 'object' variable it seems.

>> No.6459778

oh wait I'm dumb and didnt read, woops

>> No.6459844

Imagine how succesful one of these “games” would be if they actually had a playable game before releasing it.. So many people would play even if its the biggest peice of shit just to try blockchain gaming

>> No.6459875

when is crafting going to be released?

>> No.6459917

If i'm buying can I set gas to the lowest since it will just take a little longer but doesn't matter?

>> No.6460014

Good question. Can is set the gas price to 1 for cashing out?

>> No.6460015

You can import your wallet to MetaMask and change the tx fee from there.

If you're going to get the freebies you can easily set 5 gwei tx w/ ~120000 gas limit I did it and it was fine.

Going to hodl until crafting, of course, if you want to get any other item it's better to increase the tx fee to ~15-20 gwei.

I'll maybe try even lower tx fees just to see if it goes through, I know that with 4gwei and 60000 gas limit it didn't. But it doesn't hurt experimenting

Good luck.

>> No.6460046

to the extent that you think people won't buy in the time between your higher and lower gas price i guess - one purchase can make up the difference. gas prices are also pretty low right now.

>> No.6460052

So is there a special token or coin here or do you just send over ETh for virtual crap hoping to sell it for more ETh?

>> No.6460088

I withdraw with 5 gwei and it went fine. It depends on the gas limit you put.

The first one I did with 60000 gas limit didn’t went through so I had to increase it to 120000.

>> No.6460120
File: 7 KB, 251x201, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is stopping me from just setting the GWEI to 1 and gas limit to 21K?

lets say you wanna buy the free items and minimize costs. Why wouldn't I do this?

>> No.6460151

All the items that you buy will appear in your wallet as an ERC20 Ethereum Token.

So technically you can trade them whethever you want if you have a buyer.

>> No.6460209

So if you die in this game do you lose all your shit? If so I don't really want to play

>> No.6460233

Link to discord?

>> No.6460235

Lmao... I really want to buy in, but some one please explain to me how this doesn't make you un-easy that you basically buy the item and every subsequent item you make a profit... something doesn't add up here anons. I'm not trying to be negative.

>> No.6460239

you lose only equipped items

>> No.6460240

Its like eve-online and path of exile hardcore. Its a good thing to have an item sink. Because it will keep people playing.

>> No.6460243

Nothing is stopping you from trying, if it doesn't get though then you'll have to increase it.

Mine was higher than 1 Gwei and it didn’t go through until I increased the gas limit though. But again, you can try.

>> No.6460302


Yeah, like playing Minecraft but having to rebuy a $40 copy of the game every time you die! Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to sink countless money into this????

>> No.6460313
File: 245 KB, 1465x1209, 1486019292848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't it eventually go through after a few days though? How do you increase gas limit while it's already processing the transaction. Sorry for brainlet question

>> No.6460380

It's like a version of Minecraft where you buy it every time you die, but playing nets you money that could buy the game 10 times

>> No.6460393

just keep buying you cunt!

>> No.6460437

yeah and if you colelct gold in minecraft you could actually cash out. How awesoem is that?

>> No.6460471

No problem anon, there's nothing wrong in having your doubts.

I recommend reading the Medium posts, it's actually a pretty ambicious project.


You'll only lose what you have equipped, and it will be 'dropped on the floor' so other users can get your items or even yourself. i.e you can find others people items that died before you on the floor and the other way around.

There's also a potion that gives you an extra life.

>> No.6460530

ENJ bags? when tf did you buy? kek

t.ICO holder with mithril hands

>> No.6460624

Some transactions get rejected, with the message that you ran out of gas (this is why gas limit is important). So if you don't set sufficient gas for your transaction it will get rejected and it will never go through.

You can see if your transaction was rejected on EtherScan pretty easily.

On MetaMask there's also the option to cancel and send a new transaction with higher limits in case the current tx is taking too long.

>> No.6460673

Here's the problem.... It's technically illegal under the securities law in the US due to holding the loot boxes for instances and getting a return. Not sure how to proceed, US fag here

>> No.6460715

you're all retarded

>> No.6460724

Not be a faggot?

>> No.6460731

surprised to hear anyone speaking ill of ENJ

>> No.6460735

How the FUCK are they supposed to know? You stupid filthy faggot nigger.

>> No.6460739
File: 91 KB, 1000x800, 1471459939651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thanks for the info, so I will just be refunded the eth that was rejected and can replace my purchase is that correct?

Thanks for replying

>> No.6460816

Well lets say i'm not trying to cheat my taxes, where would this ether come from ... it's not that easy of a problem to get around. Unless you got the answers.

>> No.6460832

technically its no real return. Since you dont get fiat, you get magical internet money. lel.

Or maybe you should do the only smart thing and not play it like you guys are also not allowed to take part in ICOs while the rest of the world is getting filthy rich.

>> No.6460838

these necklaces were told by devs to be meta, buy them up before the price 10xs:


>> No.6460839


Right, everything in it will just keep going up in value forever!!!
Just like those stupid kitties, they are worth hundreds now, right?

>> No.6460852

The amount you get is fixed, while the price of the item keeps going up. Over time this becomes less of a ponzi and more of actually investing in the future value of the item itself, because it stops being as lucrative to buy in strictly for the dividends.

For this reason I think it's somewhat likely the devs are legit, if they wanted people to keep buying in out of greed they wouldn't have designed it this way.

>> No.6460878
File: 48 KB, 640x601, DMTf3-mWkAAFgBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of the ether

>> No.6460892

how are burgers even doing there taxes when playing slot machines in las vegas?

>> No.6460901

What do you mean

>> No.6461060
File: 51 KB, 1138x471, alrightfuckimin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright biz... I'm fuckin in.

>> No.6461067

cash out once you're done with the game and buy Monero or some shit? I refuse to see what the hell you're getting at

>> No.6461101

Be careful there.


"When a transaction has an out of gas exception, the balance is returned to the sending account BUT you do lose the transaction fee."

Gas exception returns funds to sending account minus the transaction fee.

Use this tool https://ethgasstation.info

>> No.6461218
File: 7 KB, 199x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, I'll use a normal amount of gas/GWEI then and just get the transaction done

>> No.6461313

I remember reading something about this way back, check out tax laws for Airdrops/Hard forks and stuff like that, it must be similar.

I know the Australian laws but it's probably different over there.

>> No.6461439

guys lifes so hard im so depressed i cant get hired anywhere i cant even afford to play ethercraft me and my family are so poor now and my dad has cancer i just want something to work for me but not even ethercraft fucking works im sick of strolls out on the town handing in applications and resumes and coming home and applying to more jobs fuck i fucking hate life FUCK

>> No.6461462
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 1471569689731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting it from the game

>> No.6461569

>Some random loot shit that can be cobbled together in a day
>Boy this deserves my money!

>> No.6461618

If I was a blockchain dev I'd make an RPG running on blockchain.

>> No.6461659

Send the ETH off to binance. Buy some Monero and send that to a brand new ETH address. How the fuck are the IRS niggers supposed to know you were playing ethercraft?

>> No.6461857

I just bought an excalibur........

>> No.6461994

How are you fags gonna run dungeons without your knickers?

> only 68 sold

what are you doing anons?

>> No.6462038

>custom solidity token minting contracts with earnings
>cobblerd together in a day

>> No.6462046
File: 19 KB, 179x199, pepstoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recycled my earnings into this.
>consumed after one use

>> No.6462098

Why does it matter if they know can't you just pay them the taxes in capital gains if you sell?

>Buy one legendary loot crate at 0.343 ETH
>Price goes to 0.5 eth
>Earned 0.157 ETH
>Pay taxes on your CGT

Why can't someone just do this?

>> No.6462105

poorfag here, how many items do you need for a decent return? I only managed to get a single uncommon crate.

>> No.6462117

you have to get the ones with single digit sales, when they go viral you make a ton

>> No.6462237
File: 128 KB, 515x501, tempic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6462323

The first guy was talking about things being illegal due to the securities law in the USA.

>> No.6462342

Is there anywhere I can read about the actual gameplay this is going to provide? Can't find shit by googling.

>> No.6462380

Wouldn't be be currently purchasing the items as a personal use asset? Then as time progresses and the ERC20 token is released he sells the asset how would this ever been seen as bad?

if Runescape made gold sellable without banning players back to the game itself would the IRS have a problem with this?

>> No.6462394

>send monero to eth address

>> No.6462441


>> No.6462474


>> No.6462485

If just everyone buts Merchants Enchanted hat we can make a chain for easy gains.

>> No.6462549

i meant buy ETH with it and send that to a different address. its just condensed.

>> No.6462567

Thanks guys

>> No.6462603

this. i threw some in. well see ha ha

>> No.6462613

this is the new bitcorn. they will stop selling pep's token after Feb 14th. it will be the most sought after and valuable item for hardcore dungeoners that do not want to lose their 1337 gear from dying.

>> No.6462623
File: 29 KB, 1055x217, sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting ready for real biz i'm sold.

>> No.6462653

>10 backpacks.
This guy isn't fucking around and is ready to run some dungeons.

>> No.6462665

>Japanese wife

God you weeaboos are so fucking cringe

>> No.6462741

Is it possible to actually open your gift bag?

>> No.6462768

when I withdrawal it does an internal contract transaction, doesnt send to personal wallet howdo i get my gains?

>> No.6462790

the tokens are showing up in my ETH wallett...different token for each item in the inventory. cool concept actually...lol

>> No.6462797

It's funny that that same argument can be made for any ICO.

>> No.6462883

just bought myself a pair of knickers, this shit is amazing

>> No.6462887

lel no

>> No.6462890

not yet, but when they implement crafting which they said is at the top of the list

>> No.6462905

Literally almost every crypto right now, nothing in this retarded market has a working product.
And the founders are just fucking escorts inside a lambo in a tropical island.

>> No.6462912


the one true hat

>> No.6462939

i literally pulled my initial investment out of this game and am just taking pure profits at this point. How does that make you feel, nigger?

>> No.6462948
File: 62 KB, 832x690, 1511990908505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun getting JUST'd while I slay monsters and smith weapons for a living
Literally living the dream...

>> No.6462958


>> No.6462960

It will probably be the most popular item for people who want to play the game since it increases gold by 5%

>> No.6462974

Can't say for certain reasons.

>> No.6462978
File: 233 KB, 1892x912, Inventory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually defending the game you fag, read my other posts. This is my inventory.

>> No.6462985


same, .003 profit in 7hrs.

>> No.6463012

damn. im jealous of that inventory you filthy fuck

>> No.6463022

I've pulled over 1 ETH out but recycled it all into more items. We've not even gotten started yet

>> No.6463040

just watch. you will get a little something everyday. tell your boss to drink bleach

>> No.6463042

It's not normal for an inventory to cost this much.

>> No.6463079

Is the frog hat worth it?

>> No.6463087

You can get an entire leather set almost for "free", the only cost is for transfering inside the eth network, which would be around 10-15 usd?

>> No.6463133

Do we know if you'll be able to sell non-enchanted items in the future?

>> No.6463144

Is there actual gameplay or just item Ponzi?

>> No.6463183


just ponzi right now, supposedly game later.

>> No.6463241

https://medium com/@ethercraft/ethercraft-questions-concerns-afd425382616

>> No.6463289

I keep trying to sumbit for an item, but nothing happens?

>> No.6463294
File: 8 KB, 560x158, ethercraftinv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.452 ETH in 8.5 hours ago. At about 0.355 ETH generated total. Able to cash out my initial investment soon.

>> No.6463302

I made a list of etherdelta urls where you can trade this shit, feel free to verify that these are correct:


>> No.6463327

im somewhat jealous you have 3 uncommon's. I only have 2 myself. That third one would really do wonders. Oh well, I know for the next game that comes out.

>> No.6463382

you'd better be recycling that shit, anon
I humbly suggest a pair of merchant's enchanted knickers

>> No.6463398

What a joke

Good luck guys. Probably too late by now for anybody who knows it's a scam to make money.

>> No.6463407

I'm gonna stream this and lose 6000 dollars dying on stream, it'll be lit

>> No.6463416

I have 1 uncommon and it's not performing that well, it's like my 2nd worst performing item. What's the big deal about it?

>> No.6463420

i saw it for .1 ETH, but didnt buy because it was such a meme item.

hours later.. see it for .25 ETH, bought in because it was such a meme item.

>> No.6463485

>mfw frog hat outperforms LINK

>> No.6463559
File: 13 KB, 846x293, bad_boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

>> No.6463585

i'm still holding ven bags

>> No.6463642


not without based top hat

>> No.6463651

It's the highest selling item. If you got in early when they were cheap you've made good profit on them. I've made 0.123 eth off my 3 uncommons

>> No.6463653


>> No.6463731

How do you get the red $ symbol on your inventory items?

>> No.6463752

>4 frogs
You're going to make it based off of that alone you lucky fuck.

>> No.6463805

They have to be enchanted items I believe

>> No.6463818

get someone else to buy the item. now shoo and shill this ponzi

>> No.6463869
File: 44 KB, 709x765, 1504764476602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sprawling mansion
>Luxury car
>Busty asian bride
>Play an RPG to sustain your wealth
>Die and lose your character
>Fortune comes crashing down
>House foreclosed
>Wife leaves you
>Declare bankruptcy
>Final image in your eyes is the barrel of the gun

>> No.6463877

I can't seem to buy an enchanted item, i have enough funds but it keeps asking me to deposit more ETH... i've tried every item around 0.1 or 0.05 ETH

>> No.6463978

Your gas price high enough?

>> No.6463988

>he didn't buy pep's token

>> No.6464155
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 1494455837933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464323
File: 44 KB, 1163x781, Ethercraft Items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not shown is the complete jolly set, two stone amulets, 10 health potions, and the Mage Mincer

Am I set? Got the merchant set when it was under 10 sold for each.

>> No.6464389

how did you generate this?

>> No.6464398

im a jealous fuck who doesn't want other people to make money. fuck you

>> No.6464417

will pep's token be the most valuable item in game?

>> No.6464453

why play this game when crypto trading itself is a game? GTFO of here

>> No.6464468

Just go to your MEW address you've been using to purchase items in the game, and go to the token explorer. They're all seperate tokens.

>> No.6464487

Found the guy who didn't get in right away and is making passive income while taking a poo.

>> No.6464509

That's an interesting idea. It could be very very valuable, specially for wealthy people that don't want to lose their equipment.

>> No.6464557

I'm not sure if you can actually mine it like other cryptos. I think how it works is that going into dungeons is the equivalent of mining the token. The dev in discord said that gold would be distributed later on, and by successfully getting your character through dungeons they get a portion of the total gold out there.

It's why having the le happy merchant set is so valuable.

>> No.6464570

imagine diablo, but you couldn't hack gold or items. everything will be on the blockchain and will be transparent. when you cannot hack or "dupe" money out of thin air, then the gold and item's in game will not be devalued.

>> No.6464602

>bringing your entire set into the dungeon with you.
Can't wait till a bunch of fuckers on here start crying because they lost their entire set while a nigger in free leather comes along and picks it all up.

>> No.6464608

Please help out a fellow /biz/raeli and send me any item so I can get started,I have no money


>> No.6464634

So real

>> No.6464635

they deserve to lose their expensive gear knowing all that could of been stopped if they just had pep's token.

>> No.6464645

Yeah i've been trying high gas price and no change, all my transactions get stuck on pending then fail/rejected or still pending

>> No.6464682
File: 294 KB, 1066x857, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this /biz/'s item?

>> No.6464683

This. People will start to get cocky and think they don't need Pep's token. Well, a time will come where they wished they had one.

>> No.6464686

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with the ethereum network again, it's taken 30 minutes to buy a fucking hat with 35Gwei price REEEEEEEE

>> No.6464741
File: 42 KB, 500x667, 5c82fa64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464773

make sure you do not have any pending transaction. i noticed once i cancelled my 8+ pending transaction and re-did them 1-2 at a time instead, then my transactions finally started going through.

>> No.6464871

shouldn't we just stock up on the free loot crates? they aren't in the store so they seem like a possible limited-time item that might have the best chance at OK loot for free

>> No.6464920

Whats the best way to cancel all the transactions?
I think that must be causing my problem

>> No.6464968

Dunno how you can stock up when you're only offered one

>> No.6465041

You can get as many as you want, I just haven't bothered because of fees rn

>> No.6465044

You can stock up on them

>> No.6465095

plz give me any free item, I have no ETH


>> No.6465465

Stone Skin amulets are about to double in price

>> No.6465519
File: 621 KB, 1148x2048, 1474450653138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was excited before I realized it was a Minecraft clone.

I thought this was going to be a clone from an old strategy rpg.
I genuinely don't think I want to play minecraft.

That being said, a game is the best way I could think of to iterate on a product that incentivizes use with coin. Whereas you can easily cheat a blogging system or a streaming one, a game is the only thing that's actually skill based.

Seems like a big project too. I thought it'd be something simpler.

Any release window on this?

>> No.6465538

go fuck yourself begging streetshitter

>> No.6465637
File: 686 KB, 1080x1070, youwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merchant set is all you need to be comfy.

>> No.6465713
File: 7 KB, 1060x102, ethercraftfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy the pepe stone or something else? spending up to 0.5 more eth before I go to bed, shill me your item with a reason

>> No.6465764

Top hat for optimal tipping

>> No.6465794


>I hate everything about that girl

>> No.6465844
File: 418 KB, 450x450, shlomo9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full merchant set checking in

>> No.6465878
File: 305 KB, 1254x895, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grab the bag cause its cozy and will hodl ur items

>> No.6465900

>muh knickers

1) b/c lowest buys of the 0.1 eth merchant set
2) b/c cover your shame.

>> No.6465935

seems like she'd be insufferable but I'd love those thighs wrapped around my face

>> No.6465956

>literally buying bags

i'm not sure its the right way anon

>> No.6466030

do it for the memes

>> No.6466087
File: 102 KB, 761x761, Skywug_Skycoin_Lucky_Draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is my rpg