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File: 24 KB, 500x298, remember-the-blood-red-suspenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448014 No.6448014 [Reply] [Original]

Monday morning there will be a huge announcement that will shit all over and crash the crypto markets

Brace yourselves brothers, oceans of red are coming tomorrow. Collapses like minus 50% per day will become normal.

When you see the pajeet shills shilling, and no bad news for whole weekend, but all the big whales are selling like insane, you know the shit will hit the fan.

>> No.6448044


>> No.6448055

what were you thinking buying this shit?

>> No.6448077
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>Monday is a holiday
Nice larp.

>> No.6448133

Bankers grt their bonus. Well be ascending to green wojack 3 as long as you're in bitcoin, litecoin, Etherium, or Monero.

>> No.6448199

Coinbase is adding every ERC-20 token in the top 100.

I can explain this in one sentence: We care about security more than anything, and ERC-20 allows us to reuse our existing Ethereum wallets while adding tens of billions of dollars in volume to the bottom line.

It's not happening Monday, and I'm not posting my ID badge.

PS: We fucking hate Ripple.

>> No.6448214

already tethered up for the reverse moon mission brother

>> No.6448225
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Who's HODLING even if the portfolio might go towards a value of pure shit?

Because the big whales are selling and they don't stop selling. Volumes increased, and they sell now at any price

Insider information says that the news on Monday will be terrible, and falls will put blood in the eyes of all traders

>> No.6448335

>low quality, low effort FUD
FUDouche... that's you

>> No.6448337
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bankers bonuses all together barely hit 1 Billion dollars. They all think the crypto market is severely overvalued, so that is maybe why everyone is selling now.

Just look at fucking Dentacoin.

3 Billions market cap for a ghost company without a product, without an original whitepaper, without any clients, backed only by few nigga burglarian scammers...

the market is overvalued like shit

>> No.6448708

people have said the same exact shit about bitcoin for years and they were wrong... for years. you know what else is overvalued... diamonds, gold, silver. outside of industrial use it's all worthless shit. value is given by people who ascribe value, that's the game. bankers don't like it and they can suck cock.

>> No.6448711

so then how do you explain guys these harsh red falls?

>> No.6448771

it's called crypto you FUDouche. crypto is volatile. look at the fucking price history for bitcoin ffs.

>> No.6449052
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I actually can guarantee you that Monday the bad news will shatter your world, guys

Normies will shit their pants, niggas will cry... just wait and see

You never lived through such a Monday in your whole life

>> No.6449187

Tomorrow is Barfin Woofa Kang day nigga ain't shit getting announced.

>> No.6449311

>thot posting
nice larp btw

>> No.6449380
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tomorrow is a huge day and I already sold everything, and I will buy it back when all of them will be minus 80% at the end of this incoming wek :)

>> No.6449562
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>needing to reuse old wallet addresses

Hating Ripple is the only thing you said that makes sense.

>> No.6449608

Bitcoin Segwit is overvalued though.

>> No.6449634
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check my ip dude, I am not "FUDouche
" whoever the fuck that nigga is.

Do not let FOMO cloud your brain/.

Red falls will continue harsher and harsher

>> No.6449649
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Niggers and normalfags bought TRX and XRP. They're already crying.

Actually it makes sense now, you're fucking one of them.

>> No.6449723

Which timezone?

>> No.6449909

according to what standard?

>> No.6450003
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Words can't express your retardation.

>> No.6450009
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The horror news that will further crash the markets will be announced around 12 noon New York Time, tomorrow Monday

>> No.6450064

Other cryptos that actually fulfill bitcoin's use case, since the developers are no longer willing to develop anything on it and allowed it to become a slow expensive piece of shit.

>> No.6450102

BTC is undervalued. Most altcoins are overvalued.

>> No.6450119
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Stop the FUD
Also you're not white quit using nigga

>> No.6450121

so just say the news already

>> No.6450143

last week the FUD was "a guy who's wife works for the government and she heard that shit was going to go down monday last", or some such nonsense. people are panicking because the volatility is too much for them to stomach. that's normal, but it doesn't instantiate the beginning of a crypto crash based on some FUD theory

>> No.6450146

It's funny how these thread never mention anything of substance

>> No.6450232

Jesus is back?

>> No.6450245

Tell us the news or you are a pajeet

>> No.6450303

Omg. What news! I’m really scared. What do?

O yea. I remember. Buy the fuck out of all superfudding.

Ahhhh yes. This is why I’m worth half a milly.

>> No.6450305
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Substance: Bitcoin transactions take several hours and cost currently 30.00 USD per transaction.

That makes it a shitcoin, that lacks real life use.

Sure, it grew into a large magnitude bubble.

From all the shitcoins out there, only NEO has some value, and that's why it is the only one growing when all the others fall.

Bitcoin will go down back to 3,000 USD, mark my words sweeties

>> No.6450306

people use it as digital gold. works fine for that. other people buy crypto kitties and still other people collect comic books, paintings, micky mantle baseball cards, etc. etc. etc. bitcoin is no different. if people say it has value and if people buy it for huge sums of money, then it has value in accordance with how much people are willing to pay for it. I agree that its functionality is outdated and has been improved upon by new coins but that doesn't necessarily change the valuation of bitcoin or coins in general. I do hope to see a new coin take the lead though, and I think that day will come - maybe this year or next.

>> No.6450395

LOL. okay riiiiight. this just leaves one thing to do, send more funds to coinbase - be ready to buy more

>> No.6450425
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after half of this board lost his money to the FOMO shilling Tron TRX scammers, I continue to see that the FOMO shills will brainwash many of you to "HODL" while the markets collapse,so that you lose your money.

Instead of simply selling today, and having pleasant dreams while next week you can rebuy back at half price Everything (except NEO)

>> No.6450540

just calling bitcoin a bubble does not a bubble make. if you are trying to use bitcoin to transfer small sums of wealth then you're doing it wrong. nobody gives a shit if the fee to transfer bitcoin is 30 or $100 when they are transferring $50,000 or $100,000 in value from one place to another any time they chose to do so, bank holidays, weekends, etc

>> No.6450575
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But I tried to help you, but for some of the FOMO shills it is too late, their brain viruses already eating their sorry asses alive

>> No.6450601

>everything in the red today
>Everything is a shitcoin and going to crash
>NEO is mooning today
>This gain is going to continue indefinitely so sell all your red shitcoins into the green NEO

You're a fucking retard.

BTC is going bear to 0. Over 2018 I think it'll go down to 5k or lower. Aside from being a trading pair, nobody wants it. It's become a curiosity item at best.

>> No.6450631

yes, everyone should sell now so big money can scoop up cheap coin across the board and laugh as idiot sellers FOMO back in at a higher price. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.6450667

>calls others retards for buying TRX when the only people who bought that pile of shit were from Twitter and black
>telling everyone to stop FOMOing and buy NEO


>> No.6450723
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do you think the 10 of us niggas that are here on /biz/ can influence the market in any way?

we can only save our skins before it's too late, that's all.

>> No.6450751

hot damn the anti-crypto shills are working overtime today. banksters are are really fucking scared of crypto, this shilling gives me more confidence than ever. I'm going to be fucking richer than I had hoped. hands of ramston-fucking-steel.

>> No.6450825

Anti-crypto? wtf are you talking about m8? If Blockstream Core didn't literally block development of Bitcoin we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.

>> No.6450867
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>> No.6450893
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yeah yeah yeah guys, buy more FOMO FOMO FOMO

buy everything, because FOMO FOMO FOMO hurry up, they will all go 10x.... FOMO


buy FOMO... then cry with red bloody eyes

>> No.6450917

Bcashers are anti-crypto. their greed is a poison to the entire fucking ecosystem. when their coin fails i'm going to laugh so fucking hard. it is already failing actually. i fucking love it.

>> No.6450961

your FUD sustains me. more reddit spacing spotted.

>> No.6451021

Nice emotions, faggot.

>> No.6451038

Martin Lutha Kang day!

>> No.6451086

what is the point of this entire thread? you know what's up, you're cashed out, safe, ready for the storm.
why are you so concerned about the financial well being of all these people?

>> No.6451134
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Ah so red rivers and red eyes and red markets whole next week...

I am going to holidays guys, but you can buy the red rivers, because markets will not rcover before FEBRUARY

>> No.6451175

why is this guy trying so hard to get as many people as possible to exit the crypto markets?
all these posts, all this energy. this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6451219


Yeah that's great and all but an easy way to make money is this Pump discord group. They said first 1000 members get a high rank.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6451273

When does it happen?

>> No.6451385
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Tuesday around noon, the markets will go from minus 20% per day, to minus 30% per day. Mark my words, you will thank me later 100000% sure

>> No.6452136

GTFO already