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6451435 No.6451435 [Reply] [Original]

this is the Community Technical Leader for ethereum. What will you do when he resets your eth? get fucked hodlers

>> No.6451695

Ya i don't trust the eth cucks. They're going to fuck everyone over when the time is right to push feminism and diversity.

>> No.6451741

its kinda a good point, lets say BCH because world currency. That means Jihan and Ver would control 95% oif the worlds money supply. If you cant see the issue with this then you are a willing cuck

>> No.6452091

fuck off commie

>> No.6452170

but its ok that 1% owns 99% of the wealth?
fuck off faggot

>> No.6452179

im nat soc you cuck, i just dont want to be ruled by 5 chinks who went all in on a shitcoin in 2011

>> No.6452230

the fucking point is that the distribution of wealth can be unequal if it comes from strength, resolve, innovation. Not being a fucking nerd that went all in on a meme

>> No.6452291

why werent you the nerd that went all in on a meme?
so the people that held amazon stocks since 1999 dont deserve the wealth either or what?
they also made a shitload of money

>> No.6452320

amazon adds something to society, gdp, etc

>> No.6452348

>people believed in a project and supported it before anyone else did
>im nat soc
You sound more like a baby bitch right now

>> No.6452368 [DELETED] 


Yeah that's great and all but an easy way to make money is this Pump discord group. They said first 1000 members get a high rank.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6452396

also do you really think roger ver and jihad wu's chinese copy of bitcoin will become a world currency?
neither will ETH vitalik is too much of a faggot to sabotage the entire program before it comes to that point
do you really think the big boys in this worlds finance will let a crypto take over the game they dont controll?
silly boy

>> No.6452416

im not crying for giving me the money, im saying that the distribution of wealth that comes from a crypto becoming the n1 currency is one that disgusts me and would be bad for whites and good for yellow jews

>> No.6452443




>> No.6452474
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>Not being a fucking nerd that went all in on a meme
But that's what Zuckerberg did.
And now we make fun of him wanting to be the first android president.

>> No.6452524

ICX is literally the only safe play these days.

>> No.6452586

This is why you shouldn't have 'leaders' for coins.

Say what you want about Bitcoins huge fees and aging tech, the whole point of it is so some commie cunt can't swipe your gains.

>> No.6452587

Satoshi was japanesse. If you don't like it - stop using asian products.

>> No.6452595

ETH is the most shilled coin I have ever seen, even when it was just proposed back in 2013.
It absolutely reeks of silicon valley and wall street trying to take over the cryptocoin scene using their hype machine and their huge influence over online social media.

>> No.6452607

Go back to pol you low iq brainlet

Christ you manchildren are imbeciles

>> No.6452630

It's a fake tweet you fucks

>> No.6452656

get the fuck out, what are you doing in crypto then? go give all your money to hobos you piece of shit.
Why is this board now filled with retarded commies? You don't realize that 4chan doesn't want your retarded reddit ideology.

>> No.6452679

They can't just "reset" it, they need to fork it to do such a thing.

>> No.6452696

well ok then i dont use twatter and didnt even know who the guy was
hes on the ETH team so it sounded legit all of them are complete morons
just look at this gupta spic guy lmao

>> No.6452802
File: 79 KB, 800x587, 1514495148072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Held ETH through thick and thin
>From $2 to $1300
>Hair is gray at the age of 28
>No need to bring sleeping bags when camping because your body can fit into the bags underneath your eyes
>Every day you risk your entire net worth on the fact that today is not the day that ETH dies either through legislation or technical faults
>Some cuck comes along and calls you lucky. Tells you your ETH needs to be redistributed

>> No.6452804


fuck off retard

>> No.6452856

Surprise, ethereum is a centralized shitcoin vitalik can (and do) fork any time he like it.

>> No.6452887

First of all kill yourself. Second of all that's why there isn't just one crypto. There are competing ones so if you don't support Jihan/core chinks/God Emperor Soy Boy Vitalik you just dump your bags. But you will never understand this and that's why the helicopters are getting ready for take off.

>> No.6452928


I am with you anon. This is our year to make it. Wish I bought more sub $100 but I am happy with my stack. I think it'll be 5k a piece sooner than we think

>> No.6453014


If vitalik releases a truly controversial hard fork, it would never gain enough traction to succeed. You clearly misunderstand decentralization if you believe vitalik can do whatever he wants to eth

>> No.6453023

I'm out of ETH. I wish it a swift death.

>> No.6453066

>What is ETC? Oh, it's actually not a fork but one original chain?

>> No.6453115

People complaining about forks are missing the point. Any 10 year old with a computer can fork Ethereum (or any decentralized crypto). The important thing is whether or not you can convince the community to support your fork. It's a natural process that lets the market vote on technical changes.

>> No.6453175


So you support the DAO hackers being able to keep a percentage of eth enough to easily manipulate the whole market? Also, do you want there to be 0 scaling solutions? Why the fuck would anyone like etc. Neck urself mate

>> No.6453195


Every innovation is a result of risk taking you fucking mong. Crypto is an innovation and it will never take off without people investing in it

>> No.6453218

Market voted against SegWit, then pro SegWit with bigger blocks, then pro segwit with small blocks. How all these people got convinced? By pools changing their signals.

>> No.6453228

if you have been that stressed it's because you didn't believe in your investment. In which case you were gambling. And got lucky.

>> No.6453254

So you support fair distributioin of your coins for people of color and strong wymens? Why you not

>> No.6453308

>Don't worry, @cassshih. Society won't tolerate this new wealth inequality.

>Why should HODL-ers be a new elite forever? It won't be allowed.

Tread carefully anons.

>> No.6453466

At least I don't see NEO pulling this shit. Then again NEO works differently. Also that cuck can go fuck himself, people took a lot of risk investing in new technology with a big chance to loose everything. But now that it works it somehow needs to be "redistributed". Fuck that.

>> No.6453498

Hmm this got me thinking.
Does anyone remember posts here showing how old Bitcoin wallets were dividing their holdings into smaller wallets?

Are they anticipating such a thing?

>> No.6453794

I always wondered if this would be a concern - it doesn't make sense that we transfer legacy issues from the current financial system to the new tech.

What if, for example, every month 1% of each wallet was redistributed amongst every wallet. Hoarded money would be redistributed across the network. Passive income for everyone. Those who generate value by selling services would be hardly affected, and anyone with giant pools of wealth would slowly lose them if they didn't generate more.

>> No.6453952

Bob Summerwill is a sick fuck. Enjoy being on the wrong end of a wealth transfer when they decide it's time to bank the unbanked. I'll be watching from NEO.

>> No.6454085

This bald cuck is trying so desperately to get laid it's sickening.

>> No.6454113

We can just ask our gov to instruct this shitty exchanges to make fair price on coins without dumps, so everyone will win. Only up or stable price.

>> No.6454354


Aka communism. Holy fuck it’s true isn’t it, blockchain isn’t the end of communism it’s the fucking beginning of communism. Fuck that I’m going all in monero this year, holy fuck. I’d literally prefer the banking elite Rothschild over this shit, I fucking hope the government crushes crypto this year.

>> No.6454492

>create a new technology
>depend on early adopters and investors to become the leader in the field
>thank them by punishing them, once you've become successful
liberal hypocrisy is disgusting

>> No.6454500

Without early adopters that put in their life savings, ETH never would have taken off and they would all be out of jobs already.

How is it any different from buying penny stocks that turned blue chip? If you bought 90% of Apple's market share as soon as they started out, would you not deserve the return on that?

The company is successful, because of you. It's reputable, because you made it reputable. It's stock is more valuable now, because of you... which you can sell at the higher value price thanks to their new found success.

Crypto coin may not follow the same financial prediction models, but this aspect of is it still true.

>> No.6454628

Damn, OG $2 bro! I'm in from $4, but my average ended up to exactly $10 due to shitty trading.

Nerves of steel now. I'm holding till at least 2500usd. But desu I expect ETH to reach 5000 this year so that's my goal.

>> No.6454631


Fuck off fucking retard.

>> No.6454635

I wonder, how these eth retards get into crypto? It's not like they support trustless permissionless electronic cash.

>> No.6454768
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, dump_it..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just liberal bullshit.
Funny how you never hear libtards say "let's pay speculators back for all their failed investments where they lost money."
If you lose money on an investment they believe you deserve it for taking the risk. Yet if you win money on the same investment they think you don't deserve it just for taking a risk.

>> No.6454831

>nat soc you cuck

>> No.6454872

Nice ad hom, faggot. Do you have a point to make?

>> No.6455012

Goddamn i hate the left more and more every day thanks to people like you. Keep it up faggot.

>> No.6455110

This guy will be fired for this tweet. Screenshot this.

>> No.6455614


>> No.6456224

So I've read the Twitter thread. Man, are they all pozzed there, even Vitalik.

Of course, the nice thing about the blockchain tech is that it plays by its own rules. If ETH decided to reset the ledger, it would never be accepted by the validating nodes under either PoW or PoS.

>> No.6456263
File: 429 KB, 1600x800, 1515880385192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a massive red flag for me. If he doesn't get reigned in I'll be ditching this shit before the 2019 tax year. How the fuck does ETH conform to the principles of crypto when tards like this are on the dev team.

>> No.6456322

You are just another kind of redistributionist.

>> No.6456355


>> No.6456404

Then why didn't you go all in on said shitcoin or create your own better shitcoin? I suppose everything is someone else's fault with you.

>> No.6456410

They control all the nodes.

>> No.6456471


Same. What is the true ancap coin then? Bcash? Monero?

>> No.6456552

>lets try communism!

>> No.6456615

This fucking double standard bullshit. They are just jealous and want free gibs while doing the "respectable" thing for the community. Wage slaving until death, fuck these communist faggots

>> No.6456658


Not worried, my eth is locked in my wallet with "sync to new ath" enabled l.

>> No.6456673

Easily exploited.

>> No.6456709


Pretty soon there will be no escape:

>cash out to buy property
>property seized by new government and land redistributed

Fuck this world, the only choice is to just hoard gold and move to Hong Kong or something. Everything else is going to get real ugly real soon.

>> No.6456802

HAHAHAHAHA has anyone posted this to leddit I wanna read the shitparty

>> No.6456826

>fucking around with a centralized shitcoin created by a gay, pedophile skeleton
Only have yourselves to blame.

>> No.6456855

Strongly doubt it government is corrupt as fuck, I see us moving towards another industrial time period with super rich and very poor. Then I see another revolution coming where we start from 0 again.

>> No.6456972

This is why I'm in Monero. Fuck all this shit.

>> No.6457129

Monero is the only place to go. Soon everyone here will fucking realize it.

>> No.6457208

Please do this. It is straightforward to interpret this as "Ethereum Project Community Technical Later predicts ETH to lose value once the technology matures."

>> No.6457355
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https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7qg5e3/why_a_community_technical_leader_for_ethereum/ someone's done it.

>> No.6457391

Maybe that guy should have all his money "reset" to $0, because why should an individual born into privilege have a leg up on a Somalian?

>> No.6457460


>> No.6457695

Its a fake tweet dummy

>> No.6457696

Technically speaking with the dollar 1% own 99%. So that's no different than now.

>> No.6457771

He should reset his scales because the fat fuck is hoarding all the calories

>> No.6457853

See >>6454631 then kindly neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.6457862

how is it a fake tweet when it's linked here?

>> No.6457959

Fuck you /biz/ now I'm spooked. Should I sell all my ETH right now?

>> No.6458003


>> No.6458062



>> No.6458163


Careful with what you say sjws are stupid enough to defend that argument seriously.

>> No.6458207

pushing fake feminism and fake diversity is what the establishment does as part of a continuous subversion effort to conquer our species, destroy the family unit and replace the nation with a global government run by satanic technocrats. sorry we keep brining it up, but it is the fate of our entire species is hanging in the balance so we're going to keep calling out the propaganda whenever we think we see it.

4chan belongs to /pol/ now just get used to it

>> No.6458224

I know, I'm using his shitty Marxist logic against him.

>> No.6458294

diversity of individuals and ideas
a world where all the races still exist and practice their cultures in their homelands rather then mixing it all together into a global monoculture. that's real diversity that the racist left wouldn't understand. meanwhile real feminists don't wear burkas in solidarity with oppression, i'm sorry, they fight to remove them.

>> No.6458393

That's what National Socialism is.

>> No.6458450

Never going to happen so it’s irrelevant.

>> No.6458483

Wow please be bait. The absolute state
>we can just ask gov to fix prices
>fake price movement is fair
No. Supply and demand determines prices. And no you can’t simply make them go up infinitely forever. Someone needs to actually buy the price and holders need to refrain from selling.

>> No.6458518

fuck off with that shill spawned larp please, you useful idiot. centralized governmetns and economies got us into this mess. you can't trust power. period.

meanwhile this bullshit about genociding over a hundred million american citizens and letting the streets run red with blood. it's sick. just fuck off with your nazi garbage.

immigration control and prosperity will lower the birth rates in minority communities to match that of whites. its not hard. but you're going to fuck all that up for a genocidal larp. just stop

>> No.6458540

And here begins the death of crypto. The feminist sjw commie faggots are gonna fucking gut it.

>> No.6458638

The whole point of crypto is it can't be controlled though. If the commies try to fuck with it, then we can all move to another crypto. XMR or something new.

>> No.6458661

Bcash is just the retarded cousin of Bitcoin. I don’t know (and don’t care that much) about the dominant ideology in the Monero team but they have consistently made reasonable choices so I feel comfortable holding it.

>> No.6458667

if he tries any of that shit he's gonna get assassinated for sure.

>> No.6458720

Snuffing out power is a futile endeavor. That is an established fact; the weak will always be dominated by the powerful. It's now a matter of power being in the right hands. Our hands.

As if the governments of today are any better, either. The people who run them have killed over a billion people throughout history.

>> No.6458736

>why should the goyim get rich and overthrow their jew masters? we need to make sure the jews stay in power so they can finally implement their global communist empire

>> No.6458944
File: 65 KB, 618x656, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he deleted it

here's another tweet


>> No.6458991

communism...... not even once anon

>> No.6459036

Someone is gonna end up putting this guy in the ground if he keeps that kind of talk up

>> No.6459093

>our hands
that's not how power works, power will NEVER be in "our hands" that's an established fact.

all you're going to do is support whatever tyrant plays lip service to your fantasies. and he will work either for himself or for the same people that run governments today,

all you;'re doing is centralizing the power, so that whoever is on top has more control. but the people on top are never good people, established fact, the people in power are always assholes.

so you decentralize the power structure. you decentralize everything so that power isn't something they can as easily control from the top down as they do now.

the foundation of the american republic bought the us over a century of time. it was corrupted into a puppet democracy with too much federal power centralization eventually, but it took a while. bring back the old ways of the founding fathers but this time seal up the loopholes that allowed corruption to seep in and end this ridiculous ideas of ammendening the constiutution, it should not be a living document, it should be the higest incorruptible law of the land. because human beings make terrible leaders, we should instead make our leader a piece of unchanging paper and decentralize everything. let the decleration of human rights be your tyrannical leader not some corruptible man.

>> No.6459099

>This is what ETHcucks support

>> No.6459131

Let's hire a hit. Monero public pool, using bounty0x. I'll set up the smart contract and when the chain link oracle detects he is dead, the payment will be done.

>> No.6459139

the rothschilds are communists, who do you think has been funding the commies all this time. communism is judaism.

>> No.6459149

>wont be allowed
by who? this guy sounds like a fucking retard. hopefully he has very little to do with ethereum in any capacity.

institutional investors clearly have no problem buying up bitcoin and ethereum today, but they're clearly avoiding coins like bch, ltc, which have 70%, 80% of coins owned by a very small number of people. it's clear they don't find the distrubtion of bitcoin and ethereum any issues at all.

>> No.6459180

SJWs infest crypto.
They will be its downfall.

>> No.6459184

Bottom line is: you are powerless and can't do anything, do you think the people in power will readily give up their spots because of their revelation? no, and if you actually try to do anything about it they will crush you like an insect

>> No.6459244

>a fucking leaf

>tfw you live in a timeline where crowdfunded cuck assinations based on blockchain is a reality

>> No.6459266

Nope still there.


also this

>And here is the funny/scary thing about the crypto-anarchists:
>They think they are revolutionary. But they aren't.

nice argument. He looks like a soyed up Chris Cantwell, maybe the feds cloned duplicates.

>> No.6459269

they have NO POWER in resetting any chain. all they can do is release a completely new network from scratch, and hope that people buy into it under their new terms.

nobody expected anything different, but that fundamentally doesn't devalue existing chains. having some fucking delusional retard think that ethereum the public network is EVER going to reset and wipe out however many trillion dollars worth of value has no place working on or near any of the ethereum developers.

>> No.6459275
File: 111 KB, 1063x601, _20180114_200734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry, the man himself has bitch slapped this soy cuck.

>> No.6459296

This is THE single most retarde thing I've ever read anywhere, in my entire life. Congratulations.

>> No.6459307

>I want to create a power vacuum

t. small government republican.

>> No.6459310


>> No.6459342

Vitalik is the very definition of counter-signaling.
Frail skeleton who seems like a fag by all accounts, but is actually an alpha motherfucker

>> No.6459353

and here we come to the heart of a reichfag, submission to authority.

meanwhile it isn't about me at all, i'm one of billions. do you think billions of people are goign to keep working for satanic technocrats that steal their children? this bubble will pop. all systems fall eventually and the systems of the elite aren't going to last, their days are numbered as awareness of who is really in power hits critical mass. the writing is on the wall, the old systems will be replaced. we're not going to play this rigged game forever. everything comes to an end

>> No.6459356

Crypto amounts to a minor annoyance, it is a tick on the bosom of society. They could always just take away our computers or throw us in gulags

>> No.6459401

actually surprising response

>> No.6459417

Neck yourself, kike. Or just wait for the day of the rope and we'll pick out your new tie for you.

>> No.6459429


Why do people support this communist garbage?

I'm heavily invested in NEO and Tezos. Right now I'm feeling more comfy than ever

>> No.6459430

fucking even vitalik the crazy liberal thinks this guy is insane.

hopefully he distances himself from him because that kind of crazy talk really does damage the image.

>> No.6459453

Clones crown completely on soy?

>> No.6459468

>you now realize realize Vitalik is going to be the one and only world emperor in ten years

>> No.6459494

tezos wont be able to dethrone ethereum, it's too far behind, same with eos. a slightly better ethereum just isn't good enough when 85%+ of all developer activity is all around ethereum. by the time there could even be any switch of technologies, a new "tezos killer" or "eos killer" will have come out and the cycle will start all over again.

>> No.6459518

I could really see this

>> No.6459525

Indeed, everything comes to an end, but neither you nor me will bear witness to the fall of this society.

>> No.6459564

really? who is throwing us in a gulag?
the military and police will turn against them and they will all be arrested for pedophillia. done deal.

sorry to smash your submission fantasies cuck, but your old world is ending. the people in charge right now are few and they are old. we outnumber them by several billion

the power vaccuum will be filled with decentralized power structures. state and local governments will rgain power from the federal governments and that power will be defended. sorry sweetie but sub time is over it's time to stand like men

>> No.6459577

What if the fundamental technology behind ETH is found to be flawed and people start dumping?
You can't just keep forking forever.

>> No.6459592

Vitalik is agreeing with the guy you brainlet faggots. He's just saying he doesn't know how it could be done.

Vitalcuck has gone on record numerous times saying that wealth and property should be redistributed.

>> No.6459604

You are like a dog barking

>> No.6459637

it's too big for them to do that though.they already created ethereum classic when they fucked up and bailed out the DAO. thankfully that shit is long gone, but everyone is now stongly against any shenanigans.

parity will never get their money back without creating a second fork, and there will never be any fucking around with money supply into the future, especially once proof of stake is released, which makes the community much more unified against attacks like that, given that it's the long term holders who are the ones that have the power to say no to a fork.

>> No.6459650

>Too far behind

On paper Tezos is far superior to Ethereum. They also have 1 billion dollars to promote themselves and nurture an ecosystem of developers. I agree that new generations of things will come out but Tezos is aiming for security over anything else

>> No.6459712

>he says with increasing nervousness and rising desperation to believe nothing will change

>> No.6459723

I left eth when KEK boi vitalik started making pro chimo posts and anti trump posts. What a fucking piece of shit.
Luckily I did way better getting into NEO at 25 and WTC at 4.90

>> No.6459730

Not if the dollar is worthless and can't pay theri brownshirts. Look at Venezuela, their cops just fuck off to other countries to beg for food. If we become the new money we will tell the muscle who is throwing who where.

>> No.6459761

where in his post is he agreeing with him? please point it out you brainless fucking ape

>> No.6459765


>> No.6459806

>he says with increasing nervousness and rising desperation to believe something will change

Things are very bad, but deluding yourself with grandiose narcissistic fantasies isn't going to accomplish anything

>> No.6459843

depends on what's wrong. forking becomes a lot simpler/cleaner with proof of stake (in theory), but even then, it would take a huge issue to have any real effect, and it would still only kick start a months-years long process of transition to another chain.

ethereum is simply too big, too entrenched for projects/networks/tokens/exchanges to just move over. and they all have a huge incentive to fix any issues that come up, instead of spending all the effort moving over.

and this is all providing that the tech is actually significantly better, along with the optics of the team themselves. if the community has no interest working with the tezos team or foundation, the tech doesnt matter much at all.

it doesnt matter if he agrees or not, he's saying it simply isn't possible, there's no mass consensus for something like that. the bald soy faggot is the one that's delusional about everyone else being as retarded as he is.

>> No.6459854

Good point

>> No.6459862

the muscle is our friends and neighbours. we are the police and the military. and we will remember that when the time comes and the boys in green and blue come to our rescue, which is what they signed up to do, to defend the people and the constitution. they did not sign up to defend satanic pedo technocrats and very few of them will

>> No.6459905

whats narcissistic about it? i'm just saying that you can't fool several billion people to play a game rigged against them forever. it has nothing to do with me, all i have to do is watch

>> No.6459912

>the power vaccuum will be filled with decentralized power structures. state and local governments will rgain power from the federal governments and that power will be defended. sorry sweetie but sub time is over it's time to stand like men

Your small local authority will get destoryed by Russia and China and any other large national government.

>> No.6459938

id be all in now if they already had their own mainnet and wallet

>> No.6459954

You're joking right? Pigs are 100% behind corporations. Texans in uniform will be putting Commifornians into FEMA camps and the other way around. If you think (((they))) don't have you by the balls and aren't pulling all the strings youre a dumbass. And (((they)))'re scared shitless of crypto

>> No.6459964

You could say the same about any big coin. You are arguing that big coins won't crash because people have too much invested in them.

>> No.6459969

What if, several BILLION different people don't have the same mindset as you? What if most of those several billion are very dumb and easily fooled? What if most of them amount to agricultural worker drones that live only to eat, sleep and drink?

>> No.6459970

1B is nothing. microsoft tried and spectacularly failed when they tried to throw money to develop on their undesirable platform.

security is important, but people forget solidity itself isn't important to ethereum, the EVM is. they could very easily switch the main language to something provably safe.

>> No.6459990
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Kys commie. Ver and Jihan took a risk. They should be fuckin rewarded if their solutions solve financial problems. Same here, I took a risk putting 10% of my bar mitzvah money into LTC at $3. I should be rewarded.

>> No.6460080

no, i'm not talking about price at all i'm talking about network effects, the single most important metric is any blockchain.

right now there's absolutely no evidence that a "better ethereum" has the capability to overtake and replace it in the mid term, and if it did, in the long term, the "better ethereums" would be victim to "better better ethereums".

>> No.6460123

bch is fundamentally worthless though. throw it in the pile with all the other clone coins like litecoin. the market is waking up on this, but it'll take the tidal wave of new clone coins coming this year to make them fully realize how worthless they all are

>> No.6460153

And you think all these big government immigrants are going to go along with that peacefully? The white population is the sole reason anyone like Rand Paul even sees political office. Only a blood revolution on racial lines would ever get you the kind of country you desire.

>> No.6460163

Jewish shill

>> No.6460177

you don't know anything about the old republic. the federal government exists ONLY to organize grand nation building projects and raise a military, those are the only powers we need to give the federal government and its the only power they had for almost a century until the corruption took hold.

tens of thousands of arrests have already been made. you dont understand the police are on our side and whats more they've already begun the arrests. the people in power kill and torture fucking children dude. nobody wants to work for them once they realize this. and the police are realizing this, better elements in the deep state are organizing against the worse parts fo the deep state. i don't have to do shit because better men then me are already on it

>> No.6460238

nobody wants to serve pedos
the truth is already out and spreading exponentially and its too late to put a bag over it. one day you'll wake up to find alll the normies acting like they knew the government was corrupt all along and all of them will be interested in whatever alternative systems offer themselves.

>> No.6460250

In that Twitter thread he brings up an interesting point about how the "Crypto Elite" replacing the current elite would just be more of the same. He even thinks that we'd be worse off with the Crypto elite coming into power.

I don't see how you get around that. I think the "elite" act the way they do because they're top of the food chain, not specifically because of where they came from or what they had to do to get there. People in power will ALWAYS protect themselves and their family from losing that power, in any way possible. The crypto-Elite would be no different, but I don't think they'd be "worse" than what we have now. It's interesting nonetheless.

>> No.6460272

>.02 shekels have been deposited to your account
Good goy.

>> No.6460352

If something comes along which is significantly better than the old thing, and then replaces it, that doesn't mean there will be another significantly better thing that will replace the new thing ad infinitum. That simply does not follow.
One thing could simply be as good as it gets for all practical purposes.

>> No.6460413

nobody likes child killers period
doesnt matter the culture or race
your race war by the way would be a perfect distraction for the elites to hide behind which is why they're constantly race baiting in the media. dont be distracted, white birth rates can be the same as the minority community birth rates just by restricting immigration from shithole countries and putting the minorities to work because the more prosperity people have the less they breed. and you know what those policies are called? populism. the only thing keeping populism down right now is this shill spawned association with nazis, hence the reason the media popularized the strawman term "alt right". so that populism could be dragged down by a murderous nazi larp. you think you're going to slaughter 150 million americans thats a good decent practical plan? fuck off

>> No.6460415
File: 79 KB, 620x500, 1515532888985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you believe in the coin that means the price will 100% always go up and you should never be stressed

>> No.6460441

I hope the helicopter ride you go on one day is paid for in bcash.

>> No.6460482
File: 66 KB, 1038x561, 1513354592967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said I still hold LTC/BTC/BCH. Went all in on ETH and XMR, haven't regretted since. This commie shit is making me want to jump ship to NEO though. I always knew vitalik had soviet tier thinking ever since the ETC fiasco. ETH is run by dictators.

>> No.6460575

wealth distribution curves all look the same, some shitcoins have curves far more steep due to premines and other scams, but you cant change any of it.

people with assets always win, people with capital always win, both allow them to get more capital. you can't change this without removing the value of capital and assets itself, and that's fundamentally impossible.

the best you can hope for is a curve that equals that of the real world, just with a different set of people on top, because that's about all the change you're ever going to get.

that's just wishful thinking though. either the market forces win out, or technology wins out over all. if it's tech, there will always be better tech. to think that something thats going to come out now, only 10 years into this entire space, will be the best thing we have is delusional.

if network effects lose out to tech (which is not happening as seen by the market today) expect a lot of churn and a big drop in valuations.

>> No.6460659
File: 40 KB, 800x726, what the actual fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resets your eth

>> No.6460764
File: 23 KB, 377x264, 1515896037393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with assets always win, people with capital always win, both allow them to get more capital. you can't change this without removing the value of capital and assets itself, and that's fundamentally impossible.
>the best you can hope for is a curve that equals that of the real world, just with a different set of people on top, because that's about all the change you're ever going to get.
>just give up goys, you can't win
This faggot.

>> No.6460797

The overwhelming majority of Africans and Hispanics already here want more government and more public spending. You're assuming everyone is like white Europeans despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, even as their quality of life improves. You're ranting garbage you read on /pol/ larping threads while ignoring the reality of the country you live in and the tough decisions that need to be made to fix it because your good vs. evil fantasy is easier on the conscience.

>> No.6460994


>> No.6461031

you want to kill over a hundred million people
that's dumb
morals and ethics aside your plan is a fucking LARP because it's not happening, so lets get that out of the way

meanwhile i'm talking about satantic technocrats running the world. nobody likes that and more and more people wake up to whats going on every day. the media is losing power. it doesn't matter how black someone is they don't want their children to be raped and blood sacrificed to satan. so they're not going to keep supporting the system.

and human birth rates lower with increased prosperity irregardless of race. everyone knows this.

the very idea of justifying genocide as a "tough decision" and this talk of "good vs evil fantasy", how eemotionally stunted are you, how arrested is your development. grow the fuck up.

and fantasy, really? evil people run the world, to defeat them would be a triumph of good over evil, there's no fantasy here, just facts.

>> No.6461223

you understand i'm arguing against what the faggot on twitter is arguing against? what do you want, some crypto communist bullshit where everyone gets an equal amount of ether? get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6461282

>neck yourself
>neck yourself

The absolute state of pol. It's beyond pathetic. You've been in this thread for over an hour just spewing vile garbage. Take a break little guy.

>> No.6461350

God I fucking hate you baby boomers. So fucking retarded. 2030 will be a good time because you will all be dead.

>> No.6461389

strawmanning me now eh? i can see i've won this debate

>> No.6461436

Cardano strat is to design their smart contract VM so that smart contract devs from ethereum literally just recompile their code to run on the cardano blockchain.

Once you realize that there is nothing unique about ether, and it is literally just a platform on which you can run code, you realize the emperor really has no clothes for any of these protocols or platforms. They are all worthless because there are no supply constraints. You can make an infinite number of cryptos, all with the exact same features as one another, because the code is open source. Hence the "network effects" around all the devs on ethereum is all a mirage. They can easily just recompile their smart contracts to run on any other smart contract platform.

I wouldn't bet all my money on a programming language becoming the only standard programming language, or a networking protocol becoming the only network protocol.

What gives these networks value? The miners? But the incentive structures of e.g. BTC are already designed to steal miner share when it doesn't have any, that's how it started.

So more protocols, all of which have equivalent feature sets -> miner share fragmentation across all protocols -> value of each protocol's token goes down -> people eventually realize all cryptos are worthless.

No dev network effects + no miner network effects -> the only network effect left is people wanting to join the ETH ponzi i.e. speculative network effect. But the reward for joining the ETH ponzi goes down as its market cap goes up, and it becomes more profitable for people to join smaller cap ponzi's, e.g. Cardano.

If someone could tell me how I'm wrong I'd actually appreciate it as I am long cryptos but am becoming disillusioned.

>> No.6461516

Your skull is too thick to even reason with. Fuck off

>> No.6461598

You can deport them or just carve up the country and exclude the southern areas from the new state. But either way you choose, you can't live alongside people who intrinsically disagree with you on the role of government and always align on racial, tribal lines against your own tribe. Those hundred million people don't agree with you and won't help you. Every time small government conservatives have reached out to them, they have struck that hand. They won't tear down the bloated American government that feeds and clothes them. You are chasing a fantasy because you don't have the balls to admit this.

>> No.6461644

any coin that copies the EVM is missing the point. writing the contract is the smallest part of the picture.using the EVM is laziness, it means they're not capable of developing their own competing solution, like the hoards of coins that fork bitcoin and run with the 10 years of legacy code that is very difficult to change.

if you see a coin that uses bitcoin's codebase, or ethereum's codebase, you know it's never going anywhere, they are clearly incapable of developing something unique, and rely on other people work, which they can never change and update themselves or they lose the compatibility. it also means they MUST stay update with ethereum throughout any changes it makes, even ones difficult or impossible for them to implement, again, if they don't they lose the one benefit copying the EVM has.

the miners don't provide the network value, if you think that you've been misinformed.

fundamentally there are going to be thousands of these clone coins, and all they do is devalue every other clone. bch is going to be one of hundreds of "bitcoins". you don't steal networking effects by copying code, and developer network effects are only a tiny piece of the puzzle.

look up the history of TCP/IP if none of this makes sense to you.

>> No.6461652

Baby boomers think the world can just all get along. They've spent their entire lives being (((educated))) by their TV and don't know any better. When they die off, this world will be a lot better. I am also going to personally make sure they are slandered to all hell in every single textbook imaginable. Even the fucking eskimos will know how cucked the baby boomers were.

>> No.6461713

the elites literally sacrificing their children to satan and you think they're gonna keep bending over like you do when they realize this? i don't know why you're so staunchly defending these people, they have no love for you.

meanwhile all those white people you say are on your side, try killing their friends and neighbours by the tens of millions and see if they're still on your side. you nazi genocide larpers are not the majority of white people and never will be. so it's a fucking

>> No.6461744

50% tezos never launches...

>> No.6461789

Holy shit are these people insane?
Just steal people's money like that?

Fucking commies.

>> No.6461793



>> No.6461813

it doesnt matter if tezos launches or not, it matters if they can keep up once it's launched, because what's in the whitepaper isn't enough

>> No.6461820

He bitchslaps him and reminds him it is the Money Skeleton who is the ideological dictator.
Then Vitalik one ups the commie talk (society is not able to establish communism so smartcontracts and mathematics will).

>> No.6461823

No, you've been spewing defeatist garbage nonstop to demoralize autists into inaction, standard Sharia blue bullshit.

>> No.6461840
File: 827 KB, 1000x559, 1512512999709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being upset that a few people control most of the wealth

If they gave this money away it would only decrease the value of the coin and raise prices you gigantic retard

Kill all socialists

>> No.6461849

you haven't read my posts at all and you're arguing with a strawman of your own invention. i'm not even a baby boomer and i'm even kind of a racist, you don't knoe me. i just dont think killing a hundred million people is a practical plan i think its evil and i dont think its going to work either. nor do i think its necessary and i've presented better solutions. you can't argue with me, i've reigned suprreme over this entire debate despite being attacked by multiple edgy reichfags

but if you want to set up a whites only area somwehere thats fine i dont care. nothing wrong with that. supposed to be a free country, go for it. just try not to kill a hundred million people thats all i ask

>> No.6461877

>expect a lot of churn and a big drop in valuations.
I do expect that.

>> No.6461894

>animal farm

Hahaha, the reading abilities of this man... Does he not realise that the book is mocking his ideology?

>> No.6461931

we have IDs here, you can see what i've posted, and that's my only post on that topic in this thread. try again.

besides, i dont really give a fuck if the poor desperate people in crypto don't ever make it, only that I do, and i have.

>> No.6461942

got his account hacked? wtf?

>> No.6461953

what does this dog shit even means? someone please explain

>> No.6462001
File: 102 KB, 620x835, vitalik-commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out pic related. Commie psy ops.

>> No.6462012

enjoy forever chasing the "next x killer" then. i'm happy sticking to what i own until something better emerges.

>> No.6462029

I don't think you understood what I said. Cardano is developing their own VM, and a compiler that takes smart contracts written for ethereum and compiles them to run on cardano's VM.

TCP/IP is the de facto standard for internet protocol, but there wasn't a monetary incentive to designing a new protocol: the guys who made TCP/IP didn't become fucking trillionaires like Vitalik et. al. Why the fuck should I use the ethereum platform when I can use cardano? Because everyone else is using it?

What is the difference between cardano / ethereum once ADA team gets the VM working? Adoption? Is that it?

And why are miners not important? Isn't the processing power of the ethereum network proportional to the number of computer mining i.e. maintaining it i.e. providing processing power to it?

Why does the ETH token have any value whatsoever if all the services running on eth network can easily run on any other network e.g. ADA's?

If you could actually explain something instead of telling me I'm misinformed I'd appreciate it.

If ETH takes over BTC because it is technologically superior, what's to stop BTC from just stealing all the ETH code and updating their network to support all ETH features? Consensus?

What's to stop a superior protocol to ETH from taking over ETH?

It just seems insane to say these tokens have any value: it's like betting the C language will be the only programming language just because everyone was using it 30 years ago. Or great you say TCP/IP is the network standard, but I wouldn't be using it if I could make more money using something better / equivalent where I have a bigger share of the pie (smaller cap token e.g. ADA), especially if they are functionally equivalent / interoperable.

t. CS degree

>> No.6462048

wow, fuck that guy
i knew he had evil eyes

>> No.6462087


>> No.6462107 [DELETED] 

Nerds shouldn't be making money holding cryptos, it's not fair. The slate needs to be wiped clean so that the right people can own most.

>> No.6462121

i really dont have the time to argue this shit because it's all been said before. you don't steal networking effects by cloning code, code is the least significant part of all of this, as can be seen quite clearly in the market today. you seem to think that tech is the be all end all of cryptocurrency, it isn't.

>> No.6462128

Lmao holy shit

He's actually fucking pissed that crypto will lead to hardcore free marketism
He's a socialist cuck through and through

>> No.6462145

also wtf "writing the contract is the smallest part of the picture"

everyone is constantly saying "eth has 30x the devs of the next biggest chain"

I'm saying they have no incentive to keep using ETH and their solutions will be able to run on other networks like ADA's, so wtf are these developer network effects everyone is talking about with ETH?

As far as I can see there are none.

>> No.6462163

Good thing I'm all in on VET

>> No.6462199


Uncompensated, informal relationships

In frequent contact with my former colleagues at the Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, but with no formal role.
>with no formal role

I don't know what 'community technical leader' is, but it appears to be some random poorfag idiot.

He's apparently in close contact with ether's development since 2016 but only owns 600eth, which explains his jealousy. I bet he had thousands but sold for scraps

>> No.6462214

God fucking damnit, I got you mixed up with this assclown >>6459356. I'm a faggot, sorry.

>> No.6462217

Creator of a revolutionary free market currency says PROPERTY is bad

Lmao holy shit

>> No.6462227

I still dont understand, what would happen in reality if this happens??

>> No.6462242

Yah right. He's basically a pig saying "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others" except the others are cucks/blacks/women.

>> No.6462317

If wealth was massively redistributed in crypto?
The value of crypto would dramatically decrease.

The fact that massive whales are holding is the reason the price is so high.
Savings is the lifeblood of the economy.

Commies and socialists need to fucking die

>> No.6462325

"all been said before"
>can't provide 1 link to supposed answer

"tech doesn't matter"
I guess that's why BTC keeps going up with it's 30$ tx fees

I thought people on this website were competent baka...

>> No.6462344

again, look up metcalfes law. they have all the incentive to build products on a network people are using, that can take advantage of being all on a singular network.

you keep using cardano as an example, and it's a great example of something that people have no desire to use, heavily premined, massively inflated price. if you were thinking of buying into it now to get a "bigger slice of the pie" the risks are so high you'll probably never make more money than if you built your product on ethereum.

there is much more money and much bigger incentives at work to keep networks expanding rather than constantly jumping to the next new piece of technology, and this is in no way limited to cryptocurrencies

>> No.6462366

>The official smart contract choice of pinko commies

Maybe the OGs ETC and BCH are the true counter culture

>> No.6462389

You are really dumbing it down, georgism is not communism.
There's no private property at all in communism, everything belongs to the state.

>> No.6462397


He never said anything about killing off other groups, you mong. You're as bad as arguing with a jew.

>> No.6462403

all of your posts are just shilling some shitcoin (cardano). if you honestly can't see why cardano has a monumental almost impossible task of displacing ethereum, then you're wasting everybody's time.

>> No.6462415

can't make this shit up

>> No.6462430

Marxist shill

>> No.6462469

its funny how the commies say "this belongs to the people" when what they really mean is "this belongs to the state". fucking incredible how easily these people are fooled with language. nothign is more authoritarian then communism.

>> No.6462477

cryptocurrency is fundamentally anti commie though

I don't understand this shit at all

>> No.6462494
File: 997 KB, 500x300, crypto-markets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD strat is to design their currency so that currency devs from other countries literally just exchange their currency to run on the USD blockchain.

Once you realize that there is nothing unique about USD, and it is literally just a platform on which you can print money, you realize the emperor really has no clothes for any of these currencies or platforms. They are all worthless because there are no supply constraints. You can make an infinite number of fiat currencies, all with the exact same features as one another, because the code is open source. Hence the "network effects" around all the devs on USD is all a mirage. They can easily just exchange their currency to run on any other fiat currency platform.

I wouldn't bet all my money on a programming language becoming the only standard programming language, or a networking protocol becoming the only network protocol.

What gives these networks value? The design of the bank notes?

So more fiat currencies, all of which have equivalent feature sets -> currency earner fragmentation across all currencies -> value of each fiat currency goes down -> people eventually realize all fiat currencies are worthless.

If someone could tell me how I'm wrong I'd actually appreciate it as I am long fiat currencies but am becoming disillusioned.

>> No.6462522

"The Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. that people already have should be trashed so that cryptos can reset and profit the right people instead of early adopters." In other words, he says that what you already own shouldn't be worth anything, because you don't deserve it.

>> No.6462536

the vast majority of nazifags on /pol/ like to talk about genocide like they're being cool and edgy. if you don't want people thinking you're into that shit, then don't call yourself a nazi.

>> No.6462557

it's the usual "god currency" argument from so many shitcoin holders. this currency does everything you could possibly want to do with a currency, we don't need anything else, everyone is going to move over and just use currency X.

>> No.6462560
File: 630 KB, 320x480, 1515801697225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These leftists hate freedom so fucking much...

>> No.6462592

effectively it would remove any incentive to actually use these currencies as a store of value, which is the entire point of moving people off of banks by these idealists.

they would just cement the idea that crypto is worse than banking for those people. sounds like some false flag op.

>> No.6462632
File: 152 KB, 500x509, 1513729362340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Commies manipulate language all of the time

How is taking wealth from the people and giving it to the state "giving it to the people"?

>> No.6462642

wow I love eth even more.

>> No.6462691
File: 32 KB, 604x346, M9lXOv6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is quite unfair that just because men entered crypto earlier than women simply due to preexisting imbalances in the STEM community, that it entitles them to a large majority of the wealth as a result of the emerging industry.

>> No.6462702

Read the twitter conversation, both him and Vitalik seem to generally agree on this, so I'm not sure how that could be considered a false flag.

>> No.6462727

Its not communism then


But yeah fuck your wealth, I'd rather watch it burn desu.

But in a practical sense the only thing stalin ever did wrong tho was nut murdering every single kulak he could with his bare hands

>> No.6462769

Just kill these people

They just want to use violence against us.
Defend yourself with any means necessary.

>> No.6462778

>capitalists who murder millions per year whine about the kill count of communism

And then I have to come in and say yeah it wasnt enough because your still here.


>> No.6462796

i don't think it is, but it sounds like a great way to permanently undermine cryptocurrencies as a means of SoV or MoE.

>> No.6462812

They can literally just buy some though. Why won't they put a couple thousand of dollars in it to help solve the inequality?

>> No.6462833
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1512514863850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But in a practical sense the only thing stalin ever did wrong tho was nut murdering every single kulak he could with his bare hands

Lol desu Stalin killed more communists than I could ever dream of.
Great guy

Honestly though communists need to have their skulls crushed.

>> No.6462889

i like how the only argument communists have left is "capitalism sucks too" like it's a one or the other choice and even if it was why would communism be better? the capitalist countries are the ones with food.

communism is submission to the state. you take the power and property from people and give it to an authoritarian governmetn and you pretend this is "power to the people" when its clearly not

>> No.6462902

Trivia Time:

How many Kulaks did stalin successfully murder?

Answer: Not enough because they were too retarded combine resources and starved.

I'll also accept "not enough" as an answer.

>when yur literally retarded.

>> No.6462911
File: 155 KB, 1079x1064, 1506630818457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statism kills millions a year and commies have the gall to beg for more statism so more people could die

Doesn't get funnier than this desu.

Communism is so fucking dead and commie manchildren are actually this mad it ain't coming back.

>> No.6462918 [DELETED] 

There's no vitalik in that twitter thread, what do you mean? He just links something that vitalik said

Vitalik has this problem that he doesn't realize he has to speak like a politician and always assume that somebody will take the worst interpretation of what he says.

>> No.6462984

Hi Styx!

>> No.6463004
File: 27 KB, 457x300, 1506273595329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> literally no argument
>actually stupid enough to be a commie when its filled with contradictions and failed every single time irl

You actually crave authority and enslavement
What a fucking cuck
Why haven't you killed yourself if you hate yourself this much?

Cryptos must really make you commies mad

>> No.6463007

Back to 're.ddit you go commie faggit

>> No.6463011

Cryptocurrency is like colonial script back in the US colonies. Only rather than having Ben Franklin and the like set the quantity of money and its value the collective bidding of anyone with a computer sets the price.

This is the evolution of money.

>> No.6463013

>capitalism kills millions and ancapistan want even less regulation so corporations can exploit us all even faster

muh invisible hand muh freeeee market

>> No.6463043

Im cuban lad, we managed to fend off Americucks for decades.

Also cool memes from a pedophile enabler.

Why do ancaps love pedophelia so much?

>> No.6463057


There's no such thing as a nazi anymore, faggot, just some kids that are inspired by what they tried to create in comparison to the shithole that is the modern day West - it's the main reference they have for something that seems healthy. They'll eventually realize that we can take some of the things the NS did right and create an even better ideology. But the jews, communism, liberal democracies, and international finance won the war. I'm not a nazi, but I think it's possibly one of the world's greatest travesties they lost, and there's a lot to learn from their beliefs.

And if you think there's a peaceful solution to the mess we're in, I don't know what to say to you. It seems incredibly naive to me. There's too many people at this point, and too much of a growing divide for there to be anything other than some blood baths.

>> No.6463089


Capitalism is great as long as you take out the predatory, nation-destroying aspects of it. Communism is just a failure all around. But agreed that modern capitalism is cancer.

>> No.6463091


> having to come to /biz/ to have a real /pol/ conversation
Oy vey. Guess there are so many shekels floating around this board that the shills get too distracted to do their job. kek

>> No.6463125
File: 121 KB, 1500x844, 1514574754505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know we should reduce this economic freedom even further
> fuck free markets, I want everyone to starve

People in countries with the highest economic freedom(highest levels of pure capitalism) have very low poverty rates. People in counties with the lowest levels of capitalism usually suffer and starve.
You see no correlation here?

Why are you people so fucking dumb desu?
Like holy shit just kill yourself already

>> No.6463145

1 post by this ID

>> No.6463150


>> No.6463180

> I'm Cuban
Lmao it's extremely rare that you even have internet, you lying larper
Cuba is a shithole that everyone tries to escape lol

>> No.6463235

i agree completely
aside from the blood bath part, the only blood will be ours when the elite throw a tantrum that we've started moving to parallel systems that replace them. and our police and military will handle that part

>> No.6463247

the modern problem isn't capitalism, it's central banking and government interventionism

It's incredible people can't see this

>> No.6463267

>has never been to Varedero

Come here so i can kiss you sexy boi ;)

>> No.6463268

the National socialists were not into genocide...

>> No.6463270

Capitalism doesn't suck. Get to the gulag with your fellow commie.

>> No.6463316

>"just because you supportet us and the tech from the start and locked down your money for all this time to gamble on our success you're not entitled to profits"

fucking commie scum

>> No.6463326

lol except when those countries are the ones exploited by the other nations through colonialism and resource appropriation.

Hey man if you love economic freedom so much move to Bangledesh and work in a sweat shop

>> No.6463330


>> No.6463353

The best example is a resort town that everyone is forced to cuck themselves for tourists because the government made everyone slaves that can't own any property

>> No.6463372 [DELETED] 

Weird, I was sure that I read something in response to one of his messages on his feed, but I can't find it now. In any case, here's another excerpt:

>It’s deeply upsetting that “94% of Bitcoin wealth is held by men”. We need ways to get women into crypto and help them seize opportunities to become crypto rich ASAP, otherwise in the post-crypto world gender inequality may be orders of magnitude worse.

>I think it is the number one reason why all existing public chains will die (to be replaced with new ones) when the technology is proven.
>Why should HODL-ers be a new elite forever? It won't be allowed.

>I don't think society is capable of coordinating to "not allow" a new elite to maintain its position. If it was, why would it not have already done so with existing corporate, governmental, financial oligarchies?
>Probably the best mitigation that we have is that we're entering a massively multi-cryptocurrency future. An individual literally having an N/21 million share of all money forever is scary, if there's many of them and new ones are popping up every week then it's less bad.

So imo Vitalik's opinion seems fine, really.

>> No.6463380

>future currency
remember the one percent you guys always rage about, how does it feel that youre on their shoes now kek

enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.6463400

That anon isn't wrong. Pedo Skelly didn't disagree at all there, only expressed doubt that things could change.

>> No.6463404

uh you can own business's here retard lmao.

You realize we are market socialists?

>> No.6463442

and just to be clear i mean the military and police will handle the elite. not that the elite will use the military and police. them being able to call on our guys to attack us, those days are coming to an end. there are good people in the military thaty did not sign up to support pedos and satanists

>> No.6463537

but anon guys with crypto are the elite now, weve become the juden

>> No.6463548

where did i say capitalism sucks?

well tell that to the nazi larpers who unironically call for genocide all the fucking time. the real hitler wasn't even like that he just wanted the jews out the deaths were largely of starvation when even the german soldiers were out of food. i know. history was rewritten so why not tell those nazi larpers that they don't know fuck all and move forward from there without the genocide bullshit?

>> No.6463574

>lol except when those countries are the ones exploited by the other nations through colonialism and resource appropriation.
Switzerland, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong exploited other nations?
Lol is this actually your argument?
Also, the counties that have been historically colonized and exploited and the ones doing the BEST right now of all the poorer countries. It seems like colonization was a net good.

Also all any of these poor shitholes that have been """"""exploited""""" have to do is abolish their central bank, let their currency rise, implement free markets, then their economy will grow and they will be just as rich as these present rich nations.
It's their own fucking fault they are poor, they don't embrace capitalism and free markets.

One of the most economically unfree shitholes on earth lol
128th most free
Lol why are commies so fucking braindead

>> No.6463595

Daily reminder that Vitalik is an insane communist

>> No.6463641

You have very limited markets and taxes are high.
It's still very difficult to own property there
It used to be much worse but there has been some recent liberalization.
99% sure you are not actually Cuban
This board needs flags

>> No.6463649

>member of financial elite
>doesn’t want more members of financial elite

Where’s your torch and pitchfork anon?

>> No.6463676

They want to help everyone lock in their price for good!

>> No.6463757

I think the Moly(neux) smoked your brains, Vitalik isn't a commie kek.

>> No.6463762

>lol whats an export economy

weird how economies struggle when you are required to export most of your natural resources for revenue.

Why are capitalists so cucked by the made up concept of "free markets" Lol whenever you bring up Hati any other failure its always THATS CRONY CAPITALISM MUH MUH FEEELS.

I can imagine being so cucked by corporatism you defend your own exploitation

>> No.6463785

>>i like how the only argument communists have left is "capitalism sucks too" like it's a one or the other choice

>> No.6463831

if he wants to abolish private property and rip people out of their homes in the name of wealth redistribution what is he?
did you eve see these tweets
thats commiespeak

dude has evila as fuck eyes we shouldn't be surprised, money skelly even looks like a monster. sorry if this bursts your cult of personality bubble, but the dudes a commie

>> No.6463845


>> No.6463859
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>> No.6463937

Yea, I'm starting to realize that. I've never seen these commie tweets before

>> No.6463945

that is not me saying capitalism sucks
you're not big on nuance are you kid?

i'm just syaing their entire argument is that there are only two possible systems so we have to pick commuinmism. my argument is that this is stupid and even if it was a choice between the capitalism we have now vs communism, it's an obvious choice based on which couintries have food.

>> No.6463967
File: 7 KB, 467x315, 84FE86A2-27F3-40A0-9046-571E3BB9F19B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In support of your argument...

>> No.6464013

indivisible chink please

>> No.6464015

I hope the simple graph and the bright colors will be easier to decipher for communists.

>> No.6464098

>weird how economies struggle when you are required to export most of your natural resources for revenue.
Lmao natural resources is a meme. Why do the most free market countries on earth have little natural resources but have massive economies with high wages and living standards for their people.
The only fucking reason these shitholes export their natural resources for cheap is because they destroy the value of their currencies so other countries can but everything in their countries for cheap.
The problem is they don't have free markets lol
If they had a free market and free market currency, their currency would be expensive and THEY could import shit from the rest of the world.
Stay mad drooling retard.

>Why are capitalists so cucked by the made up concept of "free markets" Lol whenever you bring up Hati any other failure its always THATS CRONY CAPITALISM MUH MUH FEEELS.
Lol negate that's not capitalism at all. It's statism.
Why do commies get so mad when statism turns of to be a massive failure(like in Haiti) and blame it on non-existent free markets?
Why are commies so stupid they don't know what the definition of free markets even means?

>I can imagine being so cucked by corporatism you defend your own exploitation
I want to abolish central banks, commies love central banks and corruption. I want free markets and prices to decrease as wages increase which is what happens in free markets with deflationary currencies.
You on the other hand want to own zero property, want the state to control every aspect of your life and socially engineer you.
You unironically want to be enslaved by daddy lmao

>> No.6464123

Implying the elite wouldn’t see the fork coming and sell all of their bags crashing the market, making the poor even poorer.

>> No.6464146

they're too stupid for that but thanks

>> No.6464199

>be Cuban royalty
>Hate your dad because he hates you for being gay
>take it out on capitalism

Do you ever stop and question yourself or the world around you? Ever wonder why your cars are from the 50's? Why people float on doors to get away from your island? Why your hospitals, while free, look like shitty NYC subway stations? Seriously? You have an internet connection. Look at how the free modern world lives an compare that to how you live. Your system sucks.

>> No.6464237

Nah that statement implies that capitalism sucks or is flawed enough to need a new system. The same goes for the paragraph you just wrote.

Either you think capitalism also sucks or you need to work on your own nuances.

>> No.6464330

Cardano is backwards compatible.

>> No.6464339

no, you're just dumb

>> No.6464408

>can't understand the basics of the English language
>calls other people dumb

>> No.6464426

Why do muh wealth inequality faggots think that if wealth was more equal their lives would improve and they could buy more shit?

Do they not understand economics and that resources are scarce?

Do they not understand the difference between capital and consumer goods?

>> No.6464458

Nah, I read through your convo. He didn't say capitalism sucks.
He explicitly made the argument for capitalism when he said
>the capitalist countries are the ones with food.

>> No.6464491

you don't even know the meaning of the phrase "even if" so don't start with me. i said even if communism and capitalism were the only two options capitalism would still be better. and for some reason you took that to mean "captalism sucks", i don't know why

>> No.6464503
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Nah, I can literally go to university wherever in the world I want. Of course i dont want to go to the US its a debt trap lmao

Do you ever question why you literally cant afford to keep the heat on in your schools, pay your teachers living wages, provide accessible healthcare to your most vulnerable citizens. while still spending billions on military and cucking out young men to die in deserts?

SHit even our worst cities dont look like your rustbelt coal mining shit villages. You have all the wealth and you cant even properly take care of a significant portion of your population without whining about taxation like a fucking child.

Anyway just wanted to prove im legit. Good night GUSANOS ;)

>> No.6464563

Read this again. I don't see anywhere that he advocates for communism. He's arguing against it and for capitalism

>> No.6464640

communism is an inherently flawed system because it concentrates power and property into the hands of the state. capitalism can be done poorly but its not an inherently flawed system and there are ways it can be improved. the government regulates in a bad way though because they're evil, so less regulations seems better, but at the same time the same evil people running government run the corporations, and they meet at bilderburg and davos etc.

arrest the pedophile satanic tehcnocrats and a small government with sensible and minimal regulation with a capitalist system is the only possible way forward that i can see

>> No.6464690

> Cuban propaganda is how life actually is in the United States
If you went to any American school or hospital, you'd cry after realizing how badly you've been lied to.

I'm definitely not gonna defend US foreign policy though. If we went back to being isolationist, we'd be doing a lot better.

>> No.6464746

>Do you ever question why you literally cant afford to keep the heat on in your schools,
Lmao do brainwashed Cubans actually believe this shit?
Also almost all schools in USA are socialized. Socialism fucking sucks.
Take the US public school system and that's like fucking everything in Cuba
>pay your teachers living wages,
Public school teachers are overpaid monopolists
>provide accessible healthcare to your most vulnerable citizens
Controlled by government interventionism.
When healthcare was free market back on the 50s/60s it was incredibly cheap and high quality.

>Anyway just wanted to prove im legit. Good night GUSANOS ;)
Glad you got btfo by literally every fucking thing I said and couldn't refute me lol
Typical commie leaving with his tail between his legs.

You wastes of life literally ENJOY being cucked slaves and it's hilarious.
Enjoy being a poor nocoiner.

>> No.6464751

He fell for that New York Times FUD piece. Fucking idiot.

>> No.6464760

You're Styx, right?

>> No.6464780

Ron Paul was right and he should have won.

>> No.6464813

This isnt propagando gusano. What do you think our news station is running DPRK ass news.

I have friends and friends in the states, i read your news. I hear about it all the time.

>muh fake news.

Shit Ive been to canada and spoke with dozens of Americans.

Your shit is weak

damn you are obsessed why do incels gotta be like this

>> No.6464819

i've never seen any of his videos, isn't he a satanist? one of those trendy fake satanists but still. i've always ignored him but maybe i should give him a listen if he sounds like me

>> No.6464887
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Holy shit this guy is a brainwashed feminist SJW too lmao

>> No.6464930

So should we just dump ETH now before they go full communist?

>> No.6464967

Also lol the fact countless people risk their lives to escape Cuba is a pretty good sign your country is a poverty ridden shithole filled with corrupt sociopaths runing it.

>> No.6464970

Try looking up the word "implication" and getting back to me.

Here I'll try one out for size. Many people say that retards can't use the Internet, but I disagree. You two seem to manage just fine.

>> No.6465027

now i think you're just trolling. i'm going to give you that much credit. nobody but you had a hard time figuring out what i meant.

>> No.6465084

Tweets have been archived

>> No.6465115

Haha, were you one of those faggots that forgot to rename your shareblue folder pics. GTFO you brainlet

>> No.6465241

>society wont tolerate it

more like (((they))) will try to shut it down

>> No.6465370


I'm talking about the type of capitalism that ruins its own country in the long-run by importing a bunch of third-worlders to do their work, be it on plantations, slaughterhouses, or in the IT sector, and at the same time gives them visas/greater opportunities of citizenship.


Why do you say it will be only our blood to be spilled and then also say the police/military won't do the elite's bidding forever?

>> No.6465459

Just have free market white nationalism

Problem solved

>> No.6465509


Sure, I'm all for the free-market as long as it doesn't hurt the integrity of the founding people.

>> No.6465513

because the elites know they can't rely on the police and military to slaughter and detain american citizens. they have a breakaway civilization of their own scientists and their own technologies and as outnumbered as they are i'm sure they can still do a lot of damage even without the military/police to help them. weapoinized plagues, drones, exotic microwave weapons who the fuck knows. but they will lose, but before they do they're going to throw a tantrum and we should be prepared,

>> No.6465642


Yes, agreed completely then. We're talking about psychopathic cornered beasts that will do god knows what when they really feel their grip is waning. Hope all you anons are getting crypto rich and getting ready. One of my sole purposes of all this other than being financially independent.

>> No.6465647

Meek will inherit the earth

>> No.6465705

Alright faglord. Let's fully deconstruct your sentence.
>>i like how the only argument communists have left is "capitalism sucks too" like it's a one or the other choice
This implicitly means, according to you, that it isn't "one or the other choice". Therefore assuming there's a third choice, the only way the "only argument communists have left" is debunked is if the third system is superior to both capitalism and communism. You are therefore IMPLYING that capitalism sucks but it's better than communism because it "it's an obvious choice based on which couintries have food".

Stupid pavement ape.

>> No.6465767

are we still on this? what is it with autism and semantics.

me implying that other options exist is not an endoresement of those other options. merely a refutation of the argument that only 2 choices exist. duh

>> No.6465921

You're the autist. Just admit that you don't know how to imply things or that you think capitalism is flawed and should be replaced.

>merely a refutation of the argument that only 2 choices exist
That wasn't the argument. The argument was "capitalism sucks" from which you posited that there are alternative systems. You are therefore IMPLYING that capitalism sucking is irrelevant because alternative systems exist. If you are not IMPLYING this then you need to go back to English class.

>> No.6465923

just stop being fucking anal about launguage and try to see the forest rather then staring at the trees or you'll never be able to comprehend or effectively debate anyone who isn't also autistic about precise semantics.

let me fucking rewirte this for you since you're so special.

>even if communism and capitalism as they presently exist were the only options, which they are not, capitalism as it is now would still be superior because at least capitalist countries have food. and furthermore i do like capitalism but see room for improvement while communism is inherently flawed and cannot be improved.

there, it's been rewritten for autismal approval

>> No.6465987

i rewrote it for you so you can just stop now. and don;'t even pretend you don't have aspergers, everyone can tell

>> No.6466110

You are STILL implying it and now even endorsing a third system:
>i do like capitalism but see room for improvement

>> No.6466238

you can't win a debate by refusing to understand what your oppoenent is actually saying. nobody cares about your autismal semantics, everyone but you understood me just fine.