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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 518 KB, 2398x1186, Ethercraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6433974 No.6433974 [Reply] [Original]

Yes it's a ponzi sceme, but IT JUST LAUNCHED. also there is real tech and a real dev behind it. Get in or stay a poorfag

>> No.6434040

You have to be 18 years or over to post here.

>> No.6434102
File: 104 KB, 1294x676, LeHappyMerchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a full merchant set for the 5% gold bonus per item in the dungeon.

Le Happy Merchant.

>> No.6434349

Can’t find the website. Where to buy?

>> No.6434502


>> No.6434921


>> No.6434974

how is it a scam if the items are tradable immediately? aren't etheremon's monsters not even tradable yet?

>> No.6435377

Only neckbeards play roguelikes and you can't even control the character, just equip him and watch him go. Permadeath so hope you enjoyed that item you paid 0.2 ETH for.

>> No.6435413

>implying you can't roll free characters and stumble upon the loot that some cuck paid .2 eth for

markets are zero-sum games and so is ethercraft

>> No.6435460

You still need to pay for gas

>> No.6435469

How do I actually play this game lol I can't get to correct site.

>> No.6435473

A roguelike smart contract is actually really neat

>> No.6435511

with state channels and scaling, this is a non-issue. and guess what game is perfect for state channel tech?

>> No.6435585

better get a pep's token too or else you'll lose the entire set when you die on your first run (and of course you WILL)

>> No.6435784

This. Have fun paying $650 for one-time Ponzi insurance.

>> No.6435870

or you can just not play the game and hold your stuff for ponzi money, you know

>> No.6436421

you know that you need to wear the armor to gain the bonus gold right? Also you lose all your loot and equip if dying. Have you read the whitepaper?

desu i like the idear of losing stuff while playing. Its a bit liek EVE online and this means that people will rebuy things.

>> No.6436465

please tell me fast gas limit and gas price guys

>> No.6436478

Ok how do you game this game for $

>> No.6436517


>> No.6436547

link for this shit?

>> No.6436559

lets hope they will not add an revive button. The great potential about this game is the potential item sink and perma death.

>> No.6436573

ok, i bought it but it's not in the inventory.

what do?

>> No.6436631


>> No.6436680
File: 2 KB, 134x112, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i've literally made

THANK YOU /biz/!!! It's my first ponzi scheme ever

>> No.6437282

TX? You can even check your etherscan adress and see the items there as all items are ERC20 tokens.

>> No.6437475

>Among our launch items is a series of loot crates, including one available completely free of charge, which act as chance items. Players will be able to open (roll) these loot crates, potentially receiving rare and valuable loot.

Where is this free crate?

>> No.6437972

Is there any way to view the other sets?

>> No.6437983

plenty of free items for f2p kids as well, All in on frogs bois

>> No.6438014

Where are these free items?

>> No.6438032

they fucking say free on them dude

>> No.6438316
File: 389 KB, 3032x2064, y3fvzrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to fucking moon. Best thing I have seen on this board in weeks. I am accumulating crates.

>> No.6438555

crates are the shit. also the weeb sword.

>> No.6438589

>Where is this free crate?
not a create but a loot type item according to the contract anyway

>> No.6438678
File: 30 KB, 450x312, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6438885

Ok, bought a legendary crate, now just by having it on my inventory my metamask account makes 0.001 everytime someone buys another crate? Did I get that right? That actually seems like a good deal.

>> No.6439010

What are you guys buying rn? We should shill this on reddit

>> No.6439069
File: 120 KB, 1046x532, jolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seasonal items are probably the best buys. You get your eth back after 10 of the same have been sold, with all the non-seasonal, rare ones it takes 100

>> No.6439127

Is anyone getting their ETH from subsequent sales? My metamask is not registering anything.

>> No.6439144

all my ether is on coss and its down for maintaince. can one of yall send me some shekkels so i dont miss this boat

>> No.6439147

Yes, except the money doesn't go to your metamask directly. It accumulates in the game itsself, and you can then press a 'Cash Out' button that will send it to your metamask. This saves transaction fees

>> No.6439157

its still pretty slow

>> No.6439204

why are the "subsequent purchase" values changing ever so often

>> No.6439233

Oh ok, got it, where is the game wallet then? I want to see how much I got already.

>> No.6439248
File: 181 KB, 404x274, 1515268000771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is real tech and a real dev behind it

>> No.6439324

love how these are all just complete etheremon copy + pastes.

>> No.6439353

this was written from the ground up and has absolutely nothing to do with etheremon lol
every single item is a minter object for an ERC20 token

>> No.6439561

If reddit finds out about this it will blow up big time!!

>> No.6439587
File: 119 KB, 500x500, UNCOMMON 10X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6439600


Also the are releasing their own ERC 20 token! This is fuckin insane. Join the discord. Legendary loot boxes are going to be so valuable
In the future

>> No.6439679

>Also the are releasing their own ERC 20 token!

All the items are already ERC20 tokens, enter your address in etherscan and youll see every item. You can even sell them at etherdelta.

>> No.6439831


>> No.6439830

Someone is spamming the ETH network right now

>> No.6439847

yeah you got it
click "withdraw" when you feel like taking your earnings

>> No.6439884
File: 35 KB, 712x615, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck if its a ponzi scheme or not, the point is we are here on day fucking one and can get ground level positions to cash out and free roll into this game. I did it in Etheremon and made 30 ETH and i'll fucking do it here again. My advice is to block out the fucking FUD, grow some balls and do it now before you fomo later.

>> No.6439900


>> No.6440050

It's not that good, it has to sell four times as many legendaries for it to be worth it. Legendary is a better investment, specially because the items that you get (and can sell) will be better.

>> No.6440275
File: 358 KB, 1428x1622, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 1.23.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transactions are really picking up
moon mission here we come

>> No.6440326

You’re my idol

>> No.6440407

Oh snap this actually might be kinda cool, reminds me of runescape

>> No.6440415

Why are you people paying the gwei for the free items? Do you even plan on actually playing this?

>> No.6440416

fuck i need to buy this shit

>> No.6440461

Already made my initial investment back. This game is 3 hours
Get in while
You can

>> No.6440474

Link to contract?

>> No.6440489

I was once a common faggot, then i realised the only way to do crypto is balls out all in. If everyone else is already in something its too late. This is day fucking 1. I pray this crashed the Ethereum network, if it does we get new space and we get lambos.

>> No.6440576

Legendary return rate adjusted to 0.025 ETH, time to get rich.

Nolegcrates BTFO.

>> No.6440823

more ROI in the short term on the little ones though

>> No.6440909

what? how?

>> No.6440929

Im waiting for etherdragonball

>> No.6441233

what do you recomend?
Only have 0.6 eth so I can't take it all.
Thinking of getting 3 legendary crates, or a golden set

>> No.6441289

It's the same fucking 3 devs of this shitgame that are spamming the fuck out of /biz/

Fuck off with your shitty ass game

>> No.6441292
File: 5 KB, 231x250, 1495598503587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally Etheremon 2.0 with how fast items are flying off the shelves.

I fucking love you /biz/

>> No.6441305

The crates, they will be much more valuable as time goes on (and the items they give will be better).

>> No.6441355

With that amount of ETH to spend, absolutely get some legendary crates. You'll make returns from others still getting them, and when you open them you can sell those items or use them. Crates are still the best goddamn investments.

>> No.6441372

Buy a bunch of these. The gold in game will be sold for ethereum. And when you buy more of your own item you get some back.


>> No.6441375
File: 504 KB, 478x518, oface2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw im telling my grandchildren how i made thousands on virtual currency loot crates

>> No.6441611


>> No.6441717

>have ponzi-element in it
>expect it to be a real game
grow up losers, if they really wanted the game to last while simultaneously making money they would have gone for the pay2win model instead of the ponzi model. This is nothing but a quick cash grab, it already hit 4chan so its too late, thank me later

>> No.6441914
File: 1.36 MB, 890x960, 1515243982256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day one hours after launch is too late now apparently.

>> No.6441940


>> No.6441964

>Legendary return rate adjusted to 0.025 ETH, time to get rich.
it's not actually changing, that's just a display thing

>> No.6441976
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 1515742058370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing shitlords are getting rich selling meme pixels with meme money

I love this fucking time line

>> No.6441995
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1445716929351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's shit together

>> No.6442052

Starting to get expensive, while the ROI is not adjusting accordingly, it's not making it interesting for later players to get in the game now. Bad ponzi.

>> No.6442259


>> No.6442287

Why would ROI adjust? What happens is the items with fewer purchases become more appealing as they still have the original ROI (1%)


>> No.6442384

ok so I got 1 legendary crate, 1 common and 1 pair of golden boots.
Still have enough for half a legendary crate or another golden garbage. wat do?

>> No.6442386

Because there will come a point where ALL items will have a 0.1% ROI, no one is gonna buy a 1 ETH legendary crate.

>> No.6442457
File: 31 KB, 350x500, ummmmmsfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck am i doing wrong why isnt this shit going through

>> No.6442501

Network is slowed down, or you used too litlle gas.

>> No.6442533


>> No.6442563

what do I do? try again?

>> No.6442600

Retry with higher gas and set it to 20. If it works then try lower. ETH is very slow now btw.

>> No.6442639

How do I sell??

>> No.6442640

dev is laughing all the way to the bank with all you retards throwing money at him for literally nothing

>> No.6442844

the dev fee is only 12% tho

>> No.6442995

Can someone tell me how i sell shit????????

>> No.6442997



>> No.6443035
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1515873198689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a ponzi

It's day 0 of this ponzi, get in nigger

>> No.6443054

how much do you make in a year senpai

>> No.6443068

wait, so say i buy an uncommon crate when it was 0.025, then while the transaction is pending it goes up to .58 and now my transaction is failing?

>> No.6443112

The transaction will just be cancelled and you'll get your ethereum back but you won't have bought the item. Increase the gwei

>> No.6443129

These stupid eth collectibles are the beanie babies of crypto.

>> No.6443138

day 1 of 1 you're all getting fleeced

>> No.6443147

fuck, so uncommons are now more expensive. what's a good item to go for now?

>> No.6443174

When are we getting a full on eth game?
Like the pubg with entry fee and the winner takes all

>> No.6443214

you sure did buy salt

>> No.6443349

>no way to withdraw dividends.

>> No.6443395


>> No.6443398

not stoping you from throwing your money away

>> No.6443494

come back tomorrow so I can show you my almost instant gains on a poorly written ponzi game

>> No.6443528

go ahead

>> No.6443570

let me know when you can actually withdraw said gains. I'll wait.

>> No.6443653

there's no issue with doing so though

>> No.6443867

Already did. Made almost all eth I put in it back, so no-risk free eth for me from now on. Have fun missing this one, faggot.

>> No.6443909

how long does the transfer take now a days?

>> No.6443963

probably 0x

>> No.6444077
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1473691801647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have faggot, can confirm it works.

>> No.6444159

how do you actually withdraw?

>> No.6444429

Click on the dollar sign in your inventory

>> No.6444436

Go to the item's page and click on the blue withdraw button

>> No.6444733

how do i send ether to it? I dont see deposit.

>> No.6444767

use metamask

>> No.6444844

do i just copy address and withdrawal from binance. Is this shit worth it?

>> No.6445002

Withdraw from binance to your metamask address

>is it worth it?

Mate, this is pure speculative risk, you ask yourself if you think it's early enough to participate, taking in mind that the game hasn't been out for more than 5 hours and most of /biz/ hasn't heard of it yet.

>> No.6445215

Is it too late to buy uncommon crate? It's really going up

>> No.6445386

It will easily go to 500+ the nest two days.

>> No.6445397

I just figured it out got 2 legendary. Should i send more for uncommon?

>> No.6445487

I think you should buy the merchant's equipment, hat, boots and all that. They will probably go up in price because they make you able to get more gold and gold = eth.

>> No.6445532

if anyone actually plays the fucking game

>> No.6445555

The return keeps changing

Like the uncommon loot crate is at >0.079
Now and it changes between

What does it mean

>> No.6445605

Sorry I meant the buy price is now 0.079

With the variation in return price its 2x as much sales to break even with the constant change of return stayed on the item buy page

>> No.6445617
File: 47 KB, 1800x1800, iexexcrisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

network is fucking bogged down now and this shit tier dev didnt incorporate iexec for offchain cmputation, this fucker

>> No.6445652

Site just being overloaded so it takes some secs to adjust. Just have the page open for a little while and it stabilizes.

I bet they will use it at game release.

>> No.6445688

>t. RLC bagholder

>> No.6445942


>> No.6446044

Do yiu get money back from the gift item?

>> No.6446111

Buy the gloves!!!

>> No.6446318

Yes you can

>> No.6446386

>merchant's enchanted bag

>> No.6446388
File: 76 KB, 740x194, cashout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys...i can confirm that cashing out work.

Guess i will put another ether into this one.

>> No.6446802

IMO these 0.5 items will start to take off once the cheap items continue to increase in price. The ROI is just going down on the cheaps.

>> No.6446873

just call the claimFunds() function? it's not hard

>> No.6446885

How high do you guys set the gas price to cash out?

>> No.6446926

thats why i only bought 0.05 Items. Dont know why you guys goed for the expensive legendary shit.

>> No.6447066
File: 200 KB, 956x1196, 1507670699179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447317

Bought 2 legendary crates. will i make it biz?

>> No.6447350

Why is the uncommon crate greyed out? Did they fucking shut it down?

>> No.6447407

reminder to shill on plebbit

>> No.6447457

yes, consider rare for ROI right now. I have 2 rares 1 leg and 5 uncommon :)

>> No.6447466

REMINDER: These are the least amount bought of semi-expensive items and has the best future profits:


>> No.6447490
File: 35 KB, 224x250, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 1.11.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being someone who didn't buy this hat

>> No.6447501


>> No.6447503

Crates are the way to go here still. You get items plus gains

>> No.6447542

If the full game isn't out it's not coming out... this is vaporware and the kids who would be attracted to it aren't old enough to buy crypto.

>> No.6447544

OP here, I'm glad I could get you guys into this right at the start. Sadly, I didn't have enough money to buy more than 2 Items. But if you've made your fortune by tomorrow, consider leaving a tip; 0x14bEf35596ed68F682Da19af9235A27b27450b5a

>> No.6447579

The merchants set gives you a solid item that grants you more gold(which you sell for ethereum) and ponzi gains.

>> No.6447581

I would play the shit out of this game if it comes out... probably a lot of crypto-autists would.

>> No.6447601

Fuck fuck fuck

Transaction pending
Put 25 gwei

>> No.6447618

this is surprisingly useful! thank you!!

>> No.6447672


>> No.6447684
File: 12 KB, 691x294, hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, this is all i can afford. am I fucked?

>> No.6447699

i think i have every merchant item, how do you turn it into a set?

>> No.6447721


>> No.6447732

you've already made it famalam

>> No.6447738

You already have the set you fucking retard. The set function isn't implemented yet because gold doesn't exist.

>> No.6447746

Do you get ether for the free gift item?

>> No.6447763

Set bonus will be released with game. You dont have to do anything

>> No.6447774

Gas price and gas amount used?

>> No.6447793

discord gg/3fW7bzr

>> No.6447847

bettin on those cogs everyone gonna need cogs

>> No.6447873

only 78 hats sold at 0.05, get in before the price doubles

>> No.6447968


>> No.6447994


merchant hat master race

>> No.6448010

I think I'm just gonna blow my load on a million gloves hats and boots

>> No.6448018

only 'enchanted' objects will get you a 'return', betting on regular items is pointless, I think..

>> No.6448027

Be a proper merchant and shill these threads:


>> No.6448059

depends whether the game is vaporware or not

>> No.6448079


>> No.6448137

To withdraw do yiu hit the top left dollar sign on the items icon

>> No.6448198


>> No.6448201

click on item, wait for blue button to appear next to buy, withdraw. the cash sign just means someone bought after you, meaning you earned some ponzi eth

>> No.6448281

Seeing the same thing. I have no idea which one is real. It never stabilizes. Do I just assume the lowest?

>> No.6448294

what gwei do you set? So far all my 'cash out' transactions failed

>> No.6448320

you can better try pump and dump moment like pump4coins, less risk and higher potential returns

>> No.6448358

Nigger wut withdraw? Theres no such ting

>> No.6448357


>> No.6448376

The actual amount you get is stable, but the site has some trouble displaying the numbers

>> No.6448406

This, my cash outs don't go through too

>> No.6448490


i've just withdrawn for the second time, it's possible and we're making real gains. figure it out and lets make it

>> No.6448508


How much gwei?

>> No.6448645

Who putting all gains back into undervalued items here?

>> No.6448745


they are saying here that all the enhanced items are limited time only and that they always go up in price. once they vanish, the more you have the more you can sell at higher price

>> No.6448749
File: 199 KB, 950x1390, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 4.47.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's still going

>> No.6448751

Checking in. Gungir, Excalibur, Ragnarok

>> No.6448849


Looking on doing so once my withdrawals go through. Looking at the Merchant Knickers currently.

>> No.6449047

How long does it take to get items in inventory?

>> No.6449100

umm dunno maybe 2$ of gas?

>> No.6449156

I put 22 gas and its still taking forever...

>> No.6449179

Should I buy a legendary crate? seems pointless when its more expensive than actual legendaries right now.

>> No.6449189

can anyone confirm that having the same enchanted item actually grants multiple incomes?

>> No.6449206

>22 gas
>expecting it to go through

>> No.6449218

I put 10 gas and it took 5 minutes

>> No.6449222

yes, i got 4x income by having 4 crates

>> No.6449280

Ok,got the items how long does it take so i can sell them?

>> No.6449449
File: 76 KB, 960x960, 1495450781301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i think i have a problem i cant stop buying this

>> No.6449510

I used 15 gas, went to jerk off and then by the time I was done it went through. Patience man, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.6449549

When should I sell this?

>> No.6449730

Is there even a market for the tokens yet? You can withdraw eth but idk about selling the tokens yet.

>> No.6450118

no problem, have fun anon

>> No.6450158

On EtherDelta you should be able to if you get the address as technically they are all separate ERC20 tokens.

>> No.6450213

same. some good deals still

>> No.6450367

I am aware of that but are there people buying them? If not you cant sell yet.

>> No.6450424

this shit is getting amazing.

btw is tehre something like an index for those items? there are some items that are only sold 5 times. Maybe getting items which are one digid ID would be good. Same was with cryptokitties. 3 and 4 digid kitties sell for a lot. 2 and 1 digid make you rich.

>> No.6450551

I say we start compiling a list of ED links. Nice and simple. We could trade immediately.

>> No.6450693

.37 ether left not sure what to buy, got gloves, hat, and boots. Should I buy an Excalibur and .1 eth merchant item or a legendary crate and an uncommon crate?

>> No.6450703

Once you get a few make a new thread to encourage others to contribute, doubt many people will sell rn though as they want to make as much as possible on the ROI.

>> No.6450738
File: 7 KB, 249x232, 1459680735562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get yourself a legendary my man

>> No.6450768

I filled my bag of Legendary Loot Crate, I guess when the game comes out it will be sold for a lot

>> No.6450812


this shit makes me comfy. So some of the items will be not purchasable in the future. It sounds scary first because it wil lalso mean that the passive income will stop. But in the other hand those +% gold items will be probably worth a lot in the future. Wish i knew what the time until the item sell stops is.

Because noone will buy new items when they probably fear that the item sell stops before they got their money back.

>> No.6450870

What are the chances I just got scammed hard and what are they that i am going to make a lot of money?

>> No.6450871

>tfw you realize its only "a chance" for a legendary item.

if it like most pay to win games this chance will be like 0.5%

>> No.6450971

its hard to say. Right now its probably very profitable. My biggest concern is, that they add new items which start from 0 and are better in every aspect and cheaper as the things we are currently buying. So there would be no reason to buy them from us. Im still possitive though. The devs seem great and decentralacing items for an RPG is genius. Im still buying a lot more stuff now.

>> No.6451093

Unless this gets revealed as a scam in the next 6 hours or so you are going to make your investment back.

>> No.6451129

If you bought in after the first two hours, you're the people bagholding and fueling the people at the top of the pyramid. This game has significantly less sales than the ones before it (but they had more items, and they know damn well what they're doing). It has less interest and hype. Buying in this late is retarded.

Tips for ponzi games: Buy the cheapest shit as that's what will sell the most, don't buy after the first hour (sometimes you can go to two, but you'll be cutting it close), don't reinvest your gains into the ponzi, as by the time you have significant enough gains, everything's been bought too much - unless, of course, you invested like 3 eth and got in as part of the dev's group of friends who snatched everything early, in which case you've probably made the dividends for 1 or 2 more items before it starts running out of steam.

>> No.6451215

poor fag here is the free gift worth the cost in gas in the chance the game one day progresses or auction opens up?

>> No.6451271

what were the games before it?

>> No.6451290

Who knows, we don't know what it contains, it can't be opened yet. If it can give a rare item or something like that, yeah.

>> No.6451438

Etheremon, Ethtanks, Fishtanks, Eth pornstars or something, Waifus, and one other that I forget. They all used the same model.

Etheremon came first and marketed itself as a real game, but had to deal with fud. Every other game saw how much money ponzis make and learned from Etheremon's mistakes in some ways (though keep in mind that that Ethtanks and Ships both exit scammed and were by the same people), but none of them sold as much.

This game hasn't directly copied Etheremon because they know they're not going to be a complete competitor, and they made their own game. It'll likely be a decent game overall, but not for the ponzi aspect, as it came way too late.

>> No.6451528

i need some fucking jolly boots., but I can't buy!

>> No.6451783


>Not buying the Air Santa 11's

Stay broke and unfly niggers


>> No.6452605
File: 207 KB, 625x680, are you winning?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some OC, save it and post it everywhere.

No-crafters? Send this smug peep.

Normies? They'll love it as well.

Save this pic and shill it on every ethercraft thread/discord group/reddit/facebook.

Do it anon, it'll be worth it.

>> No.6452808

Are the gift bags worth the price in gas?

>> No.6452905
File: 41 KB, 526x400, pepe devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, saved

>> No.6452911


>> No.6453250

broke boi checking in, can I not do anything with only $150?

>> No.6453299
File: 132 KB, 495x443, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 3.32.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can get in on the top hat train

>> No.6453302

How long does it take for things to appear in the inventory?

>> No.6453381

>$70 for a shitty hat

Not even steam is that jew. This dev is the jew king.

>> No.6453723
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>realisation kicking in

>> No.6453767

Set 20 gas

>> No.6453909

Can someone fucking tell me how the fuck to withdraw? Yeah I clicked on the fucking blue button and metamask popped up and shit. i put in a high limit and high gweir or w/e and the Tx hash isn't even created when i click on the transaction in metamask. what the fuck is going on i just want to get my ETH off of this fucking site

>> No.6453950

I bought 5 of those stone things. Too much?

>> No.6454019

soon to be 360 for that shitty hat. Wait till normies find out

>> No.6454045

I have no idea, was no problem for me doing that.

Probably something wrong with your metamask

>> No.6454052

That's not how it works. You get ETH when other people buy stuff. So, get out there and shill. That's how pyramid schemes work.

>> No.6454269

You still own the token though, and could sell/trade it with another person on the eth network. Is that not correct?

>> No.6454343
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>> No.6454362


>> No.6454374

Thank you, anon. I went in and rejected my old, pending requests and went to try and withdraw again and it went smoothly and I got my withdrawal within a minute.

>> No.6454424

Yes, but I doubt these will be listed on any exchanges, so you'd have to find someone individually. Also I don't know enough programming to know how it would work with the smart and whether Ethercraft would know when you got your token to give you the proper amount of ETH.

>> No.6454484

So when can you withdrawn?When it reaches some sum of money or you can stack it without limit?

>> No.6454584

click on your inventory and then click on one of the items. wait 30 seconds and the withdraw button will appear.

>> No.6454678

So the more you wait the more money you get right there is no limit?

>> No.6454683

I only have an uncommon crate. Too poor to get more. Is that enough?

>> No.6454715

Soon as normies find out annon, you'll be set.

>> No.6454761

Exactly. The only other tip you need to keep in mind is that when you go to withdraw something, you have to pay for the transaction fee (or the gas). So what some people do is only withdraw big bulky numbers to save on those fees.

>> No.6454950

Proud owner of one rare crate here.

Bought literally 20 minutes after original thread was posted. Already made my money back, everything now is just gravy.

Who's ready to fucking make it, boys?

>> No.6454989
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am i going to make it?

>> No.6455045

you will make it even harder if you diversity out of headgear and get some lootboxes as well

>> No.6455092

i bought a few random items a while after that thread popped up. 92% of my initial investment has been made. Am almost theree.
Wish I would've just picked up 4 frog masks right from the beginning instead

>> No.6455118
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>> No.6455144

>Minecraft aesthetic IP
>Minecraft insanely popular in Rus and JP
>Thinking it's too late considering Japan is JUST waking up

>> No.6455160

Top hat gonna make it big

>> No.6455223

jealous. when did you pick all of that up?

>> No.6455234

about to double in price, better get in fast

>> No.6455280

Hey why don't we all buy the same item? They all give the same boost anyway.

>> No.6455292

Thoughts on the Merchant's Enchanted Potion? Only 11 bought and it seems pretty strong considering it's equivalent to 4 pieces of merchant gear for one dungeon run.

>> No.6455337

Am pretty sure the consensus has been to buy loot boxes with an emphasis on the uncommon one.

>> No.6455407

Depends entirely on the riskiness of runs. If dungeon runs can be made very safe its not worth, if they are very risky its worth.

>> No.6455416


>> No.6455461

its also going to look increasingly attractive as the price of other stuff goes up

>> No.6455539

K. Or we could just buy merchants hats. They're cheap as hell and are already selling like crazy. If we pumped them newcomers would see that tons of people are buying the Merchants hats and will buy them.

>> No.6455556

Logically newcomers should/would go for items that have the least buyers.

>> No.6455626

They won't be cheap very long, prices double at 175, 169 sold, only 6 left

>> No.6455637

No because they all give 1% back to the buyer. So they'll go for whatever is selling the most.l because they want to make their money back.

>> No.6455641

How do you know it's going to double in price?

>> No.6455695

Because all of the other items so far have doubled in price when they get to 175 sold, after that the price goes up linearly with sales.

>> No.6455787

Wait so what happens to the reward after that?

>> No.6455900

it stays the same

>> No.6455927

The same percent or the same amount?

>> No.6455933

Guys every time i try to open my gift bag i just get an additional gift bag. What the hell is going on?

>> No.6455996

You can check for yourself, the reward is displayed right there, but its the same amount.

>> No.6456067

When you click your bag in your inventory, it brings you to the shop area for that bag and you're just claiming another separate bag.

I don't think bags can be opened yet.

>> No.6456086

O so I threw my money away. Gotcha

>> No.6456153

imma throw 0.5 eth at this and see how it goes
what are the best items to buy right now?

>> No.6456184

top hat and uncommon loot

>> No.6456219

Hat, uncommon crates, doublet

>> No.6456220

well obviously the frog hat. But besides that loot boxes and merchant gear.

>> No.6456245

Why the frog hat exactly

>> No.6456327

^dont be that guy

>> No.6456339

Frog hat is not only rare, but it might be a must have item as you get water breathing.

>> No.6456375

That could just be flavor text though, water may not exist in the game

>> No.6456393

because le pepe xD

>> No.6456402

So this raises an extremely important point. Will this item always be allowed for purchase? If it's ever discontinued in the future, how will players do water dungeon runs if there's no frog masks in the game's existence?

>> No.6456474

There will probably be potions for water breathing, usable for x amount of times. Also, water breathing can give you an advantage but will probably not be essential to finish the dungeon.

>> No.6456505
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So far I've only paid IRL money for the gloves, and used the withdrawal dividends to buy the rest. How's my inventory /biz/?

>> No.6456520

The best game item, 5ETH Soon.

>> No.6456575

That's really impressive actually. Excellent call on the gloves.
Are you fucking nuts? Nobody will ever fucking pay 5 ETH for a frog mask. If it ever reaches that point, I will taste my own feces.

>> No.6456599

Does anybody know if you can withdraw all the time you like or that you can only withdraw once and than it's over?

>> No.6456630

You can withdrawal as often as you want. The only problem is that you pay for the transaction fee. So if you do the math, it won't be worth it to withdrawal below a certain threshold.

>> No.6456695

>I don't know wtf is cryptokitties.

>> No.6456713

Thanks, couldn't afford crates or pepe hat but I've basically just been going for the ones that were 0.05 and waited for them to go up. Jolly set is probably the next best thing to go for, seasonal shit is usually a lot more rare in games like these.

>> No.6456732

Where is the game?

>> No.6456864

I've been strongly considering picking up the jolly set before it becomes discontinued

>> No.6456874

If you are not a gamer but you hate the IRS you should still be promoting this kind of tech. The reason is that we need to force the IRS into taxing all video game assets. We need to blur the lines on what is or is not a valued digital asset. Once the IRS is forced to go after little Timmy who is an 8 year old with a rare epic parrot pet that will be a checkmate situation for them. If they pursue little Timmy then he will have a massive hate for the IRS at an early age. If they don't then we can use it as an argument against capital gains on crypto. We would also be able to force the IRS to tax all items and currency in all video games as well.

>> No.6456897
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Do it and get comfy!

>> No.6456909



You need an ETH loaded MetaMask.

>> No.6456953

It probably would be nice to try and sell the set down the line on the auction depending on the game's popularity the set could go for quite a bit.

>> No.6456967

No I mean where is the actual game? Are these items going to be able to be acquired without purchasing through playing?

>> No.6456985

This man sees the future

>> No.6457025


>> No.6457042

Sorry I should have said "when"

>> No.6457045

My gift bag doesn't seem to be arriving in my inventory. Anyone else have that issue?

>> No.6457140

My understanding is the only acquirable asset through playing the actual game will be the in-game gold which will eventually be a token on coinmarketcap. Nobody knows when the main game will be released. Trust me, I wish I knew.

>> No.6457142
File: 80 KB, 766x960, no hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW I have to wait 11 days to get my digital money

>> No.6457220

Make sure there are no older pending transactions in your metamask. If there are, click on them and reject them. Click the claim button on the gift bag, wait for the little metamask screen to open and then close, then go to your metamask tray and put in your gas and it'll be in your inventory within a minute if you put enough gas/limit.

>> No.6457227

I'd love to see a F2P MMO which used a crypto as the in game currency.

>> No.6457377

Wait a second, will I be charged gas for every free item I get?

>> No.6457388

Yeah, it would be very cool. Although I'm drawing a blank on whether that would be good or bad for the crypto coin/token's economy. Interesting to ponder I suppose.

>> No.6457392

how long will it take for the items to appear in the inventory

>> No.6457393
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So what am I supposed to do with this?

What now

>> No.6457416

Yes. It isn't free. That is the catch.

>> No.6457491

Well if you bought one of the red items (enchanted), you would have gotten a dividend from everyone that buys the item after you. But normal items don't count, so you just have to wait until the game comes out. The knife you can break down for crafting material and the gift bag is basically a loot crate.

>> No.6457498

Immediately upon successful confirmations.

>> No.6457499

About to go all in on this game (1.5eth). Which items?

>> No.6457605

Main problem I see with it would be keeping the currency limited. There would need to be massive dumps or gambling to keep the currency burning while people get more in game.

>> No.6457611

merchant items and loot boxes for the best gains. frog hat for kek's blessings

>> No.6457628

Pepe hat (obv), legendary crate and doublet

>> No.6457636

load up on merchant hat, frog hat probably doesn't do anything, why would there be water in this game

>> No.6457685

this might actually make MMOs fun again

>> No.6457690

The full jolly set which is only 0.15. Pick up a sword of your choosing. And then focus the rest on merchant's items and uncommon lootboxes. That is how I would do it if I could do it over.
Yeah I think that's what I was thinking about. Because I know players would love to get a real crypto that they could sell. So yeah that burning/dumping makes sense.

>> No.6457707

uncommon or rare loot boxes depending on relative prices, right now uncommon looks better. everyone loves the random mechanic and you can collect on each attempt as long as you don't open your own when it gets enabled. less will go to legendary as high price, but not a bad pick either.

>> No.6457807

stone amulet not bad call either as it's still 0.05 - they double at 175 buys i think.

>> No.6457877

Uncommon seems to be the way to go

>> No.6457900

boxes, and all the merchant equipment, it's the best choice because it will let you gain more gold when going into dungeons and gold = eth.