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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6443659 No.6443659 [Reply] [Original]

With the recent mooning after info came from the devs about node requirements I read up more on the project (bought 34k at .04 blindly because of a good shill on here)

There demo works well, the devs are always in the telegram. Running trust and escrow nodes will pay you 1% fees in THE ALT COIN, and they’re not too expensive.

The service will process bank transfers and credit/debit cards. P2P safe sales. No need to change alt coins to eth or btc to cash out. Simply put your LINK up for sale for Cash and get it direct deposited.

Who here is excited as fuck at the medium to long term prospect if this?? Pic related dev today saying you can buy any coin with cc

>> No.6443983

Bigger than FairX, their developers are geniuses. Don’t believe otherwise, the fud is strong here.

>> No.6444111


Strongly agree. Anonymous p2p sales from a Russian company or an exchange based in USA with corporate partners. PFR will be great

>> No.6444172
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Checked. We’re gonna be rich. Gotta figure out more about nodes though. Will multiple 10k nodes or one 50k node be better?

>> No.6444190

Have they explained how they're getting the fiat into the system? Unless they've solved that better than Coinbase what's the point

>> No.6444293


As far as I understand it, someone deposits into escrow and lists their asset for sale on the marketplace for crypto or fiat. As a buyer you fulfil your end of the escrow by transferring crypto or just paying the USD amount with your card and the asset is released to you after the nodes verify it

>> No.6444322

i wanted to buy in at 1600 sats but coinbase was not verifying me
now i got verified and it doubled. fuck my life

>> No.6444345

There is no system you fucking mong. It's all P2P. If some nigger is wanting to buy ether with his PayPal, then the seller must be willing to offer his PayPal address for payment

>> No.6444385


I don’t think anything under $1 is too late for right now. Long term this could go a lot fucking higher because of the profits from nodes if the exchange has any sort of decent volume

>> No.6444406
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>what is p2p

>> No.6444515
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Getting passive income of alt coins that could then themselves moon makes my dick hard. If they deliver and then get the traffic this is gonna print money

>> No.6444569


This is the exact reason why we need payfair, you can say you want to buy PFR with fiat using your paypal.

>> No.6444636

I hope i can buy them not only on Etherdelta in the near future. ED is the shittiest shit ever existed on the internet.

>> No.6444814


This is also a problem Payfair will solve, you can put an order for PFR or any ED shitcoin with payment using ETH.

>> No.6444839


Yeah it’s a turd. They should be on more exchanges by early-mid feb. I think the hassle is worth it though to get in before kucoin

>> No.6444974

why u no THOR

>> No.6445009

This is the latest pump and dump. Look how UFR went. Don't fall for it pajeets

>> No.6445274


Except this actually solves a massive problem. Who the fuck would ever think UFR would work? People torrenting would never adopt that shit. It was obviously retarded. Pfr isn’t. Don’t cry when it’s $5

>> No.6445984

Orchestrating a PnD on ED would be a fucking nightmare

>> No.6446050


He's just mad he bought UFR and not PFR. Still not to late!