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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6454540 No.6454540 [Reply] [Original]


There’s now 6 of us in 6 Whale Groups.


Currently ELIX at KuCoin is being pump and dumped. Target $2 so don’t be burned. Be wise and SELL.


>> No.6454601

gods work anon. Can I have a link to their discord? I am dedicated to ruining these guys pnds too

>> No.6454622
File: 2 KB, 125x121, supbitch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make a telegram for this shit /biz/? We need infiltrators in these whale groups.

/biz/..lets make this..

/biz/... ASSEMBLE

>> No.6454643

I've made money off that group, they're not even bad.

>> No.6454708

Great idea, anon

>> No.6454713
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die. I will come for you.

>> No.6454719

Aww I wish I was in them so I could taste their salt from failing to PND.
I remember them getting no btfo last night when they tried to pump VEN and vechain twitter tweeted and they patted the self on the back.

>> No.6454775

you are a fucking asshat, these people arent trying to dump afterward, they are trying to break the whale manipulation patterns.

>> No.6454814

yep elixir to the moooon

>> No.6454956

OP must be a salty fuck that missed this mission as well. Enjoy the bear market faggot.

>> No.6454958
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not a pnd, and also not whales

>> No.6454960

This isn't a pump and dump group, it's a pump and hodl group. They pick decent coins, the whale pumps until it organically catches and everyone wins. There are no price targets, they are actively discouraged. Stay poor.

>> No.6454981



>> No.6455007

Can anyone please make a telegram/discord group of this? I really would like to join

>> No.6455010

how to join this group? give link

>> No.6455028

lol, bunch of faggots on both sides
i bet all of you niggers sweep floors for money

>> No.6455075

Spotted the Ripple bag holder. So because you lost your coins.. other people can't make money?

Also, 6 of you? Hahaha you're ful of shit.

>> No.6455132 [DELETED] 
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So many getting upset.

No batmen or children here. Just doing our job.

>> No.6455133
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>> No.6455137
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Beware the whale catchers. Just fucking lol.

>> No.6455165

invites are closed right now but keep an eye out for shinobi on here. it's his group and he is a good goy, helped out poor bizlets by pumping dbc a bit with some whale group he knows before everything turned to shit. very transparent

>> No.6455203

> getting upset
>laughing about OP being faggot

Yup, upset AF.

>> No.6455225

What's the name of the discord server?

>> No.6455228

are these the same whales that were gonna pump ven to 10 last night?
fuckin larpers

>> No.6455248
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>> No.6455272

We called under it because of leaks what did it end up hitting again?

>> No.6455278

It's closed.

Pushed it to 8. Then we got leaked on and a whale sabotaged the pump.

>> No.6455291

sorry friend im not op

>> No.6455306
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>> No.6455325

OP is literally retarded

>> No.6455380
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lol OP stay poor nocoiner

>> No.6455389
File: 39 KB, 615x409, A41E0B77-26D7-4685-93A9-F05AD77DD38E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful, he is experienced whale catcher

>> No.6455404

Where ever there are whales we will catch them for it is our code. The half dozen chosen few.

>teleports behind you

>"nothin personal kid"

>> No.6455406

this is the shittiest volume ive ever seen for a 'pump'

>> No.6455480
File: 135 KB, 627x614, ss+(2018-01-09+at+02.40.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost as if its all just a bunch of nohtingburger FUD

>> No.6455494


Is this satire? I straight up felt a chill of existential horror creep over when I imagined six losers sitting in front of their pc all day/night staring at a discord, waiting to take screenshots and upload them to /biz/.

Clearly, you have a lot going on in your lives. Thank goodness you make time to help out the little people with these vigilante missions.

>> No.6455518

how they gonna dump a coin traded so thing? what is there end game? who is the whale catcher and is he a complete or half a fag?

>> No.6455531

I lurk in this group. Most of them including the """"leadership"""" are very dumb, very poor, and have been bleeding constantly in 2018.

They tried to pump and hold dent.
They tried to pump dbc three days after it was alread pnd'd and all lost money.
They organized a "shill and then dump" ven event with all of 30 people, yesterday.

Its so pathetic that it has moved past being sad, to being completely hilarious.

>> No.6455549

We don't want it to skyrocket cause then weak hands panic sell. We are going for a steady natural growth, which in turn will be more profit for all.

>> No.6455554

Share evidence of planned dump. Literally any evidence. Or expose yourself as a pajeet

>> No.6455568
File: 332 KB, 550x300, Neet whale-watcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize how cringe you are?
I've asked before, and you failed to supply... Give me proof that the discord has EVER advised a dump after the pump. I'm still waiting. Not going to lie, I do enjoy watching the memes roll in about #whalecatchers tho.

>> No.6455583

You're clueless. Go back to trading Ripple.

>> No.6455604
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I gotcha man, I'm just having fun cause this thread is retarded


>> No.6455645

So I'm looking for netflix recommendations while getting money, any suggestions ?

>> No.6455650
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>> No.6455652

It’s not coming because we have never coordinated a dump. Doesn’t matter tho, we’ll keep tending to our candles.

>> No.6455660

Let me say it again. This group instructed its members to dump Ven yesterday. Before the tobacco announcement.

Those are your discord shills, /biz/.

>> No.6455673

Tfw in an actual shark group.. we kill whales every day
and we don't leak accumulation info so we can get gains from a quick pump, fucking pajeets

>> No.6455718
File: 15 KB, 750x150, F5409ADC-FFA9-4B12-8709-16F73140FAC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obvious WhaleBro

You buy up the chosen coin with you’re selected side kicks, say the word, everyone buys up whilst you sit there chilling with Netflix and DUMPS your bag - Shitting on your group.

Does nobody realise how these things work? There’s only one winner. The rest are pawns.


>> No.6455738
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The cringe is too much. Instead of trading coins you guys sit on discord waiting to screen cap shit and post them to /biz/? How heavy are your bags man.

>> No.6455745

Still waiting on proof of dump instructions... I mean, come on, you are in the Discord, correct? Just fucking SS it already faggot.

>> No.6455770

Bro I'm just in a mermaid group and all we do is shill our useless coins to crab investors. How do I find that Nemo money?

>> No.6455781


My portfolio is larger than everybody in your dumb little group combined. Including "whale"bro, who is not even a whale and is larping.

I try to throw you retards crumbs occassionaly, but you persist in following bad advice and engaging in stupid, poorly planned projects.

Keep it up, Im just here for the keks.

>> No.6455809

there are thousands of dbc bagholders on biz, one just literally committed suicide, check his thread. nice work.

>> No.6455816
File: 2 KB, 112x87, 1515899304682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post proof

>> No.6455818


Lol, keep going faggot. I can't wait for you to delete more posts that prove you are an incompetent nigger.

>> No.6455845


>No proof
>calls himself a 'whale hunter'
>screenshots of people in a discord recommending coins to each other

Is this seriously all you have?

>> No.6455864

this is not a pump and dump group. they pump and hodl. do some research before spreafing these kinds of news. why are you so against this group? they wants to make you rich but you wanna stay
poor. how stupid and childlish you are. for others out there, dont listen to this poor kid. he's trying to drag all of you all to same level as him. you wanna be successful, just do the opposite what this poor guy is doing.

>> No.6455889

Don't bother. He has no proof or he would have posted it by now. He has even deleted his posts, because he knows it goes against his argument.

>> No.6455907

nice damage control

>> No.6455917

You couldn't come up with a better name?

>> No.6455948


>> No.6455952
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>> No.6456001



>> No.6456039

I will add that you are hardly unique. There are dozens of these little shitbird groups who think they have the power to influence anything, and follow the instructions of one or two whales who are merely using them as their personal dumpster.

>> No.6456103

>biz user infiltrates biz group to let biz know what biz group is pumping.

Show us a screenshot from the actual whale chat and not general.

>> No.6456110
File: 1.61 MB, 946x1268, 1514023184078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize if you spent 1/10 the effort you do being disillusioned with your stupidity you could have 4x your money this week? Fucking comped.

>> No.6456154


While everything's tanking you made x4? Awesome. Good for you.

>> No.6456193
File: 164 KB, 750x1196, F6DBF8D3-731C-4B9A-AC30-F57B21CB25EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ve been posting proof for days in other threads and leaking.

Proof as it happens.

They are certainly not happy about leaks.

>> No.6456197

Only shitcoins tanked.

>> No.6456237

why is that discord full of niggers?

>> No.6456256

If i had a way to get you into the actual whale chat, how much could you offer me?

>> No.6456268

Everything tanked retards. Because Dinocoin is shitting the bed. Jesus Christ, don't people see how they are correlated or what?

>> No.6456269

Fuck me the leaks probably help these retards. Thats how ineffective they are.

>> No.6456283
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>> No.6456300

proof of what? That people get in discords and team up to maximize profits? OH MAN YOU'RE SUCH A VIGILANTE. Everybody does this you faggot. You think these idiots tanked the market with their oh so powerful discord channel? You're retarded.

>> No.6456341


No....only shitcoins tanked. Real projects with good teams and a useful product remained stable and only lost a tiny bit, if anything. Projects like that already bounced back.

While your shitcoins remain abandoned.

>> No.6456349


Can confirm. Upper "level" member of the group now and it's disgusting how much this group shits on it's members while trying to egg them on and always blaming "other whales."

Mystery dumps always come and no ofc it's not whalebro and friends dumping their bags on the pajeets...it's an evil whale! Whalebros bro he couldn't do that to us!

Disgusting human beings all of them

Newfags if u like money avoid shinobi and co. Like the plague

>> No.6456353

yo I for one appreciate what you're doing, the rest of the posts are discord niggers mad that their shit got leaked

>> No.6456370


Bullshit. Almost anything was in the red - the only thing that actually made decent gains was NEO. And that for sure didn't go x4. More like x1.5.

>> No.6456408


>maximise profits
>increased size of their dbc bags while their whale cashed out
>sold their ven after a 10% bump from a twitter hint, while patting themselves on the back for a job well done

lol nice

>> No.6456418
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>> No.6456443
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 043ECA15-9AEA-47DA-8295-FF5C5B666637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work anon

>> No.6456488


You are dumb and probably poor too. Read what I said again. Its not a tank if it doesnt lose significantly, and then recovers quickly.

This is like trying to teach monkeys algebra.

>> No.6456513

THERE WILL NEVER BE A WHALE-CATCHERS OPEN GROUP SET UP EVER. We have a discord group under a totally different name and will only ever be a selected few.

>> No.6456530
File: 73 KB, 610x841, 2D7F88A9-D9C5-443B-A3AD-4607A7A939A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are same fuckers who dumped PRL on kucoin
>they figured out way to get free ETH by abusing system and dumping good coins
>make them pay OP fuck that fucking cancer

>> No.6456554

Congrats 'whale fuckers' you posted an image of people being annoyed at you for leaking inside information of a coin. Such a great service. You dumb fucks.

>> No.6456584

Why does that look like 'That Guy With The Glasses"?

>> No.6456640

It surprises me how many people on here and in crypto online in general are from NZ. I don’t know anyone IRL that knows anything about crypto other than bitcoin exists and costs a lot

>> No.6456694

>smart people acting like retards

Got screenshot for that? 4chan is full of full blown autistics.

>> No.6456697

Bro let me join your cause I can be the double agent whale let me just go stock up on doritos and mountain dew.

>> No.6456712

You’re doing gods work, OP.

>> No.6456721

Hit me up at Whalecatcher#9691 if you want someone with access to the main whale channel to join your fold.

Double the butthurt right.

>> No.6456743

Let me in, brothers. I have been fighting the same fight alone. The malignant cancer needs to be purged. I have 300 bitcoin if it matters.

>> No.6456844
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>thinking im not serious

>> No.6456886


>he uses the white theme

>> No.6456963


Useful product. Look at fucking Cardano and Tron and how high they are listed marketcap wise.

>> No.6456991
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>> No.6457006

yo since you are an insider, did the pnd on POLL end? just yesterday gaybro was here with a post shilling it

>> No.6457064
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Last chance, hit me up on the Discord i provided


>> No.6457109
File: 107 KB, 800x600, A1A71F39-FFBB-4EA9-983B-1ADB3088D247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might be fucking around with elix. But the coin is actually legit. FUCK pnd scum

Obviously, don't buy now. But do your own research later and keep the coin on your radar. It is heavily undervalued

>> No.6457145
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>> No.6457180
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Burn all bags they know.

>> No.6457192

this is going full brazilian soap opera now

>> No.6457217 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 750x1334, 2DA3CE66-0F8F-4162-93A1-7E29BEB8F833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret!? Nothing a secret.

>> No.6457224
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>> No.6457261

Post from inside trusted chat where we actually discuss moves then twat you aren't in it or you would moron

>> No.6457274

Doing great work guys. Where can I pick up some WHALECATCHER merch?

>> No.6457275
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>> No.6457311

OFC its a mobile poster faggot
Point and laugh guys

>> No.6457347
File: 57 KB, 786x410, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not whale catcher, but why dont we post some unbiased stuff from preferably non-virgins this time, which actually highlights that the group isn't, and never has been about fucking people over but helping them

>> No.6457361
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you gonna fucking message me or what.

>> No.6457470
File: 74 KB, 978x642, Screenshot_20180114-201833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof you aren't in trusted. We told everyone in trusted we were leaking that as bait. You're a fish I'm a whale know your place.

>> No.6457483

POLL PnD starts on the 20th, so get in as early as you can if you want a discount!

>> No.6457509

just stop using kucoin and you are all safe from stupid whales ;)

>> No.6457522

Top Kek

>> No.6457538

lol fuck you cancerboi, didn't ask you

>> No.6457554
File: 116 KB, 750x1051, F2491174-8BF9-4BE4-B61A-5E44E5998911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all use mobile. On the move it’s easier!

And now posting this thread with positive? We will always show the pump and dumps.

>> No.6457577

what group is doing the PnD?

>> No.6457620

>And now posting this thread with positive?

Holy shit could you sound like more of a pajeet?

>> No.6457715

NO MORE POSTS FROM NOW ON HERE FROM THE GROUP - We will be back at some point. Probably 17th... That’s the next one.

>> No.6457745

Someone even asked you to post a single one, and you haven't posted any. Your claims are empty.

>> No.6457810
File: 290 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180114-172336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just think we arent faggot

>> No.6457839

Whats a whale these days in USD?

>> No.6457888

About tree fiddy.

>> No.6457930

10x senpai

>> No.6457937

God you cunts are retarded you just got baited again only 21 people in there and you're west coast good job brainlet.

>> No.6458109
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>> No.6458136
File: 332 KB, 600x450, 2A510A1F-869D-4BDD-B46E-560E0CA64174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6458195

Good one tubby. 21 people in the chat enjoy getting pruned.

>> No.6458203

none of these fucking "whales" are even whales too, thats the funny shit. probably no more than low 8 figures at best.

real whales dont need to desperately spam biz and reddit for pumps

>> No.6458208

Fuck you cunts. I have 12 people on the inside leaking. You're done.

>> No.6458283

You are a nigger faggot. For pumps, attention has to be gained for the coin, or else the price crashes. If others aren't buying, the price doesn't stay. That works for a pump and dump, but we don't pump and dump. We sustain.

Also, waiting for proof of dump instructions. Come on leaker, it is the least you can do.

>> No.6458288

No one gives a shit next pump is POLL on the 16th.

>> No.6458306


Hey "whale" if 8 figures is not a significant amount of money feel free to send some to me:

ETH -> 0x4033eF202b7d9845c975AB30451C050C293e2a81
BTC -> 1PqcZBbow7PL1bFPB13R6ty4CjCbAQg8K

>> No.6458314

haha fuck those whales :DDDD

On top of all this fuck Kucoin too... DBC , BNTY , DENT , KCS all controlled by whales

>> No.6458360

I bet they don't even have seven figures all together
They can't pump shit.. they get information on other pumps that are happening and claim as they own
They can't control a market
They can't do anything except act like retards

>> No.6458409

well fuck you i ahve 24 people, get on my level fag XD

>> No.6458429

hahaha, god you fucking pajeets are embarrassing. like i said, none of you are even whales. you only need to resort to spamming /biz/ and reddit because none of you have a following anywhere to market to.

the real whale groups, the ones not open to any fucking loser on 4chan already have a network of followers big enough to do their work for them. enjoy staying at the bottom rung for the rest of your life.

>> No.6458438

For pumps you do not need to attention or hype, that's a scam pnd group tactic
If you can't distribute coins evenly and set new floors you have no place calling yourself "whales"

>> No.6458453

This is next level shilling for your group.

>> No.6458459

Yea that group is full of idiots, they keep pinning on a mysterious whale dumping. Morons not realizing the poorfags think they can move the market. Whalebro is taking all there money and it's hilarious.

They should do a poll about how many people lost money in that group. It's fun watching the idiots lose all there money haha

>> No.6458471

Real whale groups don't use a horde of followers either...
That's McAfee tier shit

>> No.6458486

the butthurt posts in this thread clearly coming from all of these basement dwellers who're having the light shined on them really is something

>> No.6458525



>> No.6458547

that poll was done....and pretty much everyone is up

>> No.6458562

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE butthurtfag checking in. whalewatchers confirmed watching discord full of krill. Not whales. Good job pajeetfag

>> No.6458561

the real "whale" groups are <5 people and the majority of the "hype" created is from the hoards of people that hang on their every word.

>> No.6458718
File: 351 KB, 1049x1691, 2018-01-15-12-37-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use leverage and leave my crypto to long HODL.

Live the comfy life people.

>> No.6458878
File: 184 KB, 750x1274, A868A74C-9021-4301-9D35-2E4682B875E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectives. Information on the last few days.

>> No.6458961


doing gods work

>> No.6459026


First objective: take profits without tanking the price. Dumping is not what this is about you dumb fucks. It's about mutually beneficial actions.

Only whales you're catching are fat chicks who smell like the sea

>> No.6459056

>thinking they're actually having any effect on ven

>> No.6459133


>> No.6459201

>thinking kucoin and binance are the same

>> No.6459222

Hurting my credibility posts a pick saying don't dump the price wew lad

>> No.6459239


>6 people in 6 groups
>always posts the same group

Sure thing

>> No.6459317

Makes me famous, red maserati represent!

>> No.6459402

How do you get into these groups?

>> No.6459515

Send me 10 VEN and I'll tell you.

>> No.6459533


This one is closed because we don't like random faggots coming in and spreading FUD or being doubleniggers like this "leaker" guy who has done nothing but ruined everyone's good time.

We held a vote on a stickied channel and 95% of the people said that they had made money so I don't know what their problem is or why they spend so much time "leaking" screenshots.

Just keep an eye out. Our next move will be Poll which is an actual coin with actual substance and a low MC that has a big announcement coming up. Not even shilling

>> No.6459595

I want to join, but I'm poor.

>> No.6459733

And again, it's a PnH situation

>> No.6459748

We let poorfags participate too. Everyone makes money if we can avoid leaks dumping early they don't hurt me they hurt the little guys.

>> No.6459798


Like, I've made over 10% returns on every short pump we've had and 50% on the earlier ones before dbc/dent/poll took off. Why anyone would be this upset is a mystery to me.

>> No.6459867

>We let poorfags participate too
>Everyone makes money
As a poorfag in the group, I can confirm this. Only the impatient or the stupid would disagree.

>> No.6459913

nice going you fucking retards

>> No.6460093

I will 100% send you 10 ven if you can hook me up.

>> No.6460100
File: 70 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in what way can I join? I don't really invest in to things without reading more about it anyway but it would be nice to shorten that time know what to specifically be reading anyway.

Anonimy is my discord

>> No.6460159


You literally can't even be invited, just keep an eye on biz in the short term. It's run by a whale named shinobi so keep an eye out if you see that name and ref code


tick tock btw

>> No.6460237

Please, for the love of god, don't pump and dump ELIX again. It's a good project. Leave it the hell alone

>> No.6460280

I keep sending theses groups in tips to the fbi. Hope I'm doing it right

>> No.6460357


You say that like we didn't help bring it out of a down trend. It's up more than 20% since we first sent out the word.

>> No.6460358
File: 13 KB, 386x386, 1515899462089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not being dumped you 20 IQ nigger how many times do we have to say that the only proof that anyone says its dumped is the leaker saying that we are pnd and no other evidence despite his amazing proclivity towards taking many screens, never once actually takes one of us issuing a dump order

This whale catcher is a fucking larper and a pathetic child

>MFW the leaker doesnt even respond to this

>> No.6460460

There are no dump orders
You get shat on by a "mysterious unknown whale" and that's it

>> No.6460489

It was correcting back to support (6k sats) before going up again, likely to 25k+ sats, but instead you guys are planning to push it to $2.00 and abandon it.

This is much worse. I'm holding this thing for the next year or two minimum.

>> No.6460497

> tfw they're trying to hold it
> tfw leakers cause the dumps

>> No.6460551

I will send 1 ETH to anyone who provides evidence of the so called “dump” part of the pump and dump, where a dump call by a leader is followed by large number of transactions.

You can’t, because it’s a pump and HODL Group. Will be sittin comfy

>> No.6460553
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP please keep on doing God's work
>post daily
>let these fuckers eat their shit
>they killed IOTA, they killed XRB, they killed PRL, they killed DBC, they killed TRX
>burn that cancer with fire daily here

>> No.6460576

We did the same shit with the shill discord everyone will call you a PnD group after a couple of weeks.

>> No.6460597

nice samefag OP

>> No.6460625

I didnt believe this thread was real until i saw people with different id's all post this.

wow, whales are angry.

reminder, if a target is $2, sell at $1

>> No.6460652

>pump and hodl
Just like Chaincoin, right? That was a "pump and hold" coin too. Remember that hold?

>> No.6460750

What the hell is chaincoin? What are you even talking about?

>> No.6460791

Again, no evidence huh? Lol.

>> No.6460837

How fucking new are you newfag?

See the big fucking spike in the middle of this chart?

That's the last time we had a "pump and hodl!". A big one with many big Youtube stars telling people "pump and hodl." This shit nds in disaster literally every time. Fuck off with your bullshit nigger.

>> No.6461040

Ohhhh! Sorry, I was missing your point. If I had realized it was “one pump and HODL attempt at one shitcoin failed one time so pump and HODL can’t ever work” I would never have bothered arguing my clearly indefensible position.

>> No.6461077
File: 38 KB, 354x249, 10FA5524-672C-4666-9F24-65D7D3CF72F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6461106

Whale catchers
> not even verified on Coinbase

>> No.6461800

t. butthurt person who's group got infiltrated

>> No.6461973

How much does it cost to buy in? 10 ETH?

>> No.6462122




>> No.6462324

I'll get you in for 2 ETH


>> No.6462386

Prove that you can get me in. I don't need to be in trusted, just one for general calls.

>> No.6462433


lol im not even in the group, pajeet

>> No.6462496

I'm no Pajeet, but I will work like one to increase my folio

>> No.6462506

Grab a couple of friends
Make some fake screenshots pretending to be whales
Get your friends to pretend like they are buying their way into these groups for retarded amounts of money
Hope the rest of Biz is retarded enough to pay you money to join these alleged whale discords
Use my ref code on Kucoin retards

>> No.6462610

ELIX is dumping, guess this mission is over

>> No.6462651

Hey, I would like to join you and become a whale catcher too
please add me as a friend

>> No.6462877

don't send anyone money to get in the group you don't have to pay to get in

>> No.6462921

The thing is i Cant believe how they fall for it over and over. Most of them only hold dent, poll and dbc bags at this point, and waiting for that second "pump" it's actually pathetic i pity them. When you tell this to their face they deny it with insults. Delusional retards. Keep searching for that "evil" whale.